©Enpirion 2011 all rights reserved, E&OE www.enpirion.com
Capacitor Selection
The EC2630QI requires a range of capacitance
depending on application configuration.
Capacitor selection is dependent upon power
level, efficiency, space, and cost requirements.
Low-cost, low-ESR X5R or X7R ceramic
capacitors should be used. Either 1206 or 1210
case sizes are recommended. In general, 1210
capacitors exhibit less voltage coefficient than
1206 capacitors, providing more capacitance per
unit volume-volt. Y5V or equivalent dielectric
formulations must not be used as they lose
capacitance with frequency, temperature and
bias voltage.
Capacitor selection guidelines to support full
output load (4.5A) optimized for efficiency:
• Input Capacitors- a typical implementation
might use 3x22μF, 1206 MLCC capacitors
• Output Capacitors- a typical
implementation might use 3X47μF, 1206
• Flying Capacitors- a typical
implementation might use 3x47μF 1206.
• A portion of the output capacitance or
flying capacitance can be allocated to the
underside of the board. In addition, a
portion of Cout can be shared with
downstream input bypass capacitance
(e.g. PoL converters).
Optional External Over-Current Protection (OCP)
For some applications, output load levels that
drive the EC2630 into very high-current
conditions with VOUT at nominal VIN/2 voltages
can lead to EC2630 device damage. Enpirion
has observed that high-current conditions over
6A - while VOUT is regulating at VIN/2 - can lead
to device failure. When the EC2630 fails, the
device will stop regulating to VOUT=VIN/2, and the
output will drop to approximately 2V. A failure
event has not been found to damage
downstream devices since VOUT drops during the
event. When an EC2630 device fails, it draws
excessive current from the 12V input supply at its
PVIN pin.
Figure 8 shows a recommended circuit for
external over-current protection. Applications that
implement other means of over-current and
short-circuit protection by using other supervisory
or control circuits do not need to use the circuit
shown in Figure 8. Please contact Enpirion
Applications support for more details.
This circuit interfaces to the following pins on the
GND. It uses the VOUT_OK signal to decide if
there is an over-current condition. If VOUT_OK is
high, then the circuit allows the EC2630 to
operate normally. As soon as VOUT_OK goes to
a logic low, it is interpreted as an over-current
condition, and the circuit lowers the device
operating frequency, and causes it to go into a
hiccup mode. The hiccup mode continues
indefinitely until VOUT_OK goes high.
There are two timers in this circuit. C1 and its
associated resistors sets up a soft-start timer,
and C2 and its associated resistors set up a
hiccup timer. The active components in this
circuit were chosen based on device availability.
Similar components can be used as long as the
performance is comparable to the ones shown in
Figure 8. Please note the circuit also requires an
external 3.3V, low-current rail.
If an over-current or short-circuit condition is
encountered while using the circuit of Figure 8
with the EC2630, leave the power on for at least
2 seconds before turning it off, and wait an
additional 2 seconds before re-applying power.
Please note when using the circuit of Figure 8,
the EC2630 ENABLE pin is not tied to VIN any
more. This pin needs be toggled by the circuit for
proper OCP operation.