Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Version 0.9.5 (c) 2010 WIZnet Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved. For more information, visit our website at U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. U 1 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Document History Information Version Date Descriptions Ver.0.9 eta Sep. 2009 Release with W7100 launching Ver.0.9.2 Dec. 2009 Delete about "How to program FLASH memory in W7100" document Section 2.4.7, "APP Entry RD/WR Enable" => "APP Entry(0xFFF7 ~ 0xFFFF) RD/WR Enable" Section 3 I/O Ports, Delete about three-state signals in I/O pins Ver.0.9.3 Feb. 2010 Modify the XTLP0 and XTLP1 explaination Ver.0.9.4 Apr. 2010 Modify the Sn_IMR initial value 0x00 => 0xFF Add the INTLEVEL register to TCPIPCore common register. Ver.0.9.5 May. 2010 Delete about PPPoE protocol cause of errata Copyright Notice Copyright 2009 WIZnet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Technical Support: Sales & Distribution: U U U U For more information, visit our website at U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. U 2 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet WIZnet's online Technical Support If you have any questions regarding WIZnet's Products, please write down your question on our Q&A Board under the `Support' menu in the WIZnet U U website ( We will respond to your questions as soon as U U possible. Click (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 3 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Table of Contents 1 Overview ..................................................................................... 11 U 1.1 U U Introduction .................................................................................. 11 U U 1.2 U U W7100 Features ............................................................................. 11 U U 1.3 U U W7100 Block Diagram & Features ........................................................ 12 U U U 1.3.1 U ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) ....................................................... 12 U U 1.3.2 U U 1.4 U TCPIPCore ............................................................................ 14 U U U Pin Description .............................................................................. 16 U U U 1.4.1 U Pin Layout ............................................................................ 16 U U 1.4.2 U U Pin Description ....................................................................... 17 U U U U Configuration ................................................................... 17 U U U U Timer ............................................................................ 18 U U U U UART ............................................................................. 18 U U U U DoCDTM Compatible Debugger ................................................ 18 U U U U Interrupt / Clock .............................................................. 18 U U U U GPIO ............................................................................. 19 U U U U Media Interface ................................................................ 20 U U U U Network Indicator LED ........................................................ 20 U U U 2 Power Supply Signal ........................................................... 21 U U U Memory ....................................................................................... 23 U U 2.1 U Code Memory ................................................................................ 23 U U U 2.1.1 U Code Memory Wait States .......................................................... 26 U 2.2 U U U Data Memory ................................................................................. 26 U U U 2.2.1 U U U Internal Data Memory and SFR ............................................................ 27 U U U 2.4 U Data Memory Wait States .......................................................... 26 U 2.3 U SFR definition ................................................................................ 28 U U U 2.4.1 U Program Code Memory Write Enable Bit ......................................... 28 U U U 2.4.2 U Program Code Memory Wait States Register .................................... 29 U U U 2.4.3 U Data Pointer Extended Registers .................................................. 30 U U U 2.4.4 U Data Pointer Registers .............................................................. 31 U U U 2.4.5 U Clock Control Register .............................................................. 32 U U U 2.4.6 U Stack Pointer ......................................................................... 32 U U U 2.4.7 U New & Extended SFR ................................................................ 33 U 2.4.8 U U 3 4 U U U Peripheral Registers ................................................................. 33 U U Interrupt ...................................................................................... 35 U U I/O Ports ...................................................................................... 39 U U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 4 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5 Timers......................................................................................... 41 U 5.1 U U Timers 0, 1 ................................................................................... 41 U U U 5.1.1 U Overview .............................................................................. 41 U U 5.1.2 U U Interrupts ............................................................................. 42 U U 5.1.3 U U Timer0 - Mode0 ...................................................................... 43 U U 5.1.4 U U Timer0 - Mode1 ...................................................................... 44 U U 5.1.5 U U Timer0 - Mode2 ...................................................................... 44 U U 5.1.6 U U Timer0 - Mode3 ...................................................................... 44 U U 5.1.7 U U Timer1 - Mode0 ...................................................................... 45 U U 5.1.8 U U Timer1 - Mode1 ...................................................................... 46 U U 5.1.9 U U Timer1 - Mode2 ...................................................................... 46 U U 5.1.10 U U 5.2 U Timer1 - Mode3 ...................................................................... 46 U U U Timer2 ........................................................................................ 47 U U U 5.2.1 U Overview .............................................................................. 47 U U 5.2.2 U U Interrupts ............................................................................. 48 U 6 U U UART .......................................................................................... 51 U 6.1 U U Interrupts ..................................................................................... 52 U U 6.2 U U Mode0, Synchronous ........................................................................ 53 U U 6.3 U U Mode1, 8-Bit UART, Variable Baud Rate, Timer 1 or 2 Clock Source ................ 54 U U 6.4 U U Mode2, 9-Bit UART, Fixed Baud Rate ..................................................... 54 U U 6.5 U U Mode3, 9-Bit UART, Variable Baud Rate, Timer1 or 2 Clock Source ................. 55 U U 6.6 U U Examples of Baud Rate Setting ........................................................... 55 U U U Watchdog Timer ............................................................................. 56 7 U 7.1 U U Overview ..................................................................................... 56 U U 7.2 U U Interrupts ..................................................................................... 56 U U 7.3 U U Watchdog Timer Reset...................................................................... 57 U U 7.4 U U Simple Timer ................................................................................. 58 U U 7.5 U U System Monitor .............................................................................. 58 U U 7.6 U U Watchdog Related Registers ............................................................... 58 U U 7.7 U U Watchdog Control ........................................................................... 59 U U U 7.7.1 U 7.8 U Clock Control......................................................................... 60 U U U Timed Access Registers ..................................................................... 61 U U 8 U TCPIPCore .................................................................................... 62 U 8.1 U U Memory Map ................................................................................. 62 U 8.2 U U U TCPIPCore Registers ........................................................................ 62 U U U 8.2.1 U Common Registers ................................................................... 62 U 8.2.2 U U U U SOCKET Registers .................................................................... 64 U U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 5 Register Description ........................................................................ 75 U U U 8.3.1 U Mode Register ........................................................................ 75 U U U 8.3.2 U SOCKET Registers .................................................................... 80 U 9 U U Functional Description ..................................................................... 96 U U 9.1 U Initialization ................................................................................. 96 U U U 9.2 U Data Communication ..................................................................... 101 U U U 9.2.1 U TCP .................................................................................. 101 U U U U TCP SERVER ................................................................... 102 U U U U TCP CLIENT ................................................................... 109 U 9.2.2 U U U UDP .................................................................................. 110 U U U U Unicast & Broadcast ......................................................... 110 U U U 9.2.3 U U U U 11 IR Reflow Temperature Profile (Lead-Free) ........................................... 131 U U U 12 U U Electrical Specification .................................................................. 127 U U MACRAW............................................................................. 121 U 10 U U 9.2.4 U U IPRAW ............................................................................... 119 U U U Multicast ...................................................................... 116 U U Package Descriptions ..................................................................... 132 U U U 13 U Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 8.3 U Appendix: Performance Improvement about W7100 ................................ 134 U U 13.1 U U Summary.................................................................................... 134 U U 13.2 U U 8-Bit Arithmetic Functions ............................................................... 134 U U U 13.2.1 U Addition ............................................................................. 134 U U 13.2.2 U U Subtraction ......................................................................... 135 U U 13.2.3 U U Multiplication ...................................................................... 137 U U 13.2.4 U U 13.3 U U Division .............................................................................. 137 U U 16-Bit Arithmetic Functions ............................................................. 137 U U U 13.3.1 U Addition ............................................................................. 137 U U 13.3.2 U U Subtraction ......................................................................... 138 U U 13.3.3 U U 13.4 U Multiplication ...................................................................... 138 U U U 32-bit Arithmetic Functions ............................................................. 139 U U U 13.4.1 U U 13.4.2 U Addition ............................................................................. 139 U U 13.4.3 U U U Subtraction ......................................................................... 140 U U Multiplication ...................................................................... 140 U U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 6 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet List of Figures Figure 1.1 W7100 Block Diagram ......................................................................... 12 U U Figure 1.2 Accumulator A Register ....................................................................... 13 U U Figure 1.3 B Register ....................................................................................... 13 U U Figure 1.4 Program Status Word Register ............................................................... 13 U U Figure 1.5 PSW Register ................................................................................... 13 U U Figure 1.6 TCPIPCore Block Diagram .................................................................... 14 U U Figure 1.7 W7100 Pin Layout.............................................................................. 16 U U Figure 1.8 Power Design ................................................................................... 22 U U Figure 2.1 Code / Data Memory Connections .......................................................... 23 U U Figure 2.2. Boot Sequence Flowchart ................................................................... 24 U U Figure 2.3 "Code Memory" Map Switching ............................................................. 24 U U Figure 2.4 APP Entry Process.............................................................................. 25 U U Figure 2.5 Changing the code memory Status at RB = `0' ........................................... 25 U U Figure 2.6 "Data Memory" Map........................................................................... 27 U U Figure 2.11 Internal Memory Map ........................................................................ 27 U U Figure 2.12 SFR Memory Map ............................................................................. 28 U U Figure 2.13 PWE bit of PCON Register ................................................................... 28 U U Figure 2.14 Code memory Wait States Register........................................................ 29 U U Figure 2.15 Waveform for code memory Synchronous Read Cycle with Minimal Wait States U (WTST = `3') ................................................................................. 29 U Figure 2.16 Waveform for code memory Synchronous Write Cycle with Minimal Wait U States(WTST = `3') .......................................................................... 30 U Figure 2.17 Data Pointer Extended Register............................................................ 30 U U Figure 2.18 Data Pointer Extended Register............................................................ 30 U U Figure 2.19 MOVX @RI Extended Register ............................................................... 30 U U Figure 2.20 Data Pointer Register DPTR0 ............................................................... 31 U U Figure 2.21 Data Pointer 1 Register DPTR1 ............................................................. 31 U U Figure 2.22 Data Pointer Select Register ............................................................... 31 U U Figure 2.23 Clock Control Register - STRETCH bits .................................................... 32 U U Figure 2.24 Stack Pointer Register ....................................................................... 32 U U Figure 2.26 W7100 Configuration Register.............................................................. 33 U U Figure 3.1 Interrupt Enable Register .................................................................... 36 U U Figure 3.2 Interrupt Priority Register .................................................................... 36 U U Figure 3.3 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register ........................................................... 36 U U Figure 3.4 UART Configuration Register ................................................................. 37 U U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 7 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 3.5 Extended Interrupt Enable Register ........................................................ 37 U U Figure 3.6 Extended Interrupt Priority Register ....................................................... 37 U U Figure 3.7 Extended Interrupt Flag Register ........................................................... 38 U U Figure 3.8 Watchdog Control Register ................................................................... 38 U U Figure 4.1 Port0 Register .................................................................................. 39 U U Figure 4.2 Port1 Register .................................................................................. 39 U U Figure 4.3 Port2 Register .................................................................................. 39 U U Figure 4.4 Port3 Register .................................................................................. 39 U U Figure 4.5 Usage of the GPIO pins in the W7100 ...................................................... 40 U U Figure 5.1 Timer0, 1 Control Mode Register ............................................................ 41 U U Figure 5.2 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register ........................................................... 42 U U Figure 5.3 Interrupt Enable Register .................................................................... 42 U U Figure 5.4 Interrupt Priority Register .................................................................... 42 U U Figure 5.5 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register ........................................................... 43 U U Figure 5.6 Timer Counter0, Mode0: 13-Bit Timer/Counter .......................................... 43 U U Figure 5.7 Timer/Counter0, Mode1: 16-Bit Timer/Counter .......................................... 44 U U Figure 5.8 Timer/Counter0, Mode2: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload ..................... 44 U U Figure 5.9 Timer/Counter0, Mode3: Two 8-Bit Timers/Counters ................................... 