First Edition DARE RR LCD Module Technical Specification Mar. 14, 2008 YX fa RARE VY a TERRE Final Revision sx#@otaT May 9, 2008 Teno. F-55157GNF-LW-ASN Customer - OPTREX STANDARD / APRKLYIAZARZALY AE Customer's Product No: --9------- OPTREX CORPORATION Minoru Akatsuka Approved: QUALITY ASSURANCE DIVISION Checked: Toshiyuki Okamoto DESIGN 2T Takashi Yuchi Prepared: DESIGN 2T Table of Contents(H x) 1. Application GEA) eee cece cescsceeescesceeceecevaetasvaevassaeeaserseeserserventertertrertaty 3 2. General Specifications (ARCA) occ eee cece cece teeta cee ee tee tee veteeesnettnseeeeees 3 3. Operating Conditions (BREEZE) occ ceccccccccsscsecseseeecsesassecscsecsesscaseecseseceesaeseeessesanes 3 4. Dimensional Outline Qh) occ ccc cccccscecseeceecenseenseeseeceeenessnressseesinessntenneenieens 4 5. Block Diagram (FU 7 7 FAV PDL) icecccecescecceecseceererceeeenseseeresenesieeeteeereneeates 5 6. WO Terminal Cl / OY) eee cece ccsscessceceecseecnssensesseecereenessnreesseesinecintenteesieens 8 7. Electrical Specifications (HESS REPE) occ cece cceececcecseeseesecsessetsesesececsesseeseeseess 7 8. Optical Specifications (SESPHR) eee ccc eeccecceeceeceeecscescesceeventententersereansaesas 15 9. Test (BR) icc ccc ccc cscs ceeaesseseneaescasevssissenseaeesssnevsnisieseeesittenesseitevastteeeees 18 10. Appearance Standards (SKGLRIG) ooo eee ceeescessersesseeseeseeseteseaecascntntententereeres 19 11. Code System of Production Lot (80% yy RAR) ccc eee cceceeeteetenseeseenees 23 12. Type Number (Su BY oR) ccc ccccccsececsececsecaesececsesssscaesecsesecessacseesietaesteasseseciees 23 13. Applying Precautions GEESE YER) ie cccccccccccccesccscesseeserecseecesseeeessessnecseseneteses 23 14. Precautions Relating Product Handling (22Gb FMRVS EDIE) cece 24 15. Warranty (fREIEZRI) occ eccccescececescesecsscsseceeceseceeceseersnsceeeeseseneeeesansvaesneestenseentenees 27 F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 1/27 OPTREX ConfidentialRevision History(ai] EE) Rev.(2ii) | Date(aeie H) | Page(<*)} Comment(N 4) 1 May 9, 2008 24~27 Revise of Precautions Relating Product Handling and Warranty. (RUBY Pv LOWS ORR OBE) F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 2/27 OPTREX Confidential1.Application (iH JH) This specification applies to STN-LCD module (F-55157GNF-LW-ASN). AARC, AT by 7 ARRARGET S STN-LCD 2-7 (4h# : F-55157GNF-LW-ASN) (GBH S, 2.General Specifications ( fk (Et ) Dot Pixels (Hi 38 BO Dot Size (Fy hd A) Dot Pitch (Fy KEY F) Viewing Area (et EF BA) Outline Dimensions (She TA) Weight(i) LCD Type Viewing Direction (#174) Data Transfer (F# RGA) Backlight(F@ AA {L48) RoHS regulation (ROHS #E) 320 (W) X 240 (H) dots 0.345 (W) X 0.345 (H) mm 0.36 (W) X 0.36 (H) mm 120.0 (W) xX 90.0 (H) mm 143.3* (W) X 109.0**(H) x 11.0 max. (D) mm * Without Hook *\WNithout Flat Cable 265g max. NTD-25689 STN / Black &White-mode(H -t b) / TransmissiveG#i18 2) 6:00 4-bit parallel data transfer (4 Ey AF Lae 2 Hi) LED Backlight(LED fl) / White(k 7-7 b) This product corresponds to meet RoHS regulation. ROHS regulation does not apply 6 hazardous materials above criteria. WEE OFAN SEY Icdeuyc, ARGS