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AMPLIMITE Subminiature D Connectors
Shielded AMPLIMITE .050 Series Slimline Connectors
AMPLIMITE .050 Series
Connectors, Series III
Product Facts
Compact design, profile
for the right-angle header
1.230 x .588 [31.24 x 14.94],
vertical header 1.230 x .433
[31.24 x 11.00], right-angle
stacked headers 1.230 x
.803 [31.24 x 20.40]
Housings and covers made
of UL 94V-0 rated thermo-
Headers are compatible
with surface mount reflow
solder processes
Header footprint for right-
angle and stacked configura-
tions is .100 x .050
[2.54 x 1.27] staggered
Right-angle and stacked
headers feature integral
boardlocks for positive board
retention and grounding
Stacked headers reduce
overall total header volume
by 48% and PC board area
by 38%
Stacked headers offer
optional contact shield for
additional EMI/RFI protection
Plugs preloaded with
insulation displacement
contacts (IDC) provide fast,
reliable and economical
Aesthetically designed back-
shell kits feature easy-to-use
finger grip jackscrews to
secure mated connectors
Listed and complies with UL
1863, Communication
Circuit Accessories,
File No. E81956
Certified by
Canadian Standards
File No. 1088108
(LR 7189A-207)
■Produced under a Quality
Management System certi-
fied to ISO 9001
■A copy of the
certificate is available
upon request
Shielded AMPLIMITE .050
Series, Slimline Connectors
answer today’s industry
requirement for higher
density in a smaller overall
package. The present line
consists of 26 position,
shielded right-angle, 26
position right-angle stacked
PCB receptacle header, and
mating 26 position plug
connectors. All header, plug
and backshell housings are
made of UL 94V-0 rated
thermoplastic. PCB headers
are compatible with surface
mount reflow solder
processes. Right-angle and
stacked PCB headers fea-
ture con-tact footprints on
.100 x .050 [2.54 x 1.27]
staggered centerlines.
The compact design of the
right-angle header package
measures only 1.230 W x
.588 D x .300 H [31.24 W x
14.94 D x 7.62 H] for maxi-
mum board real estate con-
servation. Right-angle PCB
headers feature integral
boardlocks for positive board
retention and grounding.
Right-angle stacked headers
provide 52 contacts in a
package only .635 [16.13]
high, allowing parallel
(board-over-board) board
spacing of .800 [20.32].
Centerlines between the top
connector and the bottom
connector measure .335
[8.51] when compared to
.400 [10.16] on the standard
.050 Series stacked headers.
This results in an over-all
reduction of total header
volume, in comparison to
the standard AMPLIMITE
.050 Series header, of 48%,
and a comparative reduction
in PC board area of 38%.
Stacked header board
retention and stabilization
is provided by two board-
locks and four grounding
posts. In addition, an
optional rear contact shield
is available for additional
EMI/RFI protection.
The mating plug connector
consists of a thermoplastic
housing, preloaded with
insulation displacement
contacts (IDC) for fast, reli-
able terminations that offer
greater applied cost sav-
ings. TE offers a choice of
termination equipment to
meet your production
The backshell hardware kit
includes a two-piece, aes-
thetically designed, thermo-
plastic cover over an inner
and outer shield and two,
high strength #2-56 male
jackscrews with insulated
heads (easy finger grip
caps) to secure mated
Series, Slimline family of
connectors offers keyed
coupling. This feature elimi-
nates the problem of mis-
match mating of plug and
receptacle, particularly in
stacked applications.