W7500x Data Sheet Version1.0.6 22 / 40
3.17 Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART)
The device embeds three universal asynchronous receivers/transmitters (UART0, UART1,
UART2) which communicate at speeds of up to 3 Mbit/s.
The UART supports synchronous one-way communication, half-duplex single wire
communication, and UART0,1 supports multiprocessor communications(CTS/RTS) but UART2
unsupported multiprocessor communications UART2 is called the SUART(Simple UART).
Serial-to-parallel conversion on data received from a peripheral device
Parallel-to-serial conversion on data transmitted to the peripheral device
Data size of 5,6,7 and 8 its
One or two stop bits
Even, odd, stick, or no-parity bit generation and detection
Support of hardware flow control
Programmable FIFO disabling for 1-byte depth.
Programmable use of UART or IrDA SIR input/output
False start bit detection
UART bidirectional communication requires a minimum of two pins: RX, TX
The frame are comprised of:
An Idle Line prior to transmission or reception
A start bit
A data word (8 or 9 bits) least significant bit first
1, 1.5, 2 Stop bits indicating that the frame is complete
The USART interface uses a baud rate generator
A status register (UART1_RISR)
data registers (UART1DR)
A baud rate register (UART1_IBRD,UART1_FBRD)
3.18 Synchronous Serial Port (SSP)
The SSP block is an IP provided by ARM (PL022 “PrimeCell® Synchronous Serial Port”).
Additional details about its functional blocks may be found in “ARM PrimeCell® Synchronous
Serial Port (PL022) Technical Reference Manual”.
The SSP is a master or slave interface that enables synchronous serial communication
with slave or master peripherals having one of the following:
A MOTOROLA SPI-compatible interface
A TEXAS INSTRUMENTS synchronous serial interface
A National Semiconductor MICROWIRE® interface.
The SPI interface operates as a master or slave interface. It supports bit rates up to
20 MHz in master mode and up to 4 MHz in slave mode.
Parallel-to-serial conversion on data written to an internal 16-bit wide, 8-
location deep transmit FIFO
Serial-to-parallel conversion on received data, buffering it in a 16-bit wide, 8-location
deep receive FIFO
Programmable data frame size from 4 to 16 bits
Programmable clock bit rate and prescaler. The input clock may be divided by a factor
of 2 to 254 in steps of two to provide the serial output clock
Programmable clock phase and polarity.