The complete requirements for procuring the wire described herein shail consist of this document, the Test Regime WSD 3106 (UK) FLEXLITE mm FLHTC0311 Issue 5 HIGH TEMPERATURE HOOKUP WIRE, TIN PLATED COPPER, RADIATION-CROSSLINKED, 12th August 2002 MODIFIED ETFE INSULATED, 200C, 600 VOLT Page 1 of 2 Page 2 is for internal use only and the requirements of the issue is effect WCD 3106, UL style 3557 and carries UL labels to this effect. Conductor Tin Plated Copper Jacket - Radiation Crosslinked Modified ETFE Part ~~~ Nominal Conductor Conductor FINISHED WIRE oo Number CSA Stranding Diameter Maximum Diameter Nominal Crosslink (mm?) No/Dia (mm) Resistance (mm) Weight Verification Test (mm) @20C Lower Upper (kg/km) ee oo (ohms/km) Spec Target Spec Mandrel Dia. Weight Min Max | Limit a Limit, enim) (3%) _ (kg) (3%) FLHTC0311-0.25-* 0.25 19/0.13 0.55 0.63 83.3 0.96 1.00 1.03 2.95 9.5 0.23 FLHTCO0311-0.35-* 0.35 19/0.15 0.74 0.76 52.2 1.12 1.16 1.19 4.22 13 0.36 FLHTC0311-0.50-* 0.50 19/0.19 0.86 0.88 40.1 1.24 1.27 1.31 5.59 13 0.5 FLHTC0311-0.75-* 0.75 19/0.23 1.05 1.08 24.7 1.43 1.47 1.51 7.95 13 0.5 FLHTC0311-1.00-* 1.00 19/0.25 1.17 1:26 20.0 1.58 1.62 1.66 9.9 13 0.5 FLHTC0311-1.50-* 1.50 19/0.32 1.35 1.58 13.7 1.82 1.87 1.92 15.7 19 0.68 FLHTC0311-2.00-* 2.00 19/0.36 1.66 1.79 9.7 2.05 2.10 2.16 18.7 25 0.91 FLHTC0311-2.50-* 2.50 19/0.41 1.85 2.04 8.2 2.24 2.31 _ 2.38 24.6 38 136 _ PART NUMBER:- The ' in the part number shall be replaced by a standard colour code designator. eg: FLHTC0311-1.50-9 is 1.50mm?, white insulation INSULATION THICKNESS:- Sizes 0.25 - 2.00 0.15 mm minimum; 0.165 mm (minimum average) Size 2.50 0.165 mm minimum; 0.178 mm (minimum average) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS:- Crosslink Verification: Time/temperature - WCD3106 clause 3.3.4; voltage withstand - 2.5 kV; mandrels & weights as shown Insulation Tensile Strength: 37.7 N/mm? minimum Insulation Elongation: 100% minimum Deformation Test: To UL Factory Inspection Procedure, Subject 758 (Page 40), Style 3557 at 200C T2/T1 minimum = 0.80 Thermal Stability: 7 days @ 232C; insulation elongation 60% minimum, Le Insulation Tensile Strength 34.5 N/mm? minimum 7 a Shrinkage: 3 mm maximum at each end at 200C/1 hour Tyco Electronics Registration Insulation Resistance: 1524 minimum UK Ltd seen. Spark Test: 8.0 kV Impulse Faraday Road London ce tinencne voce cn tne an coe a Dorean i This drawing and the information set forth hereon are the property of Tyco Electronics UK Ltd, and are to be This specification sheet takes precedence over documents referenced herein. As Tyco SWINDON Engien held in trust and confidence. Publication, duplication, disclosure or use for any purpose not expressly Electronics UK Ltd. reserve the right to make changes in construction without notice please SN3 SHH authorised in writing by Tyco Electronics UK Ltd is prohibited. contact Tyco Electronics UK Ltd to ensure that this document is the latest issue. Tel: (01793) 528171