RoHS MEO LEB fhe ii7yc LCS LRRL CHR OED, Mere UTI, Ht A -A-BICA LCR ORAL ROWOX< KA OBAS IT oCHOET, 3.Operating Conditions (Fit 4 ff) Item Conditions Temperature Range Remark GAB) (Aff) (di. SEE FA) (ti) Operating Temperature Range PNL Surface . st utes a _ 0~60C Note1 (#1) (An Za) SAVER) Storage Temperature Range PNL Surface a tes _ _ -20~70C (Pe tli Et A) SAVE) Note1: Operating temperature range defines the operation only and the contrast, response time and other display optical characteristics are set at Ta=+25C. VEL: EARL, SEOARREET Sime CHO, AY RPA. INSURE, COMO Zep dni, SEP PeREIS Ta=+25Cic THE LEV, F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 3/27 OPTREX Confidentials0/o/eaor uo penesy ay RY gag! BEES NG. ryongo7 ag] onqozyyy FNS NBC (9.501507 3tO ues s0TEg BNPULNO 1 cng) Ui Linn |sawos ont OROWEIG DRAUEOL TULL aouldy EOF LL /008 aava NOMVYOCUOS MALO LES INIA Reniw 4.Dimensional Outline (47% 1) G31TOQMINOS aev t SNOTS ASA ISISSLOVEVHO EV INOLLevd V_S JMEVAL SH! HLIM SNOISNGNIG BHITL SIGN ds, PL raval St aaAy Zt ssal it SOA) OL do, 6 dit 8 YNZ ay ran | tesyiey | 9 Als 9 pea | reecuisy) | faaoasicl yore | lapenng |e cal + ayrun | cepouy] zg; f peg | cepow] % Lal 2 sore | pepoay] 1 dap Wid Tai [TOAMAS| ON | TOBAAS PANG ZNO (_2-0NQ7LNO INSAANSISSY Nid OLS LOVLNOD 3 n> (6r e OO Car Ie B (X3TONIEL FL 20 us hep ate ated st usepjod puny Siu) le (b% Jivosi IS 35 9} papueuuosas sojsauues ay, FS vo liviaa (ees) WI3d i fe C202 BWIS) = - Tiwise S100 vol BL bh peroe | [yoac Sl= oot a) pdt Ld Sh in covoozoo0noN Sls 2 | lah Cha roe 0 = | a as : ie ie et : 7 coco eo {WAS =NONG | | jo fs = FOE OREO Ee eee Is | Cores a f TOF x ter Uz) le Tod TOFSE OTL FT xee Cd i - os oe @ a com [2] te lo 3 len o = NOLLOZYIG ONIMSEA X | TEC STI 4 fas nn {Cl ic (1S?) 41-S 1H- 890s te SCOTS TELS eT le Jorsauudg buiysybw = mr be 148 (ISP 38-S-90-d1KS ; _~ Ny SNES iS ce 2 LINO f------~ S Ss Is Ie lm i - IS ol (2 ., 12 Cr Ln femlea Ve a] | f tay 5 3 a 8p & Tne ko | in ja > (S | mS lol le omega WB ESS x UBINIA AVIS TO ae eS iS \ re lol is be tele fo ; ZO dom be hee iz Ry Ie IS 6 5 SLO ONZAORS So lee Be |e a al > i> { ) 7 N.C. Non-connection (ABE Asa) 8 LP Data Latch Signal (ARF 4 Fy FINA) 9g CP Clock Signal for Shifting Data (ABT HAR By ZAI A) 10 VCC Power Supply for Logic (2 y 7 AISI) 11 VSS Power Supply (#28 75,E) (OV, GND) 12 VEE Power Supply for LCD Drive Gi Am Sih FA an EIT) 13 VADJ Voltage Level for LCD Contrast Adjustment (1 h 7 - } BERR) 14 FG Frame Ground (7 AGND) 6.2.CN2 Pin Assignment(CN2 tit) No. |Symbol(# 5) Functional Description (& HE @i Hf) 1 Anode 1 LED Anode Terminal (L ED / Pst) 2 Anode 2 LED Anode Terminal (LED? / Fin) 3 Anade 3 LED Anode Terminal (L ED 4 Pit) 4 Cathode 1 | LED Cathode Terminal (LED Y Frit) 5 Cathode 2 | LED Cathode Terminal (L ED Bia) 8 Cathode 3 | LED Cathode Terminal (L ED Y Fwii+) F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 6/27 OPTREX Confidential7.Electrical Specifications (BRWH) 7.1.Absolute Maximum Ratings(#@xtixX 348) Ta=0~60C, VSS=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Units (BA) (az 7) (A_ ff) (H fiz) Supply Voltage(Logic) VCC -0.3 6.5 V (BY y 7 AGIRABE) ; Supply Voltage(LCD Drive) VEE - -0.3 30 V (PR Hie BES FR FUR AE) Input Voltage VIN - -0.3 VCC+0.3 V (AFB) 7.2.DC Characteristics(D C ##t#) Ta=0~60C, VSS=0V Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units (RA) (aly) (4A fF) (FEZ) Supply Voltage(Logic) VCC - 4.5 5.0 5.5 V (a0 y 7 Api et) Supply Voltage(LCD Drive) VADJ . 