PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA STRADA The most versatile modular product family especially designed for street lighting, but also suitable for wide range of other applications STRADA is LEDiLs most comprehensive product family with a wide variety of different beams suitable for both outdoor and indoor lighting. The standardized modules are available in 2X2 and 2X6 layouts as well as in two different single formats. 2X2MX features a standardized 90 x 90 mm footprint. The latest addition to the product family includes silicone versions for increased durability and thermal resistance. Being especially designed for street lighting they provide highly efficient and uniform lighting. STRADA-IP-2X6 173 x 71.4 mm ingress protected 2X6 arrays with a silicone gasket for up to 5050 size LED packages PRODUCTS: CS16401_STRADA-IP-2X6-PX CS15020_STRADA-IP-2X6-VSM CS15887_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3-B-90 Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.60 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 8.00 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 12.75 mm Double asymmetric beam designed to IESNA Type V (square) beam for wide IESNA Type lll (medium) beam with highlight pedestrian crossings for right area lighting such as car parks minimized backlight. Variant with beam side traffic direction rotated 90. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 1/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA PRODUCTS: CS14144_STRADA-IP-2X6-ME CS15871_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3-L CS14055_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2 Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 8.42 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 13.00 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 9.17 mm Beam with excellent longitudinal IESNA Type III Medium beam for long IESNA Type II (medium) beam applicable luminance uniformity fulfilling EN13201 pole distances and up to 8x mounting for European P-class standard M-class requirements where road width height. Suitable for European P-class pedestrian lighting and M-class roads is equal to or less than the pole height and pathway lighting CS15689_STRADA-IP-2X6-FW CS12862_STRADA-IP-2X6-DWC CS15418_STRADA-IP-2X6-SCL Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 12.40 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.00 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.60 mm Beam with wide light distribution and Universal road lighting (IESNA Type II Type II/III (long) beam for very wide pole good illuminance uniformity for residential medium) beam with excellent mixed to pole distances. Ideal for pedestrian street lighting and staggered pole setups illuminance and luminance uniformity. walkways and residential road lighting. (EN13201 P-classes) Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 2/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA PRODUCTS: CS15362_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3-B CS15158_STRADA-IP-2X6-T4-B CS17259_STRADA-IP-2X6-T4-B-PC Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 12.75 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 10.57 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 10.57 mm IESNA Type III (medium) beam with Wide IESNA Type IV beam with Wide IESNA Type IV beam with minimized backlight forward-throw beam for wide area lighting forward-throw beam for wide area lighting like car parks like car parks. Variant made from PC. CS15068_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3-PC CS17082_STRADA-IP-2X6-VSM-PC CS15055_STRADA-IP-2X6-DWC-90-PC Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 8.50 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 8.00 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.00 mm IESNA Type III (medium) beam for roads IESNA Type V (square) beam for wide Universal road lighting (typically IESNA that are equal to or wider than mounting area lighting such as car parks. Variant Type III medium) beam with excellent height. Variant made from PC. made from PC. mixed illuminance and luminance uniformity. Variant with beam direction rotated 90. Variant made from PC. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 3/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA PRODUCTS: CS16397_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-C-90-PC CS14145_STRADA-IP-2X6-DWC-90 CS15886_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-B-90 Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.00 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 8.98 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 12.10 mm IESNA Type II (medium) beam with Universal road lighting (typically IESNA IESNA Type II (medium) beam with added house side backlight. Designed for Type III medium) beam with excellent minimized house side backlight. Variant tilted and long armatures. Variant with mixed illuminance and luminance with beam direction rotated 90. beam direction rotated 90. Variant made uniformity. Variant with beam direction from PC. rotated 90. CS14143_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3 CS15870_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-L CS13756_STRADA-IP-2X6-DWC-PC Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 8.50 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 13.00 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 7.92 mm IESNA Type III (medium) beam for roads IESNA Type II Medium beam for long Universal road lighting (IESNA Type II that are equal to or wider than mounting pole distances and up to 8x mounting medium) beam with excellent mixed height height. Suitable for European P-class illuminance and luminance uniformity. and pathway lighting. Variant made from PC. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 4/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA PRODUCTS: CS15671_STRADA-IP-2X6-DWC-B CS15363_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-B CS15223_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-C-90 Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 8.90 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 12.03 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 9.25 mm Universal road lighting (IESNA Type II IESNA Type II (medium) beam with IESNA Type II (medium) beam with Medium) beam with excellent mixed minimized house side backlight. added house side backlight. Designed for illuminance, luminance uniformity and tilted and long armatures. Variant with minimized backlight. beam direction rotated 90. CS17307_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-B-PC CS15071_STRADA-IP-2X6-ME-PC CS17255_STRADA-IP-2X6-T3-L-PC Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 12.03 mm Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 8.42 mm Dimensions: 173.0 mm x 71.4 mm Height: 13.00 mm IESNA Type II (medium) beam with Beam with excellent longitudinal IESNA Type III Medium beam for long minimized house side backlight. Variant luminance uniformity fulfilling EN13201 pole distances and up to 8x mounting made from PC. M-class requirements where road width height. Suitable for European P-class is equal to or less than the pole height. and pathway lighting. Variant made from Variant made from PC. PC. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 5/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA PRODUCTS: CS15066_STRADA-IP-2X6-T2-PC Dimensions: 71.4 mm x 173.0 mm Height: 9.17 mm IESNA Type II (medium) beam applicable for European P-class standard pedestrian lighting and M-class roads. Variant made from PC. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 6/7 PRODUCT FAMILY DATASHEET STRADA GENERAL INFORMATION: NOTE: The typical beam angle will be changed by different color, chip size and chip position tolerance. The typical total beam angle is the full angle measured where the luminous intensity is half of the peak value. MATERIALS: As part of our continuous research and improvement processes, and to ensure the best possible quality and availability of our products, LEDiL reserves the right to change material grades without notice. PRODUCT DATA USER AGREEMENT AND DISCLAIMER: The measured data in the provided downloadable LEDiL Product Datasheets and Mechanical 2D-Drawings is rounded and provided as reference for planning. LEDiL Oy's optical specifications have been verified by conducting performance testing of the products in accordance with the company's quality system. The reported data are averaged results of multiple measurements with typical variation. LEDiL Oy reserves the right to without prior notification make changes and improvements to its products. LEDiL Oy Joensuunkatu 13 FI-24240 SALO Finland LEDiL Inc. 228 West Page Street Suite D Sycamore IL 60178 USA Local sales and technical support where_to_buy Shipping locations Salo, Finland Hong Kong, China Distribution Partners where_to_buy LEDiL Oy assumes neither warranty, nor guarantee nor any other liability of any kind for the contents and correctness of the provided data. The provided data has been generated with highest diligence but the provided data may in reality not represent the complete possible variation range of all intrinsic parameters. Therefore, in certain cases a deviation from the provided data could occur. LEDiL Oy reserves the right to undertake technical changes of its products without further notification which could lead to changes in the provided data. LEDiL Oy assumes no liability of any kind for the possible deviation from any provided data or any other damage resulting from the usage of the provided data. The user agrees to this disclaimer and user agreement with the download or usage of the provided files. Last update: 07/12/2019 Subject to change without prior notice LEDiL is a registered trademark of LEDiL Oy in the European Union, USA, and certain other countries. 7/7