45 U U Figure 5.10 Timer/Counter1, Mode0: 13-Bit Timer/Counter ........................................ 45 U U Figure 5.11 Timer/Counter1, Mode1: 16-Bit Timers/Counters ...................................... 46 U U Figure 5.12 Timer/Counter1, Mode2: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload .................... 46 U U Figure 5.13 Timer2 Configuration Register ............................................................. 47 U U Figure 5.14 Timer/Counter2, 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload ............................ 48 U U Figure 5.15 Interrupt Enable Register -- Timer2 ....................................................... 48 U U Figure 5.16 Interrupt Priority Register -- Timer2 ...................................................... 49 U U Figure 5.17 Timer2 Configuration Register -- TF2 ..................................................... 49 U U Figure 5.18 Timer/Counter2, 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Capture Mode .......................... 49 U U Figure 5.19 Timer2 for Baud Rate Generator Mode ................................................... 50 U U Figure 6.1 UART Buffer Register .......................................................................... 51 U U Figure 6.2 UART Configuration Register ................................................................. 51 U U Figure 6.3 UART Bits in Power Configuration Register ................................................ 52 U U Figure 6.4 UART Bits in Interrupt Enable Register ..................................................... 53 U U Figure 6.5 UART Bits in Interrupt Priority Register .................................................... 53 U U Figure 6.6 UART Configuration Register ................................................................. 53 U U Figure 6.7 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode0 (clk = 88.4736 MHz) ................... 54 U U Figure 6.8 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode1 ............................................ 54 U U Figure 6.9 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode2 ............................................ 54 U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. U 8 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 6.10 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode3 .......................................... 55 U U Figure 7.1 Watchdog Timer Structure ................................................................... 56 U U Figure 7.2 Interrupt Enable Register .................................................................... 56 U U Figure 7.3 Extended Interrupt Enable Register ........................................................ 56 U U Figure 7.4 Extended interrupt Priority Register ....................................................... 57 U U Figure 7.5 Watchdog Control Register ................................................................... 57 U U Figure 7.6 Watchdog Control Register ................................................................... 59 U U Figure 7.7 Clock Control register - Watchdog bits..................................................... 60 U U Figure 8.1 TCPIPCore Memory Map ...................................................................... 62 U U Figure 8.2 SOCKET n Status transition................................................................... 87 U U Figure 8.3 Calculate Physical Address ................................................................... 93 U U Figure 9.1 Allocation Internal TX/RX memory of SOCKET n........................................ 100 U U Figure 9.2 TCP SERVER & TCP CLIENT ................................................................. 101 U U Figure 9.3 "TCP SERVER" Operation Flow ............................................................ 102 U U Figure 9.5 "TCP CLIENT" Operation Flow ............................................................. 109 U U Figure 9.6 UDP Operation Flow ......................................................................... 110 U U Figure 9.7 The received UDP data format ............................................................ 112 U U Figure 9.8 IPRAW Operation Flow ...................................................................... 119 U U Figure 9.9 The received IPRAW data format ......................................................... 120 U U Figure 9.10 MACRAW Operation Flow .................................................................. 121 U U Figure 9.11 The received MACRAW data format ..................................................... 122 U U Figure 10.1 Waveform for data memory Read Cycle with Minimal Wait States(CKCON = `2') 128 U U Figure 10.2 Waveform for data memory Write Cycle with Minimal Wait States(CKCON = `2') 129 U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. U 9 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet List of Tables Table 2.1 WTST Register Values .......................................................................... 29 U U Table 2.2 DPTR0, DPTR1 Operations ..................................................................... 31 U U Table 2.3 MD[2:0] Bit Values .............................................................................. 32 U U Table 3.1 External Interrupt Pin Description ........................................................... 35 U U Table 3.2 W7100 Interrupt Summary .................................................................... 35 U U Table 4.1 I/O Ports Pin Description ...................................................................... 39 U U Table 4.2 Read-Modify-Write Instructions............................................................... 39 U U Table 5.1 Timers 0, 1 Pin Description ................................................................... 41 U U Table 5.2 Timers 0, 1 Mode ............................................................................... 41 U U Table 5.3 Timer0, 1 interrupts............................................................................ 43 U U Table 5.4 Timer2 Pin Description ......................................................................... 47 U U Table 5.5 Timer2 Modes ................................................................................... 47 U U Table 5.6 Timer2 Interrupt ................................................................................ 49 U U Table 6.1 UART Pin Description ........................................................................... 51 U U Table 6.2 UART Modes...................................................................................... 52 U U Table 6.3 UART Baud Rates................................................................................ 52 U U Table 6.4 UART Interrupt .................................................................................. 53 U U Table 6.5 Examples of Baud Rate Setting ............................................................... 55 U U Table 7.1 Watchdog Interrupt ............................................................................ 57 U U Table 7.2 Summary for Watchdog Related Bits......................................................... 58 U U Table 7.4 Watchdog Intervals ............................................................................. 60 U U Table 7.5 Timed Access Registers ........................................................................ 61 U U Table 12.1 Timer / Counter Mode ........................................................................ 97 U U Table 12.2 Baud rate ....................................................................................... 97 U U Table 12.3 Mode of UART .................................................................................. 97 U U (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 10 Overview 1.1 Introduction Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1 iMCU W7100 is the one-chip solution which integrates an 8051 compatible microcontroller, 64KB SRAM and hardwired TCP/IP Core for high performance and easy development. The TCP/IP core is a market-proven hardwired TCP/IP stack with an integrated Ethernet MAC & PHY. The Hardwired TCP/IP stack supports the TCP, UDP, IPv4, ICMP, ARP and IGMP which has been used in various applications for years. 1.2 W7100 Features * Fully software compatible with industrial standard 8051 * Pipelined architecture which enables execution of instructions 4~5 times faster than a standard 8051 * 2 Data Pointers (DPTRs) for fast memory blocks processing Advanced INC & DEC modes Auto-switch of current DPTR * 64KBytes Data Memory (RAM) * 256Bytes data FLASH *64KBytes Code Memory *2KBytes Boot Code Memory * Interrupt controller 2 priority levels 4 external interrupt sources 1 Watchdog interrupt * Four 8-bit I/O Ports * Three timers/counters * Full-duplex UART * Programmable Watchdog Timer * DoCDTM compatible debugger * Hardwired TCP/IP Protocols: TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4 ARP, IGMP, Ethernet * 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY embedded * Auto Negotiation (Full-duplex and half duplex) * Auto MDI/MDIX * 8 independent sockets which are running simultaneously * 32Kbytes Data buffer for the Network * Network status LED outputs (TX, RX, Full/Half duplex, Collision, Link, and Speed) * Not supports IP fragmentation (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 11 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1.3 W7100 Block Diagram & Features Figure 1.1 W7100 Block Diagram The W7100 internal block diagram is shown in the Figure 1.1. Details of block functions are described as follows: ALU - Performs arithmetic and logic operations during execution of an instruction. It contains accumulator (ACC), Program Status Word (PSW), B registers, and related logics such as arithmetic unit, logic unit, multiplier, and divider. SFR - Controls the access of special registers. It contains standard and user defined registers and related logic. User defined external devices can be quickly accessed (read, write, modified) using all direct addressing mode instructions. 1.3.1 ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) W7100 is fully compatible with the standard 8051 microcontroller, and maintains all instruction mnemonics and binary compatibility. W7100 incorporates many great architectural enhancements which enable the W7100 MCU to execute instructions with high speed. The ALU of W7100 MCU performs extensive data manipulation and is comprised of the 8-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU), an ACC (0xE0) register, a B (0xF0) register and a PSW (0xD0) register ACC (0xE0) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 12 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset ACC.7 ACC.6 ACC.5 ACC.4 ACC.3 ACC.2 ACC.1 ACC.0 0x00 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 7 Figure 1.2 Accumulator A Register The B register is used during multiplication and division operations. In other cases, this register is used as normal SFR. B (0xF0) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset B.7 B.6 B.5 B.4 B.3 B.2 B.1 B.0 0x00 Figure 1.3 B Register The ALU performs arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and other operations such as increment, decrement, BCD-decimal-add-adjust, and compare. Logic unit uses AND, OR, Exclusive OR, complement, and rotation to perform different operations. The Boolean processor performs bit operations such as set, clear, complement, jump-if-not-set, jump-if-set-and-clear, and move to/from carry. PSW (0xD0) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV F1 P 0x00 Figure 1.4 Program Status Word Register CY Carry flag AC Auxiliary carry F0 General purpose flag 0 Register bank select bits RS[1:0] RS[1:0] Function Description 00 -Bank 0, data address 0x00 - 0x07 01 -Bank 1, data address 0x08 - 0x0F 10 -Bank 2, data address 0x10 - 0x17 11 -Bank 3, data address 0x18 - 0x1F OV Overflow flag F1 General purpose flag 1 P Parity flag Figure 1.5 PSW Register The PSW register contains several bits that can reflect the current state of MCU. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 13 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1.3.2 TCPIPCore Figure 1.6 TCPIPCore Block Diagram Ethernet PHY The W7100 includes 10BaseT/100BaseTX Ethernet PHY. It supports half-duplex/full duplex, auto-negotiation and auto MDI/MDIX. It also supports 6 network indicator LED outputs such as Link, TX, RX status, Collision, speed and duplex. TCPIP Engine TCPIP Engine is a hardwired logic based network protocol which contains WIZnet's technology. - 802.3 Ethernet MAC(Media Access Control) This controls Ethernet access of CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect). The protocol is based on a 48-bit source/destination MAC address. - ARP(Address Resolution Protocol) ARP is the MAC address resolution protocol by using IP address. This protocol exchanges ARP-reply and ARP-request from peers to determine the MAC address of each other (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 14 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet - IP (Internet Protocol) This protocol operates in the IP layer and provides data communication. IP fragmentation is not supported. It is not possible to receive the fragmented packets. All protocol number is supported except for TCP or UDP. In case of TCP or UDP, use the hardwired embedded TCPIP stack. - ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol) ICMP is a protocol which provides information, unreachable destination. When a Pingrequest ICMP packet is received, a Ping-reply ICMP packet is sent. - IGMPv1/v2(Internet Group Management Protocol version 1/2) This protocol processes IGMP messages such as the IGMP Join/Leave. The IGMP is only enabled in UDP multicast mode. Only version 1 and 2 of IGMP logic is supported. When using a newer version of IGMP, IGMP should be manually implemented in the IP layer. - UDP(User Datagram Protocol) It is a protocol which supports data communication at the UDP layer. User datagram such as unicast, multicast, and broadcast are supported - TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) This protocol operates in the TCP layer and provides data communication. Both TCP server and client modes are supported. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 15 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1.4 Pin Description 1.4.1 Pin Layout Package type: LQFP 100 Figure 1.7 W7100 Pin Layout (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 16 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1.4.2 Pin Description The pin functionalities are described in the following table. All pins are unidirectional. There are no three-state output pins and internal signals. Type Description I Input O Output with 8mA driving current IO Input/Output (Bidirectional) Pu Internal pulled-up with 75K resistor Pd Internal pulled-down with 75K resistor Configuration Pin name Num I/O Type Pu/Pd nRST 8 I - TM3-0 1,2, I Pd 3,4 Description Global asynchronous reset, Active low W7100 Test Mode Normal mode : 0000 Other test modes are internal test mode PM2 - 0 70, I Pd PHY Mode 71, PM 72 2 1 0 Description Normal Operation Mode 0 0 0 Auto-negotiation enabled with all functionalities Auto-negotiation with 100 BASE-TX 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 Reserved 1 0 0 Manual selection of 100 BASE-TX FDX 1 0 1 1 1 0 Manual selection of 10 BASE-T FDX 1 1 1 Manual selection of 10 BASE-T HDX FDX/HDX ability Auto-negotiation with 10 BASE-T FDX/HDX ability Manual selection of 100 BASE-TX HDX FDX : Full-Duplex, HDX : Half-Duplex BOOTEN 5 I Pd Boot Enable/Disable 0 - Run User Application Jump to 0x0000, the start address of Code FLASH. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 17 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1- Enable Boot Run boot in Boot ROM PLOCK 77 O - PLL Lock line, It notifies when internal PLL is locked F64EN 6 I - Must be pulled down with 4.7K resister Timer Pin name Num I/O Type Pu/Pd Description Timer0, 1 Interface T0 9 I - Timer0 external clock input T1 10 I - Timer1 external clock input GATE0 11 I - Timer0 gate control GATE1 12 I - Timer1 gate control Timer 2 Interface T2 13 I - Timer2 external clock input T2EX 14 I - Timer2 Capture/Reload trigger Pu/Pd Description UART Pin name Num I/O Type RXD 15 IO Pu Serial receiver TXD 17 O - Serial transmitter DoCDTM Compatible Debugger Pin name Num DCDCLK 18 DCDDI DCDDO I/O Type Pu/Pd Description O - DoCD clock 19 I - DoCD data input 20 O - DoCD data output Description Interrupt / Clock Pin name Num I/O Type Pu/Pd nINT0 22 I - External interrupt0 nINT1 23 I - External interrupt1 nINT2 24 I - External interrupt2 nINT3 25 I - External interrupt3 XTLN0 61 I - Crystal input/output for Ethernet PHY, A parallel- XTLP0 62 I - resonant 25MHz crystal is used to connect these (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 18 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet pins to stabilize the internal oscillator XTLN1 67 I - Crystal input/output for W7100, A parallel-resonant XTLP1 66 I - 11.0592MHz crystal is used to connect these pins to stabilize the internal oscillator GPIO Pin name Num I/O Type Pu/Pd Description P0.0 81 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.1 82 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.2 84 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.3 85 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.4 86 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.5 88 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.6 89 IO Pu Port0 input/output P0.7 90 IO Pu Port0 input/output P1.0 26 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.1 27 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.2 28 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.3 29 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.4 30 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.5 31 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.6 32 IO Pu Port1 input/output P1.7 33 IO Pu Port1 input/output P2.0 91 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.1 93 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.2 94 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.3 95 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.4 96 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.5 97 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.6 98 IO Pu Port2 input/output P2.7 99 IO Pu Port2 input/output P3.0 34 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.1 35 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.2 37 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.3 39 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.4 40 IO Pu Port3 input/output (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 19 41 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.6 42 IO Pu Port3 input/output P3.7 43 IO Pu Port3 input/output Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet P3.5 Note: Since the output driving voltage of GPIO is 2.5V, if the user wants 3.3V, it needs additional pull-up resister. Refer to the section "10. Electrical Specification." Media Interface Pin name Num I/O Type Pu/Pd Description TXON 52 O - TXON/TXOP Signal Pair, The differential data is TXOP 53 O - transmitted to the media on the TXON/TXOP signal pair RXIN 55 I - RXIN/RXIP Signal Pair, The differential data from the RXIP 56 I - media is received on the RXIN/RXIP Signal pair RESETBG 59 I - PHY Off-chip resistor, Connect a resistor of 12.31% to the ground. Refer to the "Reference schematic" For the best performance, 1. Make the length of RXIP / RXIN signal pair (RX) same if possible. 