Instruction Start Bit Opcode
Address Data
x8 x16 x8 x16
READ 1 10 A6−A0 A5−A0 Read Address AN–A0
ERASE 1 11 A6−A0 A5−A0 Clear Address AN–A0
WRITE 1 01 A6−A0 A5−A0 D7−D0 D15−D0 Write Address AN–A0
EWEN 1 00 11XXXXX 11XXXX Write Enable
EWDS 1 00 00XXXXX 00XXXX Write Disable
ERAL 1 00 10XXXXX 10XXXX Clear All Addresses
WRAL 1 00 01XXXXX 01XXXX D7−D0 D15−D0 Write All Addresses
Device Operation
The CAT93C46R is a 1024−bit nonvolatile memory
intended for use with industry standard microprocessors.
The CAT93C46R can be organized as either registers of 16
bits or 8 bits. When organized as X16, seven 9−bit
instructions control the reading, writing and erase
operations of the device. When organized as X8, seven
10−bit instructions control the reading, writing and erase
operations of the device. The CAT93C46R operates on a
single power supply and will generate on chip the high
voltage required during any write operation.
Instructions, addresses, and write data are clocked into the
DI pin on the rising edge of the clock (SK). The DO pin is
normally in a high impedance state except when reading data
from the device, or when checking the ready/busy status
after a write operation.
The ready/busy status can be determined after the start of
a write operation by selecting the device (CS high) and
polling the DO pin; DO low indicates that the write
operation is not completed, while DO high indicates that the
device is ready for the next instruction. If necessary, the DO
pin may be placed back into a high impedance state during
chip select by shifting a dummy “1” into the DI pin. The DO
pin will enter the high impedance state on the rising edge of
the clock (SK). Placing the DO pin into the high impedance
state is recommended in applications where the DI pin and
the DO pin are to be tied together to form a common DI/O
pin. The Ready/Busy flag can be disabled only in Ready
state; no change is allowed in Busy state.
The format for all instructions sent to the device is a
logical “1” start bit, a 2−bit (or 4−bit) opcode, 6−bit address
(an additional bit when organized X8) and for write
operations a 16−bit data field (8−bit for X8 organization).
Upon receiving a READ command and an address
(clocked into the DI pin), the DO pin of the CAT93C46R will
come out of the high impedance state and, after sending an
initial dummy zero bit, will begin shifting out the data
addressed (MSB first). The output data bits will toggle on
the rising edge of the SK clock and are stable after the
specified time delay (tPD0 or tPD1).
Sequential Read
After the 1st data word has been shifted out and CS
remains asserted with the SK clock continuing to toggle, the
CAT93C46R will automatically increment to the next
address and shift out the next data word. As long as CS is
continuously asserted and SK continues to toggle, the device
will keep incrementing to the next address automatically
until it reaches the end of the address space, then loops back
to address 0. In the sequential Read mode, only the initial
data word is preceeded by a dummy zero bit; all subsequent
data words will follow without a dummy zero bit.
Erase/Write Enable and Disable
The CAT93C46R powers up in the write disable state.
Any writing after power−up or after an EWDS (write
disable) instruction must first be preceded by the EWEN
(write enable) instruction. Once the write instruction is
enabled, it will remain enabled until power to the device is
removed, or the EWDS instruction is sent. The EWDS
instruction can be used to disable all CAT93C46R write and
erase instructions, and will prevent any accidental writing or
clearing of the device. Data can be read normally from the
device regardless of the write enable/disable status.