10A Non-isolated DC/DC Converters H N A series
ASTRODYNE PACIFIC: 886-2-26983458
Input Voltage, Nominal 3.0 - 5.5VDC
(4.5-5.5VDC, 3.3V O/P)
Recommended I/P Fuse 20A
Input Voltage Ranges 3.0 - 3.6VDC 4.5-5.5 VDC
Maximum Input Current 6A (Note 4)
On/Off Control
(Ref to -Input pin) Open or 0V<VR<1V=ON
3.3Vin 2.4V<Vr<6V=OFF
5Vin 3.2V<Vr<6V
Input Reflected Ripple 625mA rms
Voltage and Current See Selection Chart
Preset Accuracy +/- 2.7% max.
Rise Time Please see page 3
Min Load None
Load Regulation (0% - FL) +/- 0.5%
Line Regulation +/- 0.5%
Temperature Coefficient +/-0.02%/DegC
Ripple/Noise (Pk-Pk, typ), 20Mhz BW 100mV
Overvoltage Protection Clamp, 130-150% *
Short Circuit Protection Continuous, self-recovering
Transient Response Recovery
Time (See Fig 1)
Load step change 100%-0% or 0%-100%
1A/10uS Nominal Input
Peak Deviation 80mV
Settling Time 200uSec
Max External Load Capacitance 10,000uF
O/P Current Limit (Note 1) Latching
Voltage Adjust (See Fig 2) +/-10%
Input-Output Isolation None
In/Out Capacitance 1000 pF
Efficiency (Note 5) See Selection Chart
Switching Frequency 500Khz, typ.
Dimensions (See Fig 3.) 2.5” x 0.55” x 0.26”
(63.5 x 14.0 x 6.6mm)
Weight 0.3oz (8.5g)
MTBF (Note 3) 2.064x10-6th Hrs
Oper. Temp. Range (See Fig 4) -40 to +85 DegC(FL)
Oper. Humidity Range 5~85%RH
No Condensation
Cooling Forced Air, See Derate
Storage Temperature Range -55 to +125 DegC *
Recommended Storage Hermetically Sealed in a
5 to 30°C, 40 to 60% RH
(1 year warranty from date of seal)
Thermal Shock Mil Std 810D
Over Temp Protection +125DegC
MTBF 1,000,000 Hrs
Mil Std 217, 25C
Shock/Vibration To MIL-STD 810C
Material UL: 94 V-0
Conducted Emissions EN55022, Level A
Radiated Emissions EN55022, Level A
Conducted Immunity EN61000-4-6, Criteria 2
1. Starting the Product into a Short Circuit Mode will damage the device.
2. In order to meet all specifications for the 3.3Vin models, an external
capacitor is needed on the input. The capacitor is SANYO
OS-CON,SA-Series, 68uF/10V.
3. BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332. Case 1: 50% Stress, Temperature at
40DegC. (Ground fixed and controlled environment)
4. Maximum value at nominal input voltage and full load.
5. Minimum value at nominal input voltage and full load.
* These are stress ratings. Exposure of the devices to any of these conditions
may adversely affect long term reliability. Proper operation under conditions
other than the standard operating conditions is neither warranteed nor implied.
All specifications are typical at nominal input, full load, and 25DegC unless
otherwise noted
Astrodyne products are not authorized or warranteed for use
as critical components in life support systems, equipment used
in hazardous environments, nuclear controls systems, or other
mission-critical applications.