Isoloop is a registered trademark of NVE Corporation.
*U.S. Patent number 5,831,426; 6,300,617 and others.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 ©2008 NVE Corporation
Isolated RS485 Interface With Handshake
Functional Diagram
200 mV L L L H X Receive
≤−200 mV L L L L X Receive
7<VI<12 X H X Z X Receive/Drive
1.5 V H L H H H Drive
≤−1.5 V H L H L L Drive
Open L L L H X Indeterminate
H = High Level, L = Low Level
X = Irrelevant, Z = High Impedance
2500 VRMS Isolation (1 min.)
25 ns Maximum Propagation Delay
35 Mbps Data Rate
1 ns Pulse Skew (typ.)
Designed for Multi-point Transmission
on Long Bus Lines in Noisy Environments
±60 mA Driver Output Capability
Thermal Shutdown Protection
Meets or Exceeds ANSI RS-485 and ISO 8482:1987(E)
40°C to +85°C Temperature Range
PROFIBUS International Component Recognition
16-Pin SOIC Package
UL1577 and IEC 61010-2001 Approval
Profibus/RS485 Systems
Multiple Data Point Transmission
The IL485W is a galvanically isolated, high-speed differential bus
transceiver, designed for bidirectional data communication on
balanced transmission lines. The devices use NVE’s patented*
IsoLoop spintronic Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) technology. The
IL485W is the first isolated RS-485 interface in a standard 16-pin
SOIC package that meets the ANSI Standards EIA/TIA-422-B and
RS-485 and is compatible with 3.3V input supplies.
The IL485W has current limiting and thermal shutdown features to
protect against output short circuits and bus contention situations that
could cause excessive power dissipation.
With 1 ns pulse skew and 16 ns propagation delay, the IL485W is
ideal for PROFIBUS applications.
DE/ISODE and IN1/OUT1 allow isolated RTSAS and DTSAS
Absolute Maximum Ratings(11)
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Storage Temperature TS 65 150 °C
Ambient Operating Temperature TA 40 100 °C
Voltage Range at A or B Bus Pins 7 12 V
Supply Voltage(1) V
DD1, VDD2 0.5 7 V
Digital Input Voltage 0.5 5.5 V
Digital Output Voltage 0.5 VDD + 1 V
Continuous Total Power Dissipation 725
377 mW 25°C
Maximum Output Current IO 95 mA
Lead Solder Temperature 260 °C 10 sec.
Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Supply Voltage VDD1,VDD2 4.5 5.5 V
Input Voltage at any Bus Terminal
(separately or com mon mode) VI
VIC 12
7 V
High-Level Digital Input Voltage VIH 3.0 VDD1 V
Low-Level Digital Input Voltage VIL 0 0.8 V
Differential Input Voltage(2) V
ID +12/7 V
High-Level Output Current (Driver) IOH 60 mA
High-Level Digital Output Current
(Receiver) IOH 8 mA
Low-Level Output Current (Driver) IOL 60 mA
Low-Level Digital Output Current
(Receiver) IOL 8 mA
Ambient Operating Temperature TA 40 85 °C
Transient Immunity 20 kV/μs
Digital Input Signal
Rise and Fall Times tIR, tIF DC Stable
Insulation Specifications
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions
Creepage Distance 8.08 mm
Barrier Impedance >1014||7 || pF
Leakage Current 0.2 μA 240 VRMS, 60 Hz
Safety and Approvals
TUV Certificate Numbers: N1502812, N1502812-101
Classification: Reinforc e d Insulation
Model Package Pollution Degree Material Group Max. Working Voltage
IL485W 0.3" SOIC II III 300 VRMS
UL 1577
Component Recognition Program File Number: E207481
Rated 2500VRMS for 1 minute
Soldering Profile
IL485W Pin Connections
1 VDD1 Input Power Supply
2 GND1 Input Power Supply Ground Return
3 R Output Data from Bus
4 OUT1 Output from Auxiliary Isolation Channel
RE Read Data Enable
(if RE is high, R= high impedance)
6 DE Drive Enable
7 D Data Input to Bus
8 GND1 Input Power Supply Ground Return
9 GND2 Output Power Supply Ground Return
Isolated DE Output for use in Profibus
applications where the state of the isolated
drive enable node needs to be monitored
11 IN1 No Internal Connection
12 A Non-inverting Bus Line
13 B Inverting Bus Line
14 NC No Internal Connection
15 GND2 Output Power Supply Ground Return
16 VDD2 Output Power Supply
Driver Section
Electrical specifications are Tmin to Tmax and VDD = 4.5 V to = 5.5 V unless otherwise stated.
