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Why? Click here to find out more. a fet=t- * Parametric search all Standard MOSFETs Latest videos All information on this product information page is subject to the subsequent disclaimers: Power MOSFETs and thermal General product disclaimer modelling - NXP Quick Le... Quality and reliability disclaimer at is FPAK? - xP uick Barming 41... NXP Semiconductors - 10 things you didnt Know abo... 10 things you did not know about power MOSFETs Show more Farametrics of this product Rosen drain-source on-state resistance Veg =-4.OM Ip=-26A TP = 25C 2 85 110 mo Vos | drain-source voltage | T)= 25 C | | | 30 | il Ves | Gate-source voltage | T)= 25C | -|2 | | 43 | 7 Ib | drain current 2 Veg=-4.5Vi Tamp= 25 Cits 597 oad of Vceo collector-emitter voltage Tamb = 25 C: open base : 2 50 : vf lo output current i i 100 i mA Ri : bias resistor 1 : ! 3. ! 4i ! B.1 ! 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