238.5 MHz SAW Filter
10 MHz Bandwidth
Part Number: SF0239CD03100S
IDT • SAW Products • 324 Clark Street, Worcester, MA 01606, USA • Ph 1-508-852-5400 • Fax 1-508-852-8456
www.idt.com DSSF0239CD03100S Rev - 2-Nov-2006
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Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Center Frequency ( Fc) - 238.5 - MHz
Insertion Loss - 11.5 13.5 dB
Passband Ripple 1 - 0.6 1.5 dB p-p
Phase Deviation from Linear 1 - 9 - deg. p-p
1.5 dB Bandwidth 8.84 9.2 - MHz
Rejection (138.5 to 218.5 MHz) 45 49 - dB
Rejection (218.5 to 228.5 MHz) 30 40 - dB
Rejection (228.5 to 230 MHz) 10 21 - dB
Rejection (247 to 248.5 MHz) 10 25 - dB
Rejection (248.5 to 258.5 MHz) 30 38 - dB
VSWR over Fc ± 4.42 MHz - 2.2 2.5 :1
System Source and Load Impedance 50 Ω
Ambient Temperature - 25 - ºC
Notes: 1. Evaluated over any 4 MHz contiguous bandwidth within 238.5 ± 5 MHz.
2. Limits are met over the full operating temperature range.
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Storage Temperature Range -40 25 85 ˚C
Operating Temperature Range -20 25 85 ˚C
Input Power Level - 10 20 dBm
Typical component values:
1. Recommend use of 2% tolerance matching components. Inductor Q=45.
2. Component values are for reference only and may change depending on board layout.
Ls1 = 18 nH Ls2 = 22 nH
Cp1 = 39 pF Cp2 = 33 pF
50 Ω
50 Ω
10 4
all other pads