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ.(5) Max. Units Test Conditions
Input Clamp Voltage VIK 1.5 V IL = 18 mA
Output voltage VO 0 6 V IO = 0
Differential Output Voltage(2) |VOD1| 1.5 6 V IO = 0
Differential Output Voltage(2) |VOD2| 1.5 2.5 5 V RL = 54 , VDD = 5 V
Differential Output Voltage(2)(6) VOD3 1.5 5 V RL = 54 , VDD = 4.5 V
Change in Magnitude of Differential
Output Voltage(7) Δ|VOD| ±0.2 V RL = 54 or 100
Common Mode Output Voltage VOC
1 V RL = 54 or 100
Change in Magnitude of Common
Mode Output Voltage(7) Δ|VOC| ±0.2 V RL = 54 or 100
Output Current(4) Output Disabled IO
0.8 mA VO = 12 V
VO = 7 V
High Level Input Current IIH 10 μA VI = 3.5 V
Low Level Input Current IIL 10 μA VI = 0.4 V
Short-circuit Output Current IOS
250 mΑ VO = 6 V
VO = 0 V
VO = 8 V
Supply Current IDD1 4 6 mA
No Load
(Outputs Enabled)
Switching Specifications
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ.(5) Max. Units Test Conditions
Maximum Data Rate 35 Mbps RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Differential Output Prop Delay tD(OD) 16 25 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Pulse Skew(10) t
S(P) 1 6 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Differential Output Ri se & Fall Time tT(OD) 8 10 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Output Enable Time To High Level tPZH 31 65 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Output Enable Time To Low Level tPZL 22 35 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Output Disable Time From High Level tPHZ 28 50 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Output Disable Time From Low Level tPLZ 16 32 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Skew Limit(3) t
SK(LIM) 2 12 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Notes (apply to both driver and receiver sections):
1. All voltage values are with respect to network ground except differential I/O bus voltages.
2. Differential input/output voltage is measured at the noninverting terminal A with respect to the inverting terminal B.
3. Skew limit is the maximum propagation delay difference between any two devices at 25°C.
4. The power-off measurement in ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-422-B applies to disabled outputs only and
is not applied to combined inputs and outputs.
5. All typical values are at VDD1,VDD2 = 5 V or VDD1= 3.3 V and TA = 25°C.
6. The minimum VOD2 with a 100 load is either ½ VOD1 or 2 V, whichever is greater.
7. Δ|VOD| and Δ|VOC| are the changes in magnitude of VOD and VOC, respectively, that occur when the input is changed from one logic state to
the other.
8. This applies for both power on and power off, refer to ANSI standard RS-485 for exact condition.
The EIA/TIA-422-B limit does not apply for a combined driver and receiver terminal.
9. Includes 8 ns read enable time. Maximum propagation delay is 25 ns after read assertion.
10. Pulse skew is defined as |tPLH – tPHL| of each channel.
11. The relevant test and measurement methods are given in the Electromagnetic Compatibility section on p. 6.
12. External magnetic field immunity is improved by this factor if the field direction is “end-to-end” rather than to “pin-to-pin” (see diagram on p. 6).
Receiver Section
Electrical specifications are Tmin to Tmax and VDD = 4.5 V to = 5.5 V unless otherwise stated.
