Fast Facts
•Terminates 28-16 AWG [0.08-1.2 mm2]
•No wire stripping needed for lower applied
•Pistol grip (manual or air) or bench mount
(air or electric) power units
•Lightweight; easy to operate
•For prototypes or low- to medium-
volume production
•Small size; useful in confined work areas
•Interchangeable terminating heads:
•Pin and socket connectors
•Printed circuit board connectors
(AMPMODU, MT-6/MT-7, 2 mm CT,
and MTA)
•Category 5 connectors (CHAMP)
•Card edge connectors
•Most terminating heads can be rotated to
any angle
•Adjustment available for proper wire
insertion depth
•Most terminating heads automatically index
connectors to the next contact position, or
connectors can be advanced by hand to
any position
•Anti-backup pawl prevents connectors
from moving in the wrong direction
•Produced under a Quality Management
System certified to ISO 9001
Pistol Grip Hand Tool
System for IDCs
The Pistol Grip Hand Tool System
uses interchangeable terminating
heads to apply a broad range of
TE IDC products. The basic tool
requires a pistol grip handle
assembly and a terminating head;
power-assist and bench mount
versions are available to suit your
specific needs.
This system is well suited for low-
to medium-volume production.
Simply order the standard or
extended-wear terminating heads
based on your anticipated needs.
Since most terminating heads can
be rotated to any angle, the opera-
tor can also tackle more difficult
terminations in confined work
The terminating force is provided
by a manual-, pneumatic- or elec-
tric-powered assembly. The wire
inserter, inside each head, pushes
the end of an unstripped wire into
the insulation displacement con-
tact. Then, most tools automatical-
ly index the connector to the next
contact. The tools offer precise
termination depth control.
For maximum productivity, a
bench mount power unit (pneu-
matic or electric) is recommended.
Optional feed tracks can increase
application rates further. Actual
production rate depends on the
IDC product, discrete wire or rib-
bon cable, and operator dexterity.
Technical Documents
CCuussttoommeerr MMaannuuaall
409-5746—Electric Power Unit
IInnssttrruuccttiioonn SShheeeettss
408-6790—Pistol Grip Manual
408-6789—Pistol Grip Pneumatic
Handle Assembly
408-9393—Bench Mount
Pneumatic Power Unit