M41T11 Clock operation
Doc ID 6103 Rev 10 15/30
3.1 Clock calibration
The M41T11 is driven by a quartz controlled oscillator with a nominal frequency of
32,768 Hz. The devices are tested not to exceed 35 ppm (parts per million) oscillator
frequency error at 25°C, which equates to about ±1.53 minutes per month. With the
calibration bits properly set, the accuracy of each M41T11 improves to better than ±2 ppm
at 25°C.
The oscillation rate of any crystal changes with temperature (see Figure 12 on page 17).
Most clock chips compensate for crystal frequency and temperature shift error with
cumbersome trim capacitors. The M41T11 design, however, employs periodic counter
correction. The calibration circuit adds or subtracts counts from the oscillator divider circuit
at the divide by 256 stage, as shown in Figure 13 on page 17. The number of times pulses
are blanked (subtracted, negative calibration) or split (added, positive calibration) depends
upon the value loaded into the five-bit calibration byte found in the control register. Adding
counts speeds the clock up, subtracting counts slows the clock down.
The calibration byte occupies the five lower order bits (D4-D0) in the control register (addr
7). This byte can be set to represent any value between 0 and 31 in binary form. Bit D5 is a
sign bit; '1' indicates positive calibration, '0' indicates negative calibration. Calibration occurs
within a 64 minute cycle. The first 62 minutes in the cycle may, once per minute, have one
second either shortened by 128 or lengthened by 256 oscillator cycles. If a binary '1' is
loaded into the register, only the first 2 minutes in the 64 minute cycle will be modified; if a
binary 6 is loaded, the first 12 will be affected, and so on.
Therefore, each calibration step has the effect of adding 512 or subtracting 256 oscillator
cycles for every 125,829,120 actual oscillator cycles, that is +4.068 or –2.034 ppm of
Table 3. Register map(1)
1. Keys:
S = SIGN bit
ST = STOP bit
OUT = Output level
X = Don’t care
CEB = Century enable bit
CB = Century bit
Data Function/range
BCD format
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0 ST 10 seconds Seconds Seconds 00-59
1 X 10 minutes Minutes Minutes 00-59
2. When CEB is set to '1', CB will toggle from '0' to '1' or from '1' to '0' every 100 years (dependent upon the
initial value set). When CEB is set to '0', CB will not toggle.When CEB is set to '1', CB will toggle from '0' to
'1' or from '1' to '0' every 100 years (dependent upon the initial value set). When CEB is set to '0', CB will
not toggle.
CB 10 hours Hours Century/hours 0-1/00-23
3 X X X X X Day Day 01-07
4 X X 10 date Date Date 01-31
5 X X X 10 M. Month Month 01-12
6 10 years Years Year 00-99
7 OUT FT S Calibration Control