Datasheet USB Audio Decoder LSI Series AAC/WMA/MP3 +SD Memory Card + iPod BU94502Cxxx Series Description Package W(Typ) x D(Typ) x H(Max) BU94502Cxxx series are WAV/AAC/WMA/MP3 decoder LSI which contains USB host, SD card I/F, audio DAC, system controller, regulator for internal CORE power supply. Features USB2.0 Full Speed host I/F function contained. SD card I/F function contained. 2 I C format I/F function contained. 2 Protocol conversion from I C to USB HID or from USB 2 HID to I C. MP3 decode function contained. (Available for MPEG1, 2 and 2.5, Layer 1, 2 and 3) WMA decode function contained. (Available for WMA9 standard and not available for DRM) AAC decode function contained. (Available for MPEG4 AAC-LC and not available for DRM) WAV format file playing function contained. Sample Rate Converter contained. System Controller contained. FAT analysis function contained. Folder pass table making function contained. ID3TAG and WMATAG and AACTAG Analysis. Fast forward playing and fast backward playing function contained. Resume function contained. Reading a specified file data is possible from connected memory. LUN is selectable. Sound Effect function contained. Digital Audio Out function contained. 2 (I S, EIAJ, S/PDIF) Audio DAC contained. Regulator for internal CORE power supply contained. VQFN040V6060 6.00mm x 6.00mm x 1.00mm SQFP-T52 12.00mm x 12.00mm x 1.50mm Applications Audio products, etc Line up Part number Package Ordering part number BU94502CMUV VQFN040V6060 Reel of 2000 BU94502CMUV-E2 BU94502CKS2 SQFP-T52 Tray of 1000 BU94502CKS2 Product structureSilicon Monolithic integrated circuit (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211114001 Radiation resistance design is not arranged 1/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Basic circuit application diagram -part1 This LSI builds in regulator for internal CORE power supply (1.5V). DVDD_M terminal of 10PIN connect to bypass condenser and don't connect to power supply (3.3V) Please confirm the optimal oscillation circuit parameters applicable to your systems or products with the oscillator manufacturer in advance. VQFN040V6060 package exposes its frame of the backside of package. Note that this part is assumed to use after providing heat dissipation treatment to improve heat dissipation efficiency. Try to occupy as wide as possible with heat dissipation pattern not only on the board surface but also the backside. Figure 1. an example of connection circuit application(BU94502CMUV) (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 2/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Basic circuit application diagram -part2 This LSI builds in regulator for internal CORE power supply (1.5V). DVDD_M terminal of 52PIN connect to bypass condenser and don't connect to power supply (3.3V) Please confirm the optimal oscillation circuit parameters applicable to your systems or products with the oscillator manufacturer in advance. Figure 2. an example of connection circuit application(BU94502CKS2) (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 3/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Difference of BU94502Cxxx Series features Item BU94502CMUV BU94502CKS2 Package VQFN040V6060 SQFP-T52 Number of pins Power supply USB Host I/F SD card I/F 40pin 52pin 3.3V (inner 1.5V regulator ) USB Full speed(12Mbps), USB mass storage class 3.3V (inner 1.5V regulator ) USB Full speed(12Mbps), USB mass storage class SPI mode SD, SDHC, MMC, mini-SDcard SPI mode SD, SDHC, MC, mini-SDcard Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported Protocol conversion from I2C to USB HID or from USB HID to I2C 2 I C command I/F (Slave) Patch cord download Change the Setting of timeout and retry mode in USB memory or SD card mount operation Audio line output Digital audio output Sample rate convertor clock Playable MP3 files Supported Supported I S, EIAJ, SPDIF I S, EIAJ, SPDIF Supported Supported 2 16.9344MHz (Note 1) *.mp3, *.mp2, *.mp1 2 16.9344MHz (Note 