21.2 . V (in Be A Fn FEE) "High" Level Input Voltage ViH - 0.8VCC - - Vv (High" LAF BF) "Low" Level Input Voltage ViL - - - 0.2VCC Vv (Low" b -ULA ABE) "High" Level Output Voltage VoH loH=-04mA VCC-0.4 - - Vv (High" bE HF) a /) "Low" Level Output Voltage VoL loL=0.4mA - - 0.4 V (Low"b UV HABE) IDD VCC-VSS=5.0V - 0.4 0.6 mA Supply Current (UAT) IEE VADJ-VSS=21.2V - 4.5 6.75 mA F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 7/27 OPTREX Confidential7.3.AC Characteristics(AC ##14) 7.3.1.For Segment Side(t 7% > FAB) Ta=0~60C, VCC=4.5~5.5V Parameter B) Symbol(#2)| Min. | Max. | Units(#AZ) Shift Clock Period Note 1 (7E 1) t 50 . ns (PIRI By DHA 7 AGP) Wek Shift Clock H Pulse Width t 15 _ ns (YI hZ ty 7 High" Ali) WCKH Shift Clock L Pulse Width t 15 (VIZ ay Z"Low's57- A HR) WCKL " ns Data Setup Time(7 ? & hY WRF) tos 10 - ns Data Hold Time(7 7 #V BFE) ton 12 - ns Latch Pulse H Pulse Width t 15 (Fv FAV A"High" SV AHR) WLPH ns Shift Clock Rise to Latch Pulse Rise Time t 0 _ ns (CPLP xz: 0 FERAL) LD Shift Clock Fall to Latch Pulse Fall Time t 30 _ ns (CPLP x7 F 0 BER) st Latch Pulse Rise to Shift Clock Rise Time t 25 _ ns (LP?CP vk 0 FERAL) Ls Latch Pulse Fall to Shift Clock Fall Time t 25 _ ns (LPCP 37 F 0 reef) WH Input Signal Rise Time, Fall Time Note 2 (7+ 2) te t - 50 ns (AV Py bY PPALEY, SOF ORD OF Enable Setup Time(4 *-71-& y BY yy SRT) ts 10 - ns DISPOFF Removal Time (DISPOFF #4 SR #4]) tsp 100 - ns DISPOFF L Pulse Width (DISPOFF) L7\ 7A two 1.2 - us Note1: Take the cascade connection into consideration. El: BAT PRES RIZAINTS FAY, Note2: (twek-twckH-twckL)/2 is maximum in the case of high speed operation. TE 2 . CHA SY AIL (bcw twekll - twekl)/2 CHIE SSIES. LP tWLPH tst DB tLH 7 N < {WCKL |/ A Vv Vv Vv g 8 zw < v L / \ i" " tos lt toH . DO~D3. LAST DATA x TOP DATA x le twou | tsp DISPOFF F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 8/27 OPTREX Confidential7.3.2.For Common Side(a = Vfl) Ta=0~60C, VCC=4.5~5.5V LP Parameter EB) Symbol(aa+)| Min. | Max. | Units(#Ar) Shift Clock Period(7 7 bY Gy 7 1-4 7 JUIFIAR) twie 250 - ns Shift Clock H Pulse Width _ t 15 _ ns (VI bhF ay FHigh"78v ANA) WLPH Shift Clock L Pulse Width _ 30 _ ns (YF BF By 7 "Low" 57 A fi) Data Setup Time(7 & v hY RFF) tsu 30 - ns Data Hold Time(7 # #8 VF EFIF) ty 50 - ns Input Signal Rise Time, Fall Time Avy RYT OALED, SEF PBB) ta, te - 50 ns DISPOFF Removal Time (DISPOFF #57 i) tsp 100 - ns DISPOFF L Pulse Width (DISPOFF) L7*7l 2 tig two 1.2 - LS tWLP A . tWLPH ay tR _ ae tsu tH +> FLM Lo tWDL aI ts is DISPOFF F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 9/27 OPTREX Confidential7.4.Timing Chart (44 3 Y7F+~ kb) T=0.0893ms typ. LP 0 JLJ LI LJ Lo SLL LL > KERENEMEK 0 RENEE FLM | 0 LTT JUL JUUL (Reduction) I (Ha) | 240xT 7 rn