LV8762T Motor Driver, H-bridge, Forward / Reverse Overview The LV8762T is an 1ch H-bridge driver that can control four operation modes (forward, reverse, brake, and standby) of a motor. The IC is optimal for use in driving brushed DC motors for office equipment. Features * Forward/reverse H-bridge motor driver: 1 channel * IOmax = 1A * Built-in current limiter * Current limit mask function * Built-in thermal shutdown circuit * Alert signal output * Single power supply * Built-in short-circuit protection function (selectable from latch-type or auto reset-type). Applications * Brush DC Motors * Computing & Peripherals * Industrial TSSOP24 (225mil) GENERIC MARKING DIAGRAM XXXXXXXXXX YMDDD Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25C Parameter Symbol Supply voltage VM max Output peak current IO peak Output continuous current Logic input voltage (Note 1,3,4) Conditions Ratings EMO pin input voltage VEMO Allowable power dissipation Pd max 36 V 1.5 A 1.0 A ST , IN1 , IN2 , EMM -0.3 to +6 V ORDERING INFORMATION -0.3 to +6 V 1.4 W Ordering Code: LV8762T-TLM-H LV8762T-MPB-H Mounted on a specified board. (Note 2) Operating temperature Topr -20 to +85 C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 C 1. Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Rating table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 2. Specified circuit board : 57mm57mm1.6mm, glass epoxy both-type board. 3. Absolute maximum ratings represent the value which cannot be exceeded for any length of time 4. Even when the device is used within the range of absolute maximum ratings, as a result of continuous usage under high temperature, high current, high voltage, or drastic temperature change, the reliability of the IC may be degraded. Please contact us for the further details (c) Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2017 May 2017- Rev. 2 XXXXX = Specific Device Code Y = Year M = Month DDD = Additional Traceability Data tw 10ms, duty 20% IO max VIN max Unit 1 Package TSSOP24 (225mil) (Pb-Free / Halogen Free) Shipping (Qty / packing) 2000 / Tape & Reel --- (TLM) 70 / Fan-Fold --- (MPB) For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. Publication Order Number: LV8762T/D LV8762T Recommended Operating Ranges at Ta = 25C Parameter Supply voltage range Symbol (Note 5) Conditions Ratings Unit VM 9 to 32 V VREF input voltage VREF 0 to 3 V Logic input voltage VIN 0 to 5.5 V ST , IN1 , IN2 , EMM 5. Functional operation above the stresses listed in the Recommended Operating Ranges is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses beyond the Recommended Operating Ranges limits may affect device reliability. Electrical Characteristics at Ta = 25C, VM = 24 V, VREF = 1.5 V Parameter Symbol (Note 6) Conditions Ratings min typ Unit max General Standby mode current drain Operating mode current drain REG5 output voltage IMst IM VREG Thermal shutdown temperature Thermal hysteresis width ST = "L" ST = "H", IN1 = "H", IN2 = "L", with no load 100 400 A 3 5 mA IO = -1mA 4.5 5 5.5 V TSD Design guarantee (Note 7) 150 180 200 C TSD Design guarantee (Note 7) C 40 Output block Output on resistance RonU IO = 1A, upper side ON resistance 0.75 0.97 RonD IO = -1A, under side ON resistance 0.5 0.65 Output leakage current IOleak VO = 32V 50 A Diode forward voltage VD 1.2 1.4 V Rising time tr 10% to 90% ID = -1A 100 200 ns Falling time tf 90% to 10% 100 200 ns tpLH IN1 to OUTA, IN2 to OUTB (L H) 550 750 ns tpHL IN1 to OUTA, IN2 to OUTB (H L) 550 750 ns High VINH ST , IN1 , IN2 , EMM Low VINL Input output delay time Control system input block Logic input voltage Logic pin input current 1 IINL ST , IN1 , IN2 , EMM 2.0 5.5 V 0 0.8 V 4 8 12 A 30 50 70 A IINH VIN = 0.8V VIN = 5V VREF input current IREF VREF = 1.5V -0.5 Current limit comparator Vtlim VREF = 1.5V 0.291 0.3 0.309 V ICHOP -6.5 -5 -3.5 A VtCHOP 0.8 1 1.2 V -32.5 -25 -17.5 A 1.2 1.5 1.8 V 27.7 28.7 29.7 V 250 550 s 90 125 155 kHz 0.4 V -6.5 -5 -3.5 A 0.8 1 1.2 V A threshold voltage CHOP pin charge current CHOP pin threshold voltage CMK pin charge current CMK pin threshold voltage ICMK VtCMK Charge pump block Step-up voltage VGH VM = 24V Rising time tONG VG = 0.1F Oscillation frequency Fcp Short-circuit protection block EMO output saturation voltage SCP pin charge current Comparator threshold voltage VEMO ISCP IEMO = 1mA SCP = 0V VtSCP 6. Functional operation above the stresses listed in the Recommended Operating Ranges is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses beyond the Recommended Operating Ranges limits may affect device reliability. 