Protected LED Array Driver
Allegro MicroSystems, LLC
115 Northeast Cutoff
Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 U.S.A.
1.508.853.5000; www.allegromicro.com
Functional Description
The A6263 is a linear current regulator that is designed to pro-
vide drive current and protection for parallel strings of series-
connected high brightness LEDs. It provides up to 4 matched pro-
grammable current outputs at up to 100 mA, with low minimum
net applications, optimum performance is achieved when driving
4 strings of 1 to 3 LEDs, at current up to 100 mA per string.
Current regulation is maintained and the LEDs protected during a
short-to-ground at any point in the LED string. A short-to-ground
on any regulator output terminal disables that offending string
only. Similarly, in the case of an open output pin or an open-LED
fault, all other LED strings remain in regulation. Individual out-
outputs can be connected in parallel to drive higher current LED
Integrated thermal management reduces the regulated current
level at high internal junction temperatures to limit power dis-
sipation. This thermal threshold is programmable and can be
disabled if necessary.
Pin Functions
VIN Supply to the control circuit and current regulators. A small
value ceramic bypass capacitor, typically 100 nF, should be con-
nected from close to this pin to the GND pin.
GND Ground reference connection. Should be connected directly
to the ground plane of the circuit board.
to GND to set reference current and thereby LED current.
THTH Sets the thermal monitor threshold, TJM
, where the output
current starts to reduce with increasing temperature. Connecting
THTH directly to GND will disable the thermal monitor function.
LA[1:4] Current source connected to the anode of the first LED
output. In this document “LAx” indicates any one of the outputs.
LED Current Level
The LED current is controlled by 4 matching linear current regu-
basic equation that determines the nominal output current at each
LAx pin is:
ILAx =
where ILAxisinmAandRREFisinkΩ.
The output current may be reduced from the set level by the ther-
mal monitor circuit.
Conversely the reference resistors may be calculated from:
where ILAxisinmAandRREFisinkΩ.
For example, where the required current is 90 mA for both chan-
nels the resistor value will be:
= =
RREF 0.167 kΩ
These equations completely define the output currents with
respect to the setting resistors. However, for further reference, a
more detailed description of the internal reference current calcu-
lations is included below.
It is important to note that because the A6263 is a linear regu-
lator, the maximum regulated current is limited by the power
dissipation and the thermal management in the application. All
current calculations assume adequate heatsinking for the dissi-
pated power. Thermal management is at least as important as the
electrical design in all applications. In high current high ambient
temperature applications the thermal management is the most
important aspect of the systems design. The application section
below provides further detail on thermal management and the
associated limitations.
Operation with Fewer LED Strings or Higher Currents
The A6263 may be configured to use fewer than all four LED
strings, either by connecting outputs together for higher currents,
tor for that output. It is also acceptable, though not recommended,
to leave an unused LAx pin floating.