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ECO 171214-1, (1/16/18), 180206-
Input Fusing
The FXW converters do not provide internal fusing and
therefore in some applications external input fuse may be
required. Use of external fuse is also recommended if
there is possibility for input voltage reversal. For greatest
safety, it is recommended to use fast blow fuse in the
ungrounded input supply line.
Input Reverse Polarity Protection
The FXW converters do not have input reverse polarity. If
input voltage polarity is reversed, internal diodes will
become forward biased and draw excessive current from
the power source. If the power source is not current
limited or input fuse not used, the converter could be
permanently damaged.
Input Undervoltage Protection
Input undervoltage lockout is standard with this converter.
The FXW converter will start and regulate properly if the
ramping-up input voltage exceeds Turn-on threshold of
typ. 8.5V (See Specification) and remains at or above
Turn-on Threshold.
The converter will turn off when the input voltage drops
below the Turn-off Threshold of typical 8V (See
specification) and converter enters hiccup mode and will
stay off for 2 seconds. The converter will restart after 2
seconds only if the input voltage is again above the Turn-
on Threshold.
The built-on hysteresis and 2 second hiccup time prevents
any unstable on/off operation at the low input voltage near
Turn-on Threshold.
User should take into account for IR and inductive voltage
drop in the input source and input power lines and make
sure that the input voltage to the converter is always
above the Turn-off Threshold voltage under ALL
Start-Up Time
The start-up time is specified under two different
scenarios: a) Startup by ON/OFF remote control (with the
input voltage above the Turn-on Threshold voltage) and b)
Start-up by applying the input voltage (with the converter
enabled via ON/OFF remote control).
The startup times are measured with maximum resistive
load as: a) the interval between the point when the
ramping input voltage crosses the Turn-on Threshold and
the output voltage reaches 90% of its nominal value and
b) the interval between the point when the converter is
enabled by ON/OFF remote control and time when the
output voltage reaches 90% of its nominal value.
When converter is started by applying the input voltage
with ON/OFF pin active there is delay of 500msec that
was intentionally provided to prevent potential startup
issues especially at low input voltages
Input Source Impedance
Because of the switching nature and negative input
impedance of DC/DC converters, the input of these
converters must be driven from the source with both low
AC impedance and DC input regulation.
The FXW converters are designed to operate without
external components as long as the source voltage has
very low impedance and reasonable voltage regulation.
However, since this is not the case in most applications an
additional input capacitor is required to provide proper
operations of the FXW converter. Specified values for
input capacitor are recommendation and need to be
adjusted for particular application. Due to large variation
between applications some experimentation may be
In many applications, the inductance associated with the
distribution from the power source to the input of the
converter can affect the stability and in some cases, if
excessive, even inhibit operation of the converter. This
becomes of great consideration for input voltage at 12V or
The DC input regulation, associated with resistance
between input power source and input of the converter,
plays significant role in particular in low input voltage
applications such as 12V battery systems.
Note that input voltage at the input pins of the connector
must never degrade below Turn-off threshold under all
load operating conditions.
Note that in applications with high pulsating loads
additional input as well as output capacitors may be
needed. In addition, for EMI conducted measurement, due
to low input voltage it is recommended to use 5µH LISNs
instead of typical 50µH LISNs.
Input/ Output Filtering
Input Capacitor
Minimum required input capacitance, mounted close to the
input pins of the converter, is 1000µF with ESR < 0.1Ω.
Several criteria need to be met when choosing input
capacitor: a) type of capacitor, b) capacitance to provide
additional energy storage, c) RMS current rating, d) ESR
value that will ensure that output impedance of the input
filter is lower than input impedance of the converter and its
variation over the temperature.
Since inductance of the input power cables could have
significant voltage drop due to rate of change of input
current di(in)/dt during transient load operation, an
external capacitor on the output of the converter is