MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M52756SP is a semiconductor integrated circuit for the RGBHV interface. The device features switching signals input from two types of image sources and outputting the signals to the CRT display, etc. Synchronous signals, meeting a frequency band of 10kHz to 200kHz, are output at TTL. The frequency band of video signals is 250MHz, acquiring highresolution images, and are optimum as an interface IC with high-resolution CRT display and various new media. DESCRIPTION * Frequency band: RGB ............................................250MHz HV...................................10kHz to 200kHz * Input level: RGB................................................0.7Vp-p(typ.) HV TTL input....................3.5Vo-p(both channel) * RGBOUT can drive connected load of 75. * Only the G channel is provided with sync-on video output. * The TTL format is adopted for HV output. * It is possible to save the consumption current by stopping current supply to Pin 2, 4, 24, 27, 30. * Sync Separation circuit INPUT1 (R) 1 VCC1(R)(5V) 2 INPUT1 (B) 3 VCC1(B)(5V) 4 INPUT1 (G) 5 INPUT1 (H) 6 INPUT1 (V) 7 INPUT2 (R) 8 VCC(G)(5V) 9 INPUT2 (B) 10 VCC(H,V, Buffer,SW,sync Sepa)(5V) 11 INPUT2 (G) 12 INPUT2 (H) 13 INPUT2 (V) 14 SWITCH 15 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 VCC(R)(12V) OUTPUT (R) GND(R) VCC(B)(12V) OUTPUT (B) GND(B) VCC(G)(12V) OUTPUT (G) GND(G) G Buffer OUT Sync Sepa IN Sync Sepa OUT OUTPUT (H) OUTPUT (V) 16 GND(H,V,Buffer, SW,sync Sepa) Outline 30P4B APPLICATION Display monitor RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITION Supply voltage range.....................4.75 to 5.25V, 11.5 to 12.5V Rated supply voltage................................................5.0V, 12.0V 30 pin plastic SDIP MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 1 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 2 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter (Ambient temperature: 25C) Symbol Rating Unit Supply voltage Vcc 6.0,13.0 V Power dissipation Pd 1736 mW Ambient temperature Topr -20~+75 C Storage temperature Recommended supply voltage Recommended sopply voltage range Tstg -40~+150 C Vopr' 4.75~5.25,11.5~12.5 V Electrostatic discharge Surge +150 V Vopr V 5.0,12.0 Thermal Derating Curve 2000 1736 1000 -20 0 25 50 75 100 125 Ambient temperature Ta (C) MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 3 / 19 ) 150 MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Pin Description Pin No. Description 1 Input 1 (R) 3 Input 1 (B) 5 Input 1 (G) 2 4 9 11 Vcc(R) Vcc(B) Vcc(G) Vcc(H,V,Buffer, DC Voltage[V] Peripheral circuits at pins Input signal with low impedance. 5.0V 2.25 Notes 3.0V 750 5.0 SW,SyncSep) 6 Input 1 (H) 7 Input 1 (V) 5.0V 4.5K 20K Input pulse between 2V and 5V. 2~5V V 0~0.8V 10K 8 Input 2 (R) 10 Input 2 (B) 12 Input 2 (G) 13 Input 2 (H) 14 Input 2 (V) Input signal with low impedance. 5.0V 2.25 3.0V 750 5.0V 4.5K Input pulse between 2V and 5V. 20K 2~5V V 0~0.8V 10K MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 4 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Pin Description Pin No. Description 15 Switch DC Voltage[V] 2.4 Peripheral circuits at pins Notes Switch by OPEN and GND. 5.0V 10K 13K 7.3K 12K V 2.25V 16 GND(H,V,Buffer, SW,SyncSep) 22 GND(G) 25 GND(B) 28 GND(R) 17 Output(V) 18 Output(H) GND Output impedance is built in. 5.0V 1K 19 Sync Sepa OUT Connect resistance more 5.0V than 1K is necessary 790 during power supply and terminal that open collector output type. When not used, ground the pin to GND. 20 Sync Sepa IN Input signal with low impedance. When not used, set to OPEN 5.0V 2.3 500 3.0V 21 OUTPUT (G Buffer) 1K 5.0V 0.75 1K MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Output impedance is built in. 75 ( 5 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Pin Description Pin No. Description DC Voltage[V] Peripheral circuits at pins 22 OUTPUT(G) 26 OUTPUT(B) 12.0V 50 1.8 Notes This output pin can drive connected load of 75. 