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You are here:: Digilent Documentation / Reference / Pmod™ / Pmod I2S2 / Pmod I2S2 Reference Manual
The Digilent Pmod I2S2 (Revision A) features a Cirrus CS5343 Multi-Bit Audio A/D Converter and a Cirrus CS4344 Stereo D/A Converter, each
connected to one of two audio jacks. These circuits allow a system board to transmit and receive stereo audio signals via the I2S protocol. The
Pmod I2S2 supports 24 bit resolution per channel at input sample rates up to 108 kHz and output sample rates up to 200 kHz.
Stereo 24-bit A/D and D/A converters for I2S audio input and output
Standard 1/8 in (3.5mm) stereo audio jacks
Optional automatic serial clock generation for audio input
12-pin Pmod Port with two I2S interfaces
Follows the Digilent Pmod Interface Specification
Parameter Min Typical Max Units
Power Supply Voltage 3.0 3.3 5.25 V
Audio Input Sample Rate (Single-Speed Mode) 4 - 24 kHz
Audio Input Sample Rate (Single-Speed Mode) 43 -54 kHz
Audio Input Sample Rate (Double-Speed Mode) 86 -108 kHz
Audio Output Sample Rate 2 - 200 kHz
Header J1
Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
1D/A MCLK I2S Line Out Converter Master Clock 7A/D MCLK I2S Line In Converter Master Clock
2D/A LRCK I2S Line Out Converter Word Select 8A/D LRCK I2S Line In Converter Word Select
Pmod I2S2 Reference Manual
Pinout Table Diagram
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Header J1
Pin Signal Description Pin Signal Description
3D/A SCLK I2S Line Out Converter Serial Clock 9A/D SCLK I2S Line In Converter Serial Clock
4D/A SDIN I2S Line Out Converter Serial Data Input 10 A/D SDOUT I2S Line In Converter Serial Data Output
5GND Power Supply Ground 11 GND Power Supply Ground
6VCC Power Supply (3.3 or 5.0 V) 12 VCC Power Supply (3.3 or 5.0 V)
Jumper JP1
State Description
MST Line-in converter Master Mode selected
SLV Line-in converter Slave Mode selected
The pins on the pin header are spaced 100 mil apart. The PCB is 1.0 inches long on the sides parallel to the pins on the pin header and 0.8 inches
long on the sides perpendicular to the pin header. The Line In and Line Out audio jacks are approximately 0.44 inches apart, measured from the
center of each jack.
The Pmod I2S2 utilizes a (Cirrus Logic CS4344 Stereo D/A converter) to take digital audio data and output the corresponding analog signal through
a standard stereo headphone jack (labeled Line Out). In addition, a (Cirrus Logic CS5343 Stereo A/D converter) is used to convert analog audio
signals from a second 3.5mm audio jack (labeled Line In) into digital audio data. It is designed to work at a wide variety of standard audio sampling
The two primary integrated circuits of the Pmod I2S2 communicate with the host board via the (GPIO protocol). As each IC uses the Integrated
Interchip Sound (I2S) protocol, several different clock lines are required, as described (below).
The CS4344 and CS5343 (henceforth referred to as the “line-out converter” and “line-in converter”, respectively) are each connected (to the host
board) via their own I2S interface. As seen in the (Pinout table) above, the line-out converter's I2S interface is connected to the top row interface of
Pmod connector J1, while the line-in converter's I2S interface is connected to the bottom row.
Any external power applied to the Pmod I2S must be within 3 V and 5.25 V; however, it is recommended that Pmod is operated at 3.3 V. Digital logic
levels must correspond to the power supply voltage.
The fastest clock signal of each I2S interface will be the Master Clock (MCLK); as the name implies, this signal will keep everything nicely
synchronized. The Left-Right Clock (LRCK), also known as the Word Select Clock, indicates whether a particular set of data is associated with the
left or right audio channel for stereo sound.
The final clock is the Serial Clock (SCLK), also known as the Bit Clock. The line-in and line-out converters can each either be provided this clock
signal, or generate it internally. More information on how the serial clocks for each converter can be found (below).
The I2S protocol requires that data is clocked in on the falling edge of SCLK. The first bit of data (MSB) is not clocked in on the falling edge until the
first complete serial clock cycle has passed after LRCK has changed state. Data must be valid on the rising edge of SCLK.
NOTE: The term “I2S input/output sample rate” refers to the frequency that a full frame of data, consisting of both the left and right channels, is
transmitted over an I2S interface.
An example timing diagram of a single I2S frame is shown below.
