LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS GENERAL DESCRIPTION Motorola now offers a very broad selection of linear integrated circuit chips. Among the types of circuits which compose the linear family there are: . Operational Amplifiers Voltage Regulators Comparators . Drivers and Receivers . Sense Amplifiers . D/A and A/D Converters As a general rule of thumb, all linear chips from Motorola are 100% unit probed to the D.C. parameters given in Volume 6 of the Semiconductor Data Library. Far specific information on electrical parameters which are probed contact the nearest Motorola Sales Office. mmooOmp STANDARD FEATURES FOR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT CHIPS All linear integrated circuit chips... are 100% electrically tested to sufficient param- eter limits (min/max) to permit distinct identi- fication as either premium or industrial versions @ employ phosphorsilicate passivation which pro- tects the entire active surface area including metallization interconnects during shipping and handling : @ are 100% visually inspected to a modified cri- teria per MIL-STD-883, Method 2010, Condi- tion B @ incorporate a minimum of 4000 A gold backing to ensure positive adherence bonding GENERAL PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LINEAR CHIPS The following characteristics represent the vast majority of all Motorola linear chips. Since an indi- vidual chip type may vary slightly, contact your local sales office for information regarding physical charac- teristics critical to a specific application. The overall size and final metallization patterns are shown in the following pages; however the geometries shown and MIC numbers listed are current at the date of print- ing. Since we are constantly striving to improve the quality, performance, and yield of our linear devices we cannot be responsible for changes at future dates. Please contact your local Motorola Sales representative for the most current information. A. Chips thickness: 8 + 1 mil B. Passivation: Phosphorsilicate C. Passivation thickness: 5kA + 1k D. Metallization: Aluminum E. Metallization thickness: 12kA + 2kA F. Back metallization: Gold, alloyed G. Bonding pad dimensions: Typical 4.0 mil x 5.0 mil H. Overall chip dimensions: See pages that follow for individual device type. Tolerance of +5 mils should be allowed. HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Although passivation on all chips provides protec- tion in shipping and handling, care should be exercised to prevent damaging the face of the chip. A vacuum pickup is most useful for this purpose; tweezers are not recommended. There are four basic requirements for handling devices in a prudent manner: 1. Store the chips in a covered or sealed container 2. Store devices in an environment of no more than 30% relative humidity 3. Process the chips in a non-inert atmosphere not exceeding 100C, or in an inert atmosphere not exceeding 400C. 4. Processing equipment should conform to the minimum standards that are normally em- ployed by semiconductor manufacturers. Motorolas engineering staff is available for consul- tation in the event of correlation or processing prob- lems encountered in the use of Motorola linear chips. For assistance, please contact your nearest Motorola sales representative. CHIP AND WAFER PACKAGING Chips Motorolas linear integrated circuit chips come Packaged to the customer in the Multi-Pak carrier. Refer to page 1-11, Figure 7. Wafers Motorolas linear integrated circuit wafers come packaged to the customer in the Wafer-Pak plastic bow. The wafer has been probed and rejects are designated by a red color dot on the die surface. Refer to page 1-8, Figure 2. HOW TO ORDER LINEAR CHIPS OR WAFERS FROM MOTOROLA 1. Remove all suffix package designators from the desired device