Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Enpirion EN5335QI 3A DCDC Converter
w/Int egrated Induc tor Eval uati on Board
Thank you for c hoos ing Alter a Enpir ion power produc ts !
You ar e evaluating a c om plete pow er system on silicon:
• The EN5335QI features integrated inductor, power MOSFETS, Gate
Drive, C om pens ation Network, and c ontroller and protec tion c ir c uitry. This
level of integration delivers a substantial reduction in footprint and part
c ount over c om peting solutions.
• The EN5335Q I featur es a 3 pin VID output voltage s elec tor and requires
only c eram ic input and output c apac itors , and a s m all c apac itor for s oft -
s tar t program m ing. The 3 pin VID allow s the us er to c hoos e fr om one of
s even predefined output voltage settings.
• The input c apac itor is a 10V r ated 22uF X5R MLC C and the output
c apac itor is a 6.3V r ated 47uF X5R MLCC . The Soft-s tart c apac itor is a
s m all 10V rated 15nF X5R MLC C.
• Pads are available to add up to one additional input c apac itor and up to
four additional output c apac itors to allow for evaluation of per form anc e
over a w ide range of input/output c apac itor c om binations .
• Eas y jum pers are provided for the follow ing s ignals :
o Enable
o VS0-VS2 output voltage select
• Num erous tes t points ar e provided as w ell as c lip leads for input and
output connections
• The board c om es with input dec oupling and revers e polarity protec tion to
protec t the devic e from c om m on s etup m is haps .
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