IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative XPT IGBT VCES = 1200 V I C25 = 43 A VCE(sat) = 1.8 V ISOPLUSTM Surface Mount Power Device Boost Topology XPT IGBT Part number IXA30RG1200DHGLB Backside: isolated 7 BD 9 VDD 1 FWD 3 2 8 Features / Advantages: Applications: Package: SMPD XPT IGBT - low saturation voltage - positive temperature coefficient for easy paralleling - fast switching - short tail current for optimized performance in resonant circuits SonicTM diode - fast reverse recovery - low operating forward voltage - low leakage current - low temperature dependency of reverse recovery Vcesat detection diode (VDD) - integrated into package - very fast diode AC drives - brake chopper PFC - boost chopper Switched reluctance drives Industry convenient outline RoHS compliant Epoxy meets UL 94V-0 Soldering pins for PCB mounting Backside: DCB ceramic Reduced weight Advanced power cycling Isolation Voltage: 3000 V~ IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Ratings Free Wheeling Diode FWD Conditions Symbol VRSM Definition max. non-repetitive reverse blocking voltage TVJ = 25C max. 1200 Unit V VRRM max. repetitive reverse blocking voltage TVJ = 25C 1200 V IR reverse current, drain current VF forward voltage drop I FAV average forward current VF0 threshold voltage rF slope resistance R thJC thermal resistance junction to case min. VR = 1200 V TVJ = 25C 30 A VR = 1200 V TVJ = 125C 0.5 mA TVJ = 25C 2.20 V IF = 30 A IF = 60 A IF = 30 A IF = 60 A V TVJ = 125C 2.20 T VJ = 150 C 25 A TVJ = 150 C 1.26 V d = 0.5 for power loss calculation only R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink Ptot total power dissipation I FSM max. forward surge current t = 10 ms; (50 Hz), sine; VR = 0 V TVJ = 45C CJ junction capacitance VR = 400 V f = 1 MHz TVJ = 25C reverse current, drain current VF0 threshold voltage rF slope resistance CJ I RM junction capacitance t rr 200 (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved A pF min. typ. max. 1200 Unit V VR/D = 1200 V TVJ = 25C 2 A TVJ = 125 C 0.03 mA IF = 1 A TVJ = 25C 2.20 V IF = 1 A TVJ = 125 C 1.80 V TVJ = 150 C 1.30 V 390 m VR = 400 V; f = 1 MHz TVJ = 25C tbd pF TVJ = 25 C 2.3 A VR = 100 V; I F = 1 A TVJ = 125C tbd A max. reverse recovery current IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. W VR/D = 1200 V for power loss calculation only reverse recovery time K/W 13 TVJ = 25C max. repetitive reverse blocking voltage forward voltage drop K/W Ratings Conditions IR m 1 125 VCEsat Detection Diode VDD Definition 28 0.30 TC = 25C Symbol VRRM V V TC = 80C rectangular VF typ. -di/dt = 100 A/s TVJ = 25 C 40 ns TVJ = 125C tbd ns Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Ratings Boost IGBT Symbol VCES collector emitter voltage Definition VGES Conditions min. max. 1200 Unit V max. DC gate voltage 20 V VGEM max. transient collector gate voltage 30 V I C25 collector current TVJ = I C80 Ptot total power dissipation VCE(sat) collector emitter saturation voltage VGE(th) gate emitter threshold voltage IC = 1 I CES collector emitter leakage current VCE = VCES; VGE = 0 V I GES gate emitter leakage current VGE = 20 V Q G(on) total gate charge VCE = 600 V; VGE = 15 V; IC = 25 A t d(on) turn-on delay time TC = 25C 43 A TC = 80 C 30 A 147 W 2.1 V TC = 25C I C = 25 A; VGE = 15 V mA; VGE = VCE TVJ = 25C 1.8 TVJ = 125C 2.1 TVJ = 25C current rise time t d(off) turn-off delay time tf current fall time Eon turn-on energy per pulse Eoff turn-off energy per pulse RBSOA reverse bias safe operating area I CM inductive load 5.9 TVJ = 125C VGE = 15 V; R G = 39 short circuit safe operating area VCEmax = 1200 V t SC short circuit duration VCE = 900 V; VGE = 15 V I SC short circuit current R G = 39 ; non-repetitive R thJC thermal resistance junction to case R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink 6.5 V 0.1 mA mA 0.1 nA 76 nC 70 ns 40 ns 250 ns 100 ns 2.5 mJ 3 mJ TVJ = 125C VCEmax = 1200 V SCSOA V 500 VCE = 600 V; IC = 25 A VGE = 15 V; R G = 39 5.4 TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C tr typ. 25C TVJ = 125C 75 A 10 s A 100 0.85 K/W K/W 0.25 Boost Diode BD VRRM max. repetitive reverse voltage TVJ = 25C 1200 V I F25 forward current TC = 25C 48 A TC = 80 C 32 A 2.20 V I F 80 VF forward voltage I F = 30 A TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C IR reverse current VR = VRRM Q rr reverse recovery charge I RM max. reverse recovery current t rr reverse recovery time E rec reverse recovery energy R thJC thermal resistance junction to case R thCH thermal resistance