ky SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTROMICS VN340SP QUAD HIGH SIDE SMART POWER SOLID STATE RELAY TYPE Vdemag * Rops(on) * lout * Vcc VNS40SP | Voc-55V [0.32 2**) 164A 36 V * par Channel at Ti = 85C a OUTPUT CURRENT (CONTINUOUS): 1.64 PER CHANNEL a DIGITAL I/Os CLAMPED AT 31V MINIMUM VOLTAGE a SHORTED LOAD AND OVERTEMPERATURE PROTECTIONS BUIL-IN CURRENT LIMITER UNDER VOLTAGE SHUT DOWN OPEN DRAIN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT FAST DEMAGNETIZATION OF INDUCTIVE LOADS DESCRIPTION The VN340S5P is a monolithic device made using SGS-THOMSON Vertical Intelligent Power Technology, intended for driving tour indipendent resistive or inductive loads with one side connected toe ground. c 1 Power SO-10 Active current limitation avoids dropping the system power supply in case of shorted load. Built-in thermal shut-down protects the chip from over temperature and short circuit. The open drain diagnostic output indicates short circuit and overtemperature conditions. Each |/O is pulled down when over temperature condition of the relative channelis verified. BLOCK DIAGRAM UNDERVOLTAGE DRIVER 1 OUTPUT 1 \/0 1 [lim 1 702 CONTROL DRIVER2 \/03 ms OUTPUT 2 im2 (/04 DRIVERS DIAG OUTPUT 3 GROUND Lim OVERTEMP 1 OVERTEMP 2 OVERTEMP3 OVERTEMP 4 DRIVERA OUTPUT 4 Him 4 $c07950 October 1996 1/7VN340SP ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symbol Parameter Value Unit Vcc Power Supply Voltage 45 Vv -Vcc Reverse Supply Voltage -0.3 Vv lout Output Current (cont.) Internally Limited A IR Reverse Output Current (per channel) -6 A lin Input Current (per channel) +10 mA IDIAG DIAG Pin Current +10 mA Vesp Electrostatic Discharge (1.5 kKQ, 100 pF) 2000 Vv Prot Power Dissipation at Te < 25 C Internally Limited Ww Tj Junction Operating Temperature Internally Limited C Tsig Storage Temperature -55 to 150 c CONNECTION DIAGRAM DIAG GROUND [fo 4 OUTPUT4 |fO 3 OUTPUTS [fo 2 OUTPUT2 fo 1 OUTPUT 1 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE CONVENTIONS li 1. * Vina Ving Vinal Voiac SCoOs240 a7 AYP esouscreonesVN340SP THERMAL DATA Rithj-case | Thermal Resistance Junction-case (1) Max 2 CiWw Rihj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient ($) Max 50 C/W (1) All channels ON ($) When mounted using minimum recommended pad size on FR-4 board ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (10 V < Voc 36 V; -25 C < Tease < 85 C unless otherwise specified) POWER Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit Vcc Supply Voltage 10 36 Vv Ron On State Resistance lour =0.5A T, = 125C 0.4 Q lour =0.5A 0.32 QO Is Supply Current All Channels Off Vin = 30 V 1 mA On State (Te =100C) lout .. louta =O 10 mA Vdemag Output Voltage at lout = 0.54 Litoap = 1 mH Vec-85 | Vcc-55 | Vicc-45 Vv Turn-Off SWITCHING (Vcc = 24 V) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit tdton} Turn-on Delay Time Of | lout = 0.5 A Resistive Load 20 40 ls Output Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps T, = 25 C tr Rise Time Of Output lour = 0.5 A Resistive Load 50 100 Ls Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps T, = 25 C ta(otty Turn-off Delay Time Of |lour = 0.5 A Resistive Load 15 30 Ls Output Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps Tj = 25 C ti Fall Time Of Output lour = 0.5 A Resistive Load 6 15 Ls Gurrent Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps Tj = 25 C (di/dt)on |Turn-on Current Slope |lour =0.5 A 0.5 A/ps lout = lim Tj = 25C 2 A/ps (di/dt)o# |Turn-off Current Slope |lour =0.5 A 2 A/ps lout = lim T) = 25C 4 A/us LOGIC INPUT (Each Channel) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit VIL I/O Input Low Level 2 V Voltage Vin Input High Level 3.5 Vv Voltage (see note) Vitnysi.; | /O Input Hysteresis 0.5 Vv Voltage lin I/O Input Current Vin= 3.5 V 10 pA Viet I/O Input Clamp lin = 1 mA 31 36 V Voltage (see note) lin = -1 mA -0.7 V VoL /O Output Voltage lin= 5 mA 1 Vv note 1: Tha input voltage is internally clamped at31V minimum, it is possible to connect the inpu resistor calculate to not exceed 10mA pins to anhigher voltage via an external 3/7 AYP esouscreonesVN340SP ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) PROTECTION AND DIAGNOSTICS Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit Vstat (*) | Status Voltage Output |Istar = 5 MA 1 Vv Low (Fault Condition) Vsc_ (*) |Status Clamp Voltage |Istar = 1 mA 32 36 Vv Istat = -1 MA -0.7 V Vusp Under Voltage Shut 5 8 V Down loim DC Short Circuit Veco = 24 V Rieap < 10 mQ 0.7 1.6 2.5 A Current tsc Delay Time of Current 100 Ls Limiter Trsp | Thermal Shut-down 150 170 C Temperature TR Reset Temperature 135 155 C (*) Status determination > 100 us after the switching edge. Note: If INPUTnh pin is lett floating the corresponding channel will automatically switch off. If GND pin isdisconnetted, all channels will switch off provided Voc does not exceed 36V SWITCHING PARAMETERS TEST CONDITIONS Id 90% 10% 4 lr lf tYon toll e Vgen .-AAO t=10us, Repetition rate=1ms SCO7660 DRIVING CIRCUIT MCOUT n |/0 n OUTPUT n MCU VN340 SCO/980 aT (7 SGS-THOMSON Tf jsicrostectRonicsVN340SP TRUTH TABLE MCOUTn On OUTPUTn DIAGNOSTIC Normal Operation L L L H H H H H Over-temperature L L L H H L L L Under-voltage L L L H H H L H Shorted Load L L L H (current limitation) H H H H FIGURE 2: Switching Waveterms [fO n [f/O n (=MCOUNTn) | | (=MCOUNTn) | loutn | | loutn | DIAG | DIAG | . on . on Switch n off | | Swilch n off | Normal operation Undervoltage SCOB060 scogo7c MCOUNT n |__| | I/O n || |__| L_| sc08210 Shorted Load Operation SCOBI50 a7 AYP csouscreoncsVN340SP Power SO-10 MECHANICAL DATA >). SEATING PLANE DETAIL "A" 0068039-C 6/7 AYP csouscreoncsVN340SP Information furnishedis believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsabiliy for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringemert of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mantioned in this publication are subject to change without notica. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSCON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical comporents in life supportdevices or systams without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microslectonics. @ 1996 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - Printedin Italy - All Rights Reserved 3GS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia- Brazil - Canada - China- France - Germany - Hong Kong- ltaly- Japan- Korea- Malaysia- Malta- Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A FT AYP csouscreoncs