Package Characteristics
1. If VIN- (pin 3) is brought above VDD1 - 2 V
with respect to GND1 an internal optical-
coupling test mode may be activated. This
test mode is not intended for customer use.
2. Agilent recommends the use of non-
chlorinated solder fluxes.
3. Because of the switched-capacitor nature of
the isolated modulator, time averaged
values are shown.
4. CMRRIN is defined as the ratio of the gain
for differential inputs applied between VIN+
and VIN- to the gain for common-mode
inputs applied to both VIN+ and VIN- with
respect to input ground GND1.
5. Short-circuit current is the amount of output
current generated when either output is
shorted to VDD2 or GND2. Use under these
conditions is not recommended.
6. Data hold time is amount of time that the
data output MDAT will stay stable following
the rising edge of output clock MCLK.
7. Resolution is defined as the total number of
output bits. The useable accuracy of any A/
D converter is a function of its linearity and
signal-to-noise ratio, rather than how many
total bits it has.
8. Integral nonlinearity is defined as one-half
the peak-to-peak deviation of the best-fit
line through the transfer curve for VIN+ = -
200 mV to +200 mV, expressed either as the
number of LSBs or as a percent of measured
input range (400 mV).
9. Differential nonlinearity is defined as the
deviation of the actual difference from the
ideal difference between midpoints of
successive output codes, expressed in
10. Data sheet value is the average magnitude
of the difference in offset voltage from TA
=25°C to TA= 85°C, expressed in microvolts
per °C. Three standard deviation from
typical value is less than 6 µV/°C.
11. Beyond the full-scale input range the output
is either all zeroes or all ones.
12. The effective number of bits (or effective
resolution) is defined by the equation ENOB
= (SNR-1.76)/6.02 and represents the
resolution of an ideal, quantization-noise
limited A/D converter with the same SNR.
13. Conversion time is defined as the time from
when the convert start signal CS is brought
low to when SDAT goes high, indicating that
output data is ready to be clocked out. This
can be as small as a few cycles of the
isolated modulator clock and is determined
by the frequency of the isolated modulator
clock and the selected Conversion and Pre-
Trigger modes. For determining the true
signal delay characteristics of the A/D
converter for closed-loop phase margin
calculations, the signal delay specification
should be used.
14. Signal delay is defined as the effective delay
of the input signal through the Isolated A/D
converter. It can be measured by applying a
-200 mV to ± 200 mV step at the input of
modulator and adjusting the relative delay of
the convert start signal CS so that the
output of the converter is at mid scale. The
signal delay is the elapsed time from when
the step signal is applied at the input to
when output data is ready at the end of the
conversion cycle. The signal delay is the
most important specification for
determining the true signal delay
characteristics of the A/D converter and
should be used for determining phase
margins in closed-loop applications. The
signal delay is determined by the frequency
of the modulator clock and which
Conversion Mode is selected, and is
independent of the selected Pre-Trigger
Mode and, therefore, conversion time.
15. The minimum and maximum overrange
detection time is determined by the
frequency of the channel 1 isolated
modulator clock.
16. The minimum and maximum threshold
detection time is determined by the user-
defined configuration of the adjustable
threshold detection circuit and the
frequency of the channel 1 isolated
modulator clock. See the Applications
Information section for further detail. The
specified times apply for the default
17. The signal bandwidth is the frequency at
which the magnitude of the output signal
has decreased 3 dB below its low-frequency
value. The signal bandwidth is determined
by the frequency of the modulator clock and
the selected Conversion Mode.
18. The isolation transient immunity (also
known as Common-Mode Rejection)
specifies the minimum rate-of-rise of an
isolation-mode signal applied across the
isolation boundary beyond which the
modulator clock or data signals are
19. In accordance with UL1577, for devices with
minimum VISO specified at 3750 Vrms, each
isolated modulator (optocoupler) is proof-
tested by applying an insulation test voltage
greater than 4500 Vrms for one second
(leakage current detection limit II-O< 5µA).
This test is performed before the Method b,
100% production test for partial discharge
shown in IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2
Insulation Characteristics Table.
20. This is a two-terminal measurement: pins 1-
4 are shorted together and pins 5-8 are
shorted together.
*The Input-Output Momentary Withstand Voltage is a dielectric voltage rating that should not be interpreted as an input-
output continuous voltage rating. For the continuous voltage rating refer to the IEC/EN/DIN EN 60747-5-2 Insulation
Characteristics Table (if applicable), your equipment level safety specification, or Agilent Application Note 1074,
“Optocoupler Input-Output Endurance Voltage.”
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Note
Input-Output Momentary
Withstand Voltage*
VISO 3750 Vrms RH ≤ 50%, t = 1
min; TA = 25°C
19, 20
Input-Output Resistance RI-O 1012 1013 ΩVI-O = 500 Vdc 20
1011 TA = 100°C
Input-Output Capacitance CI-O 1.4 pF f = 1 MHz 20
Input IC Junction-to-Case
Thermal Resistance
θjci 96 °C/W Thermocouple located at
center underside of package
Output IC Junction-to-Case
Thermal Resistance
θjco 114 °C/W