CG series CMOS IC Time Delay Relay * Repeatability to .05% * Choice of timing modes - Delay on operate - Delay on release - Interval on * Fixed or knob adjustable types * 10A output relay with DPDT contacts * Various models time from 0.5 sec. to 100 min. File E22575 File LR15734 Contact Data @ 25C Timing Modes Delay on operate - Delay period begins when input voltage is applied. At the end of the delay period, the relay will operate and will not release until input voltage is removed. Reset occurs when input voltage is reapplied. ON OFF N.O. RELAY CONTACTS ON OFF INPUT VOLTAGE Arrangements: 2 Form C (DPDT). Material: Silver-cadmium oxide alloy. Rating: 10A @ 30VDC or 277VAC, resistive; 1/2 HP @ 250VAC; 1/3 HP @ 120VAC. Expected Mechanical Life: 10 million operations. Expected Electrical Life: 100,000 operations, min., at rated load. TIME Initial Dielectric Strength Delay on release - Input voltage must be applied continuously to operate the internal relay. When the control switch is closed, the relay energizes. When the control switch is opened, timing begins. When timing is complete, the relay will de-energize. Time may be reset to zero during timing by closing the control switch. Between Open Contacts: 500V rms, 60 Hz. Between All Other Conductors: 500V rms, 60 Hz. CONTROL SWITCH Input Data @ 25C ON OFF N.O. RELAY ON CONTACTS OFF TIME Interval on - The relay energizes and timing begins when input voltage is applied. At the end of the time delay period the relay will de-energize. Reset is accomplished by removing, then reapplying, the input voltage. INPUT VOLTAGE ON OFF Voltage: 120VAC and 24VDC. Power Requirement: AC Types: Typically less than 3 VA. DC Types: Typically less than 3 W. Transient Protection: Yes. Reverse Voltage Protection: Yes. Input Voltages & Limits @25C Voltage Type Nominal Voltage Minimum Voltage Maximum Voltage AC DC 120 24 105 20 130 32 Note: DC voltage must be filtered (5% p-p ripple max. at nom. voltage). AC models will operate on 50 or 60 Hz. N.O. RELAY ON CONTACTS OFF TIME Environmental Data Timing Specifications Timing Ranges: From 0.5 to 5.0 sec. through 10 to 100 min. Timing Adjustment: Fixed and knob adjustable. Tolerance (for AC units add 1/2 cycle 60 Hz.): Knob Adj. Types:-0, +10% of max. specified at high end of timing range; +0, -10% of min. specified at low end. Fixed Types: 5%. Delta Time (for AC units add 1 cycle 60 Hz.): 2%, typ.; 5%, max. Repeatability (including first cycle of operation): AC: 0.1%, typ.; 0.5%, max.; but not less than 16 ms. DC: 0.05% typ.; 0.1% max.; but not less than 3 ms. Release Time: 30 ms, typ.; 45 ms, max. Recycle Time: AC: 40 ms, typ.; 60 ms, max. DC: 30 ms, typ.; 45 ms, max. Temperature Range: Storage: -40C to +85C. Operating: -10C to +55C. Mechanical Data Termination: 8- or 11-pin octal style plug. Enclosure: Yellow plastic case. Knob adjustable types have dial scale for reference only. Sockets: Models with 8-pin base fit either 27E122 or 27E891 (snap-on) screw terminal sockets. 11-pin types fit either 27E123 or 27E892 (snap-on) screw terminal sockets. Weight: 8 oz. (227g) approximately. Ordering Information - Boldface items listed below are normally maintained in stock for immediate delivery. Delay on Operate Models Voltage 120VAC 24VDC Time Delay on Release Models Adjustment 0.5 to 5 Min. 1 to 10 Min. 5 to 50 Min. 10 to 100 Min. Wiring Dia. Knob 1 5 to 50 Min. Part Number Voltage CGB-38-70005M CGB-38-70010M CGB-38-70050M CGB-38-70100M 120VAC CGD-38-30050M Time 1 to 10 Min. 5 to 50 Min. Adjustment Wiring Dia. Part Number Knob 2 CGB-38-78010M CGB-38-78050M Interval on Models Voltage Adjustment Wiring Dia. Part Number 120VAC 0.5 to 5 Sec. 1 to 10 Min. Time Knob 1 CGB-38-79005S CGB-38-79010M 24VDC 1 to 10 Min. Knob 1 CGD-38-39010M Outline Dimensions 2.406 MAX. (61.1) 2.937 MAX. (74.6) .56 (14.2) .60 (15.2) 1.781 MAX. (45.2) Fig.1 8 Pin + INPUT _ (DC POLARITY INDICATED) Wiring Diagrams - Bottom Views (pins numbered clockwise from keyway) EXT. CONT. SW* _ + INPUT (DC POLARITY INDICATED) Fig.2 11 Pin * If control switch is closed when power is applied, relay will immediately energize. A 50 millisecond minimum switch closure is required. IMPORTANT: a dry circuit switch is recommemded. A "dry circuit" switch is one rated to reliably switch currents of less than 50mA. Use of a switch rated for other than dry circuit may result in failure of the time delay relay to function properly. ** Note: input polarity for DC operation. For most reliable operation on AC, connect high side to "+" and low side to "-". Tyco Electronics Corporation - P&B, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 Technical Support Center: 1-800-522-6752, Specifications and availability subject to change without notice. 13C2400 Printed in U.S.A. IH4-00