The Ultimate in Performance MMICs
MMIC Selection Guide
Broadband Ampliξ›„ers & Modules
Low-Noise Ampliξ›„ers
Prescalers & Frequency Detectors
Function Frequency
(dB) Bias Package Part
Distributed LNA DC-26 22.0 18.0 35.0 3.2 @ 13 GHz 7V, 150 mA Die MMA041AA
Distributed LNA DC-28 15.0 16.0 27.0 2.5 @ 10 GHz 8V, 60 mA Die MMA040AA
Wideband Amp DC-14 7.0-18.0113.0 18.0-29.012.6 @ 10 GHz 4V, 15-80mA1Die MMA015AA
Wideband Amp DC-16 7.0-18.0114.0 18.0-29.012.6 @ 10 GHz 4V, 15-80mA1Die MMA016AA
Wideband LNA DC-30 14.0-17.0 17.0 - - 5V, 150mA Die MMA022AA
Wideband Amp DC-30 18.0-24.0 17.0 - 3.0 @ 10 GHz 8V, 250mA Die MMA023AA
Wideband Amp DC-30 21.0 10.0 - 5.5 @ 20 GHz 8V, 250mA Die MMA024AA
Wideband LNA DC-30 14.0-17.0 17.0 - 1.9 @ 15 GHz 5V, 150mA Die MMA025AA
Wideband LNA DC-30 18.0-20.0 10.5 - 4.5 @ 20 GHz 7V, 150mA Die MMA026AA
Wideband Amp DC-30 14.0 11.0 - 2.5 @ 20 GHz 4.5V, 85mA Die MMA027AA
Wideband Amp DC-35 15.0-19.0 19.0 - - 5V, 180mA 7x7 QFN2UAS3LK
Wideband Amp DC-45 15.0-21.0 11.0 - 4.5 @ 20 GHz 7V, 150mA Die MMA029AA
Wideband LNA DC-45 11.5-14.0 11.5 - 2.5 @ 20 GHz 4.5V, 85mA Die MMA030AA
Wideband Amp DC-45 21.0 10.0 - 5.5 @ 20 GHz 8V, 250mA Die MMA031AA
Wideband Amp DC-45 17.0-21.0 10.5 - 5.5 @ 20 GHz 8V, 250mA Die MMA032AA
Wideband Amp DC-45 13.0-15.5 11.0 - 3.0 @ 20 GHz 7V, 85mA Die MMA033AA
Wideband Amp DC-65 17.0-21.0 10.5 - 5.5 @ 20 GHz 8V, 250mA Die MMA034AA
Wideband Amp DC-65 15.0-21.0 11.0 - 4.5 @ 20 GHz 7V, 150mA Die MMA035AA
Wideband LNA DC-65 11.0-14.0 11.0 - 2.3 @ 20 GHz 4.5V, 85mA Die MMA036AA
Wideband LNA 0.5-12 17.0 16.5 29.0 1.4 @ 7 GHz 5V, 55 mA Die MMA043AA
Wideband Amp 2-16 5.5-18.5111.5 13.5-26.51- 4V, 23-95mA1Die MMA017AA
Wideband Amp 5-18 17.5 13.0 - 6.5 @ 10 GHz 5V, 130mA 3x3 QFN UA5M15MP
Wideband LNA 6-18 17.0 21.0 30.0 1.7@ 12 GHz 4V, 102 mA Die MMA044AA
Wideband Amp 5-20 17.5 15.5 - 5.5 @ 10 GHz 5V, 135mA Die MMA021AA
1 Power can be selected by choosing on-chip source resistor.
2 Hermetic package
MMIC Selection Guide
Broadband Amplifiers
Microsemi’s portfolio of MMIC products targets a broad range of applications including those in electronic warfare, radars,
instrumentation (test and measurement) and microwave communications. The portfolio comprises broadband amplifiers (both power
and low-noise), amplifier modules, prescalers, attenuators and switches spanning DC to 65GHz based on high-performance process
technologies. Microsemi offers a large number of distributed amplifier products including industry-leading MMICs. Microsemi’s
prescalers combine higher frequency operation, the flexibility to divide by a large number of ratios and very good residual phase noise.