r (Reduction) I (HEM) F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 10/27 OPTREX ConfidentialUDF bl) = = = 7.5.Exsample of Timing Chart (2-4 BEAL Saka BL AUl| JSJY BUY JO pu AUI| SAY BUI JO LEIS Teed Lae aul] SB] AY} Jo LEIS --g- VE Le en nn ee ee een uoisuedx UU dU & oC L OVE 6EC 8EC Il | S$ Wis A (ZHOL) SW6ZH 1 Note: These are the referrence value which exemplified above. Please use the module after sufficient evaluation. RAO L.A Xv, ni CAUMILES Bil Cab OTe, 57 A ve: E Page 11/27 OPTREX CORPORATION F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX Confidential7.6.Comparison of Display and Data (7-4 CERRADO) a SEG320 + D1 DQ DO PR Torr r rrr ccc cccccccrccecne + N TOP VIEW DO~D3 7.7.Recommended External Circuit (22 7+S0248 EB) VEE VEE (+Voltage) R1 VADJ |}> == vR MODULE Ro vss VSS (OV) vec } VCC (+ Voltage) R1+R2+VR=10~ 20KQ F-55157GNF-LW-ASN (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 12/27 OPTREX Confidential7.8.Power Supply ON/OFF Sequence (SJRON OF F2Y7Y2X) Sequence (ONY 7 YR) SIGNAL LEVEL > VCC VCC + Pp rr crt ttre rte seer sess -t yss Ox t : * VCC SIGNAL : > VSS : O< t : VEE , VADJ VEE : ; VADJ: Totes sere sess WSS < t : o > VCC DISPOFF } torres seed gs Sequence (OF FY7YVA) LEVEL SIGNAL VCC : VSS Frrtcr rrr rrr ctr eter eed ---*= vec BRIBE A WZ CHE OBER 0% 22D UWICLEET SE CORE, Note 3 :The time that the luminance level reaches 10% of the saturation level from 100% when OFF signal is applied. 1E3: BRIE A & FEBRILE TZ CREE DFE 100%D 2% LOWILEET SE COM, F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 15/27 OPTREX ConfidentialNote 4 :Definition of Driving Voltage Vop maximum. JE 4: ERS) SRE Vop OVER AIFF xA) y. CER BIE) Ip (B-2) xVo-p/B 1fF (FIRB) Assuming that the typical driving waveforms shown below are applied to the LCD Panel at 1/A Duty - 1/B Bias (A: Duty Number, B: Bias Number). Driving voltage Von is definded as the voltage Vo-p when the contrast ratio (CR=Lon / LorF) is at its 1/A Duty 1/B Bias OF ERHEIA (A : Duty B: Bias8Q) EO. FRicar{t RWWA, EB SLICE AN SER, AY ba -A bE CR=Lon/ Lor 28 MAICRS LI RB ERA Vor CHET S. F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 16/27 OPTREX Confidential8.3. Definition of Viewing Angle and Optimum Viewing Area(i E & U8 #1) *Point e shows the point where contrast ratio is measured. : 0= 0, $= - *Driving condition: 1/240 Duty, 1/14 Bias, Voo= 21.2V, Fre70Hz SoD hPA bE > 0=0, G= + @AI ARTY bh * BREVARVE : 1/ 240 Duty, 1/ 14Bias, Vop= 21.2V, F=70Hz 90 @ 90 a | / / 180 * (d=0) eo) Q 180 LM A } 0 Ay / / / 270 270 *Area [| shows typ. CR=2.0 -CR22.0 HET SEMA LB 8.4. System Block DiagramZ#& E) Temperature Chamber(lEim#) Rotation Tabir(BlaxAF 7) (6,0) Photometer(7 UF +*F 74 bhA4) #1980A WB o) LCD Optical Fiber | A (7 FN) % Ve) Conputer Control Unit & oo (aYeEa4-) Waveform Generator (AY KO5 RSE) HalogenBulb (NOPYIYA) F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 17/27 OPTREX Confidential9.Test (Ht) No abnormal function and appearance are found after the following tests. Pat @ ARR ii Lice, RRROMTEC RHA ROSE, Conditions: Unless otherwise specified, tests will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature: 