2. Make the length of TXOP / TXON signal pair (TX) same if possible. 3. Locate the RXIP and RXIN signal as near as possible. 4. Locate the TXOP and TXON signal as near as possible. 5. Locate the RX and TX signal pairs far from noisy signals such as bias resistor or crystal. For more detail refer to "W5100 Layout Guide.pdf". Network Indicator LED Pin name SPDLED Num I/O Type Pu/Pd 45 O - Description Link speed LED According to auto-negotiation, it is asserted low at 100Mbps and high at 10Mbps or manual configuration of PM[2:0]. FDXLED 46 O - Full duplex LED This LED pin outputs low in the full-duplex mode and high in half-duplex mode depending on the autonegotiation or manual configuration of PM[2:0]. COLLED 47 O - Collision LED, Active `Low' This LED pin indicates when collisions occur. (only in (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 20 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet half-duplex mode) RXLED 48 O - Receive activity LED, Active `Low' This LED pin indicates when the input is receiving data from RXIP/RXIN TXLED 49 O - Transmit activity LED, Active `Low' This LED pin indicates when the output is transmitting data through the TXOP/TXON LINKLED 50 O - Link LED, Active `Low' This LED pin indicates the link status of the media (10/100M) Power Supply Signal Pin name Num I/O Type VCC3A3 58, 75 Power Pu/Pd - Description Analog 3.3V power supply Be sure to connect a 10uF tantalum capacitor between VCC3A3 and GNDA in order to prevent power compensation VCC3V3 21, 38, Power - Digital 3.3V power supply 73, 87, A 0.1uF decoupling capacitor should be connected 100 between each pair of VCC and GND. A 1uH ferrite bead should be used to separate the VCC3V3 and VCC3A3 VCC1A8 54, 60, Power - 64 Analog 1.8V power supply A 10uF tantalum capacitor and a 0.1uF capacitor should be connected between VCC1A8 and GNDA to filter out core power noise VCC1V8 16, 44, Power - 68, 83 Digital 1.8V power supply Between each pair of VCC and GND, a 0.1uF decoupling capacitor should be connected GNDA GND 1V8O 51, 57, Power - Analog ground 63, 65, Design the analog ground plane as wide as possible 76 during PCB layout 6, 7, Power - Digital ground 36, 69, Design the digital ground plane as wide as possible 92 during PCB layout 74 Power - 1.8V regulated output voltage (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 21 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 1.8V/150mA power generated by internal power regulator which is used for core operation power (VCC1A8, VCC1V8). Between the 1V8O and GND, Be sure to connect a 3.3uF tantalum capacitor for output frequency compensation and a 0.1uF capacitor for high frequency noise decoupling. 1V8O is connected to VCC1V8, separated to 1uH ferrite bead and connected to VCC1A8. <Notice> 1V8O is the power supply for W7100 use only. This supply should not be connected with any other devices. 3.3V Power Source VCC3V3 VCC3A3 VCC3V3 Ferrite Bead 1uH 0.1uF 10uF 0.1uF Ferrite Bead 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 0.1uF 10uF 1uH VCC1V8 VCC1A8 VCC1V8 Ferrite Bead 1V8O 1uH 0.1uF 3.3uF 10uF 0.1uF Ferrite Bead 10uF 0.1uF 1uH Figure 1.8 Power Design (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 22 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 2 Memory The W7100's memory is divided into two types of memories: "Code Memory" and "Data Memory". The memory structure of W7100 is roughly shown figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 Code / Data Memory Connections 2.1 Code Memory "Code Memory" consists of the Boot ROM from 0x0000 to 0x07FF and Code FLASH from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. After the system is reset, the W7100 always executes the code of Boot ROM at "Code Memory". According to the BOOTEN pin, the code of Boot ROM executes differently. The Figure 2.2 shows the flow of Boot ROM code. After booting, the system proceeds to either the ISP process or the APP Entry according to the BOOTEN pin. When ISP process is selected (BOOTEN = `1'), the ISP code of the Boot ROM is running. Otherwise( BOOTEN = `0'), the system jumps to the APP Entry without running the ISP code of Boot ROM. The APP Entry contains the `memory map switching code' and the jumping code which jumps to the start address 0x0000 of the user application in Code FLASH memory. The memory map switching is as below. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 23 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 2.2. Boot Sequence Flowchart Figure 2.3 "Code Memory" Map Switching The initial state of W7100 has both `Boot ROM / APP Entry' and FLASH as in the Figure 2.3. But, since the `Boot ROM / APP Entry' and FLASH are overlapped, they use same address at 0x0000 ~ 0x07FF / 0xFFF7 ~ 0xFFFF. So the iMCU W7100 maps the `Boot ROM / APP Entry' and the FLASH(64K) to the code and data memory respectively. The FLASH mapped to data memory can be written the user application code. But in this state, the FLASH cannot be used as a code memory because this state is for writing user application code. To use the FLASH as a code memory, it needs switching the memory map. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 24 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet For this reason, user should select APP Mode by setting the BOOTEN pin to `0', and then the Boot ROM code jumps to APP Entry immediately. Next, the APP Entry un-maps the Boot ROM and maps the Code FLASH to code memory as the Figure 2.3. After switching the code memory map, the APP Entry jumps to start address of Code FLASH (0x0000). This flow is shown in the Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4 APP Entry Process Otherwise, if the APP Mode is selected, the Code FLASH 64KB can be used as a code memory as the Figure 2.4. But both FLASH and APP Entry are still overlapped at same address. Therefore, to use FLASH 64KB fully, the APP Entry must be un-map on "Code Memory". To unmap APP Entry, User should be set RB bit in WCONF(0xFF) to `0' at user startup code. Then the APP Entry is un-mapped as below. Figure 2.5 Changing the code memory Status at RB = `0' (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 25 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet WCONF (0xFF) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset RB ISPEN - - - F64EN FB BE 0x00 When the Code FLASH takes more than 0xFFF7, the below code must be inserted into startup code. If using this method, the W7100 immediately disables the APP Entry address after its system reset. ANL 0FFH, #07FH ; Clear Reboot flag Set the BOOTEN pin to `0' and clear the RB bit of WCONF register at the startup code. Then the embedded Code FLASH 64KB memory of the W7100 can be completely used as a code memory. 2.1.1 Code Memory Wait States The wait states are managed by internal WTST(0x92) register. The number of wait states is fixed by the value stored in the WTST register. Please refer to the section 2.4.2 for more details. 2.2 Data Memory The W7100 contains 64KB of embedded RAM, 64KB of TCPIPCore and the 256Byte of the Data FLASH. The Data FLASH is for user's information such as IP address, MAC address, subnet mask and port number and so on. These memories are accessed by MOVX instructions only. The Figure 2.6 shows the "Data Memory" map of W7100. 2.2.1 Data Memory Wait States The number of wait states is managed by the CKCON (0x8E) register. Please refer to the section 2.4.5 for more details. For the timing information, please refer to the section 10. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 26 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 2.6 "Data Memory" Map 2.3 Internal Data Memory and SFR The Figure below shows the Internal Memory and Special Function Registers (SFR) map. Figure 2.11 Internal Memory Map The lower internal RAM consists of four register banks with eight registers each, a bitaddressable segment with 128 bits (16 bytes) that begins at 0x20, and a scratchpad area with 208 bytes is embedded. With indirect addressing mode ranging from 0x80 to 0xFF, the highest 128 bytes is accessed as an internal memory. But with direct addressing mode ranging from 0x80 to 0xFF, this area is accessed as a SFR memory. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 27 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 2.12 SFR Memory Map New SFR - New additional SFR, described in this section Extended SFR - Extended from standard 8051, described in this section Standard - standard 8051 SFR, described in this section All of the SFR in the left hand side column ending with 0 or 8 are bit addressable. 2.4 SFR definition The following section describes SFR of W7100 and their functionalities. For detail information about standard and peripheral SFR, please refer to the peripheral section. 2.4.1 Program Code Memory Write Enable Bit Inside the PCON register, the Program Write Enable (PWE) bit is used to enable/disable Program Write signal activity during MOVX instructions. When the PWE bit is set to logic `1', the "MOVX @DPTR, A" instruction writes the data from the accumulator register into the code memory addressed by using the DPTR register (active DPH:DPL) The "MOVX @Rx, A" instruction writes the data from the accumulator register into code memory addressed by using the P2 register (bits 15:8) and Rx register (bits 7:0). PCON (0x87) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SMOD0 - - PWE - 0 0 0 0x00 Figure 2.13 PWE bit of PCON Register Note: 1. PCON.2 ~ PCON.0 bits are reserved. They cannot be set to 1. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 28 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 2.4.2 Program Code Memory Wait States Register Wait states register provides the information for code memory access time. WTST (0x92) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - - - WTST.2 WTST.1 WTST.0 0x07 Figure 2.14 Code memory Wait States Register Note: 1. These bits are considered during program fetches and MOVC instructions only. Since code memory write are performed by MOVX instruction, CKCON register regulates the CODE-WR pulse width. 2. Read cycle takes minimal 4 clock period and maximal 8 clock periods. Table 2.1 WTST Register Values WTST[2:0] Access Time [clk] 7 8 6 7 5 6 4 5 3 4 2 Not Used 1 Not Used 0 Not Used During Instruction fetching, code memory can be accessed by MOVC instruction only. The code memory can be read with minimal 3 wait states. The timing diagrams are shown in the Figures below. Figure 2.15 Waveform for code memory Synchronous Read Cycle with Minimal Wait States (WTST = `3') Note: 1. clk - System clock frequency (88.4736 MHz) 2. ADDRESS - Address of the actual modified program byte 3. CODE_RD - Read signal of the code memory 4. CODE - Data write to the actual modified program byte (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 29 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet The code memory can be written by MOVX instruction with minimal 3 wait states. It allows W7100 core to operate with fast and slow code memory devices. The timing diagrams are shown in the Figure below. Figure 2.16 Waveform for code memory Synchronous Write Cycle with Minimal Wait States(WTST = `3') Note: 1. clk - System clock frequency (88.4736 MHz) 2. ADDRESS - Address of the actual modified program byte 3. CODE - Data write to the actual modified program byte 4. CODE_WR - Write signal of the code memory 5. PRG - State of the code memory 2.4.3 Data Pointer Extended Registers Data Pointer Extended registers, DPX0, DPX1 and MXAX, hold the most significant part of memory addresses when accessing to data located above 64KB. After reset, DPX0, DPX1, and MXAX restores to the default value 0x00. DPX0 (0x93) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset DPXP.7 DPX.6 DPX.5 DPX.4 DPX.3 DPX.2 DPX.1 DPX.0 0x00 Figure 2.17 Data Pointer Extended Register DPX1 (0x95) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset DPX1.7 DPX1.6 DPX1.5 DPX1.4 DPX1.3 DPX1.2 DPX1.1 DPX1.0 0x00 Figure 2.18 Data Pointer Extended Register MXAX (0xEA) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset MXAM.7 MXAX.6 MXAX.5 MXAX.4 MXAX.3 MXAX.2 MXAX.1 MXAX.0 0x00 Figure 2.19 MOVX @RI Extended Register When MOVX instruction uses DPTR0/DPTR1 register, the most significant part of the address A[23:16] is always equal to the content of DPX0(0x93)/DPX1(0x95). When MOVX instruction uses R0 or R1 register, the most significant part of the address A[23:16] is always equal to the (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 30 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet content of MXAX(0xEA) while another A[15:8] is always equal to P2(0xA0) contents. 2.4.4 Data Pointer Registers Dual data pointer registers are implemented to speed up data block copying. DPTR0 and DPTR1 are located in four SFR addresses. Active DPTR register is selected by SEL bit (0x86.0). If the SEL bit set to `0', DPTR0 (0x83:0x82) is selected, otherwise DPTR1 (0x85:0x84) is selected. DPTR0(0x83:0x82) DPH0(0x83) 7 6 5 4 3 DPL0(0x82) 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 Reset 3 2 1 0 0x0000 Figure 2.20 Data Pointer Register DPTR0 DPTR1(0x85:0x84) DPH1(0x85) 7 6 5 4 3 DPL1(0x84) 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 Reset 3 2 1 0 0x0000 Figure 2.21 Data Pointer 1 Register DPTR1 DPS (0x86) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset ID1 ID0 TSL - - - - SEL 0x00 Figure 2.22 Data Pointer Select Register Note: TSL - Toggle select enable. When TSL is set, this bit toggles the SEL bit by executing the following instructions. INC DPTR MOV DPTR, #data16 MOVC A, @A + DPTR MOVX @DPTR, A MOVX A, @DPTR When TSL = 0, DPTR related instructions will not affect the state of the SEL bit. Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1. Table 2.2 DPTR0, DPTR1 Operations ID1 ID0 SEL = 0 SEL = 1 0 0 INC DPTR INC DPTR1 0 1 DEC DPTR INC DPTR1 1 0 INC DPTR DEC DPTR1 1 1 DEC DPTR DEC DPTR1 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 31 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Selected data pointer register is used in the following instructions: MOVX @DPTR, A MOVX A, @DPTR MOVC A, @A + DPTR JMP @A + DPTR INC DPTR MOV DPTR, #data16 2.4.5 Clock Control Register Clock control register CKCON (0x8E) contains MD [2:0] bits which provide the information for the dedicated data memory read/write signal pulses width. CKCON (0x8E) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset WD1 WD0 - - - MD2 MD1 MD0 0x07 Figure 2.23 Clock Control Register - STRETCH bits The dedicated data memory read/write signals are activated during MOVX instruction. The purpose of MD[2:0] is to adjust the communication speed with I/O devices such as slow RAM, LCD displays, etc. After reset, MD[2:0] will be restored to the default value of 0x07, which means that slow devices work properly. Users can change the MD[2:0] value to speed up/slow down the software execution. The value of MD[2:0] can be changed any time during program execution (e.g. between MOVX and different speed devices). Table 2.3 MD[2:0] Bit Values MD[2:0] Pulse Width[clock] 7 8 ... ... 2 3 1 Not Used 0 Not Used This read/write pulse width must have a minimum of 3 clock cycle and a maximum of 8 clock cycle. For timing diagram, please refer to the section `10. Electrical specification.' 2.4.6 Stack Pointer The W7100 has an 8-bit stack pointer called SP(0x81) and is located in the internal RAM space. SP (0x81) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SP.7 SP.6 SP.5 SP.4 SP.3 SP.2 SP.1 SP.0 0x07 Figure 2.24 Stack Pointer Register (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 32 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet This pointer is incremented before data is stored in PUSH and CALL executions, and decremented after data is popped in POP, RET, and RETI executions. In other words, the Stack pointers always points to the last valid stack byte. 2.4.7 New & Extended SFR ISPID(0xF1) : ID Register for ISP. ISPADDR16(0xF2) : 16bit Address Register for ISP ISPDATA(0xF4) : Data Register for ISP. CKCBK(0xF5) : CKCON Backup Register. DPX0BK(0xF6) : DPX0 Backup Register. DPX1BK(0xF7) : DPX1 Backup Register. DPSBK(0xF9) : DPX Backup Register. RAMBA16(0xFA) : RAM Base Address Register. RAMEA16(0xFC) : RAM End Address Register. WCONF (0xFF) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset RB ISPEN - - - F64EN FB BE 0x00 Figure 2.26 W7100 Configuration Register Note: RB : 0 - No Reboot / 1 - Reboot after the ISP done (APP Entry(0xFFF7 ~ 0xFFFF) RD/WR Enable) ISPEN F64EN : 0 - Enable ISP in Boot built in W7100 / 1 - Disable : Reserved, must be set to `000' : Always `0'. Read only. FB : FLASH Busy Flag for ISP. Read only. BE : Boot Enable (1 - Boot Running / 0 - Apps Running). Read only. 2.4.8 Peripheral Registers P0, P1, P2, P3 : Port register. For detail information, please refer to the section 4 for the Functionality of I/O Ports. TCON(0x88) : Timer0, 1 configuration register. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.1 for the Functionality of Timer0 and Timer 1. TMOD(0x89) : Timer0, 1 control mode register. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.1 for the Functionality of Timer0 and Timer 1. TH0(0x8C), TL0(0x8A) : Counter register of timer 0. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.1 for the Functionality of Timer0 and Timer 1. TH1(0x8D), TL1(0x8B) : Counter register of timer 1. