7-11-01 SB01191
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Form No. KAC 600
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BIF Doc #720009
KAC 600V 1-1000A
Ordering Information Dimensions
Carton Weight Figure
Type Part Number Qty. (lbs) Number
KAC-1 KAC-7 KAC-17.5
KAC-2 KAC-8 KAC-20
KAC-3 KAC-9 KAC-25 0.50 Fig. 1
KAC-4 KAC-10 KAC-30
KAC-5 KAC-12 10
KAC-6 KAC-15
___________________________________ ______________________
KAC-35 KAC-45 KAC-60 1.40
600V KAC-70 KAC-90
KAC-80 KAC-100 5 1.56 Fig. 2
KAC-110 KAC-150 KAC-200 0.78
KAC-125 KAC-175
___________________________________ __________
KAC-225 KAC-300 KAC-400 1.92
KAC-250 KAC-350 1
___________________________________ ______________________
KAC-450 KAC-600 KAC-800 3.16
KAC-500 KAC-700 Fig. 1
___________________________________ __________
KAC-1000 6.24
†U.L. Recognition on 1 through 600 amperes only. 1 kg = 2.2 l bs 1 lb = 0.45 kg
nInterrupting rating 200kA RMS Symmetrical.
nConsult Bussmann for DC ratings.
Fig. 2: 35-400 Amp Range
Order # Fig. A B1 B2 B3 C D E F G H
KAC-1-30 1 2.875 2.500 — — 1.875 0.406 — 0.563 0.063 0.257
KAC-35-60 2 4.375 — 3.750 3.500 2.750 0.625 0.343 0.813 0.094 0.468
KAC-70-100 2 5.000 — 4.063 3.656 2.750 0.750 0.406 1.000 0.125 0.609
KAC-110-200 2 5.140 — 4.390 3.766 2.906 1.000 0.406 1.500 0.188 0.718
KAC-225-400 2 6.182 — 4.815 4.565 3.000 1.625 0.562 2.000 0.250 0.687
KAC-450-800 1 6.250 4.750 — — 3.063 2.000 — 2.500 0.250 0.563
KAC-1000 1 7.250 4.750 — — 3.063 2.750 — 3.500 0.375 0.563
Dimension in inches.
1mm = 0.0394∑ 1∑ = 25.4mm
For new installations, Bussmann recommends the
700 volt FWP series fuse. The 600V fuses are supplied
as replacements only.