20+5C, Humidity: 65+5%RH tests will be not conducted under functioning state. Zeek > PICHRTE OAV BRO, HARE 205C, WARE 65 45%, PEIBBEIRGE CTT 9. No. Parameter(48 E ) ConditionsGAsRA A) Notes@#id) 1 | High Temperature Operating | 60C+2C, 96hrs (operation state) (Gi ##) (ti PEAR) 2 | Low Temperature Operating | 0C+2C, 96hrs (operation state) (si) 1 ((EG Yi BE CBR) 3 | High Temperature Storage 70C+2C, 96hrs 2 (teal RTF AER) 4 | Low Temperature Storage -20C+2C, 96hrs 1,2 (Gti PF ER) 5 | Damp Proof Test 40C+2C ,90~95%RH, 96hrs 1,2 (TEER) 6 | Vibration Test Total fixed amplitude(4#igis) : 1.5mm 3 (GRE) Vibration Frequency (se # 87% BO : 10~55Hz One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X, Y, Z for each 15 minutes C4 1S X.Y.Z3 A 615 3) 7 | Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high on (GRRE) the concrete surface in packing state. CERO AA GLIARBIZ T 60cm OH SAG b sO BHC a7 Vo hRABP) Dropping method corner cropping( 3% F) | F Acorner : once(1 [Bl) E G D c Edge cropping (#3 F) / ; | 7 B.C,D edge : once(1 Ll) Face dropping(Hs# F) fern E.F,G face : once(1 El) Concrete Surface 7 BR) TTT TTT TTT Note 1 :No dew condensation to be observed. Note 2 :The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normal Temperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber. Note 3 :Vibration test will be conducted to the product itself without putting it in a container. YE1: REL RIE, JE2: #ARR, HUAI 4 AE LCR, WETS, 7E3: Bee AP Eva aC, F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 18/27 OPTREX Confidential10.Appearance Standards (Mint) 10.1.Inspection conditions(ER BAe) The LCD shall be inspected under 40W white fluorescent light. The distance between the eyes and the sample shall be more than 30cm. All directions for inspecting the sample should be within 45against perpendicular line. 40W DAEITIS Cc, hee & OEBBE 300m LAE CA IC EO RA LITO. Pues BE SAI, HRCA LCRA 45 ORIAINL TS, 10.2.Definition of applicable Zones(# + FILO V VOR) Bezel Frame A Zone iv | AIL EB Ph B Zone C Zone A Zone : Active display area B Zone : Area from outside of "A Zone" to validity viewing area C Zone : Rest parts AY-v: ky hip BY-Y:. Py KERNS -RMICRENRERD CY HY. e0pLOMBa A Zone + B Zone = Validity viewing area ALYY TB Y = Ae HE F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 19/27 OPTREX Confidential10.3.Standards(#48) D = (Long(e#) + Short(#i4#4))/2 *: Disregard (#848) units: mm No. Parameter(Z4 8) CriteriaCHl i232 42) 1 The Shape of Dot (1) Pin Hole(E RL) (by by FV) oY Dimension( A &) | Acceptable Number(#F2(4l2) mn D<0.10 * ay 1 pc / dot or less * 0.10 CBO REAOC, A-OBAIHA, IAS PER lEG ARO Bile SEAL SU, F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 24/27 OPTREX Confidential5) Do not ingest the LCD fluid itself should it leak out of a damaged LCD module. Should hands or clothing come in contact with LCD fluid, wash immediately with soap. 5) Weare Y a LRA Ldn CRIA) BBM LUCE EBA, HICANAWE DIEL TRS, HARB FECKIRZR CICA LEBRICIX, ESICAITA Chil WELT Fa 6) Conductivity is not guaranteed for models that use metal holders where solder connections between the metal holder and the PCB are not used. Please contact us to discuss appropriate ways to assure conductivity. 