The line-out converter will internally derive its SCLK if it is provided at least two consecutive frames of the LRCK without providing any SCLK
signals. In this case, the line-out converter will measure the MCLK and LRCK rates and determine an appropriate SCLK rate. However, the
MCLK/LRCK ratio must meet one of several specific ratios in order to properly generate SCLK, as outlined in the table below from the CS4344
Internal SCK Mode External SCK Mode
16-bit data and SCK = 32*Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 1024, 512, 256, 128, or 64 Up to 24-bit data with data valid on the rising edge of SCK
Up to 24-bit data and SCK = 48*Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 768, 384, 192, or 96
Physical Dimensions
Functional Description
Serial Communication
I2S Overview
Line Out Serial Clock Generation
Internal SCK Mode External SCK Mode
Up to 24-bit data and SCK = 72*Fs if MCLK/LRCK = 1152
The ratio between the MCLK and LRCK rates must be an integer ratio so that the line-out converter's internal clock dividers can determine an
appropriate bit rate. A table of commonly used sample rates and their corresponding MCLK rates, from the CS4344 datasheet, is provided below.
64x 96x 128x 192x 256x 384x 512x 768x 1024x 1152x
32 - - - - 8.1920 12.2880 - - 32.7680 36.8640
44.1 - - - - 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8680 45.1580 -
48 - - - - 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640 49.1520 -
64 - - 8.1920 12.2880 - - 32.7680 49.1520 - -
88.2 - - 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8680 ----
96 - - 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640 ----
128 8.1920 12.2880 - - 32.7680 49.1520 ----
176.4 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 33.8680 - - ----
192 12.2880 18.4320 24.5760 36.8640 - - ----
The line-in converter can be placed in either Master Mode or Slave Mode by setting mode jumper JP1 to the corresponding position. The position
of this jumper should not be changed while the Pmod I2S2 is powered on.
In Slave Mode, LRCK and SCLK must be generated by the host board. Supported sample rate ranges and their corresponding MCLK/LRCK and
SCLK/LRCK ratios are provided in the table below from the CS5343 datasheet. The line-in converter automatically selects as needed from single-
and double-speed modes.
Speed Mode MCLK/LRCK Ratio SCLK/LRCK Ratio Input Sample Rate Range (kHz)
Single-Speed Mode 256x 64 4-24, 43-54
512x 64 43-54
384x 64 4-24, 43-54
784x 64 43-54
Double-Speed Mode 128x 64 86-108
256x 64 86-108
192x 64 86-108
384x 64 86-108
In Master Mode, both LRCK and SCLK are automatically generated by the line-in converter. For Master Mode, the provided MCLK rate must be
within the range of 4-54 KHz. Once the line-in converter has powered up, it automatically selects an MCLK/LRCK ratio of 256x/512x, depending on
the MCLK rate.
Note: The CS5343's Double-Speed Mode is not available in Master Mode on the Pmod I2S2.
A table of common MCLK frequencies, for both Master and Slave Modes, with their corresponding MCLK/LRCK ratios and audio sample rates, from
the CS5343 datasheet, is provided below.
Master and Slave Mode
Sample Rate (kHz)Speed Mode MCLK (MHz)MCLK (MHz)
256x 512x 384x 768x
32 (*Slave Mode Only) SSM *8.192 *16.384 *12.288 *24.576
44.1 SSM 11.289 22.579 16.934 33.868
48 SSM 12.288 24.576 18.432 36.864
Sample Rate (kHz)Speed Mode MCLK (MHz)MCLK (MHz)
128x 256x 192x 384x
88.2 DSM 11.289 22.579 16.934 33.868
Line In Serial Clock Generation
96 DSM 12.288 24.576 18.432 36.864
To set up a simple 44.1 kHz audio passthrough, three control signals need to be generated by the host system board.
1. A master clock (MCLK) at a frequency of approximately 22.579 MHz.
2. A serial clock (SCLK), which fully toggles once per 8 MCLK periods.
3. A Left/Right Word Select signal, which fully toggles once per 64 SCLK periods.
The Pmod I2S2's Master/Slave select jumper (JP1) should be placed into the Slave (SLV) position.
Each of these control signals should be provided to the appropriate pin on both the top and bottom rows of the Pmod I2S2.
The ADOUT_SDIN pin should be driven by the ADIN_SDOUT signal.
See the I2S Overview section for more information on the timing of these signals.
The schematics of the Pmod I2S2 are available here. Additional information about the line-in and line-out converters (CS5343 and CS4344,
respectively) including master/slave modes and specific timings of the chips can be found by checking out their datasheets here: CS5343,
More specific information about how to use the Pmod I2S2 can be found by checking out the additional resources on the Pmod I2S2 Resource
Center. Example code demonstrating how to get information from the PmodI2S2 can be found on its Resource Center here.
If you have any questions or comments about the Pmod I2S2, feel free to post them under the appropriate section (“Add-on Boards”) of the
Digilent Forum.
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