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ.(5) Max. Units Test Conditions
Positive-going Input
Threshold Voltage VIT+ 0.2 V
VO = 2.7 V,
IO = 0.4 mA
Negative-going Input
Threshold Voltage VIT- 0.2 V
VO = 0.5 V,
IO = 8 mA
Hysteresis Voltage (VIT+ VIT-) VHYS 60 mV
High Level Digital Output Voltage VOH VDD 0.2 V VID = 200 mV
IOH = 20 μA
Low Level Digital Output Voltage VOL 0.2 V
VID = 200 mV
IOH = 20 μA
High-impedance-state output current IOZ ±20 μA VO = 0.4 to (VDD20.5) V
Line Input Current(8) I
0.8 mA VI = 12 V
VI = 7 V
Other Input(11) = 0 V
Input Resistance rI 12 20 k
Supply Current IDD2 27 34 mA
No load
Outputs Enabled
Switching Characteristics
Parameters Symbol Min. Typ.(5) Max. Units Test Conditions
Maximum Data Rate 35 Mbps RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Propagation Delay(9) tPD 24 32 ns
VO = 1.5 V to 1.5 V,
CL = 15 pF
Pulse Skew(10) t
SK(P) 1 6 ns
VO = 1.5 V to 1.5 V,
CL = 15 pF
Skew Limit(3) t
SK(LIM) 2 8 ns RL = 54 , CL = 50 pF
Output Enable Time To High Level tPZH 17 24 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Enable Time To Low Level tPZL 30 45 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Disable Time From High Level tPHZ 30 45 ns CL = 15 pF
Output Disable Time From Low Level tPLZ 18 27 ns CL = 15 pF
Magnetic Field Immunity(11) Magnetic Field Immunity at 5 V
Power Frequency Magnetic Immunity HPF 2800 3500 A/m 50Hz/60Hz
Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity HPM 4000 4500 A/m tp = 8µs
Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field HOSC 4000 4500 A/m 0.1Hz – 1MHz
Cross-axis Immunity Multiplier(12) K
X 2.5
Magnetic Field Immunity at 3.3 V
Power Frequency Magnetic Immunity HPF 1000 1500 A/m 50Hz/60Hz
Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity HPM 1800 2000 A/m tp = 8µs
Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field HOSC 1800 2000 A/m 0.1Hz – 1MHz
Cross-axis Immunity Multiplier(12) K
X 2.5
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity
This product has been tested for electrostatic sensitivity to the limits stated in the specifications. However, NVE recommends that all integrated
circuits be handled with appropriate care to avoid damage. Damage caused by inappropriate handling or storage could range from performance
degradation to complete failu re.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
Application Information
Electromagnetic Compatibility
The IL485W is fully compliant with generic EMC standards
EN50081, EN50082-1 and the umbrella line-voltage standard for
Information Technology Equipment (ITE) EN61000. The
IsoLoop Isolator’s Wheatstone bridge configuration and
differential magnetic field signaling ensure excellent EMC
performance against all relevant standards. NVE conducted
compliance tests in the categories below:
Residential, Commercial & Light Industrial
Methods EN55022, EN55014
EN50082-2: Industrial Environment
Methods EN61000-4-2 (ESD), EN61000-4-3 (Electromagnetic
Field Immunity), EN61000-4-4 (Electrical Transient Immunity),
EN61000-4-6 (RFI Immunity), EN61000-4-8 (Power Frequency
Magnetic Field Immunity), EN61000-4-9 (Pulsed Magnetic
Field), EN61000-4-10 (Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field)
Radiated Field from Digital Telephones (Immunity
Immunity to external magnetic fields is even higher if
the field direction is “end-to-end” (rather than to
“pin-to-pin”) as shown in the diagram at right.
