AWS5510S20 Dual Band PHEMT SP4T Antenna Switch with Internal Decoder Product Information Brief - Rev 0 FEATURES CMOS (Ctl-A) * Low Insertion Loss * High Isolation * 2.75 Volt CMOS Comparible Control * No Negative Voltage Requirement * Internal Decoder * TSSOP-16 Surface Mount Package CMOS (Ctl-B) Vdd (2.76V) TSSOP-16 1900 MHz TX (TX1) ANT 800 MHz TX (TX2) (Dimensions 4.1mm x 3.9 x 1.2mm overall dimension including pins) 1900 MHz RX (RX) APPLICATIONS 800 MHz Rx & AMPS Full Duplex (AMPS) Dual band dual-mode applications (AMPS/TDMA 800 and TDMA 1900) Block Diagram ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Limits Paramter Symbol Ports Condition Unit Min Typ Max TX 800 Band - 0.4 0.6 dB TX 1900 Band - 0.6 0.85 dB RX 800 Band - 0.4 0.6 dB RX 1900 Band - 0.6 0.85 dB TX 800 Band 18 21 - dB TX 1900 Band 15 17 - dB TX 800 Band 25 30 TX 1900 Band 20 25 - dB Ant-RX - 10 - - dBm Ant-TX1, TX2, AMPS - 31 - - dBm All Ports when active - 1.2:1 1.3:1 Transmit Insertion Loss ILTX Ant-TX1, TX2, AMPS Receive Insertion Loss ILRX Ant-RX, AMPS Ant-TX1, TX2, AMPS Isolation Referenced to the Ant-port ISO dB Ant-RX 1dB Compression Impedance P 1dB VSWR ISW All Ports RX to TX, TX to RX - 1 5 mS IEN All Ports From disable stage (Vdd=0V) to enable state (Vdd=2.7V) - 1 5 mS 30 KHz Offset - - -36 dBc 60 Khz Offset - - -55 dBc 90 KHz Offset - - -55 dBc Ctl-A, Ctl-B. Enable CMOS Logic - - 100 mA All Ports Supply current to Vdd Input - 0.5 1 mA - - -55 dBc Switching Speed Adjacent Channel Power (1) ACP Control Current 1 CTL Supply Current Idd Harmonics Electrostatic Discharge (1) 2fo, 3fo, 4fo ESD Ant-TX1, TX2, AMPS Ant-TX1, TX2, AMPS All Ports 250 Volts max, applied to any pin per TEC 801-2 (human body model) with antenna ESD protection circuit Measurement Method as specified in IS-136, i.e., - 30kHz channel bandwidth - 30 kHz, 60 kHz and 90 kHz offsets for adjacent, alternate and second alternate channels respectively. - Root raised cosine channel filter No measureable degradation in performance