1) *.mp3, *.mp2, *.mp1 Playable WMA files *.asf, *.wma *.asf, *.wma Playable AAC files *.m4a, *.3gp, *.mp4 *.m4a, *.3gp, *.mp4 Playable WAV files *.wav *.wav (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 4/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Block diagram USB I/F File System (FAT12 /16/32) MP3/WMA/ AAC/WAV Decoder I2S OUT Data Buffer TAG Analysis / Browsing SD I/F 16.9344 MHz 3.3V USB/ System PLL 1.5V LDO USB/SD SRC SPDIF OUT I2S Out SPIDIF Out System Controller Audio DAC Command I/F Power AMP Serial (SPI) Data I/F Title5.SONG_E 01:10 AlbumALBUMZ ArtistARTISTA User I/F MCU Main Control Block Figure 3. Block diagram (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 5/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Arrangement of Terminals BU94502CMUV BUSY MCHNG SEARCH IRPTO 7 6 5 4 DVSSIO SCL 8 TMODE SDA 9 RESETX DVDD_M 10 3 2 1 DVSSIO 11 40 SD_CS DVDDIO 12 39 SD_DI TEST1 13 38 SD_CLK XIN_PLL 14 37 SD_DO XOUT_PLL 15 36 SD_CON TEST2 16 35 DAVDD BU94502CMUV VQFN040V6060 RDACO 31 DAVSS 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AMUTE 22 DVDDIO 21 MCLK 32 20 BCK 19 AVSSC DATA AVDDC LRCK/SPDIF VCDACO REXTI LDACO 33 CLK24MI 34 18 USBDP 17 USBDM TEST3 TEST4 Figure 4. Arrangement of Terminals (BU94502CMUV) BU94502CKS2 N.C. DVSSIO 46 N.C. 47 RESETX 48 IRPTO N.C. 49 TMODE SEARCH SCL BUSY SDA 51 50 MCHNG DVDD_M 52 45 44 43 42 41 40 1 39 N.C. DVDDIO 2 38 SD_CS TEST1 3 37 SD_DI XIN_PLL 4 36 SD_CLK XOUT_PLL 5 35 SD_DO N.C. 6 34 SD_CON N.C. 7 33 N.C. TEST2 8 32 N.C. TEST3 9 31 DAVDD TEST4 10 30 LDACO AVDDC 11 29 VCDACO AVSSC 12 28 RDACO N.C. 13 27 DAVSS CLK24MI LRCK/SPDIF N.C. 21 22 23 24 25 26 AMUTE REXTI 20 N.C. 19 DVDDIO 18 N.C. 17 MCLK 16 DATA 15 BCK 14 USBDP BU94502CKS2 SQFP-T52 USBDM DVSSIO Figure 5. Arrangement of Terminals (BU94502CKS2) (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 6/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Description of Terminals -part1 BU94502CMUV No 1 Pin Name DVSSIO IO Cir IO PU Function GND terminal H: Release RESET, L: RESET Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. Connection interrupt output terminal Search flag output terminal File play end flag output terminal Command analysis BUSY output temrinal 2 I C slave clock input terminal 2 I C slave data I/O terminal CORE power (VDD2) monitor terminal. Connect it to bypass capacitor. GND terminal IO power (VDD1) terminal Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. X'tal (16.9344MHz) connection input terminal. X'tal (16.9344MHz) connection output terminal. Pull it up at VDD1 power. Pull it up at VDD1 power. (Note 3) 2 RESETX A I PU 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TMODE IRPTO SEARC MCHNG BUSY SCL SDA H B B B B I I I O O O O I I/O 10 DVDD_M 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DVSSIO DVDDIO TEST1 XIN_PLL XOUT_PLL TEST2 TEST3 E E H H I I O I I 18 TEST4 H I PU PU (Note PU 19 20 21 22 AVDDC AVSSC USB_DM USB_DP C C I/O I/O 23 REXTI D O 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 CLK24MI LRCK/SPDIF BCK DATA MCLK DVDDIO AMUTE DAVSS RDACO VCDACO LDACO DAVDD SD_CON SD_DO SD_CLK SD_DI SD_CS B B B B B G F J F B B B B B B I/O O O O O O O O O I I O O O (Note 2) (Note 2) 1) (Note 3) (Note 3) PU (Note 3) PU Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. USB Power supply (VDD1) terminal USB GND terminal USB DI/O terminal USB D+ I/O terminal USB bias resistor (12k) connecting terminal Arrange the resistance of 12k near PIN, and wiring on the PIN side doesn't cross with other signal lines. 