7. Design guarantee value and no measurement is made. 2 LV8762T Package Dimensions unit : mm TSSOP24 4.4x6.5 / TSSOP24 (225 mil) CASE 948BA ISSUE A SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 5.80 1.0 (Unit: mm) 0.32 0.50 NOTE: The measurements are not to guarantee but for reference only. *For additional information on our Pb-Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. 3 LV8762T Pin Assignment 24 EMO PGND 2 23 CMK OUTB 3 22 SCP OUTB 4 21 CHOP RNF 5 20 VREF LV8762T EMM 1 RNF 6 VM 7 VM 8 19 IN2 18 IN1 17 REG5 OUTA 9 16 CP1 OUTA 10 15 CP2 NC 11 14 VG ST 12 13 GND Top view Pd max - Ta Allowable power dissipation, Pd max - W 2.0 1.5 1.40 1.0 0.73 0.5 0 --20 0 20 40 60 Ambient temperature, Ta - 4 80 C 100 LV8762T Substrate Specifications (Substrate recommended for operation of LV8762T) Size : 57mm x 57mm x 1.6mm (two-layer substrate) Material : Glass epoxy both-type board L1 : Copper wiring pattern diagram L2 : Copper wiring pattern diagram Cautions 1) For the set design, employ the derating design with sufficient margin. Stresses to be derated include the voltage, current, junction temperature, power loss, and mechanical stresses such as vibration, impact, and tension. Accordingly, the design must ensure these stresses to be as low or small as possible. The guideline for ordinary derating is shown below : (1)Maximum value 80% or less for the voltage rating (2)Maximum value 80% or less for the current rating (3)Maximum value 80% or less for the temperature rating 2) After the set design, be sure to verify the design with the actual product. Confirm the solder joint state and verify also the reliability of solder joint for the Exposed Die-Pad, etc. Any void or deterioration, if observed in the solder joint of these parts, causes deteriorated thermal conduction, possibly resulting in thermal destruction of IC. 5 GND REG5 ST VG 6 LVS TSD Oscillation circuit Reference Voltage Circuit Charge pump CP1 CP2 Output preamplifier stage + - CHOP Output control logic OUTB EMM IN1 IN2 OUTA RNF CMK Current Limiter Mask Current Limiter Circuit Output preamplifier stage SCP Short-circuit Protection Circuit Brake-Time Setting Circuit VM M + + VREF EMO PGND LV8762T Block Diagram LV8762T Pin Functions Pin No. Pin Name Pin Functtion 18 IN1 Output control signal input pin 1. 19 IN2 Output control signal input pin 2. 1 EMM Short protection mode setting. Equivalent Circuit VREG5 19 18 1 GND 12 ST Standby mode setting VREG5 12 GND 9, 10 OUTA OUTA output pin. 3, 4 OUTB OUTB output pin. 7, 8 VM Motor power-supply connection pin. 5, 6 RNF Current sense resistor connection pin. PGND Power ground. 2 7 8 9 10 3 4 2 5 6 GND 14 VG Charge pump capacitor connection pin. 8 VM Motor power-supply connection pin. 16 CP1 Charge pump capacitor connection pin. 15 CP2 Charge pump capacitor connection pin. VREG5 16 8 15 14 GND Continued on next page. 7 LV8762T Continued from preceding page. Pin No. 20 Pin Name VREF Pin Functtion Equivalent Circuit Reference voltage input pin for output VREG5 current limit setting. 20 GND 17 REG5 Internal reference voltage output pin. VM 17 GND 24 EMO Alert signal output VREG5 24 GND 21 CHOP Capacitor connection for current limit VREG5 break time setting 22 SCP Capacitor connection for short detection time setting GND 21 22 Continued on next page. 8 LV8762T Continued from preceding page. Pin No. 23 Pin Name CMK Pin Functtion Capacitor connection for current limit mask setting Equivalent Circuit VREG5 23 GND 9 LV8762T Description of operation 1.Input Pin Function Each input terminal has the function to prevent the flow of the current from an input to a power supply. Therefore, Even if a power supply (VM) is turned off in the state that applied voltage to an input terminal, the electric current does not flow into the power supply. 