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.1 for the Functionality of Timer0 and Timer 1. SCON(0x98) : UART Configuration Register. For detail information, please refer to the (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 33 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet section 6 for the Functionality of UART. SBUF(0x99) : UART Buffer Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 6 for the Functionality of UART. IE(0xA8) : UART Bits in Interrupt Enable Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 6 for the Functionality of UART. IP(0xB8) : UART Bits in Interrupt Priority Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 6 for the Functionality of UART. TA(0xC7) : Timed Access Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 7 for Timed Access Registers of Watchdog Timer. T2CON(0xC8) : Timer 2 Configuration Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.2 for the Functionality of Timer 2. RLDH(0xCB), RLDL(0xCA) : Capture Registers of Timer 2. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.2 for the Functionality of Timer 2. TH2(0xCD), TL2(0xCC) : Counter Register of Timer 2. For detail information, please refer to the section 5.2 for the Functionality of Timer 2. PSW(0xD0) : Program Status Word Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 1.3.1. WDCON(0xD8) : Watchdog Control Register. For detail information, please refer to the section 7. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 34 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 3 Interrupt The interrupt pin functionalities are described in the table below. All pins are unidirectional. There are no three-state output pins and internal signals. Table 3.1 External Interrupt Pin Description Pin Active Type Pu/Pd nINT0/FA6 Low/Falling I - External interrupt 0 nINT1/FA7 Low/Falling I - External interrupt 1 nINT2/FA8 Falling I - External interrupt 2 nINT3/FA9 Falling I - External interrupt 3 - Reserved - Interrupt Request Signal for TCPIPCore nINT4 TCPIPCore Falling I (nINT5) Description (internally connected) The W7100 core is implemented with two levels of interrupt priority control. Each external interrupt can be in high or low level priority group by setting or clearing a bit in the IP(0xB8) and EIP(0xF8) registers. External interrupt pins are activated by a falling edge signal. Interrupt requests are sampled at the rising edge of the system's clock. Table 3.2 W7100 Interrupt Summary Interrupt Function Flag Active Flag Reset Vector Level/Edge Interrupt Natural Number Priority IE0 Device pin INT0 Low/Falling Hardware 0x03 0 1 TF0 Internal, Timer0 - Hardware 0x0B 1 2 IE1 Device pin INT1 Low/Falling Hardware 0x13 2 3 TF1 Internal, Timer1 - Hardware 0x1B 3 4 Internal, UART - Software 0x23 4 5 TF2 Internal, Timer2 - Software 0x2B 5 6 INT2F Device Pin INT2 Falling Software 0x43 8 7 INT3F Device Pin INT3 Falling Software 0x4B 9 8 INT4F Reserved INT5F Interrupt for Falling Software 0x5B 11 10 - Software 0x63 12 11 TI & RI TCPIPCore WDIF TCPIPCore Internal, WATCHDOG (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 35 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Each interrupt vector can be individually enabled or disabled by changing the corresponding bit in IE(0xA8) and EIE(0xE8) registers. The IE register contains global interrupt system disable(0)/enable(1) bit called EA. IE (0xA8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 Figure 3.1 Interrupt Enable Register Note: EA - Enable global interrupt EX0 - Enable INT0 interrupt ET0 - Enable Timer0 interrupt EX1 - Enable INT1 interrupt ET1 - Enable Timer1 interrupt ES - Enable UART interrupt ET2 - Enable Timer2 interrupt All these bits which generate interrupts can be set or cleared by software, with the same result by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or cancelled by software. The only exceptions are the request flags IE0 and IE1. If the external interrupt 0 or 1 are programmed as level-activated, the IE0 and IE1 are controlled by the external source pins nINT0/FA6 and nINT1/FA7 respectively. IP (0xB8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 0x00 Figure 3.2 Interrupt Priority Register Note: PX0 - INT0 priority level control (high level at 1) PT0 - Timer0 priority level control (high level at 1) PX1 - INT1 priority level control (high level at 1) PT1 - Timer1 priority level control (high level at 1) PS - UART priority level control (high level at 1) PT2 - Timer2 priority level control (high level at 1) Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 TCON (0x88) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 0x00 Figure 3.3 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register Note: IT0 - INT0 level (at 0)/edge (at 1) sensitivity IT1 - INT1 level (at 0)/edge (at 1) sensitivity IE0 - INT0 interrupt flag Cleared by hardware when processor branches to (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 36 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet interrupt routine IE1 - INT1 interrupt flag Cleared by hardware when processor branches to interrupt routine TF0 - Timer0 interrupt (overflow) flag. Cleared by hardware when processor branches to interrupt routine TF1 - Timer 1 interrupt (overflow) flag. Cleared by hardware when processor branches to interrupt routine SCON (0x98) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SM0 SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI 0x00 Figure 3.4 UART Configuration Register Note: RI - UART receiver interrupt flag TI - UART transmitter interrupt flag EIE (0xE8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - EWDI EINT5 EINT4 EINT3 EINT2 0x00 Figure 3.5 Extended Interrupt Enable Register Note: EINT2 - Enable INT2 Interrupt EINT3 - Enable INT3 Interrupt EINT4 - Must be `0', if use the EIE register EINT5 - Enable TCPIPCore Interrupt EWDI - Enable WATCHDOG Interrupt EIP (0xF8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - PWDI PINT5 PINT4 PINT3 PINT2 0x00 Figure 3.6 Extended Interrupt Priority Register Note: PINT2 - INT2 priority level control (high level at 1) PINT3 - INT3 priority level control (high level at 1) PINT4 - Must be set to `0', if use the EIP register PINT5 - TCPIPCore Interrupt priority level control (high level at 1) PWDI - WATCHDOG priority level control (high level at 1) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 37 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet EIF (0x91) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - - INT5F INT4F INT3F INT2F 0x00 Figure 3.7 Extended Interrupt Flag Register Note: INT2F - INT2 interrupt flag. Must be cleared by software INT3F - INT3 interrupt flag. Must be cleared by software INT4F - Must be set to `0'. if use the EIF register INT5F - TCPIPCore Interrupt flag. Must be cleared by software WDCON (0xD8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - - WDIF WTRF EWT RWT 0x00 Figure 3.8 Watchdog Control Register Note: WDIF - Watchdog Interrupt Flag. WDIF in conjunction with the Enable Watchdog Interrupt bit (EIE.4) and EWT provides information such as a Watchdog Timer event has been encountered or not and what action should be taken. This bit must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine, or else another interrupt is generated. By using software to enable the WDIF, a Watchdog interrupt is generated. Enabled software-set WDIF will generate a Watchdog interrupt. Timed Access Register procedure can be used to modify this bit. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 38 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 4 I/O Ports The I/O port pin functionalities are described in the following table. Table 4.1 I/O Ports Pin Description Pin Active Type Pu/Pd Description P0[7:0] - IO Pu Port0 input / output Recommends additional pull-up resister P1[7:0] - IO Pu Port1 input / output Recommends additional pull-up resister P2[7:0] - IO Pu Port2 input / output Recommends additional pull-up resister P3[7:0] - IO Pu Port3 input / output Recommends additional pull-up resister P0 (0x80) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset P0.7 P0.6 P0.5 P0.4 P0.3 P0.2 P0.1 P0.0 0xFF Figure 4.1 Port0 Register P1 (0x90) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset P1.7 P1.6 P1.5 P1.4 P1.3 P1.2 P1.1 P1.0 0xFF Figure 4.2 Port1 Register P2 (0xA0) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0 0xFF Figure 4.3 Port2 Register P3 (0xB0) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 P3.3 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 0xFF Figure 4.4 Port3 Register Read and write accesses are performed in the I/O ports via their corresponding SFR: P0 (0x80), P1 (0x90), P2 (0xA0), and P3 (0xB0). Some port-reading instructions read from the data registers while others read from the port pin. The "Read-Modify-Write" instructions are directed to the data registers as shown below. Table 4.2 Read-Modify-Write Instructions (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 39 Function Description ANL Logic AND ORL Logic OR XRL Logic exclusive OR JBC Jump if bit is set and cleared CPL Complement bit INC, DEC Increment, decrement byte DJNZ Decrement and jump if not zero MOV Px.y, C Move carry bit to bit y of port x CLR Px.y Clear bit y of port x SETB Px.y Set bit y of port x Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Instruction All other instructions read from a port exclusively through the port pins. All ports pin can be used as GPIO (General Purpose Input Output). In the GPIO mode, the reserved bits of the WCONF register must be set to `000'. The GPIO of W7100 is shown in the Figure below. Since the output driving voltage of GPIO is 2.5V, if the user wants 3.3V, it needs additional pull-up register. Figure 4.5 Usage of the GPIO pins in the W7100 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 40 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5 Timers The W7100 contains two 16-bit timers/counters, Timer0 and Timer 1. In the `timer mode', the timer registers are incremented by every 12 CLK periods. In "counter mode", the timer registers are incremented during the falling transition on their corresponding input pins: T0 or T1. The input pins are sampled at every CLK period. 5.1 Timers 0, 1 5.1.1 Overview The Timer0, 1 pin functionalities are described in the following table. All pins are unidirectional. There are no three-state output pins and internal signals. Table 5.1 Timers 0, 1 Pin Description Pin Active Type Pu/Pd Description T0/FCS Falling I - Timer0 clock GATE0/FOE High I - Timer0 clock T1/FAE Falling I - Timer1 clock GATE1/FA0 High I - Timer1 clock gate control gate control Timer0 and Timer 1 are fully compatible with the standard 8051 timers. Each timer consists of two 8-bit registers, TH0 (0x8C) and TL0 (0x8A), TH1 (0x8D) and TL1 (0x8B). The timers work in four modes which are described below. Table 5.2 Timers 0, 1 Mode M1 M0 Mode 0 0 0 Function Description THx operates as a 8-bit timer/counter with a divided-by-32 prescaler served by lower 5-bit of TLx 0 1 1 16-bit timer/counter. THx and TLx are cascaded. 1 0 2 TLx operates as a 8-bit timer/counter with 8bit auto-reload by THx. 1 1 3 TL0 is configured as a 8-bit timer/counter controlled by the standard Timer0 bits. TH0 is a 8-bit timer controlled by Timer 1 control bits. Timer 1 holds its count. TMOD (0x89) Timer1 Timer0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset GATE CT M1 M0 GATE CT M1 M0 0x00 Figure 5.1 Timer0, 1 Control Mode Register (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 41 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Note: GATE - Gating control 1: Timer x is enabled while GATEx pin is at high and TRx control bit is set 0: Timer x is enabled while TRx control bit is set CT - Counter or timer select bit 1: Counter mode, Timer x clock source from Tx pin 0: Timer mode, internally clocked M1, M0 - Mode select bits TCON (0x88) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 0x00 Figure 5.2 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register Note: TR0 - Timer0 run control bit 1: Enabled 0: Disabled TR1 - Timer 1 run control bit 1: Enabled 0: Disabled External input pins, GATE0 and GATE1, can be programmed to function as a gate to facilitate pulse width measurements. 5.1.2 Interrupts Timer0, 1 interrupt related bits are shown below. An interrupt can be toggled by the IE register, and priorities can be configured in the IP register. IE (0xA8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 Figure 5.3 Interrupt Enable Register Note: EA - Enable global interrupts ET0 - Enable Timer0 interrupts ET1- Enable Timer1 interrupts IP (0xB8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 0x00 Figure 5.4 Interrupt Priority Register Note: PT0 - Enable global interrupts (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 42 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet PT1 - Enable Timer0 interrupts Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 TCON (0x88) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 0x00 Figure 5.5 Timer0, 1 Configuration Register Note: TF0 - Timer0 interrupt (overflow) flag. Cleared by hardware when processor branches to interrupt routine TF1 - Timer1 interrupt (overflow) flag. Cleared by hardware when processor branches to interrupt routine All of the bits which generate interrupts can be set or cleared by software, with the same result by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or cancelled by software. Table 5.3 Timer0, 1 interrupts Interrupt Function Flag Active Flag Resets Vector Natural Priority Level/Edge TF0 Internal, Timer0 - Hardware 0x0B 2 TF1 Internal, Timer1 - Hardware 0x1B 4 5.1.3 Timer0 - Mode0 The Timer0 register is configured as a 13-bit register (8bit: Timer, 5bit: prescaler). As the all counts (valid bits) roll over from 1 to 0, Timer0 interrupt flag TF0 is set. The timer starts counting when TCON.4 =1 and either TMOD.3 = 0 or GATE0 = 1. By setting TMOD.3 = 1, the external input GATE0 can control Timer0 to manage the pulse width measurements. The 13bit register consists of 8 bits TH0 and 5 bits of TL0. The upper 3 bits of TL0 should be ignored. Refer to the following Figure for details. Figure 5.6 Timer Counter0, Mode0: 13-Bit Timer/Counter (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 43 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5.1.4 Timer0 - Mode1 Mode1 is the same as Mode0, except that the timer register is running with all 16 bits. Mode1 is shown in the Figure below. Figure 5.7 Timer/Counter0, Mode1: 16-Bit Timer/Counter 5.1.5 Timer0 - Mode2 Mode2 configures the timer register as a 8-bit counter TL0 with automatic reload as shown in the Figure below. During an overflow from TL0, it sets TF0 and reloads the contents of TH0 into TL0. TH0 remains unchanged after the reload is completed. Figure 5.8 Timer/Counter0, Mode2: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload 5.1.6 Timer0 - Mode3 In this mode, the TL0 and TH0 are divided into two separate counters. The following Figure shows the logic for Timer0 running in Mode3. The TL0 uses the Timer0 control bits: C/T, GATE, TR0, GATE0 and TF0. And the TH0 is locked into a timer function and uses TR1 and TF1 flags from Timer 1 and controls Timer 1 interrupt. Mode3 is used in applications which require an (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 44 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet extra 8-bit timer/counter. When Timer0 is in Mode3, Timer 1 can be turned on/off by switching itself into Mode3, or can still be used by the serial channel as a baud rate generator, or in any application where interrupt from Timer 1 is not required. Figure 5.9 Timer/Counter0, Mode3: Two 8-Bit Timers/Counters 5.1.7 Timer1 - Mode0 In this mode, the Timer1 register is configured as a 13-bit register (8bit: Timer, 5bit: prescaler). As the all counts (valid bits) roll over from 1 to 0, Timer 1 interrupt flag TF1 is set. The counted input is enabled to Timer 1 when TCON.6 = 1 and either TMOD.6 = 0 or GATE1 = 1. (Setting TMOD.7 = 1 allows Timer 1 controlled by external input GATE1, to facilitate pulse width measurements). The 13-bit register consists of 8 bits TH1 and the lower 5 bits of TL1. The upper 3 bits of TL1 are indeterminate and should be ignored. Refer to the following Figure for detail. Figure 5.10 Timer/Counter1, Mode0: 13-Bit Timer/Counter (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 45 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5.1.8 Timer1 - Mode1 Mode1 is the same as Mode0, except that the timer register is running with all 16 bits. Mode1 is shown in the Figure below. Figure 5.11 Timer/Counter1, Mode1: 16-Bit Timers/Counters 5.1.9 Timer1 - Mode2 Mode2 configures timer register as 8-bit counter TL1, with automatic reload as shown in Figure below. Overflow from TL1 only sets TF1, but also automatically reloads TL1 with the contents of TH1. The reload leaves TH1 unchanged. Figure 5.12 Timer/Counter1, Mode2: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload 5.1.10 Timer1 - Mode3 Timer1 in Mode3 holds counting. The effect is the same as setting TR1 = 0 because it is used for Timer0-Mode3. For more detail, please refer to the section "5.1.6 Timer0-Mode3". (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 46 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5.2 Timer2 5.2.1 Overview The Timer2 pin functionalities are described in the following table. All pins are unidirectional. There are no three-state output pins and internal signals. Table 5.4 Timer2 Pin Description Pin Active Type Pu/Pd Description T2/FA1 Falling I - Timer2 external clock input T2EX/FA2 Falling I - Timer2 capture/reload trigger Timer2 of W7100 is fully compatible with the standard 8051 Timer2. A total of five SFR are used to control Timer2 operation, TH2/TL2 (0xCD/0xCC) counter registers, RLDH/RLDL (0xCB/0xCA) capture registers, and T2CON (0xC8) control register. Timer2 works under three modes selected by T2CON bits as shown in the table below. Table 5.5 Timer2 Modes RCLK,TCLK CPRL2 TR2 0 0 1 Function Description 16-bit auto-reload mode. TF2 bit is set when Timer2 overflows. TH2 and TL2 registers are reloaded with 16bit value from RLDH and RLDL. 0 1 1 16-bit capture mode. TF2 bit is set when Timer2 overflows. When EXEN2=1 and T2EX pin is on the falling edge, TH2 and TL2 register values are stored into RLDH and RLDL. 1 X 1 Baud rate generator for UART interface X X 0 Timer2 is off. T2CON (0xC8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 CT2 CPRL2 0x00 Figure 5.13 Timer2 Configuration Register Note: EXF2 - indicates a Falling edge in the T2EX pin when EXEN2=1. Must be cleared by software RCLK - Receive clock enable 0: UART receiver is clocked by Timer1 overflow pulses 1: UART receiver is clocked by Timer2 overflow pulses TCLK - Transmit clock enable 0: UART transmitter is clocked by Timer1 overflow pulses 1: UART transmitter is clocked by Timer2 overflow pulses (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 47 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet EXEN2 - Enable T2EX pin functionality 0: Ignore T2EX events 1: Allow capture or reload as a result of T2EX pin falling edge TR2 - Start/Stop Timer2 0: Stop 1: Start CT2 - Timer/Counter select 0: Internally clocked timer 1: External event counter. Clock source is T2 pin CPRL2 - Capture/Reload select 0: Automatic reload occurs when Timer2 overflow or falling edge of the T2EX pin with EXEN2=1. When RCLK or TCLK is set, this bit is ignored and automatic reload when Timer2 overflows. 