Product Data Sheet 8314 HR-197
5/7/2012 page 8 of 9
3.6 Sound Data
conditions: Sound pressure level: 1 Meter distance between microphone and the air intake.
Sound power level: Acc. to DIN 45635 part 38 (ISO 10302)
Measured in a semianchoic chamber with a background noise level of Lp(A) < 5 dB(A)
For further measurement conditions see section 3.5
a.) Operation condition:
4.900 1/min at free air flow
Optimal operating point 62,0 m3/h @ 0 Pa
Sound power level at the optimal operating
6,0 bel(A)
Sound pressure level at free air flow,
measured in rubber bands
47,0 dB(A)
Mounted on a traverse. Measured in a aperture plate (Diameter 76,4 mm), wheel in the middle.
4 Environment
4.1 General
Min. permitted ambient temperature TU min. -20 °C
Max. permitted ambient temperature TU max. 70 °C
Min. permitted storage temperature TL min. -40 °C
Max. permitted storage temperature TL max. 80 °C
4.2 Climatic requirements*)
Humidity requirements humid heat, cyclic; according to DIN EN 60068-2-30,
6 cycle
Water exposure None
Radiation exposure None
Dust requirements Dust check; according to DIN EN 60068-2-68,
6g/m2d, 1 day
Salt fog requirements None
Harmful gas requirements None
*) Permittet application area:
The product is for the use in sheltered rooms with limited controlled temperature. Occasionally condensed water is
allowed. Directly exposure to water must be avoid. Saline ambient conditions must be avoid.
Pollution degree 2 (according DIN EN 60664-1)
It occurs only non-conductive pollution. Occassionally, temporary conductivity caused by condensation occurs.