24MHz clock input terminal at SRC through mode Digital Audio channel clock or SPDIF output terminal Digital Audio bit clock output terminal Digital Audio data output terminal Audio Master clock (12.288MHz/16.9344MHz) output terminal IO Power supply (VDD1) terminal Audio Mute output terminal (HMUTE OFF, LMUTE ON) Audio DAC GND terminal Audio DAC Rch Line output terminal Audio DAC Reference voltage output terminal Audio DAC Lch Line output terminal Audio DAC Power supply (VDD1) terminal SD card Connect terminal SD card Data In terminal SD card Clock terminal SD card Data Out terminal SD card Chip select terminal (Note 1) Pull-Up turns OFF when L is input. (Note 2) An external pull-up resistor is required because of Open Drain IO (Note 3) please input L level directly without resistance when you input L to the terminal with Pull-Up (about 33 k) (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 7/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Description of Terminals -part2 BU94502CKS2 No Pin Name IO Cir IO PU PU PU (Note PU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DVSSIO DVDDIO TEST1 XIN_PLL XOUT_PLL N.C. N.C. TEST2 TEST3 E E H H I I O I I 10 TEST4 H I 11 12 13 14 15 AVDDC AVSSC N.C. USB_DM USB_DP C C I/O I/O 16 REXTI D O 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 CLK24MI LRCK/SPDIF N.C. BCK DATA MCLK N.C. N.C. DVDDIO AMUTE DAVSS RDACO VCDACO LDACO DAVDD N.C. N.C. SD_CON SD_DO SD_CLK SD_DI SD_CS N.C. DVSSIO N.C. N.C. RESETX TMODE IRPTO N.C. SEARCH MCHNG BUSY SCL SDA B B B B B G F J F B B B B B B A H B B B B I I I O O O O O O O O I I O O O I I O O O O I I/O 52 DVDD_M 1) (Note 3) (Note 3) PU (Note 3) PU (Note 3) PU (Note 2) (Note 2) Function GND terminal IO power (VDD1) terminal Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. X'tal (16.9344MHz) connection input terminal. X'tal (16.9344MHz) connection output terminal. Non Connection Non Connection Pull it up at VDD1 power. Pull it up at VDD1 power. Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. USB Power supply (VDD1) terminal USB GND terminal Non Connection USB DI/O terminal USB D+ I/O terminal USB bias resistor (12k) connecting terminal Arrange the resistance of 12k near PIN, and wiring on the PIN side doesn't to cross with other signal lines. 24MHz clock input terminal at SRC through mode Digital Audio channel clock or SPDIF output terminal Non Connection Digital Audio bit clock output terminal Digital Audio data output terminal Audio Master clock (12.288MHz/16.9344MHz) output terminal Non Connection Non Connection IO Power supply (VDD1) terminal Audio Mute output terminal (HMUTE OFF, LMUTE ON) Audio DAC GND terminal Audio DAC Rch Line output terminal Audio DAC Reference voltage output terminal Audio DAC Lch Line output terminal Audio DAC Power supply (VDD1) terminal Non Connection Non Connection SD card Connect terminal SD card Data In terminal SD card Clock terminal SD card Data Out terminal SD card Chip select terminal Non Connection GND terminal Non Connection Non Connection H: Release RESET, L: RESET Test mode terminal. Connect it to GND. Connection interrupt output terminal Non Connection Search flag output terminal File play end flag output terminal Command analysis BUSY output terminal 2 I C slave clock input terminal 2 I C slave data I/O terminal CORE power (VDD2) monitor terminal Connect it to bypass capacitor. (Note 1) Pull-Up turns OFF when L is input. (Note 2) An external pull-up resistor is required because of Open Drain IO (Note 3) please input L level directly without resistance when you input L to the terminal with Pull-Up (about 33 k) (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 8/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Terminal equivalent circuit diagram A DVDDIO B DVDDIO DVDDIO C D DVDDIO D P AVDDC AVDDC D M DVSSIO E VDD_PLL F VDD_PLL XIN 15K AVSSC 15K AVSSC DVSSIO G DVDDIO DAVDD AVSSC H DVDDIO XOUT VSS_PLL VSS_PLL DVSSIO DAVSS I DVSSIO J DAVDD DVSSIO DAVSS (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 9/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Description of each block's movement -part1 1. USB host interface 2. Builds in the USB Full speed (12Mbps) HOST control function. Supports the USB mass storage class. 2 Converts the protocol from I C to USB (HID) or vice versa during communications with the master microcomputer.