Dynamic Power Consumption
IsoLoop Isolators achieve their low power consumption from the
way they transmit data across the isolation barrier. By detecting the
edge transitions of the input logic signal and converting these to
narrow current pulses, a magnetic field is created around the GMR
Wheatstone bridge. Depending on the direction of the magnetic
field, the bridge causes the output comparator to switch following
the input logic signal. Since the current pulses are narrow, about
2.5 ns, the power consumption is independent of mark-to-space
ratio and solely dependent on frequency. This has obvious
advantages over optocouplers, which have power consumption
heavily dependent on frequency and time.
The approximate power supply current per channel is:
IIN = 40 x f x 1 mA
Where f = operating frequency
fMAX = 50 MHz
Power Supply Decoupling
Both VDD1 and VDD2 must be bypassed with 47 nF ceramic
capacitors. These should be placed as close as possible to VDD pins
for proper operation. Additionally, VDD2 should be bypassed with a
10 µF tantalum capacitor.
PROFIBUS Fault Interrogation
IL485W IL485W
fMAX 4
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
0.3" 16-pin SOIC Package
Pin 1 identified by
either an indent
or a marked dot
0.287 (7.29)
0.300 (7.62)
Dimensions in inches (mm)
0.08 (2.0)
0.10 (2.5)
0.092 (2.34)
0.105 (2.67)
0.397 (10.1)
0.413 (10.5)
0.013 (0.3)
0.020 (0.5)
0.394 (10.00)
0.419 (10.64)
0.040 (1.0)
0.060 (1.5) 0.004 (0.1)
0.012 (0.3)
0.007 (0.2)
0.013 (0.3) 0.016 (0.4)
0.050 (1.3)
Pin spacing is a BASIC
dimension; tolerances 
do not accumulate
Ordering Information and Valid Part Numbers
IL 485W E TR13
Bulk Packaging
Blank = Tube
TR = 13'' Tape and Reel
Blank = 80/20 Tin/Lead Plating
E = RoHS Compliant
Base Part Number
485W = RS-485 Transceiver
with handshake
Product Family
IL = Isolators
Valid Part Numbers
All IL485W
part types are
available on
tape and reel.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
March 2008 Changes
Added magnetic field immunity and electromagnetic compatibility specifications.
Added note on package drawing that pin-spacing tolerances are non-accumulating.
Changed ordering information to reflect that devices are now fully RoHS compliant
with no exempti ons.
Reorganized supply current specifications; misc. minor changes
April 2007 Changes
Eliminated soldering profile chart
December 2006 Changes
Updated open input state in truth table
ISB-DS-001-IL485W-I Changes
Updated package drawing; misc.
ISB-DS-001-IL485W-H Changes
Update UL and IEC approvals
ISB-DS-001-IL485W-G Changes
Revision letter added.
Ordering Information removed.
IEC 61010-1 Classification “Reinforced Insulation” added.
Notes added.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity note moved to page 5.
Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Note added.
Notes moved to page 3.
Ordering Information added.
NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax (952) 829-9189 Internet:
About NVE
An ISO 9001 Certified Company
NVE Corporation manufactures innovative products based on unique spintronic Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) technology. Products include
Magnetic Field Sensors, Magnetic Field Gradient Sensors (Gradiometers), Digital Magnetic Field Sensors, Digital Signal Isolators, and Isolated
Bus Transceivers.
NVE pioneered spintronics and in 1994 introduced the world’s first products using GMR material, a line of ultra-precise magnetic sensors for
position, magnetic media, gear speed and current sensing.
NVE Corporation
11409 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA
Telephone: (952) 829-9217
Fax: (952) 829-9189
The information provided by NVE Corporation is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed by NVE Corporation for its use,
nor for any infringement of patents, nor rights or licenses granted to third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by
implication, or otherwise, under any patent or patent rights of NVE Corporation. NVE Corporation does not authorize, nor warrant, any NVE
Corporation product for use in life support devices or systems or other critical applications, without the express written approval of the
President of NVE Corporation.
March 2008