SMD-00177 Rev D
Subject to Change Without Notice
• Wideband operation: DC to 50 GHz
• Low Insertion Loss (<5 dB)
• Good Input/Output Match
• High Attenuation (max. 27 dB)
• Very flat Attenuation
• Size: 1640 x 920 mm
The MMS004AA is a low-power
high-attenuation DC-50 GHz PHEMT
FET attenuator. The performance
of the device is controlled by two bias
voltages, Vseries and Vshunt. The
bias voltages control the match and
attenuation of the device when varied
between -1V and +0.5V DC. Please
refer to the tables of recommended
bias settings optimized for flat insertion
loss and flat attenuation for additional
Key Characteristics: Zo=50Ω
The MMS004AA MMIC voltage controlled
attenuator is ideal for high frequency and
broadband applications in test equipment,
commercial and military systems. The
attenuator is especially suited for applications
needing a large amount of adjustable
attenuation and fast attenuation control
from DC to millimeter frequencies. The device
is also useful as a general purpose building
block in communications systems.
1dB Gain Compression 0 to 15dB
DC to 50 GHz MMIC Low Power
Voltage Controlled Attenuator