1-1) Chip enable function This IC is switched between standby and operating mode by setting the ST pin. In standby mode, the IC is set to power-save mode and all logic is reset. In addition, the internal regulator circuit and charge pump circuit do not operate in standby mode. ST mode Internal regulator "L" or OPEN Standby mode standby Charge pump standby "H" Operation mode operation operation 1-2)DCM output control logic Contol Input Output Mode ST IN1 IN2 OUTA OUTB L * * OFF OFF H L L OFF OFF Output OFF H H L H L CW (forward) H L H L H CCW (reverse) H H H L L Brake 1-3)Current limit control timing chart LIMIT current Output current OUTA Tchop OUTB CHARGE SLOW 10 Standby LV8762T 1-4) Setting the time of current limit brake value This IC can set the time of the current limit break by connecting the capacitor with CHOP-GND. The value of the capacitor is decided according to the following expression. brake time: TCHOP CCHOP x VtCHOP / ICHOP [sec] VtCHOP:CHOP comparator threshold voltage. TYP = 1.0 [V] ICHOP:CHOP charge current. TYP = 5 [A] ex. Cchop = 50[pF] Tchop[sec] = 50[pF] x 1.0[V] / 5[A] = 10[s] 1-5)Setting the current limit value The current limit value of the DCM driver is determined by the VREF voltage and the resistance (RNF) connected across the RNF and GND pins using the following formula : Ilimit [A] (VREF [V] / 5) / RNF []) Assuming VREF = 1.5V, RNF = 1, the current limit is : Ilimit = 1.5V / 5 / 1 = 0.3 A 1-6) Setting the mask of current limit CMK mask of current limit "L" no operation "H" or OPEN operation This function can be switched by CMK pin. This function can prevent the current limit from working by the motor start-up current when the current limit value is set low. 1-7) Setting the time of the mask of current limit This IC can set the time of the mask of current limit by connection the capacitor with CMK-GND. The value of the capacitor is decided according to the following expression. Time of mask:TCMK CCMK x VtCMK / ICMK [sec] VtCMK:CMK comparator threshold voltage. TYP = 1.0 [V] ICMK:CMK charge current. TYP = 25 [A] ex. CCMK = 0.1 [F] TCMK[sec] = 0.1 [F] x 1.5 [V] / 25 [A] = 6[ms] 2.Output short-circuit protection function Thils IC incorporates an output short-circuit protection circuit.It turns the output off to prevent destruction of the IC if a problem such as an output pin being shorted to the motor power supply or ground occurs. Then short-circuit detected, alart signal is assert to EMO pin. 2-1) Output short protect mode This function can be switched by EMM pin. EMM pin is L or OPEN then latch method, H then auto-retry method. EMM Pin Method "L" or OPEN Latch "H" Auto retry 11 LV8762T 2-2) Protection function operation (Latch method) The short-circuit protection circuit is activated when it detects the output short-circuit state. If the short-circuit state continues for the internally preset period ( 2 s), the protection circuit turns off the output from which the short-circuit state has been detected. Then it turns the output on again after a lapse of the timer latch time (TSCP) described later. If the short-circuit state is still detected, it changes all the outputs to the standby mode and retains the state. The latched state is released by setting the ST to L. Output ON H bridge Output state Output ON Stand-by state Outout OFF Threshold voltage SCP voltage Short-circuit detection state Shortcircuit Release Short-circuit Internal counter 1st counter start 1st counter stop 1st counter start 1st counter end 2st counter start 2st counter end 2-3) Protection function operation (Auto retry method) In this mode, short-protection function try repeatedly to detecting short-circuit. The short-circuit detection circuit operates when a short output is detected as well as the latch method. The output is switched to the standby mode when the operation of the short-circuit detection circuit exceeds time (TSCP) of the timer latch, and it returns to the turning on mode again after 2 ms (typ). At this time, the switching mode is repeated when is still in the overcurrent mode until the overcurrent mode is made clear. 