* Builds in isochronous transmission functions up to 192byte/Frame. * Builds in the interrupt IN transfer function. * Doesn't support external HUB. Doesn't support MTP. *These functions are available for a device having two or more configurations. SD card interface 3. Supports the SPI mode. Supports SDHC memory cards. Supports MMC, mini-SD and micro-SD cards. Does not support CPRM. 2 I C command interface (Slave I/F) 4. Communicates with the master microcomputer using the I C interface format. 2 Operates as I C slave I/F. Supports the standard mode (100kbps) and the fast mode (400kbps). Supports 7-bit addresses. Audio output 5. Supports audio line outputs from built-in 1bit-DAC. Builds in the digital soft mute function. * 2 Supports digital audio outputs of the I S format, the EIAJ format and those and the digital audio interface (SPDIF). Builds in sound effects including POPS, JAZZ, ROCK, CLASSIC, R&B and Bass Boost. * *This is available for audio line outputs only. Sample rate converter 6. Converts all support sample rates to 44.1 kHz based on the polyphase calculation. Selection of sample rate converter ON / OFF is possible by the command configuration. 2 * Supports only digital audio outputs of the I S and EIAJ format and When sample rate converter is used in off, enter the clock of 24.576 MHz synchronizing with the clock of 16.9344 MHz ( enter XIN_PLL terminal ) to the CLK24MI terminal. System controller 2 Control all operations including interface control to the master microcomputer, USB device access, SD card access, FAT analysis, sort function, decoding, encoding and audio output. 7. FAT analysis Supports FAT32, FAT16 and FAT12 file system. Supports VFAT (long file name). Supports multi-partition up to 1 partition. Supports multi-drive up to 1 drive. Supports changeover of LUN (Logical Unit Number) and possible that Test Unit Ready of other LUN is confirmed during the playback. Supports playable folder hierarchies up to 16 hierarchies whose full path including the file name is within 260 characters. Supports playable file extension of *.wav for WAV files. Supports playable file extensions of *.m4a, *.3gp and *.mp4 for AAC files. Supports playable file extensions of *.asf and *.wma for WMA files. Supports playable file extensions of *.mp3, *.mp2 and*.mp1 for MP3 files. For *.mp2 and *.mp1, the function allows you to select whether to play. Does not extinguish between upper case letters and lower case letters of file extensions. Up to 256 folders and 256 files can be sorted and played in the order of UNICODE when sorting functional effective. Can obtain 5 file names ahead from current music file. Can obtain a folder name or file name within 128 bytes. Supports 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096 bytes per sector. Playable file size up to 2G-1 byte. A file over 2Gbyte is recognized as a playable file, too. But, it is for 2Gbyte -1byte that it can play. Supports the device size up to FAT specification (2T byte). (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 10/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Description of each block's movement 8. -part2 Control from master microcomputer (little endian order) 2 Can control from the master microcomputer using the I C interface. Controllable using commands of play, pause, stop, tune skip, tune forward, folder move, device change, volume setting, repeat change, random play, digital audio output setting, sound effect setting and etc. Can read information on internal status during play or stop, folder number, file number within the folder, play time, total number of folders, total number of files, name of folder being played, name of file being played and TAG (title, artist, album, genre), and etc. 9. MP3 decoder Supports MPEG audio 1, 2 and 2.5. Supports Layer1, 2 and 3. Supports sample rate of 8 k, 16 k, 32 k, 11.025 k, 22.05 k, 44.1 k, 12 k, 24 k and 48 kHz. Supports bit rate of 8 to 320 kbps and VBR (Variable Bit Rate). *Excluding the free format Supports ID3TAG V1.0, V.1, 1, V2.2, V2.3 and V2.4. (Up to 128 bytes can obtain for album, artist, title and genre, respectively.) 