1: On the falling edge of T2EX pin, capture is activated when EXEN2=1. Figure 5.14 Timer/Counter2, 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Auto-Reload 5.2.2 Interrupts The interrupt bits for Timer2 are shown below. An interrupt can be toggled by the IE register, and priorities can be configured by the IP register. IE (0xA8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 Figure 5.15 Interrupt Enable Register -- Timer2 Note: EA - Enable global interrupts ET2 - Enable Timer2 interrupts (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 48 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet IP (0xB8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 0x00 Figure 5.16 Interrupt Priority Register -- Timer2 Note: PT2 - Timer2 interrupt priority level control (high level at 1) Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 T2CON (0xC8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset TF2 EXF2 RCLK TCLK EXEN2 TR2 CT2 CPRL2 0x00 Figure 5.17 Timer2 Configuration Register -- TF2 Note: TF2 - Timer2 interrupt (overflow) flag. It must be cleared by software. This flag will not be set when either RCLK or TCLK is set. Figure 5.18 Timer/Counter2, 16-Bit Timer/Counter with Capture Mode All of the bits that generate interrupts can be set or cleared by software, with the same result by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or cancelled by software. Table 5.6 Timer2 Interrupt Interrupt Function Flag TF2 Active Flag Resets Vector Natural Priority Software 0x2B 6 Level/Edge Internal, Timer2 - (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 49 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Interrupt is generated at the falling edge of T2EX pin with EXEN2 bit enabled. Using the 0x2B vector, EXF2 is set by this interrupt, but the TF2 flag remains unchanged. Figure 5.19 Timer2 for Baud Rate Generator Mode (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 50 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 6 UART The UART of W7100 operates in full duplex mode which is capable of receiving and transmitting at the same time. Since the W7100 is double-buffered, the receiver is capable of receiving data while the first byte of the buffer is not read. During a read operation, the SBUF reads from the receive register. On the other hand, SBUF loads the data into the transmit register during a send operation. The UART has 4 different modes which include one in synchronous mode and three in asynchronous modes. Modes 2 and 3 include a special feature for multiprocessor communication. This feature is enabled by setting the SM2 bit in the SCON register. The master processor sends out the first address byte which identifies the target slave. An address byte differs from a data byte in that the 9th bit is 1 in an address byte and 0 in a data byte. With SM2 = 1, no slave will be interrupted by a data byte, while an address byte will interrupt all slaves. The addressed slave will clear its SM2 bit and prepare to receive the data bytes that will be coming. The slaves that were not being addressed leave their SM2 set and ignore the incoming data. The pin functionalities of UART are described in the following table. Table 6.1 UART Pin Description Pin Active Type Pu/Pd RXD - IO Pu TXD - O - Description Serial receiver input / output Serial transmitter The UART of W7100 is fully compatible with the standard 8051 UART. The UART related registers are: SBUF (0x99), SCON (0x98), PCON (0x87), IE (0xA8) and IP (0xB8). The UART data buffer (SBUF) consists of two registers: transmit and receive. When data is written into the SBUF transmit register, the sending process begins. Similarly, data is read from the receive register during the receiving process. SBUF (0x99) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SB7 SB6 SB5 SB4 SB3 SB2 SB1 SB0 0x00 Figure 6.1 UART Buffer Register SCON (0x98) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SM0 SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI 0x00 Figure 6.2 UART Configuration Register Note: SM2 - Enable a multiprocessor communication feature SM1 - Set baud rate (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 51 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet SM0 - Set baud rate REN - `1' : enable serial receive `0': disable serial receive TB8 - The 9th transmitted data bit in Modes 2 and 3. This bit is enabled depending on the MCU's operation (parity check, multiprocessor communication, etc.), RB8 - In Modes 2 and 3, it is the 9th bit of data received. In Mode1, if SM2 is 0, RB08 is a stop bit. In Mode0, this bit is not used. The UART modes are presented in the table below. Table 6.2 UART Modes SM0 SM1 Mode Description Baud Rate 0 0 0 Shift register fosc/12 0 1 1 8-bit UART Variable 1 0 2 9-bit UART fosc/32 or /64 1 1 3 9-bit UART Variable The UART baud rates are presented below. Table 6.3 UART Baud Rates Mode Baud Rate Mode0 fosc/12 Mode1,3 Time1 overflow rate or Timer2 overflow rate Mode2 SMOD0 = 0 fosc/64 SMOD0 = 1 fosc/32 The SMOD0 bit is located in the PCON register. PCON (0x87) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SMOD0 SMOD1 - PWE - 0 0 0 0x00 Figure 6.3 UART Bits in Power Configuration Register Note: SMOD0 - Bit for UART baud rate Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 Bits 2-0 must be written as 0 6.1 Interrupts UART interrupt related bits are shown below. An interrupt can be toggled by the IE register, (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 52 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet and priorities can be configured by the IP register. IE (0xA8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 Figure 6.4 UART Bits in Interrupt Enable Register Note: ES - RI & TI interrupt enable flag IP (0xB8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - PT2 PS PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 0x00 Figure 6.5 UART Bits in Interrupt Priority Register Note: SMOD0 - Bit for UART baud rate Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 SCON (0x98) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset SM0 SM1 SM2 REN TB08 RB08 TI RI 0x00 Figure 6.6 UART Configuration Register Note: TI - Transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial transfer. It must be cleared by software. RI - Receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial reception. It must be cleared by software. All of the bits that generate interrupts can be set or cleared by software, with the same result by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or cancelled by software. Table 6.4 UART Interrupt Interrupt Function Flag TI & RI 6.2 Active Flag Resets Vector Natural Priority software 0x23 5 Level/Edge Internal, UART - Mode0, Synchronous TXD output is a shift clock. The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 of the CLK clock frequency. Eight bits are transmitted with LSB first. Reception is initialized by setting the flags in SCON as follows: RI = 0 and REN = 1. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 53 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 6.7 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode0 (clk = 88.4736 MHz) 6.3 Mode1, 8-Bit UART, Variable Baud Rate, Timer 1 or 2 Clock Source The pin RXD serves as an input while TXD serves as an output for the serial communication. 10 bits are transmitted in the following sequence: a start bit (always 0), 8 data bits (LSB first), and a stop bit (always 1). During data reception, a start bit synchronizes the transmission. Next, the 8 data bits can be accessed by reading SBUF, and the stop bit triggers the flag RB08 in SFR SCON (0x98). The baud rate is variable and dependent on Timer 1 or Timer 2 mode. To enable Timer 2 clocking, set the TCLK and RCLK bits which are located in the T2CON (0xC8) register. Figure 6.8 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode1 6.4 Mode2, 9-Bit UART, Fixed Baud Rate This mode is almost identical to Mode1 except that the baud rate is fixed at 1/32 or 1/64 of CLK clock frequency, and 11 bits are transmitted or received in the following sequence: A start bit (0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit, and a stop bit (1). The 9th bit can be used to control the parity of the UART interface. During a transmission, the TB08 bit in SCON is outputted as the 9th bit. While receiving data, the 9th bit changes the RB08 bit in SCON. Figure 6.9 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode2 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 54 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 6.5 Mode3, 9-Bit UART, Variable Baud Rate, Timer1 or 2 Clock Source The only difference between Mode2 and Mode3 is the baud rate in Mode3 is variable. Data reception is enabled when REN = 1. The baud rate is variable and dependent on Timer 1 or Timer 2 mode. To enable Timer 2 clocking, set the TCLK and RCLK bits which are located in the T2CON (0xC8) register. Figure 6.10 Timing Diagram for UART Transmission Mode3 6.6 Examples of Baud Rate Setting Table 6.5 Examples of Baud Rate Setting Baud Rate(bps) Timer 1 / Mode2 Timer 2 TH1(0x8D) RLDH(0xCB), RLDL(0xCA) SMOD = `0' SMOD = `1' 2400 160(0xA0) 64(0x40) 64384(0XFB80) 4800 208(0xD0) 160(0xA0) 64960(0xFDC0) 9600 232(0xE8) 208(0xD0) 65248(0xFEE0) 14400 240(0xF0) 224(0xE0) 65344(0XFF40) 19200 244(0xF4) 232(0xE8) 65392(0XFF70) 28800 248(0xF8) 240(0xF0) 65440(0xFFA0) 38400 250(0xFA) 244(0xF4) 65464(0XFFB8) 57600 252(0xFC) 248(0xF8) 65488(0xFFD0) 115200 254(0xFE) 252(0xFC) 65512(0xFFE8) 230400 255(0xFF) 254(0xFE) 65524(0xFFF4) Note: Baud Rate calculation formula Using Timer1 - Baud Rate = ( 2SMOD / 32 ) * ( Clock Frequency / 12( 256 - TH1 ) ) Using Timer2 - Baud Rate = Clock Frequency / ( 32 * ( 65536 - ( RLDH, RLDL ) ) ) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 55 Watchdog Timer 7.1 Overview Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 7 The Watchdog Timer is driven by the main system clock that is supplied by a series of dividers as shown in the Figure below. The divider output is selectable and determines the timeout intervals. When the timeout is reached, an interrupt flag will be set, and if enabled, a reset will be occurred. When interrupt enable bit and global interrupt are enabled, the interrupt flag will activate the interrupts. The reset and interrupt are completely discrete functions that may be acknowledged separately, together or even ignored depending on the application. Figure 7.1 Watchdog Timer Structure 7.2 Interrupts Watchdog interrupt related bits are shown below. An interrupt can be turned on/off by the IE (0xA8) and EIE (0xE8) registers, and high/low priorities can be set in the EIP EIP (0xF8) register. The IE contains global interrupt system disable (0) / enable (1) bit called EA. IE (0xA8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset EA - ET2 ES ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 0x00 Figure 7.2 Interrupt Enable Register EIE (0xE8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - EWDI EINT5 EINT4 EINT3 EINT2 0x00 Figure 7.3 Extended Interrupt Enable Register (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 56 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Note: EA - Enable global interrupt EWDI - Enable Watchdog interrupt EIP (0xF8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - PWDI PINT5 PINT4 PINT3 PINT2 0x00 Figure 7.4 Extended interrupt Priority Register Note: PWDI - Watchdog priority level control (high level at 1) Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 WDCON (0xD8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - - WDIF WTRF EWT RWT 0x00 Figure 7.5 Watchdog Control Register Note: WDIF - Watchdog Interrupt Flag. WDIF in conjunction with the EWDI (Enable WatchDog Interrupt) bit (EIE.4) and EWT indicates if a Watchdog Timer event has occurred and the action to be taken. This bit must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine, or another interrupt is generated. Setting WDIF in software will generate a Watchdog interrupt if enabled. This bit can be modified by using the Timed Access Registers. All of the bits that generate interrupts can be set or cleared by software, with the same result by hardware. That is, interrupts can be generated or cancelled by software. Table 7.1 Watchdog Interrupt Interrupt Flag Function Active Level/Edge Flag Reset Vector Natural Priority WDIF Internal, - Software 0x63 11 Watchdog 7.3 Watchdog Timer Reset The Watchdog Timer reset operates as follows. Once the timeout interval is initialized, the system restarts the Watchdog first by using RWT. Then, the reset mode is enabled by the EWT (Enable Watchdog Timer reset = WDCON.1) bit. Before the timer reaches the user selected terminal value, the software can set the RWT (Reset Watchdog Timer = WDCON.0) bit. If RWT is set before the timeout is reached, the timer will start over. If the timeout is reached without RWT being set, the Watchdog will reset the MCU. The Hardware automatically clears RWT after sets the RWT by software. When a reset occurs, the WTRF (Watchdog Timer reset Flag = WDCON.2) will automatically set to indicate the cause of the reset; however, software must clear this bit manually. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 57 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 7.4 Simple Timer The Watchdog Timer is a free running timer. In timer mode with reset disabled (EWT = 0) and interrupt functions disabled (EWDI = 0), the timer counts up to pre-programmed interval in WD[1:0] which will enable the Watchdog interrupt flag. By resetting the RWT bit, this timer can operate in polled timeout mode. The WDIF bit can be cleared by software or reset. The Watchdog interrupt is available for application which requires a long timer. The interrupt is enabled by using the EWDI (Enable WatchDog timer Interrupt = EIE.4) bit. When a timeout occurs, the Watchdog Timer will set the WDIF bit (WDCON.3), and an interrupt will occur if the global interrupt enable (EA) is set. Note that WDIF is set to 512 clocks before a potential Watchdog reset. The Watchdog interrupt flag indicates the source of the interrupt, and must be cleared by software. When the Watchdog interrupt is used properly, the Watchdog reset allows the interrupt software to monitor the system for any errors. 7.5 System Monitor When using the Watchdog Timer as a system monitor, the Watchdog reset function should be used. If the Interrupt function was used, the purpose of the Watchdog would be defeated. For example, assume the system is executing errant code prior to the Watchdog interrupt. The interrupt would temporarily force the system back into control by vectoring the MCU to the interrupt service routine. Restarting the Watchdog and exiting by an RETI or RET, would return the processor to the lost position prior to the interrupt. But using the Watchdog reset function, the processor is restarted from the beginning of the program, and therefore placed into a known state. 7.6 Watchdog Related Registers The Watchdog Timer has several SFR bits that are used during its operation. These bits can be utilized as a reset source, interrupt source, software polled timer or any combination of the three. Both the reset and interrupt have status flags. The Watchdog also has a bit which restarts the timer. The table below shows the bit locations with descriptions. Table 7.2 Summary for Watchdog Related Bits Bit Name Register Bit Position EWDI EIE EIE.4 Enable Watchdog Timer Interrupt PWDI EIP EIP.4 Priority of Watchdog Timer Interrupt WD[1:0] CKCON CKCON.7-6 Watchdog Interval RWT WDCON WDCON.0 Reset Watchdog Timer EWT WDCON.1 Enable Watchdog Timer reset WTRF WDCON.2 Watchdog Timer reset flag WDIF WDCON.3 Watchdog Interrupt flag (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Description 58 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet The Watchdog Timer is not disabled during a Watchdog timeout reset, but it restarts the timer. In general, the software should set the Watchdog to a desired state. Control bits that support Watchdog operation are described in next subsections. 7.7 Watchdog Control Watchdog control bits are described below. Please note that access (write) to this register has to be performed using `7.8 Timed Access Registers' procedure. WDCON (0xD8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset - - - - WDIF WTRF EWT RWT 0x00 Figure 7.6 Watchdog Control Register Note: WDIF - Watchdog Interrupt Flag. WDIF in conjunction with the Enable Watchdog Interrupt bit (EIE.4) and EWT indicates if a Watchdog Timer event has occurred and the action to be taken. This bit must be cleared by software before exiting the interrupt service routine, or another interrupt is generated. Setting WDIF in software will generate a Watchdog interrupt if enabled. This bit can be modified by using the Timed Access Registers. WTRF - Watchdog Timer reset Flag. A Watchdog Timer reset has occurred when this flag is enabled by hardware; however, when using software to enable this flag, the Watchdog Timer reset is not triggered. During a reset, this flag is cleared otherwise it should be cleared by software. The Watchdog Timer has no effect on this bit if EWT bit is cleared. EWT - Enable the Watchdog Timer reset. This bit controls the Watchdog Timer to reset the microcontroller, and has no effect on the ability of the Watchdog Timer to generate a Watchdog interrupt. Timed Access procedure must be used to modify this bit. 0 : Watchdog Timer timeout does not reset microcontroller 1 : Watchdog Timer timeout resets microcontroller RWT - Reset the Watchdog Timer. Setting RWT resets the Watchdog Timer count. Timed Access procedure must be followed to enable this bit before the Watchdog Timer expires, reset or interrupt will be generated if the RWT is enabled. Unimplemented bit - Read as 0 or 1 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 59 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet The table below summarizes Watchdog control bits and the functions. Table 7.3 Watchdog Bits and Actions EWT EWDI WDIF Result X X 0 No Watchdog event. 