6) AR VARVE EAT ORICES UY, XR BARI eT LCR LRRD elt, Beta LEA, TERR e TBSNSAWSAIL, WIROMRP EY, 7) For models which use CFL: 1. High voltage of 1000V or greater is applied to the CFL cable connector area. Care should be taken not to touch connection areas to avoid burns. 2. Protect CFL cables from rubbing against the unit and thus causing the wire jacket to become worn. 3. The use of CFLs for extended periods of time at low temperatures will significantly shorten their service life. 4. After storing the product (or LCD) under low temperature and/or in dark atmosphere for a long period of time, CCFL may take longer time to reach its specified brightness. 7) CFL 2th SHRI OUT QCFLAF-FAVOARZ FMI, LOOOVALOMBEBAMANTOET, PAEICHERT St KBORALROETOC, RORMVICTER PAU, QCFLAY-T7wAS, Elsi Bef LAE BRE LE OIC CIR PAY, OCFLIC, (i CHBHEH LEHBA. HUMOAMICM LCR L< BX ROE, @ (Kit OTIC RE SIV CW SRA, RITE CADP S IE BADEN, 8) For models which use touch panels: 1.Do not stack up modules since they can be damaged by components on neighboring modules. 2.Do not place heavy objects on top of the product. This could cause glass breakage. 8) Fy FANBIL ARLE DS RICO UY T QD BES ae LRAWCRSW, Dy VY CRM BOTS IERBHOET, @Q Licey ema CR Sv, 9) For models which use COG,TAB,or COF: 1.The mechanical strength of the product is low since the IC chip faces out unprotected from the rear. Be sure to protect the rear of the IC chip from external forces. 2.Given the fact that the rear of the IC chip is left exposed, in order to protect the unit from electrical damage, avoid installation configurations in which the rear of the IC chip runs the risk of making any electrical contact. 9) COG, TAB, COP eEND SH AMICOVre DO LCF yFREBCORERH LTO OA, PRMIRE IME BOTW ET, BRUCBRUT (kh LCP y PHIRI be ESTHER LT PAW, Q 1CFySRADTOERERN COSA, BRAOIBMIEE DCL CH y PRC BRA ee bo; aR CFAW, Hie, FICK SRB e RIEL, RARE RT SO 7eD, SED eb ew FRE LT F&W, F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 25/27 OPTREX Confidential10) Models which use flexible cable, heat seal, or TAB: 1.In order to maintain reliability, do not touch or hold by the connector area. 2.Avoid any bending, pulling, or other excessive force, which can result in broken connections. 10) FEY, Em kY OW, TAB EER SRC OUT D (AHAPEMERO A, AAD Ya VERRY ORE, Q) WRRO FIHEPEDS d S Ay, FREER O HI OL SlotR OO SOUR ARINARVYS FEW, 11) In case of buffer material such as cushion / gasket is assembled into LCD mecdule, it may have an adverse effect on connecting parts (LCD panel-TCP / HEAT SEAL / FPC / etc., PCB- TCP / HEAT SEAL / FPC etc., TCP-HEAT SEAL, TCP-FPC, HEAT SEAL-FPC, etc.,) depending on its materials. Please check and evaluate these materials carefully before use. Ll) Wee Ya VicoFy va PG eR OWA, Puy ave SOMA KYO, Wade EV a EB (LCD ARIE TCP EM bY / FRC, PCB & TCP/ EE RY /FPC , TCP E hiv / BPC SOPRA OPEB) CRA RIES REVERS OE TOC Salo ta aertihe bCR SW, 12) Incase of acrylic plate is attached to front side of LCD panel, cloudiness (very small cracks) can