Application Information
The LM4953 features a low noise inverting charge pump that
generates an internal negative supply voltage. This allows
the outputs of the LM4953 to be biased about GND instead
of a nominal DC voltage, like traditional headphone amplifi-
ers. Because there is no DC component, the large DC
blocking capacitors (typically 220µF) are not necessary. The
coupling capacitors are replaced by two, small ceramic
charge pump capacitors, saving board space and cost.
Eliminating the output coupling capacitors also improves low
frequency response. In traditional headphone amplifiers, the
headphone impedance and the output capacitor form a high
pass filter that not only blocks the DC component of the
output, but also attenuates low frequencies, impacting the
bass response. Because the LM4953 does not require the
output coupling capacitors, the low frequency response of
the device is not degraded by external components.
In addition to eliminating the output coupling capacitors, the
ground referenced output nearly doubles the available dy-
namic range of the LM4953 when compared to a traditional
headphone amplifier operating from the same supply volt-
The Audio Amplifier portion of the LM4953has two internal
amplifiers allowing different amplifier configurations. The first
amplifier’s gain is externally configurable, whereas the sec-
ond amplifier is internally fixed in a unity-gain, inverting
configuration. The closed-loop gain of the first amplifier is set
by selecting the ratio of Rf to Ri while the second amplifier’s
gain is fixed by the two internal 20kΩresistors. Figure 1
shows that the output of amplifier one serves as the input to
amplifier two. This results in both amplifiers producing sig-
nals identical in magnitude, but out of phase by 180˚. Con-
sequently, the differential gain for the Audio Amplifier is
= 2 *(Rf/Ri)
By driving the load differentially through outputs OUT A and
OUT B, an amplifier configuration commonly referred to as
“bridged mode” is established. Bridged mode operation is
different from the classic single-ended amplifier configura-
tion where one side of the load is connected to ground.
A bridge amplifier design has a few distinct advantages over
the single-ended configuration. It provides differential drive
to the load, thus doubling the output swing for a specified
supply voltage. Four times the output power is possible as
compared to a single-ended amplifier under the same con-
ditions. This increase in attainable output power assumes
that the amplifier is not current limited or clipped. In order to
choose an amplifier’s closed-loop gain without causing ex-
cessive clipping, please refer to the Audio Power Amplifier
Design section.
The bridge configuration also creates a second advantage
over single-ended amplifiers. Since the differential outputs,
OUT A and OUT B, are biased at half-supply, no net DC
voltage exists across the load. This eliminates the need for
an output coupling capacitor which is required in a single
supply, single-ended amplifier configuration. Without an out-
put coupling capacitor, the half-supply bias across the load
would result in both increased internal IC power dissipation
and also possible loudspeaker damage.
The LM4953 contains advanced circuitry that virtually elimi-
nates output transients (’clicks and pops’). This circuitry
prevents all traces of transients when the supply voltage is
first applied or when the part resumes operation after coming
out of shutdown mode.
Power dissipation is a major concern when using any power
amplifier and must be thoroughly understood to ensure a
successful design. Equation 1 states the maximum power
dissipation point for a single-ended amplifier operating at a
given supply voltage and driving a specified output load.
) (1)
Since the LM4953 has two operational amplifiers in one
package, the maximum internal power dissipation point is
twice that of the number which results from Equation 1. Even
with large internal power dissipation, the LM4953 does not
require heat sinking over a large range of ambient tempera-
tures. The maximum power dissipation point obtained must
not be greater than the power dissipation that results from
Equation 2:
) (2)
Depending on the ambient temperature, T
, of the system
surroundings, Equation 2 can be used to find the maximum
internal power dissipation supported by the IC packaging. If
the result of Equation 1 is greater than that of Equation 2,
then either the supply voltage must be decreased, the load
impedance increased or T
reduced. Power dissipation is a
function of output power and thus, if typical operation is not
around the maximum power dissipation point, the ambient
temperature may be increased accordingly.
As with any power amplifier, proper supply bypassing is
critical for low noise performance and high power supply
rejection. Applications that employ a 3V power supply typi-
cally use a 4.7µF capacitor in parallel with a 0.1µF ceramic
filter capacitor to stabilize the power supply’s output, reduce
noise on the supply line, and improve the supply’s transient
response. Keep the length of leads and traces that connect
capacitors between the LM4953’s power supply pin and
ground as short as possible.
The LM4953 features Automatic Standby Mode circuitry
(patent pending). In the absence of an input signal, after
approximately 3 seconds, the LM4953 goes into low current
standby mode. The LM4953 recovers into full power operat-
ing mode immediately after a signal, which is greater than
the input threshold voltage, is applied to either the left or right
input pins. The input threshold voltage is not a static value,
as the supply voltage increases, the input threshold voltage
decreases. This feature reduces power supply current con-
sumption in battery operated applications.
To ensure correct operation of Automatic Standby Mode,
proper layout techniques should be implemented. Separat-
ing PGND and SGND can help reduce noise entering the
LM4953 in noisy environments. It is also important to use
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