0 0 1 Watchdog timeout has expired. No interrupt has been generated. 0 1 1 Watchdog interrupt has occurred. 1 0 1 Watchdog timeout has expired. No interrupt has been generated. Watchdog Timer reset will occur in 512 clock periods (CLK pin) if RWT is not strobed. 1 1 1 Watchdog interrupt has occurred. Watchdog Timer reset will occur in 512 clock periods (CLK pin) if RWT is not set using Timed Access procedure. 7.7.1 Clock Control The Watchdog timeout selection is made using bits WD[1:0] as shown in the Figure below. CKCON (0x8E) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reset WD1 WD0 - - - MD2 MD1 MD0 0x03 Figure 7.7 Clock Control register - Watchdog bits Clock control register CKCON(0x8E) contains WD[1:0] bits to select Watchdog Timer timeout period. The Watchdog is clocked directly from the CLK pin, and the PMM mode directly affects its timeout period. The Watchdog has four timeout selections based on the input CLK clock frequency as shown in the Figure 7.1. The selections are a pre-selected number of clocks. Therefore, the actual timeout interval is dependent on the CLK frequency. Table 7.4 Watchdog Intervals WD[1:0] Watchdog Interval Number of Clocks 00 217 131072 01 220 1048576 10 223 8388608 11 226 67108864 Note that the time period shown above is for the interrupt events. When the reset is (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 60 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet enabled, it will activate 512 clocks later regardless of the interrupt. Therefore, the actual Watchdog timeout is the number of clocks chosen from Watchdog intervals plus 512 clocks (always CLK pin). 7.8 Timed Access Registers Timed Access registers have a built-in mechanism that prevents them from accidental writes. TA is located at 0xC7 SFR address. To properly write to such registers, the following sequence has to be used : MOV TA, #0xAA MOV TA, #0x55 ;Any direct addressing instruction writing timed access register Any number of program wait states is allowed for the time elapsed between first, second, and third operations. Only correct sequence is required. Any third instruction causes protection mechanism to be turned on. This means that time protected register is opened for write only for a single instruction. Reading from such register is never protected. Timed Access registers are listed in the table below. Table 7.5 Timed Access Registers Register name Description WDCON(0xD8) Watchdog configuration (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 61 TCPIPCore 8.1 Memory Map Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 8 TCPIPCore is composed of Common Register, SOCKET Register, TX Memory, and RX Memory as shown below. Figure 8.1 TCPIPCore Memory Map 8.2 8.2.1 TCPIPCore Registers Common Registers Address offset Symbol 0xFE0000 MR 0xFE0001 GAR0 0xFE0002 GAR1 0xFE0003 GAR2 0xFE0004 GAR3 0xFE0005 SUBR0 0xFE0006 SUBR1 Description Mode Register GAR (Gateway Address Register) SUBR (Subnet Mask Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 62 SUBR2 0xFE0008 SUBR3 0xFE0009 SHAR0 0xFE000A SHAR1 0xFE000B SHAR2 0xFE000C SHAR3 0xFE000D SHAR4 0xFE000E SHAR5 0xFE000F SIPR0 0xFE0010 SIPR1 0xFE0011 SIPR2 0xFE0012 SIPR3 0xFE0013 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE0007 SUBR (Subnet Mask Register) SHAR (Source Hardware Address Register) SIPR (Source IP Address Register) Reserved 0xFE0014 0xFE0015 IR 0xFE0016 IMR 0xFE0017 RTR0 0xFE0018 RTR1 0xFE0019 RCR 0xFE001A Interrupt Register Interrupt Mask Register RTR (Retransmission Timeout-value Register) RCR (Retransmission Retry-count Register) Reserved 0xFE001B 0xFE001C 0xFE001D Reserved 0xFE001E 0xFE001F VERSIONR W7100 Version Register 0xFE0020 ~ Reserved 0xFE002D 0xFE002E UPORT0 0xFE002F UPORT1 0xFE0030 INTLEVEL0 0xFE0031 INTLEVEL1 0xFE0032 0xFE0033 UPORT (Unreachable Port Register in UDP mode) Interrupt Low Level Timer Register Reserved (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 63 8.2.2 IR2 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE0034 SOCKET Interrupt Register SOCKET Registers Address offset Symbol Description 0xFE4000 S0_MR SOCKET 0 Mode Register 0xFE4001 S0_CR SOCKET 0 Command Register 0xFE4002 S0_IR SOCKET 0 Interrupt Register 0xFE4003 S0_SR SOCKET 0 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4004 S0_PORT0 0xFE4005 S0_PORT1 0xFE4006 S0_DHAR0 0xFE4007 S0_DHAR1 0xFE4008 S0_DHAR2 0xFE4009 S0_DHAR3 0xFE400A S0_DHAR4 0xFE400B S0_DHAR5 0xFE400C S0_DIPR0 0xFE400D S0_DIPR1 0xFE400E S0_DIPR2 0xFE400F S0_DIPR3 0xFE4010 S0_DPORT0 0xFE4011 S0_DPORT1 0xFE4012 S0_MSSR0 0xFE4013 S0_MSSR1 0xFE4014 S0_PROTO 0xFE4015 S0_TOS SOCKET 0 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4016 S0_TTL SOCKET 0 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register S0_PORT (SOCKET 0 Source Port Register) S0_DHAR (SOCKET 0 Destination Hardware Address Register) S0_DIPR (SOCKET 0 Destination IP Address Register) S0_DPORT (SOCKET 0 Destination Port Register) S0_MSSR (SOCKET 0 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 0 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4017 ~ Reserved 0xFE401D 0xFE401E S0_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 0 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE401F S0_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 0 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4020 S0_TX_FSR0 S0_TX_FSR (SOCKET 0 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 64 S0_TX_FSR1 0xFE4022 S0_TX_RD0 S0_TX_RD0 0xFE4023 S0_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 0 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4024 S0_TX_WR0 S0_TX_WR 0xFE4025 S0_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 0 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4026 S0_RX_RSR0 S0_RX_RSR 0xFE4027 S0_RX_RSR1 (SOCKET 0 Received Data Size Register) 0xFE4028 S0_RX_RD0 S0_RX_RD 0xFE4029 S0_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 0 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE402A S0_RX_WR0 S0_RX_WR 0xFE402B S0_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 0 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE402C S0_IMR 0xFE402D S0_FRAG0 S0_FRAG 0xFE402E S0_FRAG1 (SOCKET 0 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register) Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4021 SOCKET 0 Interrupt Mask Register 0xFE402F ~ Reserved 0xFE40FF 0xFE4100 S1_MR SOCKET 1 Mode Register 0xFE4101 S1_CR SOCKET 1 Command Register 0xFE4102 S1_IR SOCKET 1 Interrupt Register 0xFE4103 S1_SR SOCKET 1 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4104 S1_PORT0 0xFE4105 S1_PORT1 0xFE4106 S1_DHAR0 0xFE4107 S1_DHAR1 0xFE4108 S1_DHAR2 0xFE4109 S1_DHAR3 0xFE410A S1_DHAR4 0xFE410B S1_DHAR5 0xFE410C S1_DIPR0 0xFE410D S1_DIPR1 0xFE410E S1_DIPR2 0xFE410F S1_DIPR3 0xFE4110 S1_DPORT0 S1_PORT (SOCKET 1 Source Port Register) S1_DHAR (SOCKET 1 Destination Hardware Address Register) S1_DIPR (SOCKET 1 Destination IP Address Register) S1_DPORT (SOCKET 1 Destination Port Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 65 S1_DPORT1 0xFE4112 S1_MSSR0 0xFE4113 S1_MSSR1 0xFE4114 S1_PROTO 0xFE4115 S1_TOS SOCKET 1 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4116 S1_TTL SOCKET 1 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4111 S1_MSSR (SOCKET 1 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 1 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4117 ~ Reserved 0xFE411D 0xFE411E S1_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 1 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE411F S1_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 1 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4120 S1_TX_FSR0 0xFE4121 S1_TX_FSR1 0xFE4122 S1_TX_RD0 S1_TX_RD 0xFE4123 S1_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 1 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4124 S1_TX_WR0 S1_TX_WR 0xFE4125 S1_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 1 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4126 S1_RX_RSR0 S1_RX_RSR 0xFE4127 S1_RX_RSR1 (SOCKET 1 Received Data Size Register) 0xFE4128 S1_RX_RD0 S1_RX_RD 0xFE4129 S1_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 1 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE412A S1_RX_WR0 S1_RX_WR (SOCKET 1 Receive Memory Write Pointer 0xFE412B S1_RX_WR1 Register) 0xFE412C S1_IMR 0xFE412D S1_FRAG0 S1_FRAG 0xFE412E S1_FRAG1 (SOCKET 1 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register) S1_TX_FSR (SOCKET 1 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) SOCKET 1 Interrupt Mask Register 0xFE412F ~ Reserved 0xFE41FF 0xFE4200 S2_MR SOCKET 2 Mode Register 0xFE4201 S2_CR SOCKET 2 Command Register 0xFE4202 S2_IR SOCKET 2 Interrupt Register 0xFE4203 S2_SR SOCKET 2 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4204 S2_PORT0 S2_PORT (SOCKET 2 Source Port Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 66 S2_PORT1 0xFE4206 S2_DHAR0 0xFE4207 S2_DHAR1 0xFE4208 S2_DHAR2 0xFE4209 S2_DHAR3 0xFE420A S2_DHAR4 0xFE420B S2_DHAR5 0xFE420C S2_DIPR0 0xFE420D S2_DIPR1 0xFE420E S2_DIPR2 0xFE420F S2_DIPR3 0xFE4210 S2_DPORT0 0xFE4211 S2_DPORT1 0xFE4212 S2_MSSR0 0xFE4213 S2_MSSR1 0xFE4214 S2_PROTO 0xFE4215 S2_TOS SOCKET 2 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4216 S2_TTL SOCKET 2 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4205 S2_DHAR (SOCKET 2 Destination Hardware Address Register) S2_DIPR (SOCKET 2 Destination IP Address Register) S2_DPORT (SOCKET 2 Destination Port Register) S2_MSSR (SOCKET 2 Maximum Segment Size Register) S2_PROTO (SOCKET 2 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode) 0xFE4217 ~ Reserved 0xFE421D 0xFE421E S2_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 2 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE421F S2_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 2 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4220 S2_TX_FSR0 0xFE4221 S2_TX_FSR1 0xFE4222 S2_TX_RD0 S2_TX_RD 0xFE4223 S2_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 2 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4224 S2_TX_WR0 S2_TX_WR 0xFE4225 S2_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 2 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4226 S2_RX_RSR0 0xFE4227 S2_RX_RSR1 0xFE4228 S2_RX_RD0 S2_RX_RD 0xFE4229 S2_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 2 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) S2_TX_FSR (SOCKET 2 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) S2_RX_RSR (SOCKET 2 Received Data Size Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 67 S2_RX_WR0 S2_RX_WR 0xFE422B S2_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 2 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE422C S2_IMR 0xFE422D S2_FRAG0 0xFE422E S2_FRAG1 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE422A SOCKET 2 Interrupt Mask Register SOCKET 2 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register 0xFE422F ~ Reserved 0xFE42FF 0xFE4300 S3_MR SOCKET 3 Mode Register 0xFE4301 S3_CR SOCKET 3 Command Register 0xFE4302 S3_IR SOCKET 3 Interrupt Register 0xFE4303 S3_SR SOCKET 3 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4304 S3_PORT0 0xFE4305 S3_PORT1 0xFE4306 S3_DHAR0 0xFE4307 S3_DHAR1 0xFE4308 S3_DHAR2 0xFE4309 S3_DHAR3 0xFE430A S3_DHAR4 0xFE430B S3_DHAR5 0xFE430C S3_DIPR0 0xFE430D S3_DIPR1 0xFE430E S3_DIPR2 0xFE430F S3_DIPR3 0xFE4310 S3_DPORT0 0xFE4311 S3_DPORT1 0xFE4312 S3_MSSR0 0xFE4313 S3_MSSR1 0xFE4314 S3_PROTO 0xFE4315 S3_TOS SOCKET 3 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4316 S0_TTL SOCKET 3 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register 0xFE4317 ~ S3_PORT (SOCKET 3 Source Port Register) S3_DHAR (SOCKET 3 Destination Hardware Address Register) S3_DIPR (SOCKET 3 Destination IP Address Register) S3_DPORT (SOCKET 3 Destination Port Register) S3_MSSR (SOCKET 3 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 3 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode Reserved (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 68 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE431D 0xFE431E S3_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 3 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE431F S3_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 3 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4320 S3_TX_FSR0 0xFE4321 S3_TX_FSR1 0xFE4322 S3_TX_RD0 S3_TX_RD 0xFE4323 S3_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 3 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4324 S3_TX_WR0 S3_TX_WR 0xFE4325 S3_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 3 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4326 S3_RX_RSR0 0xFE4327 S3_RX_RSR1 0xFE4328 S3_RX_RD0 S3_RX_RD 0xFE4329 S3_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 3 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE432A S3_RX_WR0 S3_RX_WR 0xFE432B S3_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 3 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE432C S3_IMR 0xFE432D S3_FRAG0 0xFE432E S3_FRAG1 S3_TX_FSR (SOCKET 3 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) S3_RX_RSR (SOCKET 3 Received Data Size Register) SOCKET 3 Interrupt Mask Register SOCKET 3 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register 0xFE432F ~ Reserved 0xFE43FF 0xFE4400 S4_MR SOCKET 4 Mode Register 0xFE4401 S4_CR SOCKET 4 Command Register 0xFE4402 S4_IR SOCKET 4 Interrupt Register 0xFE4403 S4_SR SOCKET 4 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4404 S4_PORT0 0xFE4405 S4_PORT1 0xFE4406 S4_DHAR0 0xFE4407 S4_DHAR1 0xFE4408 S4_DHAR2 0xFE4409 S4_DHAR3 0xFE440A S4_DHAR4 0xFE440B S4_DHAR5 S4_PORT (SOCKET 4 Source Port Register) S4_DHAR (SOCKET 4 Destination Hardware Address Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 69 S4_DIPR0 0xFE440D S4_DIPR1 0xFE440E S4_DIPR2 0xFE440F S4_DIPR3 0xFE4410 S4_DPORT0 0xFE4411 S4_DPORT1 0xFE4412 S4_MSSR0 0xFE4413 S4_MSSR1 0xFE4414 S4_PROTO 0xFE4415 S4_TOS SOCKET 4 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4416 S4_TTL SOCKET 4 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE440C S4_DIPR (SOCKET 4 Destination IP Address Register) S4_DPORT (SOCKET 4 Destination Port Register) S4_MSSR (SOCKET 4 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 4 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4417 ~ Reserved 0xFE441D 0xFE441E S4_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 4 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE441F S4_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 4 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4420 S4_TX_FSR0 0xFE4421 S4_TX_FSR1 0xFE4422 S4_TX_RD0 S4_TX_RD 0xFE4423 S4_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 4 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4424 S4_TX_WR0 S4_TX_WR 0xFE4425 S4_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 4 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4426 S4_RX_RSR0 0xFE4427 S4_RX_RSR1 0xFE4428 S4_RX_RD0 S4_RX_RD 0xFE4429 S4_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 4 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE442A S4_RX_WR0 S4_RX_WR 0xFE442B S4_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 4 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE442C S4_IMR 0xFE442D S4_FRAG0 0xFE442E S4_FRAG1 S4_TX_FSR (SOCKET 4 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) S4_RX_RSR (SOCKET 4 Received Data Size Register) SOCKET 4 Interrupt Mask Register SOCKET 4 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 70 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE442F ~ Reserved 0xFE44FF 0xFE4500 S5_MR SOCKET 5 Mode Register 0xFE4501 S5_CR SOCKET 5 Command Register 0xFE4502 S5_IR SOCKET 5 Interrupt Register 0xFE4503 S5_SR SOCKET 5 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4504 S5_PORT0 0xFE4505 S5_PORT1 0xFE4506 S5_DHAR0 0xFE4507 S5_DHAR1 0xFE4508 S5_DHAR2 0xFE4509 S5_DHAR3 0xFE450A S5_DHAR4 0xFE450B S5_DHAR5 0xFE450C S5_DIPR0 0xFE450D S5_DIPR1 0xFE450E S5_DIPR2 0xFE450F S5_DIPR3 0xFE4510 S5_DPORT0 0xFE4511 S5_DPORT1 0xFE4512 S5_MSSR0 0xFE4513 S5_MSSR1 0xFE4514 S5_PROTO 0xFE4515 S5_TOS SOCKET 5 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4516 S5_TTL SOCKET 5 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register S5_PORT (SOCKET 5 Source Port Register) S5_DHAR (SOCKET 5 Destination Hardware Address Register) S5_DIPR (SOCKET 5 Destination IP Address Register) S5_DPORT (SOCKET 5 Destination Port Register) S5_MSSR (SOCKET 5 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 5 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4517 ~ Reserved 0xFE451D 0xFE451E S5_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 5 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE451F S5_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 5 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4520 S5_TX_FSR0 0xFE4521 S5_TX_FSR1 S5_TX_FSR (SOCKET 5 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 71 S5_TX_RD0 S5_TX_RD 0xFE4523 S5_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 5 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4524 S5_TX_WR0 S5_TX_WR 0xFE4525 S5_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 5 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4526 S5_RX_RSR0 0xFE4527 S5_RX_RSR1 0xFE4528 S5_RX_RD0 S5_RX_RD 0xFE4529 S5_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 5 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE452A S5_RX_WR0 S5_RX_WR 0xFE452B S5_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 5 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE452C S5_IMR 0xFE452D S5_FRAG0 S5_FRAG 0xFE452E S5_FRAG1 (SOCKET 5 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register) Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4522 S5_RX_RSR (SOCKET 5 Received Data Size Register) SOCKET 5 Interrupt Mask Register 0xFE452F ~ Reserved 0xFE45FF 0xFE4600 S6_MR SOCKET 6 Mode Register 0xFE4601 S6_CR SOCKET 6 Command Register 0xFE4602 S6_IR SOCKET 6 Interrupt Register 0xFE4603 S6_SR SOCKET 6 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4604 S6_PORT0 0xFE4605 S6_PORT1 0xFE4606 S6_DHAR0 0xFE4607 S6_DHAR1 0xFE4608 S6_DHAR2 0xFE4609 S6_DHAR3 0xFE460A S6_DHAR4 0xFE460B S6_DHAR5 0xFE460C S6_DIPR0 0xFE460D S6_DIPR1 0xFE460E S6_DIPR2 0xFE460F S6_DIPR3 0xFE4610 S6_DPORT0 0xFE4611 S6_DPORT1 S6_PORT (SOCKET 6 Source Port Register) S6_DHAR (SOCKET 6 Destination Hardware Address Register) S6_DIPR (SOCKET 6 Destination IP Address Register) S6_DPORT (SOCKET 6 Destination Port Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 