type. (EXAMPLE: MC1741CP1 now becomes MC1741C) 2. Add a C to the prefix designator if individual chips are desired. (EXAMPLE: MC1741C now is McC1741C) Add a W to the prefix designator if a wafer is de- sired. (EXAMPLE: MC1741C now is MCW1741C) 3. When ordering chips, two options are available: a. The ~1 suffix designator will deliver to you 10 chips per Multi-Pak, up to 1000 chips. (EXAMPLE: MCC1741C-1} 5-2IAAT ATT MCC5400 Series (55 to +125C) MCC7400 Series (0 to +75C) MC5400/7400 Series MSI circuits comprise a family of transistor-transistor logic similar in design to the SSI series but more complex in function. The family has a medium operating speed (15-30 MHz clock rate), good external noise immunity, high fan out, and capability of driving capacitive loads of up to 600 pF. Type Wafer Chip Mask Size 0 to 75C 55 to +126C Function Set # | (Mils) MCC74H87 MCC54H87 4-Bit True/Complement Zero/One Element 8GM 69x72 MCC7413 MCC5413 Dual 4-Input NAND Gate Schmitt Trigger 7KB 40x42 MCC7414 MCC5414 Hex Schmitt Trigger Inverter 2JA 56x62 MCC7441A MCC5441A BCD to Decimal Decoder/High Level Driver 17F 74x79 MCC7442 MCC5442 BCD to Decimal Decoder 6FE 64x66 MCC7443 MCC5443 Excess Three-to-Decimal Decoder 29R 68x67 MCC7444 MCC5444 Excess Three Gray to Decimal Decoder 29R 68x67 MCC7445 MCC5445 BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver 96M 79x87 MCC7446 MCC5446 BCD to seven Segment Decoder/Driver 83M 65x76 MCC7447 MCC5447 BCD to seven Segment Decoder/Driver 83M 65x76 MCC7448 MCC5448 BCD to seven Segment Decoder/Driver OIL 88x79 MCC7449 McCC5449 BCD to seven Segment Decoder/Driver O1L 88x79 MCC7475 MCC5475 Quad Latch TAS 62x68 MCC7480 MCC5480 Gated Full Adder (1-Bit) 10L 58x58 MCC7481 MCC5481 16-Bit Scratch Pad Memory TPR 77x82 MCC17482 MCC15482 2 Bit Full Adder 13E 65x82 MCC27482 MCC25482 2 Bit Full Adder 13E 65x82 MCC7483 MCC5483 4-Bit Full Adder 10M 69x80 MCC7484 McCC5484 16-Bit Scratch Pad Memory IPR 77x82 MCC7485 MCC5485 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator 7GK 65x77 MCC7486 MCC5486 Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive OR Gate 8GM 69x72 MCC7490A MCC5490A Decade Counter 3HT 69x71 MCC7491A MCC5491A 8-Bit Shift Register O5R 59x72 MCC7492A MCC5492A4 Divide by 12 Counter 3HT 69x71 MCC7493A MCC5493A 4-Bit Binary Counter 3HT 69x71 MCC7494. MCC5494 4-Bit Shift Register 66N 66x76 MCC7495A MCC5495A 4-Bit Shift Register (Parallel Access) 6RP 64x88 MCC7496 MCC5496 5-Bit Shift Register 8BG 86x77 MCC7497 MCC5497 Synchronous 6-Bit Binary Rate Multiplier 7MG 94x101 MCC74100 MCC54100 Dual 4-Bit Latch 31R 70x72 MCC74120 MCC54120 Dual Pulse Synchronizers/Drivers 7HG 68x69 MCC74121 MCC54121 Monostable Multivibrator 97M 50x83 MCC74122 MCC54122 Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator 6GR 52x53 MCC74123 MCC54123 Dual Retriggerable Monostable Multivibrator 3HA 58x100 MCC74132 MCC54132 Quadruple 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger 1KD 49x52 MCC74136 MCC54136 Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive OR Gate (0.C.) 8GM 69x72 MCC74141 MCC54141 BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver 8HF 77x78 MCC74145 MCC54145 BCD to Decimal Decoder/Driver 96M 79x87 MCC74150 MCC54150 16 Channel Data Selector/Multiplexer 68N 64x80 (continued) 7-140MTTL MSI MCC5400/7400 Series (continued) MCC7443/MCC5443 Excess Three-to-Decimal Decoder MCC7444/MCC5444 Excess Three Gray to Decimal Decoder 68 x 67 (29R) PIN CONNECTIONS 150A aoKo 1 Pesan esi a1p 2 (GURLENL Q27 3 RSS : 140418 as LO 4 a es : G4-o 5 G5 +0 6 1301c Q6 }0 7 a7 09 st_ 10 120-HD Q9L 5 11 Vcc = Pin 16 Gnd=Pin 8 MCC7445/MCC5445 BCD to Decimal Decoder /Driver 79 x 87 (96M) PIN CONNECTIONS 1504A aor 1 a1i-f-o 2 Q2-- 3 1404B a3rO4 G4/0 5 a5+0 6 13 04c a6 +0 7 G7 +o 9 G8 +o 10 1204D G@9+-o 11 Vec = Pin 16 GND = Pin8 tod = 50 ns max 7-144