www.latticesemi.com 4-1 Pinout Information_01.7
February 2012 Data Sheet DS1009
© 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal. All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
Signal Descriptions
Signal Name I/O Description
General Purpose
P[Edge] [Row/Column Number*]_[A/B] I/O
[Edge] indicates the edge of the device on which the pad is located. Valid
edge designations are L (Left), B (Bottom), R (Right), T (Top).
[Row/Column Number] indicates the PFU row or the column of the device on
which the PIC exists. When Edge is T (Top) or B (Bottom), only need to spec-
ify Row Number. When Edge is L (Left) or R (Right), only need to specify Col-
umn Number.
[A/B] indicates the PIO within the PIC to which the pad is connected. Some of
these user-programmable pins are shared with special function pins. These
pins, when not used as special purpose pins, can be programmed as I/Os for
user logic. During configuration the user-programmable I/Os are tri-stated
with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded
to a package pin), it is also tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled
after configuration.
GSRN I Global RESET signal (active low). Any I/O pin can be GSRN.
NC — No connect.
GND — Ground. Dedicated pins.
VCC — Power supply pins for core logic. Dedicated pins.
Auxiliary power supply pin. This dedicated pin powers all the differential and
referenced input buffers.
VCCPLL — PLL supply pins. csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages only.
VCCIOx — Dedicated power supply pins for I/O bank x.
VREF1_x, VREF2_x —Reference supply pins for I/O bank x. Pre-determined pins in each bank are
assigned as VREF inputs. When not used, they may be used as I/O pins.
PLL and Clock Functions (Used as user programmable I/O pins when not in use for PLL or clock pins)
[LOC][num]_VCCPLL — Power supply pin for PLL: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row from center.
[LOC][num]_GPLL[T, C]_IN_A I General Purpose PLL (GPLL) input pads: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row
from center, T = true and C = complement, index A,B,C...at each side.
[LOC][num]_GPLL[T, C]_FB_A I Optional feedback GPLL input pads: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row from
center, T = true and C = complement, index A,B,C...at each side.
PCLK[T, C]_[n:0]_[3:0] I Primary Clock pads, T = true and C = complement, n per side, indexed by
bank and 0,1,2,3 within bank.
[LOC]DQS[num] I
DQS input pads: T (Top), R (Right), B (Bottom), L (Left), DQS, num = ball
function number. Any pad can be configured to be output.
Test and Programming (Dedicated Pins)
TMS I Test Mode Select input, used to control the 1149.1 state machine. Pull-up is
enabled during configuration.
Test Clock input pin, used to clock the 1149.1 state machine. No pull-up
Test Data in pin. Used to load data into device using 1149.1 state machine.
After power-up, this TAP port can be activated for configuration by sending
appropriate command. (Note: once a configuration port is selected it is
locked. Another configuration port cannot be selected until the power-up
sequence). Pull-up is enabled during configuration.
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
Pinout Information