Instruction Sheet IS 6560 AMP AMP* BIFURCATED LEAF CONTACT AMP INCORPORATED CONNECTORS Harrisburg, Pa. 17105 RELEASED [ 6-13-80 SINGLE- . SINGLE BIFURCATED 7 WITHOUT SPRING : MOUNTING KEYING MEMBERS ~*~ Lf PLUG ON ca EARS (Ref! \ , ae OPE CRIMP \ CONTACTS \ LOCKING i o LANCE . i ~~ PC BOARD f ~ WITH MOUNTING STANDOFF 90 DOUBLE. EARS (Ref) ; SOLDER KEYING WITHOUT SOLDER PLUG R MOUNTING TINES DOUBLE- EARS {Ref} WITH MOUNTING CIRCUIT 1 EARS (Ref) LOCKING j = \ PLUG & . CLOSED-ENO ._ SINGLE- CONTACT 5 BOARD CIRCUIT LOCKING card Entry) SOLDER TINE LOCKING LANCE SLOT CONNECTORS PLUG CAVITY WIRE-TO-BOARD PPLICATIONS BOARD-TO-BOARD APPLICATIONS COMPONENTS ACCESSORIES CONNECTORS" a) T KEYING LOCKING 30 SOLDER 180 SOLDER zs HOUSINGST = | wine | INS CONTAC PLUGS PLUGS TINES TINES =: W/MTG|W/0 MTG] SIZE DIA Le [strip |SNGLE|DOUBLE | SINGLE [DOUBLE |[W/MTG|W/O MTG|W/MTG/W/O MTG a0 EARS! | EARS? LATCH | LATCH [CIRCUITICIRCUIT || EARS | EARS | EARS | EARS fi 640137 | 640136 [80to 24/040 tc .o57{ -- [640020] 640180 | 480600 | 640170 | 350555 || eaoia1 | eania4a | saniac | 640133 8 480651 [4to 18 100 250011] 61668 2. Max 350194 ae 2 = "AVAILABLE IN 6 THROUGH 24 POSITIONS (Depending on Dash Number). r = AVAILABLE IN 2 THROUGH 24 POSITIONS {Depending on Dash Number}. = *FOR TWO SIDED BOARDS (12 Positions Oniy!. . 3 B ENLARGED FOR CLARITY. Fig. 1 1. INTRODUCTION This instruction sheet (IS) covers AMP Bifurcated Leaf Contact Connectors designed for printed circuit (pc) beard applications. See Figure 1 for listing of connectors, components, and accessories. tors have contact centerline spacing of .156 in. and double-sided connectors have contact centerline spacing on .188 in. The total number of contact pasi- tions range from 2 to 24. See Figure 1. AMP Ince and Foreign patenis and/or palenis pending Housings have been designed with and without mounting ears for 90 and 180 mounting to a panel or pc board. Each features a contact locking lance cavity, contact barriers, and a closed-end pc board {card entry} slot. The crimp-type contact housings have numbers identifying each cavity on the back, and solder tine housings have pc board standoffs Read this material thoroughly before selecting or assembling any components. 2. DESCRIPTION All dimensions on this sheet are in inches. Copynaght 1980 ty AMP In national Rights Reserved A connector is composed of a housing and contacts. They are available with preloaded 90 and 180 solder tines for board-to-board applications, and as individual components consisting of a housing and crimp-type contacts for wire-to-board applications, molded on the battom. The different base numbers indicate variations in the housing materials and the dash numbers reflect the quantity of contact posi- tions in the housing. All housings have a temperature rating of -55 to +85C and a maximum The connectors will accept pc boards of .062 + .0075 thickness {including pc pads). Single-sided connec- * Trademark of AMP Incamporated current/voltage rating of 250 Vac at 6 amperes. See Figure 1. PAGE 10F 4IS 6560 AMP BIFURCATED LEAF CONTACT CONNECTORS Contact design features include two bifurcated spring 3. INSTALLATION members, a !ocking lance, and stabilizers along the . . . - : n eS sides. The solder tine contacts are available for 90 Connectors with Solder Tin and 180 pc board applications, and the crimp-type 1. Determine position of pc boards if pc contacts are available to accept a wire range of 18 to boards are to be parallel ta each other, a con- 30 AWG with an insulation diameter to .100 in. See nector with 90 solder tines will be needed, and Figure 1. if pe boards are ta