75 29 OUTPUT(R) 24 Vcc(G) 27 Vcc(B) 30 Vcc(R) 1.6m 8.0m 12.0 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 6 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Attached Fig.3 Measuring Circuit Diagram B (Vcc12V) A (Vcc5V) SW A b SW B a b A SW B a A SW B b a b a A A 47 47 47 47 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 100 b 47 75 a SW 1 0.01 0.01 0.01 75 b a SW 2 100 b 75 TP29 75 TP26 75 TP23 75 a SW 3 0.01 0.01 47 b a SW 4 100 b 0.01 75 75 a SW 5 0.01 b a SW 6 47 b a SW 7 100 b 0.01 75 75 a SW 8 0.01 0.01 b a SW 9 100 b 75 a SW 10 0.01 0.01 1 b a TP21 b a SW 11 100 b SW 20 100K 75 a SW 12 0.01 TP19 1K b a SW 13 TP18 b a SW 14 TP15 TP17 b a SW 15 SG RGB SG HV SW GND :INPUT1 SW OPEN :INPUT2 SG SS MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 7 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 8 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 9 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 10 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 11 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 12 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH note ) It omits the SW.No accorded with signal input pin because it is already written in Table 1. SW A is in side a if there is not defined specially. note1) The condition is shown as Table 1. Set SW15 to GND(or OPEN) and SW A to side b, measure the current by current meter A(or B). The current is as Icc1(Icc2,Icc3). note2) Set SW15 to GND (or OPEN), measure the DC voltage of T.P.29(T.P.26,T.P.23) when there is no signal input.The DC voltage is as VDC1(or VDC2). note3) Measure the DC voltage of T.P.21 same as note2, the DC voltage is as VDC3(or VDC4). note4) Set SW15 to GND, SG1 as the input signal of Pin 1.Rising up the amplitude of SG1 slowly, read the amplitude of input signal when the output waveform is distorted. The amplitude is as Vimax1. And measure Vimax1 when SG1 as the input signal of Pin 3,Pin 5 in same way. Next, set SW 15 to OPEN, measure Vimax2 when SG1 as the input signal of Pin8, 10, 12. note5) 1. The condition is shown as Table 1. 2. Set SW15 to GND, SG2 as the input signal of Pin 1. At this time, read the amplitude output from T.P 29. The amplitude is as VOR1. 3. Voltage gain Gv1 is GV1= 20 LOG VOR1 [Vp-p] [dB] 0.7 [Vp-p] 4. The method as same as 2 and 3, measure the voltage gain Gv1 when SG2 as the input signal of Pin 3, 5. 5. The difference of each channel relative voltage gain is as Gv1. Gv1=Gv1R-Gv1B,Gv1B-Gv1G,Gv1G-Gv1R 6. Set SW15 to OPEN, measure Gv2, Gv2 in the same way. note5') Voltage gain Gv' is Gv'=Gv1R-Gv2R,Gv1G-Gv2G,Gv1B-Gv2B note6) 1. The condition is shown as table 1. This test is by active probe. 2. Measure the amplitude output from T.P.21. 3. Measure the GV3,GV4 by the same way as note5. note7) 1. The condition is shown as table 1. This test is by active probe. 2. Set SW15 to GND, SG2 as the input signal of Pin 1. Measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR1.By the same way, measure the output when SG4 is as input signal of Pin 1, the output is as VOR2. 3. The frequency characteristic Fc1 is FC1 = 20 LOG VOR2 [Vp-p] VOR1 [Vp-p] [dB] 4. The method as same as 2 and 3, measure the frequency Fc1 when input signal to Pin 3, 5. 5. The difference between of each channel frequency characteristic is as Fc1. 6. Set SW15 to OPEN, measure Fc2,Fc2. note8) By the same way as Note7 measure the Fc3, Fc4 when SG5 of input signal. note9) 1. The condition is shown as Table1. This test is by active prove. 2. Set SW15 to GND, SG3 as the input signal of Pin 1. Measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR3. 3. Set SW15 to OPEN, measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR3'. 4. The crosstalk between two inputs C.T.I.1 is C.T.I.1= 20 LOG VOR3' [Vp-p] [dB] VOR3 [Vp-p] 5. By the same way, measure the crosstalk between two inputs when SG3 as the input signal of Pin3, Pin 5. