The LM5071 power interface port and pulse width modulation (PWM) controller provides a complete integrated
solution for Powered Devices (PD) that connect into Power over Ethernet (PoE) systems. Major features of the
PD interface portion of the IC include detection, classification, thermal limit, programmable undervoltage lockout,
and current limit monitoring. The device also includes a high-voltage start-up bias regulator that operates over a
wide input range up to 60V. The switch mode power supply (SMPS) control portion of the IC includes power
good sensing, VCC regulator under-voltage lockout, cycle-by-cycle current limit, error amplifier, slope
compensation, soft-start, and oscillator sync capability. This high speed BiCMOS IC has total propagation delays
less than 100ns and a 1MHz capable oscillator programmed by a single external resistor. The LM5071 PWM
controller provides current-mode control for dc-dc converter topologies requiring a single drive output, such as
Flyback and Forward topologies. The LM5071 PWM enables all of the advantages of current-mode control
including line feed-forward, cycle-by-cycle current limit and simplified loop compensation. The oscillator ramp is
internally buffered and added to the PWM comparator input ramp to provide slope compensation necessary for
current mode control at duty cycles greater than 50% (-80 suffix only).
Modes of Operation
The LM5071 PD interface is designed to provide a fully compliant IEEE 802.3af system. As such, the modes of
operation take into account the barrel rectifiers often utilized to correctly polarize the dc input from the Ethernet
Table 1. Operating Modes With Respect to Input Voltage
Input Voltage VIN wrt VEE Mode of Operation
1.8V to 10.0V Detection (Signature)
12.5V to 25.0V Classification
25.0V to UVLO Rising Vth Awaiting Full Power
60V to UVLO Falling Vth Normal Powered Operation
An external signature resistor is connected to VEE when VIN exceeds 1.8V, initiating detection mode. During
detection mode, quiescent current drawn by the LM5071 is less than 10uA. Between 10.0V and 12.5V, the
device enters classification mode and the signature resistor is disabled. The nominal range for classification
mode is 11.5V to 25.0V. The classification current is turned off once the classification range voltage is exceeded,
to reduce power dissipation. Between 25.0V and UVLO release, the device is in a standby state, awaiting the
input voltage to reach the operational range to complete the power up sequence. Once the VIN voltage increases
above the upper UVLO threshold voltage, the internal power MOSFET is enabled to deliver a constant current to
charge the input capacitor of the dc-dc converter. When the MOSFET Vds voltage falls below 1.5V, the internal
Power Good signal enables the SMPS controller. The LM5071 is specified to operate with an input voltage as
high as 60.0V. The SMPS controller and internal MOSFET are disabled when VIN falls to the lower UVLO
Detection Signature
To detect a potential powered device candidate, the PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) will apply a voltage from
2.8V to 10V across the input terminals of the PD. The voltage can be of either polarity so a diode barrel network
is required on both lines to ensure this capability. The PSE will take two measurements, separated by at least 1V
and 2ms of time. The voltage ramp between measurement points will not exceed 0.1V/us. The delta voltage /
delta current calculation is then performed; if the detected impedance is above 23.75kΩand below 26.25kΩ, the
PSE will consider a PD to be present. If the impedance is less than 15kΩor greater than 33kΩa PD will be
considered not present and will not receive power. Impedances between these values may or may not indicate
the presence of a valid PD. The LM5071 will enable the signature resistor at a controller input voltage of 1.5V to
take into account the diode voltage drops. An external signature resistor should be placed between the VIN and
RSIG pins. The signature resistor is in parallel with the external UVLO resistor divider, and its value should be
calculated accordingly. Targeting 24.5kΩincreases margin in the signature design as the input bridge rectifier
diodes contribute to the series resistance measured at the PD input terminals. The PSE will tolerate no more
than 1.9V of offset voltage (caused by the external diodes) or more than 10uA of offset current (bias current).
The input capacitance must be greater than 0.05uF and less than 0.12uF. To increase efficiency, the signature
resistor is disabled by the LM5071 controller once the input voltage is above the detection range (> 11V).
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