Jan. 2012 Version 1.0 MagnaChip Semiconductor Ltd.
MDF9N60B N-channel MOSFET 600V
Ordering Information
Part Number Temp. Range Package Packing RoHS Status
MDF9N60BTH -55~150oC TO-220F Tube Halogen Free
Electrical Characteristics (Ta =25
Characteristics Symbol
Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit
Static Characteristics
Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage BVDSS ID = 250µA, VGS = 0V 600 - - V
Gate Threshold Voltage VGS(th) VDS = VGS, ID = 250µA 2.0 - 4.0
Drain Cut-Off Current IDSS VDS = 600V, VGS = 0V - - 1 µA
Gate Leakage Current IGSS VGS = ±30V, VDS = 0V - - 100 nA
Drain-Source ON Resistance RDS(ON) VGS = 10V, ID = 4.5A 0.65 0.80 Ω
Forward Transconductance gfs VDS = 30V, ID = 4.5A - 7.0 - S
Dynamic Characteristics
Total Gate Charge Qg
VDS = 480V, ID = 9.0A, VGS = 10V(3)
- 23.9
nC Gate-Source Charge Qgs - 5.1
Gate-Drain Charge Qgd - 8.3
Input Capacitance Ciss
VDS = 25V, VGS = 0V, f = 1.0MHz
- 1226
pF Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crss - 6.2
Output Capacitance Coss - 134
Turn-On Delay Time td(on)
VGS = 10V, VDS = 300V, ID = 9.0A,
RG = 25Ω(3)
- 21.5
Rise Time tr - 33.4
Turn-Off Delay Time td(off) - 100.3
Fall Time tf - 41.6
Drain-Source Body Diode Characteristics
Maximum Continuous Drain to
Source Diode Forward Current IS - 9 - A
Source-Drain Diode Forward
Voltage VSD IS = 9.0A, VGS = 0V - 1.4 V
Body Diode Reverse Recovery
Time trr
IF = 9.0A, dl/dt = 100A/µs(3)
- 360 ns
Body Diode Reverse Recovery
Charge Qrr - 3.9 µC
Note :
1. Pulse width is based on RθJC & RθJA and the maximum allowed junction temperature of 150°C.
2. Pulse test: pulse width ≤300us, duty cycle≤2%, pulse width limited by junction temperature TJ(MAX)=150°C.
3. ISD ≤9.0A, di/dt≤200A/us, VDD≤BVDSS, Rg =25Ω, Starting TJ=25°C
4. L=10.8mH, IAS=9.0A, VDD=50V, Rg =25Ω, Starting TJ=25°C,