Microlab, A Wireless Telecom Group Company, 25 Eastmans Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054
Tel: (973) 386-9696 • sales@microlab.fxr.com • www.microlab.fxr.com • Fax: (973) 386-9191
3 dB Hybrids, CA series
Quadrature Couplers, 90°Power Dividers
200 to 4000 MHz
The Microlab CA series of 3 dB Hybrids are reciprocal 4 port
networks also known as Hybrid Combiners, 90°Power Dividers or
Quadrature Couplers. Each is designed using stripline construction
to achieve high isolation and low VSWR.
Common applications includes interfacing drivers with paral-
lel power amplifiers where the reflections due to common load
mismatches are combined at the isolated port and cancel at the
input providing excellent system match. Wireless versions are
designed for use in hybrid combiner applications in the 380 to
2700 MHz bands to combine two signal sources to a single anten-
na. This application requires a hybrid with very low passive inter-
modulation (PIM).
Custom versions are available with special bandwidths or
alternate connectors on request. (03/10)
Nominal Coupling: 3 dB
Frequency Sensitivity: 0.5 dB
Impedance: 50Ωnominal
Power Rating: 100W average, 3 kW peak.
Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C
N female Connectors: Triplate or Silver
Housing: Passivated aluminum
MMooddeellFFrreeqquueennccyy IIssoollaattiioonnIInnsseerrttiioonnDDiimmeennssiioonnss iinncchheess ((mmmm))WWeeiigghhtt
NNuummbbeerrRRaannggee,, MMHHzzmmiinn..LLoossss,, ddBBAABBCCDDEEoozz.. ((gg))
CCAA--1155NN200 - 400 25 dB 0.1 7.22 (183) 6.14 (156) 2.30 (58) 1.3 (33) 0.9 (23) 14.0 (399)
CCAA--2255NN400 - 800 25 dB 0.1 4.22 (107) 3.14 (80) 2.30 (58) 1.3 (33) 0.9 (23) 9.0 (256)
CCAA--3355NN**750 - 1500 25 dB 0.1 2.82 (72) 1.74 (44) 2.30 (58) 1.3 (33) 0.9 (23) 6.7 (191)
CCAA--4455NN**1000 - 2000 25 dB 0.1 2.42 (61) 1.34 (34) 2.30 (34) 1.3 (33) 0.9 (23) 6.0 (171)
CCAA--5555NN**1500 - 3000 20 dB 0.15 2.02 (51) 0.94 (24) 2.30 (58) 1.3 (33) 0.9 (23) 5.0 (143)
CCAA--6655NN2000 - 4000 20 dB 0.15 1.82 (46) 0.84 (21) 2.00 (51) 1.0 (25) 0.75 (19) 4.0 (114)
*Special order only. Equivalent units generally available as CA-x4N series wireless band products
Octave bands to 4 GHz
See wireless versions for special low PIM
and multi band coverage
100W average Power Rating
High Isolation, Low VSWR
N Connectors