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 13 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH 6. Next, set SW15 to OPEN, SG3 as the input signal of Pin 8, measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR4. 7. Set SW15 to GND, measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR4'. 8. The crosstalk between two inputs C.T.I.2 is C.T.I.2= 20 LOG VOR4'[Vp-p] [dB] VOR4[Vp-p] 9. By the same way, measure the crosstalk between channels when SG3 as the input signal of Pin 10,12. note10) Set SG4 as the input signal, and then the same method as note9, measure C.T.I.3, C.T.I.4. note11) 1. The condition is as Table 1. This test is by active prove. 2. Set SW15 to GND, SG3 as the input signal of Pin 1. Measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR5. 3. Next, measure T.P.26, T.P.23 in the same state, and the amplitude is as VOG 5, VOB 5. 4. The crosstalk between channels C.T.C.1 is C.T.C1= 20 LOG VOG5 or VOB5 [dB] VOR5 5. Measure the crosstalk between channels when SG3 is as the input signal of Pin 3, Pin 5 . 6. Next, set SW15 to OPEN, SG3 as the input signal of Pin8, measure the amplitude output from T.P.29. The amplitude is as VOR6. 7.Next, measure the amplitude output from T.P.26, T.P.23 in the same state. The amplitude is as VOG6, VOB6. 8. The crosstalk between channels C.T.C.2 is C.T.C2= 20 LOG VOG6 or VOB6 [dB] VOR6 9. By the same way, measure the crosstalk between channels when input signal to Pin10, 12. note12) Set SG4 as the input signal, and the same method as note11, measure C.T.C.3, C.T.C.4. note13) 1. The condition is as Table 1. Set SW15 to GND (or OPEN). 2. The rising of 10 % ~ 90 % for input pulse is Tri, the falling of 10 % ~ 90 % for input pulse is Tfi. 3. Next, the rising of 10 % ~ 90 % for output pulse is Tro, the falling of 10 % ~ 90 % for output pulse is Tfo. 4. The pulse characteristic Tr1, Tf1 ( Tr2, Tf2 ) is Tr1(Tr2) = (Tro)2 - 2 (Tri) (nsec) Tf1(Tf2) = 100% 90% 0% 10% Tr (Tfo) 2 - Tf (Tfi) 2 (nsec) note14) The condition is as Table 1. Set SW15 to GND (OPEN), input 5V at input terminal. Measure the output voltage, the voltage is as VOH1 (VOH2). note15) The condition is as Table 1. Set SW15 to GND (OPEN), input 0V at input terminal. Measure the output voltage, the voltage is as VOL1 (VOL2). note16) The condition is as table 1. Set SW15 to GND (OPEN), increasing gradually the voltage of input terminal from 0V, measure the voltage of input terminal when output terminal is 4.5V. The input voltage is as Vith1(Vith 2). MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 14 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH note17, note18) The condition is as table 1. Set SW15 to GND (OPEN), SG7 is as the input signal of input terminal, measure the waveform of output. Rising delay time is as Trd1 (Trd2). Falling delay time is as Tfd1(Tfd2). Reference to the Fig. as shown below. 50% SG7 Tfd Trd 50% Output waveform note19) 1. The condition is as table 1. SG1 is as the input signal of Pin1, Pin3, Pin5, and SG7 is as the input signal of Pin6, Pin7. There is no input at another pins. 2. Input 0V at Pin15, confirm that there are signals output from T.P.29, T.P.26, T.P.23, T.P.21, T.P.18,T.P.17. 3. Increasing gradually the voltage of terminal Pin15. Read the voltage when there is no signal output from the terminals listed as above. The voltage is as Vsth1. 4. SG1 as the input signal of Pin8, Pin10, Pin12, and SG7 as the input signal of Pin13, Pin14. There is no input at another pins. 5. Inputs 5V at Pin15, confirm that there is no signal output from T.P29, T.P.26, T.P.23, T.P.21, T.P.18,T.P.17. 