be 90 to each other, a con- A es includ | ; hey; nector with 180 solder tines will be needed. ccessories include two styles of on-contact keying 2 . . ae : Make a hole | ton the b r plugs which provide polarization for a connector, and usin the dimensions shown in Fi sure oA two styles of locking plugs which are used to secure g s os the mating pe board. The keying plugs with a single 3. Make a pad layout on the mating pc board locking latch locks inside the housing and those with using the dimensions shown in Figure 2,B. double locking latches lock over the back of the 4. insert the solder tines into the pc board housing. until the standoffs bottom on the board. .180 DIA 312 Lag CUTOUT - (Typ) = (Min) @-188 5 - 150 FOR 180 STH _ OR 4 + CONNECTOR | 180 DIA. 156 O == APPLICATION | Ce Typ) +t... { Hees et 4 SL +f i {+ : { | = . | j I | @ | | a = ! | | @ 188 equal J_| @ A | OR 5 | SPACES zu | 156 + 005 1 + 010 (Typ) | | \ @ 1 1 090 | + .005 @ EQUAL | , =H 082 DIA SPACES) | eH F D (Typ) @ | | + 0000 om i cuTout cures | j | | | D --.0100 100 icoxa i! FOR KEYING B ! | @ | Cc (evmers PLUG : ' eo | ' POEM} a 160 bia \ : 8 Lt | ; tlm * Typ) oO ! ee BOTTOM Po ! = : ALIGNING* oe (Ref) i | | th PADS f hoe} o f este (Ref) ft ol oy et f- ' = $00) 270 Kem PADLENGTH , Ce 525-0! AO evap On | | MOUNTING HOLE 250 (Min) 285 | _ {For Connectors 325 (Max) {== 015 158 2 fate BASE PC With Mounting Ears) +0075 p oA c PANEL BOARD 062 173 an ACTIVE DIMENSIONS CIRCUIT CIRCUITS DOUBLE CIRCUIT | MTG | 180 | 90 [CUT- positions ONE | TWO | LOCKING PLUGS | HOLES |CONT. | CONT. | OUT NOTES PLUG/PLUGS| A 8 c D E E F 2 _ + = + + 766 208 406 200 @) Total number of contact solder tines, minus one 3 322 -656 (1}, tmes contact centerine spacing (.156 or 4 1.078 B12 188) 5 7.235 969 o_ ; 6 F 7 7.491 T1125 @) Two holes for two double-circuit focking plugs. F 5 635 479 17-114 1.547 7281 When this application is used, four (two at each 8 6 635 6a5 | 1.270 1 1.708 1.437 end) aligning circuit pad locations wil NOT be 9 7 792 | .635 [7.427 | 1.860 1,594 actwe. 10 a 792 | 791 7 583 | 2.016 1.750} (3) One hole for a single-circuit jocking plug. When 11 9 } 948 | .791 | 1.739 | 2.172 1.906 this application is used, two aligning circuit pads 12 10 8 "348 | 947 | 1.895 | 2.328 2.062 will NOT be active. 13 im g 1.105 | _.947 | 2.052 |_ 2.485 2.219 @ Use .156 for single-sided connectors end .188 for 14 12 10 _[ 1.105 [1.103 | 2.208 [ 2.641 2.375 double-sided connectors 15 13 1 1.261 | 1.103 | 2.364 | 2,787 2.531 " , oo 16 th 12 1.261 | 1.260 12.5201 2.953 2.687 &) Dimension .158 for Aousings with base part 17 15 Ta t.4i7 | 1.260 12.6777 3.110 2.844 Number of 350350 and dimension .173 for Fg 16 14 1.417 1 1.416 | 2.833 | 3.266 3.000 housings with base part number of 640137. 19 17 15 1.573 | 1.416 | 2.989 | 3.422 3.156 (6) Cutout for polarized housing which has a thinner 20 18 16 1.573 | 1.572 [3.145 | 3.578 3.312 end on left side (side with highest numbered 27 19 7 1.730 | 1.572 | 3.302 | 3.735 3.469 cavity). Use dimension .076 to .086 in. when 2? 20 1a 1.730 | 1.728 | 3.458 | 3.891 3.625 polarization is desired, otherwise, use 150 23 21 19 1.886 | 1.728 | 3.614 | 4.047 j 3.781 dimension for slots at both enas. 24 22 20 1.3886 | 1.884 [3.7701 4.203 t ' 3.937 Fig. 2 PAGE 2 OF 4AMP BIFURCATED LEAF CONTACT CONNECTORS 5. Make sure the standoffs remain against the pc board and solder the tines to the pc board using hand or wave soldering techniques. 6. Clean the soldered assembly with a solvent that will NOT affect plastic materials. 