occur on acrylic plate, being influenced by some components generated from polarizer film. Please check and evaluate those acrylic materials carefully before use. 12) Pia SAVLOM MLS 7 UNE RET OBER, 17 YU VOMRIC EO. tit 6 384 TARMADHECT 7 UV MARIA GOR 7 Fy 7) BIBT S ATED SH OETOT, ATC +4) Rai e ite LCF SY F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 26/27 OPTREX Confidential15.Warranty (REE # ) This product has been manufactured to your companys specifications as a part for use in your companys general electronic products. It is guaranteed to perform according to delivery specifications. For any other use apart from general electronic equipment, we cannot take responsibility if the product is used in medical devices, nuclear power control equipment, aerospace equipment, fire and security systems, or any other applications in which there is a direct risk to human life and where extremely high levels of reliability are required. If the product is to be used in any of the above applications, we will need to enter into a separate product liability agreement. SR iL, pho aR ae Rin Otic LC, mltbatat Haas CHRO & RS Se SN CHO, SANA PRAER IC MEHL BEOCH, B, Sng bends aR RR aE LA Sh OD fee A fit 1c Bd RR Rt TE ATZERET RE D A C VMBRIPES BOR SiO ARCH SODA, MEL LCIL-DORIERAWETA, itt, DDPSAMRICASN SERA, MEWRECHI SANs, Tee LCIR< LORRY HULSE, 1. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise from additional manufacturing of the product (including disassembly and reassembly), after product delivery. 1. MAR ICT hNML (BAe et) CRIS SFRAICOSR ELT, CORT we AWECA, 2. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise after the application of strong external force to the product. 2. MAAIMDPok Ibi L OBES SFRBICOSELTIL, COREL AWECA. 3. We cannot accept responsibility for any defect, which may arise due to the application of static electricity after the product has passed your companys acceptance inspection procedures. 3. ECR RAC CGR LA Hin SIUC, FREES SUCHET 6 RRGICOSE LC. tOBR rR ktA, 4. When the product is in CFL models, CFL service life and brightness will vary according to the performance of the inverter used, leaks, etc. We cannot accept responsibility for product performance, reliability, or defect, which may arise. 4.CF LAHAT SICK CC, CF LOR Cut, HATS 1 VAN 2 OPERES YD 2E CALLE, Rint COvERE, (TAHRMEROFAGILOS ELC, COREA WetA, 5. We cannot accept responsibility for intellectual property of a third party, which may arise through the application of our product to your assembly with exception to those issues relating directly to the structure or method of manufacturing of our product. 5. SU EH LIC LIC EY MTS LAA EDA OUTIL, SALI ONES BURT HEBS DS BODMAILOR EL TIL, CORFE AWETA, 6. Optrex will not be held responsible for any quality issue(s) after two years and beyond from its production date indicated on the lot number (please refer to Code System of Production Lot indicated earlier in this specification). MAIC ATS & HE SERA Gin OMe ee COe ELC, Meth Y 2 CSUECTHAED, (RAO CIRC OREO [iu y hes] SBE +.) > F-55157GNF-LW-ASN_ (AS) OPTREX CORPORATION Page 27/27 OPTREX Confidential