6. Decreasing gradually the voltage of terminal Pin 15. Read the voltage when there are signals output from the terminals listed as above. The voltage is as Vsth2. note20) The condition is as table 1. SG8 of luminance 0% is the input signal of Pin20. Increase sync level from 0Vp-p to 0.02Vp-p. Confirm outputting no pluse. note21) The condition is as table 1. SG8 of luminance 100%(or 0%) is the input signal of Pin20. Decrease sync level from 0.3Vp-p to 0.2Vp-p. Confirm no malfunction produced by noise. note22) The condition is as table 1. SG8 of luminance 100%(or 0%) is the input signal of Pin20. Measure the high(low) at SyncOUT. The measured value is treated as VSH(VSL). note23) The condition is as table 1. SG8 of luminance 100%(or 0%) is the input signal of Pin20. SyncOUT becomes High with sync part of SG8. Measure the time needed for the front(rear) edge of SG8 sync to fall(rise) from 50% and for SyncOUT to rise(fall) from 50% with an active prove. The measured value is treated as Tdsf(Tdsr). SG8 sync(50%) Tdsf (50%) Tdsr Pedestal voltage (50%) SyncOUT MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC (15 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Symbol Input Signal Sine wave ( f = 60 kHz, 0.7Vp-p, amplitude variable ) SG1 0.7Vp-p(amplitude variable) SG2 Sine wave ( f = 1 MHz, amplitude 0.7Vp-p ) SG3 Sine wave ( f = 10 MHz, amplitude 0.7Vp-p ) SG4 Sine wave ( f = 100 MHz, amplitude 0.7Vp-p ) SG5 Sine wave ( f = 250 MHz, amplitude 0.7Vp-p ) Pulse with amplitude 0.7Vp-p ( f = 60 kHz, duty 80% ) SG6 0.7Vp-p Square wave ( Amplitude 5.0 Vo-p TTL, f = 60 KHz, duty 50% ) 5V SG7 0V Video signal (luminance 100%,0%) 60KHz Video width of 12.5sec(75%) Luminance 100% or 0% variable SG8 0.7Vp-p 0.3Vp-p 1.5sec MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Sync level is variable ( 16 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Note how to use this IC 1. R, G, B input signal is 0.7Vp-p of standard video signal. 5V 5V 2. H, V input is 2.0V(minimum) TTL type. 1K R 3. Input signal with sufficient low impedance to input terminal. 4. The terminal of H, V output pin are shown as Fig.4. It is possible to reduce rise time by insert the resistor between Vcc line and H, V output Pin, but set the value of resistor in order that the current is under 7.5 mA. Setting the value of R is more than 2k as shown in Fig.4 . 5. Switch (Pin 15) can be changed when this terminal is GND or OPEN When GND : Signal output from input 1 When OPEN : Signal output from input 2 When the switch is being used as Fig.5 0 ~ 0.5V : Signal output from input 1 2~5 V : Signal output from input 2 It is not allowable to set voltage higher than Vcc. I<7.5mA Fig.4 15 Fig.5 Notice of making printed circuit board. Please notice following as shown below. It will maybe cause something oscillation because of the P.C.B. layout of the wide band analog switch. * The distance between resistor and output pin is as short as possible. * The capacitance of output terminal as small as possible. * Set the capacitance between Vcc and GND near the pins if possible. * Using stable power-source. The separated 12V-power-source (if possible the separated 5V-power-source will be better). * Assign an area as large as possible for grounding. * Pay attention to leak of signaling from the output. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 17 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Attached Fig.6 Application Example SWITCH GND OUTPUT(V) INPUT2(V) OUTPUT(H) INPUT2(H) 1k 5V 100 INPUT2(G) Sync Sepa OUT 0.01 100k Sync Sepa IN 75 47 VCC(5V) 1 0.01 100 INPUT2(B) OUTPUT(G Buffer) 0.01 75 47 GND(G) VCC(G)(5V) 0.01 OUTPUT(G) 100 75 INPUT2(R) 75 0.01 47 75 VCC(G)(12V) INPUT1(V) 0.01 GND(B) OUTPUT(B) INPUT1(H) 100 75 INPUT1(G) 75 0.01 47 VCC(B)(12V) 75 47 VCC(B)(5V) 0.01 0.01 100 GND(R) INPUT1(B) 0.01 OUTPUT(R) 75 75 47 VCC(R)(5V) 75 0.01 47 100 VCC(R)(12V) INPUT1(R) 0.01 0.01 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC 75 ( 18 / 19 ) MITSUBISHI ICs (Monitor) M52756SP WIDE BAND ANALOG SWITCH Marking Mark Lot Number XXXXXX M52756SP Model Type Number Structure Outer Passivation Inner Lead Plating Pellet Wire Die Bond Lead Flame Back Metalize Lead Flame Lead Flame Plastic Molding Material Mold Material Wire Material Outer Lead Treatment Lead Flame Material Inner Lead Treatment Over Passivation : Epoxy : Au : Solder Plating : Tin Nickel Copper : Silver Plating : SiN Factory Fukuoka,Japan MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ( 19 / 19 )