10. WMA decoder 11. AAC decoder Supports MPEG4 AAC-LC (Audio stream). Based on 3GPP TS 26.244 and iTunes. Supports File Type of m4a, mp4 and 3gpX. (X stands for any numeric value.) Not supports DRM files. Supports sample rate of 8 k, 16 k, 32 k, 11.025 k, 22.05 k, 44.1 k, 12 k, 24 k and 48 kHz. Supports bit rate of 8 to 320kbps and VBR (Variable Bit Rate). Supports AACTAG (iTunes Meta-data and 3GP Meta-data). (Up to 128 bytes can obtain for album, artist, title and genre, respectively.) *For files other than those encoded by iTunes, sound interruption may occur when skipping or forwarding to the next tune if streams such as gaps and video data are contained in the file. 12. WAV play Supports WAV format. Supports sample rate of 8 k, 16 k, 32 k, 11.025 k, 22.05 k, 44.1 k, 12 k, 24 k and 48 kHz. Supports 16-bit PCM data. Supports RIFF TAG. (Up to 128 bytes can obtain for album, artist, title and genre, respectively.) 13. Repeat and random play 14. Supports Windows Media Audio 9 standard. Not supports DRM files. Supports sample rate of 8 k, 16 k, 32 k, 11.025 k, 22.05 k, 44.1 k and 48 kHz. Supports bit rate of 5 to 384 kbps and VBR (Variable Bit Rate). Supports WMA-TAG. (Up to 128 bytes can obtain for album, artist, title and genre, respectively.) Supports repeat within the memory, repeat within folder and repeat with single tune. Supports random play in the whole memory or the playing Folder. Can select auto-play of next music or stop playing at the end of current music playing. Read from files within memory Can read the data from specified file stored in the specified folder within the memory. (c) 2016 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. TSZ2211115001 11/66 TSZ02201-0V1V0E600170-1-2 2016.01.05 Rev.001 BU94502Cxxx series Absolute maximum ratings (Ta = 25) Parameter Supply voltage(Analog, I/O) Input voltage Storage temperature range Operating temperature range VQFN040V6060 Package (Note 1) Power dissipation SQFP-T52 Package (Note 1) Power dissipation Symbol VDD1MAX VIN TSTG Limits -0.3 to 4.5 -0.3 to VDD1 + 0.3 -55 to 125 Unit V V Comment DVDDIO, DAVDD, AVDDC TOPR -40 to 85 PD1 800 mW BU94502CMUV PD2 850 mW BU94502CKS2 C C (Note 1)74.2mm x 74.2mm x 1.6mm, FR4, 1-layer glass epoxy board (Copper area 23.69mm2) In the case of use at Ta=25 or more, 8mW should be reduced per 1. (Note 2)In the case of use at Ta=25 or more, 8.5mW should be reduced per 1. Operating conditions (Ta = 25) Parameter Supply voltage(Analog, I/O) Symbol VDD1 Limits 3.0 to 3.6 Unit V Comment DVDDIO, DAVDD, AVDDC Electrical characteristics (Unless specified, Ta=25VDD1=3.3V, DVSS=AVSSC=VSS_PLL=DAVSS=0V, XIN_PLL=16.9344MHz) Limits Parameter Symbol Unit Condition MIN. TYP. MAX. Circuit current When USB memory is IDD1USB1 51.0 75.0 mA (Note 1) (VDD1 USB1) played. (Note 1) Circuit current (VDD1 SD1) IDD1SD1 26.0 45.0 mA When SD card is played. (Note 2) H-Level input voltage VIH VDD1*0.7 VDD1 V (Note 2) L-Level input voltage VIL DVSS VDD1*0.3 V (Note 3) H-Level output voltage1 VOH1 VDD1-0.4 VDD1 V IOH=-1.6mA (Note 3) L-Level output voltage1 VOL1 0 0.4 V IOL=1.6mA (Note 4) L-Level output voltage2 VOL2 0 0.4 V IOL=3.6mA (Note 5) H-Level output voltage3 VOH3 VDD1-0.4 VDD1 V IOH=-0.6mA (Note 5) L-Level output voltage3 VOL3 0 0.4 V IOL=0.6mA (Note 6) H-Level output voltage4 VOH4 VDD1-1.0 VDD1 V IOH=-1.6mA (Note 6) L-Level output voltage4 VOL4 0 1.0 V IOL=1.6mA (Note 7) H-Level input voltage VIHUSB VDD1*0.6 VDD1 V (Note 7) L-Level input voltage VILUSB AVSSC VDD1*0.3 V (Note 7) Output impedance(H) ZOH 22.0 45.0 60.0 (Note 7) Output impedance(L) ZOL 22.0 45.0 60.0 (Note 7) H-Level output voltage VOHUSB VDD1-0.5 VDD1 V (Note 7) L-Level output voltage VOLUSB 0 0.3 V (Note 7) Rise/Fall time Tr/Tf 11 ns Output capacity 50pF (Note 7) Voltage of crossing point VCRS VDD1/2 V Output capacity 50pF (Note 7) Range of differential input VDIFF 0.8 2.5 V (Note 7) Differential input sensitivity VSENS 0.2 V (Note 7) Pull-down resistance RPD 14.25 20.0 24.8 k