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RESETB In IC reset input, low active.
OSCI In Main-clock oscillation input. Mask option to select main-clock type. When
Ring type is used. Connect to GND via the oscillation resistor.
OSCO Out Main-clock oscillation output. Mask option to select main-clock type.
IP0[7:0] /
In General input port with pull-high selection. Each 2 input pins can be
programmed to generate interrupt request and used to release IC from
STOP mode.
BP0[7:0] I/O General input/output pins. When used as output pin, it can be open–drain
or CMOS type and it can sink 8mA for high-current applications. When
used as input pin, there may have a pull-high option and generate
interrupt request to release IC from STOP mode.
When BP0[7] is used as output pin, it can be the IR transmission carrier
for IR applications.
I/O General input/output pins. When used as output pin, it can be open–drain
or CMOS type. When used as input pin, there may have a pull-high
option and generate interrupt request to release IC from STOP mode.
When serial interface is enabled, BP1[6:4] are used as serial interface
I/O General input/output pins. When used as output pin, it can be open–drain
or CMOS type. When used as input pin, there may have a pull-high
option and generate interrupt request to release IC from STOP mode.
OP0[7:0] Out General output pins. The pins of OP0 are Inverter-type output.
DAC Out Current type DAC speaker output.
TEST In Test input, internally pulled low. Do not connect during normal operation.
VDD Power
Positive power supply for µP and peripherals.
VSS Power
Negative power supply for µP and peripherals.
2VDDOSC Power Positive power supply for oscillation.
2VSSOSC Power Negative power supply for oscillation.
2 In order to get a stable oscillating frequency, W567B030~B260 provides these pins for power supply.