Read Status Register Command
The LH28F008SA contains a Status Regi ster which
may be read to determine when a byte write or block
erase operation is complete, and whether that operation
completed successfully. The Status Register may be
read at any time by writing the Read Status Register
command (70H) to the Command User In terface. After
writing this command, all subsequent read operati ons
output dat a fr om the St atus Register, until another valid
command is written to the Command User Interface.
The contents of the Status R egister a re l a tched on the
fall ing edge of OE or C E, w hichever occurs last i n t he
read cycle. OE or CE must be toggled to VIH before
further read s to update the Sta tus R egister latch. The
Read Status Regi s te r c ommand function s w hen VPP =
Clear Status Register Command
The Erase Status and Byte Write Statu s bits a re set
to “1”s by the Write State Machine and can only be
reset by the Clear Status Regi ster Command. These
b its indicate various failure conditions (see Table 4). By
allowing system software to control the resetting of
these bits, several operations may be performed (such
as cumulatively writing several bytes or erasing multiple
blocks in sequence). The Status Register may then be
polled to determine if an error occurred during that
sequence. This adds flexibility to the way the device
may be used.
A dditional ly, the VPP Status bit (S R.3) MUS T be reset
by system softwa re before further byte writes or block
erases ar e at tempt ed. To clear the St atus Register, the
Clear Status Register command (50H) is written to the
Command User Interface. The Clear Status Register
command is functional when VPP = VPPL or VPPH.
Eras e Set up/ Eras e Confirm Commands
E rase i s executed one block a t a time, initiated by a
two-cycle command sequence. An Erase Setup com-
mand ( 20H) is first wr itten t o t he Com mand User Inter -
face, foll owed by the Erase Confirm command (D0H).
These com mands r equire bot h appr opriate sequencing
and an address within the block to b e e rased to FFH.
Block preconditioning, erase and verify are all handled
internally by the Write State Machine, invisibl e to the
system. After the two-command erase sequence is writ-
ten to it , the LH28F008SA aut omatically output s Status
Register data when read (see Figure 6; Block Erase
Fl owchart). The CPU can detect the compl e tion of the
erase event by ana lyzing the output of the RY/BY pin,
or the WSM S tatus bi t of the Sta tus Register.
When erase is completed, t he Erase Stat us b it should
be checked. If e rase error is detected, the Status Reg-
i ste r should be cl eared. The C ommand User Interface
remains in Read Status Register mode until further
commands are i ssued to it.
This two-step sequence of set-up followed by execu-
tion e nsur es t hat mem ory contents ar e not accidentally
erased. Also, reliable block erasure can only occur when
VPP = VPPH. In the absence of th is high voltage, m emory
contents are protected agai n st erasure. If block erase
is a t tempted while VPP = VPPL, the VPP Status bit will be
set to “1”. Erase attempts while VPPL <VPP <VPPH produce
spurious results and should not be attempted.
Er ase Suspend/ E ra se Re sume Commands
The Erase Suspend command allows block erase
interruption in order to read data fro m another block of
memory. Once the erase process starts, writing the
Erase Suspend command (B0H) t o the Com mand User
Interface requests that the WSM suspend the erase
sequence at a predetermined po int in the erase al go-
rithm. The LH28F008SA continues to output Status
Register data when read, after the Erase Suspend
command i s written t o it. Po lling the WSM Status a nd
Erase Suspend Status bits will determine when the
erase operation has been suspended (both will be set
to “1”). RY /B Y wil l also t ransi ti on to VOH.
At th is poi nt, a Re ad Array command can be written
to the Command User Interface to read data from
blocks other than that which is suspended. The only
other valid commands at this time are Read Status
Register (70H) and Erase Resume (D0H), at which time
the WSM will continue with the erase process. The
Erase Suspend Status and WSM Status bits of the
Status Register will be automatically cleared and RY/BY
wi ll return to VOL. After the Erase Resum e comm and is
written to it, the LH28F008SA automatically outputs
Status Register data w hen read (see Figure 7; Erase
Suspend/Resume Flowchart). VPP must remain at VPPH
wh ile the LH 28F008S A i s in Erase S uspend.
Byte Write Setup/Write Commands
Byte write is executed by a tw o-command sequence.
The Byte Write Setup command (40H) is written to the
Co mmand U ser In ter face, foll owed by a second write
speci fyi ng the address an d data (la tched on the rising
edge of WE) to be w ritten. The WSM then takes over,
controlling the byte write and write verify algorithms
in ternally. After the two-command b y te write sequence
is wri tten to it, the LH28F008SA automatically outputs
Status Register data when read (see Figure 5; Byte
W ri te Fl owcha rt ). The C PU can d etect the completion
of the byte write event by analyzing the output of the
RY/BY pin, or the W SM Status bit of the Stat us Register.
Only t he Read Status Register command is valid whi le
byte w rite is active.
8M (1M × 8) Flash Memory LH28F008SA