MS0248-E-01 2004/03
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System Clock
The external clocks required to operate the AK4366 are MCLK(256fs/384fs/512fs), LRCK(fs) and BICK. The master
clock (MCLK) should be synchronized with sampling clock (LRCK). The phase between these clocks does not matter.
The frequency of MCLK is detected automatically, and the internal master clock becomes the appropriate frequency.
Table 1 shows system clock example.
fs 256fs 384fs 512fs 64fs
8kHz 2.048 3.072 4.096 0.512
11.025kHz 2.8224 4.2336 5.6448 0.7056
12kHz 3.072 4.608 6.144 0.768
16kHz 4.096 6.144 8.192 1.024
22.05kHz 5.6448 8.4672 11.2896 1.4112
24kHz 6.144 9.216 12.288 1.536
32kHz 8.192 12.288 16.384 2.048
44.1kHz 11.2896 16.9344 22.5792 2.8224
48kHz 12.288 18.432 24.576 3.072
Table 1. System Clock Exampl e
In serial mode (P /S pin = “L”), all external clocks (MCLK, BICK and LRCK) should alway s be present whenever the
DAC is in normal operation mode (PMDAC bit = “1”). If these clocks are not provided, the AK4366 may draw excess
current and will n ot opera te properl y be cause it utili ze s these clo ck s for internal dyna mic r ef resh of r eg i ste r s . If the
external clocks are not present, the DAC should be placed in power-down mode (PMDAC bit = “0”). When MCLK is
input with AC coupli ng, the MCKAC bit should be set to “1”.
In parallel mode (P/S pin = “H”), all external clocks (MCLK, BICK and LRCK) should always be present whenever the
DAC is in normal operation mode (PDN pin = “H”). If these clocks are not provided, the AK4366 may draw excess
current and will n ot opera te properl y be cause it utili ze s these clo ck s for internal dyna mic r ef resh of r eg i ste r s . If the
external clocks are not present, the DAC should be placed in power-down mode (PDN pin = “L”).
For low sampling rates, DR and S/N degrade because of the outband noise. In serial mode (P/S pin = “L”), DR and S/N
are im proved by setti ng DF S1 bit to “1”. Ta ble 2 shows S /N of HP -amp output. When the DF S1 bi t is “1” , MC LK needs
S/N (fs=8kHz, A-weighted)
Over Sample
Rate fs MCLK HP-amp
0 0 64fs
8kHz∼48kHz 256fs/384fs/512fs 56dB Default
0 1 128fs
8kHz∼24kHz 256fs/384fs/512fs 75dB
1 x 256fs
8kHz∼12kHz 512fs 92dB
Table 2. Relationship among fs, MCLK frequency and S/N of HP-amp