2-4)Unusual Condition Warning Output Pin (EMO) The LV8762T is provided with the EMO pin which notifies the CPU of an unusual condition if the protection circuit operates by detecting an abnormal condition of the IC. This pin is of the open-drain output type, and if abnormality is detected, the EMO output becomes (EMO=L) of on. The EMO pin is placed in the ON state when one of the following conditions occurs. 1. Shorting-to-power or shorting-to-ground occurs at the output pin and the output short-circuit protection circuit is activated. 2. The IC junction temperature rises and the thermal protection circuit is activated. 2-5)Timer latch-up (TSCP) The user can set the time at which the outputs are turned off when a short-circuit occurs by connecting a capacitor (CSCP) across the SCP and GND pins. The value of the capacitor (CSCP) can be determined by the following formula : Timer latch-up : TSCP TSCP CSCP x VtSCP / ISCP [sec] VtSCP : Comparator threshold voltage (1 V typical) ISCP : SCP charge current (5 A typical) 12 LV8762T 3.Thermal shutdown function The thermal shutdown circuit is included, and the output is turned off when junction temperature Tj exceeds 180C, and the abnormal state warning output(EMO pin) is turned on at the same time. When the temperature falls hysteresis level, output is driven again (automatic restoration) The thermal shutdown circuit doesn't guarantee protection of the set and the destruction prevention because it works at the temperature that is higher than rating (Tjmax = 150C) of the junction temperature TSD=180C (typ) TSD=40C (typ) 4.Charge pump Circuit When the ST pin is set High, the charge pump circuit operates and the VG pin voltage is boosted from the VM voltage to the VM+VREG5 voltage. If the VG pin voltage is not boosted to VM + 4 V or more, the output pin cannot be turned on. Therefore it is recommended that the drive of the motor is started after the time has passed tONG or more. ST VG pin voltage VM+VREG5 VM+4V VM tONG 13 LV8762T 5.Application Circuit Example Control input 1 EMM EMO 24 2 PGND CMK 23 3 OUTB SCP 22 4 OUTB CHOP 21 Overcurrent detection monitor pin 0.1 F 50pF 5 RNF VREF 20 LV8762T 6 RNF M 7 VM - + Control input 8 VM IN2 19 Control input IN1 18 REG5 17 9 OUTA CP1 16 10 OUTA CP2 15 11 NC VG 14 12 ST GND 13 Current limit value When VREF = 1.5 V, Ilimit = Vref / 5 / RNF = 1.5 V / 5 / 1 = 0.3 A Setting the current limit regeneration time and short-circuit detection time TSCP CSCP VtSCP / ISCP = 50 pF 1 V / 5 A = 10 s Setting at current limit mask time TCMK CCMK x VtCMK / ICMK = 0.1 F 1.5 V / 25 A = 6 ms Setting at current limit brake time TCHOP CCHOP x VtCHOP / ICHOP = 50 pF x 1 V / 5 A = 10 s * The external part constant is a reference value. 14 50pF Output current setting input LV8762T ON Semiconductor and the ON Semiconductor logo are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor's product/patent coverage may be accessed at ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. Buyer is responsible for its products and applications using ON Semiconductor products, including compliance with all laws, regulations and safety requirements or standards, regardless of any support or applications information provided by ON Semiconductor. "Typical" parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including "Typicals" must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. Should Buyer purchase or use ON Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold ON Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that ON Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. ON Semiconductor is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. 15 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: ON Semiconductor: LV8762T-MPB-H LV8762TEVB