ICS840021AG REV. B APRIL 28, 2009
Absolute Maximum Ratings
NOTE: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum
Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These
ratings are stress specifications only. Functional operation of
product at these conditions or any conditions beyond those listed
in the DC Characteristics or AC Characteristics is not implied.
Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended
periods may affect product reliability.
DC Electrical Characteristics
Table 4A. Power Supply DC Characteristics, VDD = 3.3V ± 5%, TA = 0°C to 70°C
Table 4B. LVCMOS/LVTTL DC Characteristics, VDD = 3.3V ± 5%, TA = 0°C to 70°C
NOTE 1: Outputs terminated with 50Ω to VDD/2. See Parameter Measurement Information Section, "3.3V Output Load Test Circuit"
Item Rating
Supply Voltage, VDD 4.6V
Inputs, VI-0.5V to VDD + 0.5V
Outputs, VO-0.5V to VDD + 0.5V
Package Thermal Impedance, θJA 101.7°C/W (0 mps)
Storage Temperature, TSTG -65°C to 150°C
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units
VDD Core Supply Voltage 3.135 3.3 3.465 V
VDDA Analog Supply Voltage 3.135 3.3 3.465 V
IDD Power Supply Current 75 mA
IDDA Analog Supply Current 15 mA
Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units
VIH Input High Voltage 2 VDD+0.3 V
VIL Input Low Voltage -0.3 0.8 V
IIH Input High Current VDD = VIN = 3.465V 5µA
IIL Input Low Current VDD =3.465V, VIN = 0V -150 µA
VOH Output High Voltage; NOTE 1 2.6 V
VOL Output High Voltage; NOTE 1 0.5 V