7. (lf applicable, secure connector to pc board with screws, bolts and nuts, rivets or other suit- able hardware. B. Connectors with Crimp-Type Contacts Determine whether the connector is to be used fora free-hanging or panel-mounted application. Then determine the wire size and number of contact posi- tions required for your application. 1. Refer to the chart in Figure 1 and select the proper housing and contacts. If the connector is to be panel mounted, make a layout on the panel using the dirmensions in Figure 2,C. 2. Crimp the contacts according to the instructions packaged with the crimping tool. NOTE } Terminate foose-piece contacts with AMP Hand Crimping Tool 90123-2 (1S 7123) and Strip contacts with one of the various AMP terminating machines fconsuft your focal AMP representative for the machine that will IS 6560 3. Align terminated contact with back of contact cavity so the bifurcated leaf members will be toward the board sict. See Figure 1. 4. Insert contact straight into the housing until bottomed, then pull back lightly an wire to be sure the contact is locked in place. 4. CONTACT EXTRACTION (Figure 3) The contact jocking lance can be released through the front of the housing and the contact removed from the back of the housing with the use of AMP Extraction Tool 457241-1. Proceed as fallows: 1. Align the lance release tip with the appli- cable locking lance slot in the front of the housing. 2. tnsert the tip straight into the slot until bottamed and, holding the tool in this position, depress the handle to start the contact out the back of the housing. 3. Remove the toot from the front of the housing and pull the contact out the back of the best suit your needs). housing. LOCKING LANCE wire ~~ LOCKING . LANCE a SLOT BACK OF HOUSING ~~~ SN } os, ao ON ! wo ~\ me a ~ 1 CONTACT FRONT OF HOUSING (Mating Face! CONTACT EXTRACTION TIP (Fully Extended) LANCE ae ~ RELEASE TIP HANDLE EXTRACTION TOOL 457241-1 Fig. 3 PAGE 3 OF 4iS 6560 AMP BIFURCATED LEAF CONTACT CONNECTORS LOCKED IN HOUSING KEYING PLUG DOUBLE- INSTALLATION LATCH KEYING PLUG SINGLE- LATCH ip KEYING PLUG LATCHES LOCKED OVER EDGE OF HOUSING Fig. 4 5. INSTALLING ACCESSORIES A. Keying Plugs The cavity into which the plug is to be installed must be empty. 1. Select the keying plug best suited for your application. See Figure 1. 2. Align the keying plug with the front of the cavity the locking tabs must be turned toward the outside of the housing. 3. Insert the keying plug straight into the cavity until bottomed, then pull back lightly to be sure the plug is locked in position. See Figure 4, 4. Make a hole in the mating pe board to correspond with the locking plug hole dimen- sions in Figure 2,B. 8. Locking Plugs ~The cavity into which the locking plugs are to be inserted must be empty. The double locking plug raquires two empty cavities and the single locking plug requires only one cavity. 1. Select the type of locking plug required for your application from Figure 1. 2. Align the locking plug with the frant of th front of the cavity. 3. Insert the locking plug into the cavity until it bottoms, then pull back lightly to be sure the plug is locked in position. See Figure 5. When mating, make sure the locking plug engages the tab hole in the pc board. Locking plugs and keying plugs can be removed with a small blunt-tipped tool by depressing the locking latch (or latches) at the back of the housing. Two CIRCUITS ON BOTH ENDS OF PC BOARD WILL NOT BE useD LATCH \, HOLE Ee. 7 ~ DOUBLE- EE SS CIRCUIT an ae af tt Pe LATCH LOCKING ail PLUG a. END OF a PC BOARD LOCKING PLUG INSTALLATION ie _ Ph \ HOLE ee f SINGLE-CIRCUIT foo LOCKING PLUG CENTER CIRCUIT ONE CIRCUIT (Ref) WILL NOT BE USED Fig. 5 PAGE 4 OF 4