case to heatsink IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved VR = 600 V -di F /dt = 600 A/s IF = 30 A; VGE = 0 V 0.03 TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C TVJ = 125C V 1.90 mA 0.15 mA 3.5 C 30 A 350 ns 0.9 mJ 1 K/W 0.3 Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified K/W 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Package Ratings SMPD Symbol I RMS Definition Conditions RMS current per terminal Tstg storage temperature T VJ virtual junction temperature min. typ. max. 100 Unit A -55 150 C -55 150 C Weight FC 8.5 40 mounting force with clip VISOL t = 1 second isolation voltage t = 1 minute d Spp/App d Spb/Apb UL Logo ~ Assembly line I X A 30 RG 1200 D H G LB XXXXXXXXXX yywwA Data Matrix Code Digits 1 to 19: 20 to 23: 24 to 25: 26 to 31: 32: 33 to 36: Part # Date Code Assembly line Lot # Split Lot Individual # N V 2500 V terminal to terminal 1.6 mm terminal to backside 4.0 mm Part number ~ Backside DCB Part number Date code 130 3000 50/60 Hz, RMS; IISOL 1 mA creepage distance on surface | striking distance through air ~ g = = = = = = = = = = IGBT XPT IGBT Gen 1 / std Current Rating [A] boost configuration Reverse Voltage [V] IGBT XPT IGBT Gen 1 / std SMPD-B Pin 1 identifier Ordering Standard Alternative Part Number IXA30RG1200DHGLB IXA30RG1200DHGLB-TRR Similar Part IXA20RG1200DHGLB IXA40RG1200DHGLB IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved Marking on Product IXA30RG1200DHGLB IXA30RG1200DHGLB Package SMPD-B SMPD-B Delivery Mode Blister Tape & Reel Quantity 45 200 Code No. 512356 511654 Voltage class 1200 1200 Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Outlines SMPD A(8:1) 2) 5,5 0,1 (6x) 1 0,05 0 + 0,15 2 c 0,1 0,5 0,1 1) 18 0,1 seating plane (3x) 2 0,05 9 0,1 2) 4 0,05 8 9 23 0,2 32,7 0,5 2 0,2 7 0,55 0,1 4,85 0,2 25 0,2 3) c 0,05 6 5 4 A 3 2 1 Pin number 2,75 0,1 5,5 0,1 13,5 0,1 16,25 0,1 19 0,1 Notes: 1) potrusion may add 0.2 mm max. on each side 2) additional max. 0.05 mm per side by punching misalignement or overlap of dam bar or bending compression 3) DCB area 10 to 50 m convex; position of DCB area in relation to plastic rim: 25 m (measured 2 mm from Cu rim) 4) terminal plating: 0.2 - 1 m Ni + 10 - 25 m Sn (gal v.) cutting edges may be partially free of plating 7 BD 9 VDD 1 FWD 3 2 8 IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Boost IGBT 50 50 VGE = 15 V 40 IC 40 30 50 13 V VGE = 15 V 17 V 19 V 11 V 40 IC 30 TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C [A] 20 IC [A] 20 30 [A] 20 9V 10 10 TVJ = 125C 10 TVJ = 25C TVJ = 125C 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 3 4 5 5 Eon RG = 39 VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V TVJ = 125C 5 3.5 E [V] 10 11 12 13 IC = 25 A VCE = 600 V VGE = 15 V TVJ = 125C Eoff 4 10 9 Fig. 3 Typ. tranfer characteristics 4.0 VGE 8 Fig. 2 Typ. output characteristics 6 15 7 VGE [V] 20 IC = 25 A VCE = 600 V 6 VCE [V] VCE [V] Fig. 1 Typ. output characteristics 2 E 3 3.0 Eoff [mJ] [mJ] 2 5 2.5 1 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 QG [nC] Fig. 4 Typ. turn-on gate charge 0 10 20 30 40 50 IC [A] Fig. 5 Typ. switching energy versus collector current Eon 2.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 RG [W] Fig. 6 Typ. switching energy versus gate resistance Fig. 7 Typ. transient thermal impedance junction to case IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618 IXA30RG1200DHGLB tentative Boost Diode BD 60 70 6 TVJ = 125C 50 VR = 600 V 60 60 A 5 40 60 A 50 Qrr IF 4 30 A 30 A 30 40 [C] 3 [A] 20 30 15 A TVJ = 125C TVJ = 25C 10 15 A [A] 2 20 TVJ = 125C VR = 600 V 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 1 400 3.0 VF [V] Fig. 1 Typ. Forward current versus VF 600 800 10 400 1000 600 800 1000 diF /dt [A/s] diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 2 Typ. reverse recov.charge Qrr versus di/dt Fig. 3 Typ. peak reverse current IRM versus di/dt 700 1.6 60 A VR = 600 V TVJ = 125C 600 TVJ = 125C 1.4 VR = 600 V 500 30 A 1.2 trr Erec 400 [ns] 1.0 [mJ] 300 0.8 60 A 30 A 200 15 A 100 400 600 800 1000 diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 4 Dynamic parameters Qrr, IRM versus di/dt Fig. 5 Typ. recovery time trr versus di/dt 15 A 0.6 0.4 400 600 800 1000 diF /dt [A/s] Fig. 6 Typ. recovery energy Erec versus di/dt Fig. 7 Typ. transient thermal impedance junction to case IXYS reserves the right to change limits, conditions and dimensions. (c) 2012 IXYS all rights reserved Data according to IEC 60747and per semiconductor unless otherwise specified 20120618