(GHz) Function Pout
10kHz SSB Noise
(dBc/Hz) Pdiss (W) Package Part Number
DC-9 /8 to /511, Programmable Integer Divider +4 -147 1.10 6x6 QFN UXN6M9M
DC-14 /8 to /511, all integers +4 -147 1.10 6x6 QFN UXN14M9P
DC-15 /1 to /(232-1) +4 -150 0.30-0.80 4x4 Ceramic UXN14M32K
DC-15 /2/4/8 or /4/5/6/7/8/9 +5 -153 0.60 4x4 QFN UXM15P
DC-20 /2/4/8 +5 -153 0.50 4x4 QFN UXC20P
DC-20 /1/2/4/8 +5 -153 0.43 4x4 QFN UXD20P
DC-26.5 /1/2/4/8 +5 -153 0.43 4x4 Ceramic UXD20K
0.05-15 /2 to /220 -4 -153 1.40 6x6 QFN MX1DS10P
0.5-40 /1 to /127 Programmable, all integers +2 -153 0.75 4x4 Ceramic UXN40M7K
DC-40 8GHz Phase Frequency Detector w/Dual 40GHz
Prescalers 0.4Vp-p -153 1.32 6x6 Ceramic PFD1K
Function Frequency
Insertion Loss
Input P1dB
(dBm) Control Voltage Package Part Number
SP4T Non-Reflective DC-8 1.6 45 28 0/-5V Die MMS008AA
SP2T Non-Reflective DC-20 2 40 24 0/-5V Die MMS006AA
Prescalers & Frequency Detectors
Function Frequency
Insertion Loss
Dynamic Range
Return Loss
Input P1dB
(dBm) Package Part Number
Analog VVA DC-40 <3 17 >8 >8 Die MMS005AA
Analog VVA DC-50 <5 27 >12 >3 Die MMS004AA
Voltage Variable Attenuators
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100 1k 10k
SSB Phase Noise (dBc/Hz)
Offset Frequency (Hz)
Phase Noise 8 GHz Input
The Ultimate in Performance MMICs
/1 to /(232-1) DC-15 GHz
DC-65 GHz Wideband
Amplifier Module
/1/2/4/8 DC-26.5 GHz
DC-50 GHz Voltage
Variable Attenuator
DC-30 GHz
Wideband LNA
DC-45 GHz 11dB Gain
Wideband Amplifier
2-50 GHz High Gain
Power Amplifier Module
DC-65 GHz 11dB Gain
Wideband Amplifier
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The Ultimate in Performance MMICs
Microsemi Corporation (Nasdaq: MSCC) offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace
defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened
analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization
devices and precise time solutions, setting the world’s standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete
components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products;
Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is
headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California and has approximately 4,800 employees globally. Learn more at
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2016 Microsemi Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are registered
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Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular
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specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and
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any time without notice.
MMIC 10/16
(dB) Flatness (dB) NF
(dB) Bias Connector1Part Number
0.0001-30 23 33 Β±2 4.5 @ 15 GHz 7V, 475mA 2.92 mm "K" UA0L30VM
0.0001-65 22 23-35 - 5.2 @ 30 GHz 7V, 475mA 2.4 mm UA0L65VM
0.01-50 22-30 25 Β±3 10.0 @ 30 GHz 7V, 1800mA 2.4 mm UA0U50HM
2-50 22-30 23-30 Β±4 10.5 @ 30 GHz 7V, 1800mA 2.4 mm UA2V50HM
2-50 22-30 18 Β±4.5 - 6V, 1600mA 2.4 mm UA2V50LM
MMIC Selection Guide
Wideband Amplifier Modules
1 Contact sales for additional connector options and bias board information.