Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Enpirion EN5335QI 3A DCDC Converter
w/Int egrated Induc tor Eval uati on Board
Thank you for c hoos ing Alter a Enpir ion power produc ts !
You ar e evaluating a c om plete pow er system on silicon:
The EN5335QI features integrated inductor, power MOSFETS, Gate
Drive, C om pens ation Network, and c ontroller and protec tion c ir c uitry. This
level of integration delivers a substantial reduction in footprint and part
c ount over c om peting solutions.
The EN5335Q I featur es a 3 pin VID output voltage s elec tor and requires
only c eram ic input and output c apac itors , and a s m all c apac itor for s oft -
s tar t program m ing. The 3 pin VID allow s the us er to c hoos e fr om one of
s even predefined output voltage settings.
The input c apac itor is a 10V r ated 22uF X5R MLC C and the output
c apac itor is a 6.3V r ated 47uF X5R MLCC . The Soft-s tart c apac itor is a
s m all 10V rated 15nF X5R MLC C.
Pads are available to add up to one additional input c apac itor and up to
four additional output c apac itors to allow for evaluation of per form anc e
over a w ide range of input/output c apac itor c om binations .
Eas y jum pers are provided for the follow ing s ignals :
o Enable
o VS0-VS2 output voltage select
Num erous tes t points ar e provided as w ell as c lip leads for input and
output connections
The board c om es with input dec oupling and revers e polarity protec tion to
protec t the devic e from c om m on s etup m is haps .
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Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Quick Start Guide
Figure 1 shows a top view of the evaluation board.
WARNING: c om plete s teps 1 through 4 before applying power
to the EN5335Q I evaluation boar d.
STEP 1: S et the “ENA jum per to the D is able Pos ition.
STEP 2: S et the output voltage s elec t pins for the des ir ed output voltage s etting.
Refer to the s ec tion on output voltage s elec t to
determ ine the s etting.
CAUTION: Voltage s elec t pins MUST NOT be
c hanged w hile the EN5335Q I is enabled.
Doing s o w ill res ult in dam age to the par t.
STEP 3: C onnec t Pow er Supply to the input pow er c onnec tors , VIN (+ ) and
GND (-) as indicated in Figure 1.
CAUTION: be m indful of the polarity. E ven though the evaluation board
c om es w ith revers e polar ity protec tion diodes , it is rarely a good idea to
revers e the input polar ity.
STEP 4: C onnec t the load to the output c onnectors VO UT ( +) and GND (-), as
indicated in Figure 1.
STEP 5: Pow er up the boar d and m ove the E NA jum per to the enabled pos ition.
The EN5335Q I is now power ed up.
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Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Figure 1. E val uat io n B oar d La yout .
Output Voltage Select
The EN5335Q I utiliz es a 3 pin
output voltage s elec tor. The output
voltage is pr ogram m ed by s etting
the V Sx jumpers to either a logic
1” or a logic 0” as des c ribed in the
Q uic k Star t s ec tion. The voltage
s elec t pins are pulled up internally
and s o w ill default to a logic 1” if
left open.
Table 1 shows the truth table for
VOUT s elec tion. Ther e are s even
preset output voltage levels which
c an be c hos en via the VS x jum per s .
WARNING: Voltage s elec t pins m us t not be adjus ted w hile part is enabled.
Doing s o w ill res ult in dam age to the par t. Alw ays dis able par t when c hanging
output voltage setting.
Table 1. Out put Volta ge Selec t Trut h Tabl e
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Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Test Recommend atio ns
To guarantee m eas ur em ent ac c urac y, the follow ing prec autions s hould be
1. Make all input and output voltage m eas urem ents at the board us ing the
tes t points provided. This w ill elim inate voltage drop ac ros s the line and
load c ables that c an produc e fals e r eadings .
2. Meas ur e input and output c ur rent w ith series ammeters or accurate
shunt resistors. This is especially important when measuring efficiency.
3. Us e a balanc ed im pedanc e pr obe tip to m eas ure s w itc hing s ignals to
avoid noise coupling into the probe ground lead.
Input and Output Capacitors
The input c apac itanc e requirem ent is 22 uF for the EN5335Q I. Altera
rec om m ends that a low ES R MLC C c apac itor be us ed. The voltage rating s hould
rated high enough to provide adequate m argin for your applic ation. Ther e is a
pre-tinned pad for one additional 1210 c apac itor to experim ent with input filter
The output c apac itanc e requirem ent is approxim ately 50uF of c apac itanc e and
c om es populated w ith a 47uF 1210 6.3V MLC C. The boar d has pre-tinned pads
for up to 4 additional output c apac itors w ith 1210 or 1206 footprint. Various
c om binations of output c apac itor c an be us ed to reduc e effec tive s er ies
NOTE: Capac itors m us t be X5R or X7R dielec tric form ulations .
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Enpirion® Power Evaluation Board User Guide
EN5335QI PowerSoC
Contact Information
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive
San Jos e, CA 95134
Phone: 408-544-7000
© 2013 Alter a C or por ati on Confidential. All rights res erved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, ENPIRION, HARDCOPY,
MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QU AR TU S and STR ATIX wor ds and logos ar e tr ademar ks of Alter a C or por ation and
r egister ed in the U .S. Patent and Tr ad em ar k Office and in othe r c ountr i es. All oth er w or ds and logos identif ie d as
tr ademar ks or ser vice mar ks ar e the pr oper ty of their r espective holde r s as desc r ibed at
w w w.alter a.c om/c o mm on /l eg al .h t ml. Al ter a w ar r ants per for ma nc e of its semiconduc t or pr oduc ts to c ur r ent specificat ion s
in accor dance w ith Al ter a' s standar d w ar r anty , but r eser ves the r ight to make changes to any pr oducts and ser vices at an y
time w ithout noti ce. Al ter a assumes no r esponsibility or lia bi l i ty ar ising out of the app li cati on or use of any infor ma ti on,
pr oduct, or ser vice descr ibed her ein except as expr essly agr eed to in w r iting by Alter a. Alt er a c ustome r s ar e advised to
obtain the la test v er sion of dev ice specificati on s befor e r elyi ng on an y publ i shed infor ma ti on and befor e placi ng or der s for
pr oducts or ser vices.
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