72 S6_MSSR0 0xFE4613 S6_MSSR1 0xFE4614 S6_PROTO 0xFE4615 S6_TOS SOCKET 6 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4616 S6_TTL SOCKET 6 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4612 S6_MSSR (SOCKET 6 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 6 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4617 ~ Reserved 0xFE461D 0xFE461E S6_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 6 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE461F S6_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 6 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4620 S6_TX_FSR0 0xFE4621 S6_TX_FSR1 0xFE4622 S6_TX_RD0 S6_TX_RD 0xFE4623 S6_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 6 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4624 S6_TX_WR0 S6_TX_WR 0xFE4625 S6_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 6 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4626 S6_RX_RSR0 0xFE4627 S6_RX_RSR1 0xFE4628 S6_RX_RD0 S6_RX_RD 0xFE4629 S6_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 6 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE462A S6_RX_WR0 S6_RX_WR 0xFE462B S6_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 6 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE462C S6_IMR 0xFE462D S6_FRAG0 S6_FRAG 0xFE462E S6_FRAG1 (SOCKET 6 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register) S6_TX_FSR (SOCKET 6 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) S6_RX_RSR (SOCKET 6 Received Data Size Register) SOCKET 6 Interrupt Mask Register 0xFE462F ~ Reserved 0xFE46FF 0xFE4700 S7_MR SOCKET 7 Mode Register 0xFE4701 S7_CR SOCKET 7 Command Register 0xFE4702 S7_IR SOCKET 7 Interrupt Register 0xFE4703 S7_SR SOCKET 7 SOCKET Status Register 0xFE4704 S7_PORT0 S7_PORT (SOCKET 7 Source Port Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 73 S7_PORT1 0xFE4706 S7_DHAR0 0xFE4707 S7_DHAR1 0xFE4708 S7_DHAR2 0xFE4709 S7_DHAR3 0xFE470A S7_DHAR4 0xFE470B S7_DHAR5 0xFE470C S7_DIPR0 0xFE470D S7_DIPR1 0xFE470E S7_DIPR2 0xFE470F S7_DIPR3 0xFE4710 S7_DPORT0 0xFE4711 S7_DPORT1 0xFE4712 S7_MSSR0 0xFE4713 S7_MSSR1 0xFE4714 S0_PROTO 0xFE4715 S7_TOS SOCKET 7 IP Type of Service(TOS) Register 0xFE4716 S7_TTL SOCKET 7 IP Time to Live(TTL) Register Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE4705 S7_DHAR (SOCKET 7 Destination Hardware Address Register) S7_DIPR (SOCKET 7 Destination IP Address Register) S7_DPORT (SOCKET 7 Destination Port Register) S7_MSSR (SOCKET 7 Maximum Segment Size Register) SOCKET 7 Protocol of IP Header Field Register in IP raw mode 0xFE4717 ~ Reserved 0xFE471D 0xFE471E S7_RXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 7 Receive Memory Size Register 0xFE471F S7_TXMEM_SIZE SOCKET 7 Transmit Memory Size Register 0xFE4720 S7_TX_FSR0 0xFE4721 S7_TX_FSR1 0xFE4722 S7_TX_RD0 S7_TX_RD 0xFE4723 S7_TX_RD1 (SOCKET 7 Transmit Memory Read Pointer Register) 0xFE4724 S7_TX_WR0 S7_TX_WR 0xFE4725 S7_TX_WR1 (SOCKET 7 Transmit Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE4726 S7_RX_RSR0 0xFE4727 S7_RX_RSR1 0xFE4728 S7_RX_RD0 S7_RX_RD 0xFE4729 S7_RX_RD1 (SOCKET 7 Receive Memory Read Pointer Register) S7_TX_FSR (SOCKET 7 Transmit Free Memory Size Register) S7_RX_RSR (SOCKET 7 Received Data Size Register) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 74 S7_RX_WR0 S7_RX_WR 0xFE472B S7_RX_WR1 (SOCKET 7 Receive Memory Write Pointer Register) 0xFE472C S7_IMR 0xFE472D S7_FRAG0 S7_FRAG 0xFE472E S7_FRAG1 (SOCKET 7 Fragment Field Value in IP Header Register) Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 0xFE472A SOCKET 7 Interrupt Mask Register 0xFE472F ~ Reserved 0xFE47FF 8.3 Register Description 8.3.1 Mode Register MR (Mode Register) [R/W] [0xFE0000] [0x00] This register is used for S/W reset and ping block mode. 7 6 5 4 RST Bit 3 2 1 0 PB Symbol Description S/W Reset 7 RST If this bit is `1', internal register will be initialized. It will be automatically cleared after reset. 6 Reserved Reserved 5 Reserved Reserved Ping Block Mode 4 PB 0 : Disable Ping block 1 : Enable Ping block If the bit is set as `1', there is no response to the ping request. 3 Reserved Reserved 2 Reserved Reserved 1 Reserved Reserved 0 Reserved Reserved GAR (Gateway IP Address Register) [R/W] [0xFE0001 - 0xFE0004] [0x00] This Register sets up the default gateway address. Ex) In case of "" 0xFE0001 0xFE0002 0xFE0003 0xFE0004 192 (0xC0) 168 (0xA8) 0 (0x00) 1 (0x01) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 75 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet SUBR (Subnet Mask Register) [R/W] [0xFE0005 - 0xFE0008] [0x00] This register sets up the subnet mask address. Ex) In case of "" 0xFE0005 0xFE0006 0xFE0007 0xFE0008 255 (0xFF) 255 (0xFF) 255 (0xFF) 0 (0x00) SHAR (Source Hardware Address Register) [R/W] [0xFE0009 - 0xFE000E] [0x00] This register sets up the Source Hardware address. Ex) In case of "00.08.DC.01.02.03" 0xFE0009 0xFE000A 0xFE000B 0xFE000C 0xFE000D 0xFE000E 0x00 0x08 0xDC 0x01 0x02 0x03 SIPR (Source IP Address Register) [R/W] [0xFE000F - 0xFE0012] [0x00] This register sets up the Source IP address. Ex) In case of "" 0xFE000F 0xFE0010 0xFE0011 0xFE0012 192 (0xC0) 168 (0xA8) 0 (0x00) 2 (0x02) IR (Interrupt Register) [R] [0xFE0015] [0x00] This register is accessed by the MCU of W7100 to determine the cause of an interrupt. As long as any IR bit is set, the INT5(nINT5: TCPIPcore interrupt) signal is asserted low, and it will not go high until all bits is cleared in the Interrupt Register. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 CONFLICT UNREACH Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Bit Symbol Description IP Conflict 7 CONFLICT When the ARP request has the same IP address as the Source IP address, this bit is set as `1'. It can be cleared to `0' by writing `1' to this bit. Destination unreachable W7100 will receive ICMP(Destination Unreachable) packet if non-existing destination IP address is transmitted during a UDP data transmission. In 6 UNREACH this case, the IP address and the port number will be saved in Unreachable IP Address (UIPR) and Unreachable Port Register (UPORT). The UNREACH bit will be set as `1'. This bit can be cleared to `0' by writing `1' to this bit. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 76 Reserved Reserved 4 Reserved Reserved 3 Reserved Reserved 2 Reserved Reserved 1 Reserved Reserved 0 Reserved Reserved Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 5 IMR (Interrupt Mask Register) [R/W] [0xFE0016] [0x00] The Interrupt Mask Register is used to mask interrupts. Each interrupt mask bit corresponds to a bit in the Interrupt Register2 (IR2). If an interrupt mask bit is set, an interrupt will be issued whenever the corresponding bit in the IR2 is set. If the bit of IMR is set as `0', corresponding interrupt will not be triggered by the enabled bit in the IR2. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 S7_INT S6_INT S5_INT S4_INT S3_INT S2_INT S1_INT S0_INT Bit Symbol Description 7 S7_INT IR(S7_INT) Interrupt Mask 6 S6_INT IR(S6_INT) Interrupt Mask 5 S5_INT IR(S5_INT) Interrupt Mask 4 S4_INT IR(S4_INT) Interrupt Mask 3 S3_INT IR(S3_INT) Interrupt Mask 2 S2_INT IR(S2_INT) Interrupt Mask 1 S1_INT IR(S1_INT) Interrupt Mask 0 S0_INT IR(S0_INT) Interrupt Mask RTR (Retry Time-value Register) [R/W] [0xFE0017 - 0xFE0018] [0x07D0] This register sets the period of timeout. Value 1 means 100us. The default timeout is 200ms which has a value of 2000 (0x07D0). Ex) For 400ms configuration, set as 4000(0x0FA0) 0xFE0017 0xFE0018 0x0F 0xA0 Re-transmission will occur if there is no response or response is delayed from the remote peer. RCR (Retry Count Register) [R/W] [0xFE0019] [0x08] This register sets the number of re-transmission. If retransmission occurs more than the number of retries recorded in RCR, a Timeout Interrupt will occur. (TIMEOUT bit of SOCKET n (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 77 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Interrupt Register (Sn_IR) is set as `1') VERSIONR (W7100 Chip Version Register)[R][0xFE001F][0x02] This register is W7100 chip version register. UIPR (Unreachable IP Address Register) [R] [0xFE002A - 0xFE002D] [0x00] When using UDP to transfer data, ICMP (Destination Unreachable) packet will be received if the destination IP address is non-existing. In this case, the IP address and port number will be saved in the Unreachable IP Address Register(UIPR) and Unreachable Port Register(UPORT) respectively. Ex) For the case of "" 0x002A 0x002B 0x002C 0x002D 192 (0xC0) 168 (0xA8) 0 (0x00) 11 (0x0B) UPORT (Unreachable Port Register) [R] [0xFE002E - 0xFE002F] [0x0000] Refer to Unreachable IP Address Register (UIPR) Ex) For the case of 5000(0x1388) 0xFE002E 0xFE002F 0x13 0x88 INTLEVEL (Interrupt Low Level Timer Register)[R/W][0xFE0030 - 0xFE0031][0x0000] The INTLEVEL register sets the Interrupt Assert wait time(IAWT). It configures internal INT5 signal Low Assert waiting time until next interrupt. If user wants to use TCP/IP Core interrupt, INTLEVEL register must be set higher than 0x2B00. Or the TCP/IP Core interrupt can be ignored. IAWT = (INTLEVEL0 + 1) * PLL_CLK (when INTLEVEL0 > 0) (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 78 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet a. At the socket 0, assume an interrupt occurs (S0_IR(3) = `1') and corresponding IR2 bit is set as `1' (IR(S0_IR) = `1'). Then the internal INT5 signal is asserted low. b. Also assume an interrupt continually occurs (S1_IR1(0) = `1') on the socket1 and corresponding IR bit set as `1' (IR(S1_IR) = `1'). c. The Host clears S0_IR1(S0_IR1 = 0x00) and corresponding IR2 bit is also cleared (IR(S0_IR) = `0'). Internal INT5 signal becomes High De-assert. d. When the S1_IR1 is cleared, but the corresponding IR2 is not 0x00 because of socket1 interrupt, internal INT5 signal should be asserted low. However, as INTLEVEL is 0x000F, the internal INT5 signal is asserted after the IAWT(16 PLL_CLK) time. IR2 (W7100 SOCKET Interrupt Register)[R/W][0xFE0034][0x00] IR2 is a Register which notifies the host that a W7100 SOCKET interrupt has occurred. When an interrupt occurs, the related bit in IR2 is enabled. In this case, the INT5 (nINT5: TCPIPcore interrupt) signal is asserted low until all of the bits of IR2 is `0'. Once the IR2 register is cleared out by using the Sn_IR bits, the INT5 signal is asserted high. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 S7_INT S6_INT S5_INT S4_INT S3_INT S2_INT S1_INT S0_INT Bit Symbol Description Occurrence of SOCKET 7 Interrupt 7 S7_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 7, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S7_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S7_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 6 Interrupt 6 S6_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 6, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S6_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S6_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 5 Interrupt 5 S5_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 5, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S5_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S5_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 4 Interrupt 4 S4_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 4, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S4_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 79 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet S4_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 3 Interrupt 3 S3_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 3, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S3_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S3_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 2 Interrupt 2 S2_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 2, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S2_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S2_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 1 Interrupt 1 S1_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 1, it becomes `1'. This interrupt information is applied to S1_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S1_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. Occurrence of SOCKET 0 Interrupt 0 S0_INT When an interrupt occurs at SOCKET 0, it becomes `0'. This interrupt information is applied to S0_IR2. This bit is automatically cleared when S0_IR2 is cleared to 0x00 by host. 8.3.2 SOCKET Registers Sn_MR (SOCKET n Mode Register)[R/W][0xFE4000 + 0x100n][0x0000] This register configures the protocol type or option of SOCKET n. 7 6 MULTI Bit 5 4 ND / MC Symbol 3 2 1 0 P3 P2 P1 P0 Description Multicasting 0 : disable Multicasting 1 : enable Multicasting 7 MULTI This only applies to UDP case(P3-P0 : "0010") To use multicasting, write multicast group address and port number to SOCKET n destination IP and port register respectively before using the OPEN command. 6 Reserved Reserved Use No Delayed ACK 5 ND/MC 0 : Disable No Delayed ACK option 1 : Enable No Delayed ACK option, (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 80 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet This only applies to TCP case (P3-P0 : "0001") If this bit is set as `1', ACK packet is immediately transmitted after receiving data packet from a peer. If this bit is cleared, ACK packet is transmitted according to internal timeout mechanism. Multicast 0 : using IGMP version 2 1 : using IGMP version 1 This bit is valid when MULTI bit is enabled and UDP mode is used (P3-P0 : "0010"). In addition, multicast can be used to send out the version number in IGMP messages such as Join/Leave/Report to multicast-group 4 Reserved 3 P3 Reserved Protocol 2 1 0 P2 P1 P0 Sets up corresponding SOCKET as TCP, UDP, or IP RAW mode Symbol P3 P2 P1 P0 Meaning Sn_MR_CLOSE 0 0 0 0 Closed Sn_MR_TCP 0 0 0 1 TCP Sn_MR_UDP 0 0 1 0 UDP Sn_MR_IPRAW 0 0 1 1 IPRAW S0_MR_MACRAW 0 1 0 0 MAC RAW S0_MR_MACRAW is valid only in SOCKET 0. Sn_CR (SOCKET n Command Register)[R/W][0xFE4001 + 0x100n][0x00] This is used to set the command for SOCKET n such as OPEN, CLOSE, CONNECT, LISTEN, SEND, and RECEIVE. After W7100 identifies the command, the Sn_CR register is automatically cleared to 0x00. Even though Sn_CR is cleared to 0x00, the command is still being processed. To verify whether the command is completed or not, please check the Sn_IR or Sn_SR registers. Value Symbol Description SOCKET n is initialized and opened according to the protocol selected in Sn_MR (P3:P0). The table below shows the value of Sn_SR corresponding 0x01 OPEN to Sn_MR Sn_MR(P3:P0) Sn_SR Sn_MR_CLOSE - Sn_MR_TCP SOCK_INIT (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 81 SOCK_UDP Sn_MR_IPRAW SOCK_IPRAW S0_MR_MACRAW SOCK_MACRAW Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sn_MR_UDP This is valid only in TCP mode (Sn_MR(P3:P0) = Sn_MR_TCP). In this mode, the SOCKET n is configured as a TCP server which is waiting for connection-request (SYN packet) from any "TCP CLIENT". The Sn_SR register changes the state from SOCK_INIT to SOCKET_LISTEN. When a client's connection request is successfully established, the 0x02 LISTEN Sn_SR changes from SOCK_LISTEN to SOCK_ESTABLIESHED and the Sn_IR(0) becomes `1'. On the other hand, Sn_IR(3) is set as `1' and Sn_SR changes to SOCK_CLOSED during a connection failure(SYN/ACK packet failed to transfer) cf> If the destination port of the TCP Client does not exist during a connection request, W7100 will transmit a RST packet and Sn_SR is unchanged. This mode is only valid in TCP mode and operates the SOCKET n as a TCP client. A connect-request (SYN packet) is sent to the TCP server by connecting to the IP address and port stored in destination address and port registers (Sn_DIPR0 and Sn_DPORT0) When a client's connection request is successfully established, the Sn_SR register is changed to SOCK_ESTABLIESHED and the Sn_IR(0) 0x04 CONNECT becomes `1'. In the following cases, the connect-request fails - When a ARPTO occurs (Sn_IR(s)=`1') because the Destination Hardware Address is not acquired through the ARP process - When a SYN/ACK packet is not received and TCPTO(Sn_IR(3)) is'1' - When a RST packet is received instead of a SYN/ACK packet Above three cases, Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. Only valid in TCP mode Regardless of "TCP SERVER" or "TCP CLIENT", this disconnect the 0x08 DISCON process - Active close : it transmits disconnect-request(FIN packet) to the connected peer (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 82 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet - Passive close : When FIN packet is received from peer, a FIN packet is replied back to the peer when FIN/ACK packet is received, Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. When a disconnect request is not received, TCPTO occurs (Sn_IR(3)='1') and Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. cf> If CLOSE is used instead of DISCON, only Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED without disconnect-process(disconnect-request). If a RST packet is received from a peer during communication, Sn_SR is unconditionally changed to SOCK_CLOSED. 0x10 CLOSE Closes SOCKET n. Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. SEND transmits all the data buffered in the TX memory. For more 0x20 SEND details, please refer to SOCKET n TX Free Size Register (Sn_TX_FSR0), SOCKET n TX Write Pointer Register(Sn_TX_WR0), and SOCKET n TX Read Pointer Register(Sn_TX_RD0). Used in UDP mode only The basic operation is same as SEND. Normally SEND operation needs 0x21 SEND_MAC Destination Hardware Address which can be retrieved by the ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) process. SEND_MAC uses SOCKET n Destination Hardware Address(Sn_DHAR0) that is chosen by the user without going through the ARP process. Used in TCP mode 0x22 SEND_KEEP It checks the connection status by sending 1byte data. If the connection has no response from peers or is terminated, the Timeout interrupt will occur. RECV processes the data received by using a RX read pointer register(Sn_RX_RD). 0x40 RECV For more detail, please refer to SERVER mode Receiving Process with SOCKET n RX Received Size Register (Sn_RX_RSR0), SOCKET n RX Write Pointer Register(Sn_RX_WR), and SOCKET n RX Read Pointer Register(Sn_RX_RD). Sn_IR (SOCKET n Interrupt Register)[R/W][0xFE4002 + 0x100n][0x00] Sn_IR register provides information such as the type of interrupt (establishment, termination, receiving data, timeout) used in SOCKET n. When an interrupt occurs and the mask bit of Sn_IMR is `1', the interrupt bit of Sn_IR (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 83 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet becomes `1'. In order to clear the Sn_IR bit, the host should write the bit as `1'. When all the bits of Sn_IR is cleared (`0'), IR(n) is automatically cleared. It occurs the INT5 signal (nINT5: TCPIPCore interrupt) to MCU. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved SEND_OK TIMEOUT RECV DISCON CON Bit Symbol 7 Reserved Reserved 6 Reserved Reserved 5 Reserved Reserved 4 SENDOK SEND OK Interrupts when the SEND command is completed 3 TIMEOUT TIMEOUT Interrupts when ARPTO or TCPTO occurs 2 RECV 1 0 DISCON Description Receive Interrupts whenever data packet is received from a peer Disconnect Interrupts when FIN of FIN/ACK packet is received from a peer CON Connect Interrupts when a connection is established with a peer Sn_SR (SOCKET n Status Register)[R][0xFE4003 + 0x100n][0x00] This register provides the status of SOCKET n. SOCKET status are changed when using the Sn_CR register or during packet transmission/reception. The table below describes the different states of SOCKET n Value 0x00 Symbol SOCK_CLOSED Description When DISCON or CLOSE command is used, or ARPTO, or TCPTO occurs, the state changes to SOCK_CLOSED regardless of previous value. 0x13 SOCK_INIT In this state, the SOCKET n is opened in TCP mode and initialized the first step of TCP connection establishment. Now, the user can use the LISTEN and CONNECT commands. When Sn_MR(P3:P0) is Sn_MR_TCP and the OPEN command is used, the stage changes to SOCK_INIT. 0x14 SOCK_LISTEN SOCKET n operates in TCP Server Mode and waits for a connection-request (SYN packet) from a "TCP CLIENT". When the LISTEN command is used, the stage changes to SOCK_LISTEN (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 84 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Once the connection is established, the SOCKET state changes from SOCK_LISTEN to SOCK_ESTABLISHED;however, if the connection fails, TCPTO occurs (Sn_IR(TIME_OUT) = `1') and the state changes to SOCK_CLOSED. 0x17 SOCK_ESTABLISHED When a SYN packet is received from a TCP client, the socket changes from the SOCK_LISTEN or CONNECTS state to the SOCK_ESTABLISHED state. At this stage, DATA packets can be exchanged by using the SEND or RECV command. 0x1C SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT In this case, a disconnect-request (FIN packet) is received from a peer. Although the TCP connection is half-closed, data packet can still be transferred. In order to complete the TCP disconnection, the DISCON command should be used. When a socket is closed without going through the disconnection-process, the CLOSE command should be used. 0x22 SOCK_UDP The socket is opened in UDP mode. The SOCKET status is changed to SOCK_UDP when Sn_MR(P3:P0) is Sn_MR_UDP and OPEN command is used. Unlike TCP mode, the SOCKET in UDP mode can transfer data without establishing a connection (3 way handshake) 0x32 SOCK_IPRAW The socket is opened in IPRAW mode. The SOCKET status is change to SOCK_IPRAW when Sn_MR(P3:P0) is Sn_MR_IPRAW and OPEN command is used. IP Packet can be transferred without a connection similar to the UDP mode. 0x42 SOCK_MACRAW SOCKET 0 is opened in MACRAW mode. The SOCKET status is change to SOCK_MACRAW when S0_IMR(P3:P0) is S0_MR_MACRAW and S0_CR = OPEN. MAC packet(Ethernet frame) can be transferred similar to UDP mode. Below table shows the temporary status which can be observed when the Sn_SR is changed. Value 0x15 Symbol SOCK_SYNSENT Description This status indicates that a connect-request(SYN packet) is sent to a "TCP SERVER". SYNSENT is an intermediate state between SOCK_INT and SOCK_ESTABLISHED. If connect-accept(SYN/ACK packet) is received from a "TCP SERVER", the SOCKET status automatically changes to SOCK_ESTBLISHED. However, if SYN/ACK packet is not received before TCP timeout occurs (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 85 the status is changed Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)=`1'), to SOCK_CLOSED. 0x16 SOCK_SYNRECV This status indicate that a connect-request(SYN packet) is received from a "TCP CLIENT". The socket status changes to SOCK_ESTABLISHED when W7100 successfully transmits connect-accept (SYN/ACK packet) to a "TCP CLIENT". If W7100 fails to send and TCPTO occurs (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)=`1'), the status is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. 0x18 SOCK_FIN_WAIT 0x1A SOCK_CLOSING 0X1B SOCK_TIME_WAIT 0X1D SOCK_LAST_ACK 0x11 SOCK_ARP These statues shows the process of terminating a connection. If the termination succeeds or Timeout interrupt is asserted, the socket status is changed to SOCK_CLOSED. This status indicates an ARP-request is being transmitted to 0x21 a peer in order to acquire destination hardware address. 0x31 It appears when the SEND command is used in UDP, IP RAW, and TCP mode, the socket status changes to SOCK_ARP. If the hardware address is successfully acquired from the destination (ARP-response is received), the socket status changes to SOCK_UDP, SOCK_IPRAW or SOCK_SYNSENT. On the other hand, when W7100 fails to acquire the hardware address and an ARP timeout occurs (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)= `1'), the socket status returns to the previous state in UDP mode and IP RAW mode. In TCP mode, the socket status goes to the SOCK_CLOSED state. cf> In UDP and IP RAW mode, the Sn_DIPR register compares the previous and current values. ARP is only used if the two values are different. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 86 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 8.2 SOCKET n Status transition Sn_PORT (SOCKET n Source Port Register)[R/W][(0xFE4004 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4005 + 0x100n)][0x0000] It sets source port number. It is valid when SOCKET n is used as TCP or UDP mode, and ignored when used as other modes. It should be set before OPEN command. Ex) In case of SOCKET 0 port = 5000(0x1388), configure as below, 0xFE4004 0xFE4005 0x13 0x88 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 87 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sn_DHAR (SOCKET n Destination Hardware Address Register)[R/W][(0xFE4006 + 0x100n) - (0xFE400B + 0x100n)][FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF] It sets or is set as destination hardware address of SOCKET n. When using SEND_MAC command at the UDP or IPRAW mode, it sets the destination hardware address of SOCKET n. At the TCP, UDP and IPRAW mode, Sn_DHAR is set as destination hardware address that is acquired by ARP-process of CONNECT or SEND command. The host can acquire the destination hardware address through Sn_DHAR after successfully performing CONNET or SEND command. EX) In case of SOCKET 0 Destination Hardware address = 00.08.DC.01.02.10, configuration is as below, 0xFE4006 0xFE4007 0xFE4008 0xFE4009 0xFE400A 0xFE400B 0x00 0x08 0xDC 0x01 0x02 0x10 Sn_DIPR (SOCKET n Destination IP Address Register)[R/W][(0xFE400C + 0x100n) - (0xFE400F + 0x100n)][] It sets or is set as destination IP address of SOCKET n. It is valid only in TCP, UDP and IPRAW mode, but ignored in MACRAW mode. In the TCP mode, when operating as "TCP CLIENT" it sets the IP address of the "TCP SERVER" before performing the CONNECT command and when operating as "TCP SERVER", it internally sets the IP address of the "TCP CLIENT" after successfully establishing connection. In UDP or IPRAW mode, set the destination IP address in the Sn_DIPR for transmitting UDP or IPRAW DATA packets before performing SEND or SEND_MAC command. Ex) In case of SOCKET 0 Destination IP address =, configure as below, 0xFE400C 0xFE400D 0xFE400E 0xFE400F 192 (0xC0) 168 (0xA8) 0 (0x00) 11 (0x0B) Sn_DPORT (SOCKET n Destination Port Register)[R/W][(0xFE4010 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4011 + 0x100n)][0x0000] The destination port number is set in the Sn_DPORT of SOCKET n. It is valid only in TCP or UDP mode but ignored in other modes. In the TCP mode, when operating as "TCP CLIENT", it listens for the port number of the "TCP SERVER" before performing the CONNECT command. In the UDP mode, the destination port number is set in the Sn_DPORT to be used for transmitting UDP DATA packets before performing SEND or SEND_MAC command. Ex) In case of SOCKET 0 Destination Port = 5000(0x1388), configure as below, 0xFE4010 0xFE4011 0x13 0x88 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 88 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sn_MSSR (SOCKET n Maximum Segment Size Register)[R/W][(0xFE4012 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4013 + 0x100n)][0x0000] It sets the MTU (Maximum Transfer Unit) of SOCKET n or notifies the MTU that is already set. If the host does not set the Sn_MSSR, it is set as default MTU. It supports only TCP or UDP mode. In the IPRAW or MACRAW, MTU is not processed internally, but the default MTU is used. Therefore, when transmitting data bigger than the default MTU, the host should manually divide the data into the default MTU unit. In the TCP or UDP mode, if transmitting data is bigger than the MTU, W7100 automatically divides the data into the MTU unit. MTU is known as MSS in the TCP mode. By selecting from the Host-Written-Value and the peer's MSS, MSS is automatically set as the smaller value through the TCP connection process. At the UDP mode, there is no connection-process of TCP mode, and Host-Written-Value is just used. When communicating with the peer having a different MTU, W7100 is able to receive ICMP (Fragment MTU) packets. So, the user should close the SOCKET, set FMTU as Sn_MSSR and retry the communication with the OPEN command. Mode Normal Default MTU Range TCP 1460 1 ~ 1460 UDP 1472 1 ~ 1472 IPRAW 1480 MACRAW 1514 Ex) In case of SOCKET 0 MSS = 1460(0x05B4), configure as below, 0xFE4012 0xFE4013 0x05 0xB4 Sn_PROTO (SOCKET n Protocol Number Register)[R/W][0xFE4014 + 0x100n][0x00] It is a 1 byte register that sets the protocol number field of the IP header at the IP layer. It is valid only in IPRAW mode, and ignored in other modes. Sn_PROTO is set before OPEN command. When SOCKET n is opened in IPRAW mode, it transmits and receives the data of the protocol number set in Sn_PROTO. Sn_PROTO can be assigned in the range of 0x00 ~ 0xFF, but W7100 does not support TCP(0x06) and UDP(0x11) protocol number Protocol number is defined in IANA(Internet assigned numbers authority). For the detail, refer to online document ( U U Ex) Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP) = 0x01, Internet Group Management Protocol = 0x02 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 89 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sn_TOS (SOCKET n TOS Register)[R/W][0xFE4015 + 0x100n][0x00] It sets the TOS(Type of Service) field of the IP header at the IP layer. It should be set before the OPEN command. Refer to U U Sn_TTL (SOCKET n TTL Register)[R/W][0xFE4016 + 0x100n][0x80] It sets the TTL(Time To Live) field of the IP header at the IP layer. It should be set before the OPEN command. Refer to U Sn_RXMEM_SIZE U (SOCKET n Receive Memory Size Register)[R/W][0xFE401E + 0x100n][0x02] It configures the internal RX Memory size of each SOCKET. RX Memory size of each SOCKET is configurable in the size of 1, 2, 4, 8Kbytes. 2Kbytes is assigned when reset. Sn_RXMEM_SIZESUM(sum of Sn_RXMEM_SIZE) of each SOCKET should be 16KB. Ex1) SOCKET 0 : 8KB, SOCKET 1 : 2KB 0xFE401E 0xFE411E 0x08 0x02 Ex2) SOCKET 2 : 1KB, SOCKET 3 : 1KB 0xFE421E 0xFE431E 0x01 0x01 Ex3) SOCKET 4 : 1KB, SOCKET 5 : 1KB 0xFE441E 0xFE451E 0x01 0x01 Ex4) SOCKET 6 : 1KB, SOCKET 7 : 1KB As 0xFE461E 0xFE471E 0x01 0x01 shown above ex1) ~ ex4), total size of each SOCKET's RX memory (Sn_RXMEM_SIZESUM) is 16Kbytes. Sn_TXMEM_SIZE (SOCKET n Transmit Memory Size Register)[R/W][0xFE401F + 0x100n][0x02] It configures the internal TX Memory size of each SOCKET. TX Memory size of each SOCKET is configurable in the size of 1, 2, 4, 8Kbytes. 2Kbytes is assigned when reset. Sn_TXMEM_SIZESUM(summation of Sn_TXMEM_SIZE) of each SOCKET should be 16KB. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 90 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Ex5) SOCKET 0 : 4KB, SOCKET 1 : 1KB 0xFE401F 0xFE411F 0x04 0x01 Ex6) SOCKET 2 : 2KB, SOCKET 3 : 1KB 0xFE421F 0xFE431F 0x02 0x01 Ex7) SOCKET 4 : 2KB, SOCKET 5 : 2KB 0xFE441F 0xFE451F 0x02 0x02 Ex8) SOCKET 6 : 2KB, SOCKET 7 : 2KB As 0xFE461F 0xFE471F 0x02 0x02 shown above ex5) ~ ex8), total size of each SOCKET's TX memory (Sn_TXMEM_SIZESUM) is 16Kbytes. Sn_TX_FSR (SOCKET n TX Free Size Register)[R][(0xFE4020 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4021 + 100n)][0x0000] It notifies the available size of the internal TX memory (the byte size of transmittable data) of SOCKET n. The host can't write data as a size bigger than Sn_TX_FSR. Therefore, be sure to check Sn_TX_FSR before transmitting data, and if your data size is smaller than or the same as Sn_TX_FSR, transmit the data with SEND or SEND_MAC command after copying the data. At the TCP mode, if the peer checks the transmitted DATA packet (if DATA/ACK packet is received from the peer), Sn_TX_FSR is automatically increased by the size of that transmitted DATA packet. At the other modes, when Sn_IR(SENDOK) is `1', Sn_TX_FSR is automatically increased by the size of the transmitted data. Ex) In case of 2048(0x8000) in S0_TX_FSR0 0xFE4020 0xFE4021 0x08 0x00 Sn_TX_RD (SOCKET n TX Read Pointer Register)[R][(0xFE4022 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4023 + 0x100n)][0x0000] This register shows the address of the last transmission finishing in the TX memory. With the (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 91 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet SEND command of SOCKET n Command Register, it transmits data from the current Sn_TX_RD to the Sn_TX_WR and automatically updates after transmission is finished. Therefore, after transmission is finished, Sn_TX_RD and Sn_TX_WR will have the same value. When reading this register, the user should read the upper bytes (0xFE4022, 0xFE4122, 0xFE4222, 0xFE4322, 0xFE4422, 0xFE4522, 0xFE4622, 0xFE4722) first and lower bytes (0xFE4023, 0xFE4123, 0xFE4223, 0xFE4323, 0xFE4423, 0xFE4523, 0xFE4623, 0xFE4723) later to get the correct value. Sn_TX_WR (SOCKET n TX Write Pointer Register)[R/W][(0xFE4024 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4025 + 0x100n)][0x0000] This register offers the location information of where the transmission data should be written. When reading this register, the user should read the upper bytes (0xFE4024, 0xFE4124, 0xFE4224, 0xFE4324, 0xFE4424, 0xFE4524, 0xFE4624, 0xFE4724) first and the lower bytes (0xFE4025, 0xFE4125, 0xFE4225, 0xFE4325, 0xFE4425, 0xFE4525, 0xFE4625, 0xFE4725) later to get the correct value. Ex) In case of 2048(0x0800) in S0_TX_WR, 0xFE4024 0xFE4025 0x08 0x00 But this value itself is not the physical address to write. So, the physical address should be calculated as follows: 1. SOCKET n TX Base Address (SBUFBASEADDRESS(n)) and SOCKETn TX Mask Address (SMASK(n)) are calculated on Sn_TXMEM_SIZE(n) value. Refer to the Pseudo code of the Initialization if detail is needed. 2. The bitwise-AND operation of two values and Sn_TX_WR and SMASK(n) gives the result of the offset address (dst_mask) in TX memory range of the SOCKET. 3. Two values dst_mask and SBUFBASEADDRESS(n) are added together to give the result of the physical address (dst_ptr). Now, write the transmission data to dst_ptr as large as the user wants. (* There may be a case where it exceeds the TX memory of the upper-bound of the SOCKET while writing. In this case, write the transmission data to the upper-bound, and change the physical address to the SBUFBASEADDRESS(n). Next, write the rest of the transmission data.) After that, be sure to increase the Sn_TX_WR value by the size of writing data. Finally, give the SEND command to Sn_CR (SOCKET n Command Register). Refer to the pseudo code of the transmission part on TCP Server mode if the detail is needed. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 92 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 8.3 Calculate Physical Address Sn_RX_RSR (SOCKET n RX Received Size Register)[R][(0xFE4026 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4027 + 0x100n)][0x0000] It informs the user of the byte size of the received data in Internal RX Memory of SOCKET n. As this value is internally calculated with the values of Sn_RX_RD and Sn_RX_WR, it is automatically changed by RECV command of SOCKET n Command Register(Sn_CR) and receives data from the remote peer. When reading this register, the user should read the (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 93 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet upper byte(0xFE4026, 0xFE4126, 0xFE4226, 0xFE4326, 0xFE4426, 0xFE4526, 0xFE4626, 0xFE4726) first and lower byte(0xFE4027, 0xFE4127, 0xFE4227, 0xFE4327, 0xFE4427, 0xFE4527, 0xFE4627, 0xFE4727) later to get the correct value. Ex) In case of 2048(0x0800) in S0_RX_RSR0, 0xFE4026 0xFE4027 0x08 0x00 The total size of this value can be decided according to the value of RX Memory Size Register. Sn_RX_RD (SOCKET n Read Pointer Register)[R/W][(0xFE4028 + 0x100n) - (0xFE4029 + 0x100n)][0x0000] This register offers the location information to read the receiving data. When reading this register, user should read the upper byte (0xFE4028, 0xFE4128, 0xFE4228, 0xFE4328, 0xFE4428, 0xFE4528, 0xFE4628, 0xFE4728) first and lower byte (0xFE4029, 0xFE4129, 0xFE4229, 0xFE4329, 0xFE4429, 0xFE4529, 0xFE4629, 0xFE4729) later to get the correct value. Ex) In case of 2048(0x0800) in S0_RX_RD, 0x0428 0x0429 0x08 0x00 But this value itself is not the physical address to read. So, the physical address should be calculated as follows: 1. SOCKET n RX Base Address (RBUFBASEADDRESS(n)) and SOCKET n RX Mask Address (RMASK(n)) are calculated on Sn_RXMEM_SIZE(n) value. 2. The bitwise-AND operation of two values, Sn_RX_RD and RMASK(n) gives the result of the offset address (src_mask), in the RX memory range of the SOCKET. 3. Two values src_mask and RBUFBASEADDRESS(n) are added together to give the result of the physical address(src_ptr). Now, read the receiving data from src_ptr as large as the user wants. (* There may be a case where it exceeds the RX memory upper-bound of the SOCKET while reading. In this case, read the receiving data to the upper-bound, and change the physical address to the RBUFBASEADDRESS(n). Next, read the rest of the receiving data.) After that, be sure to increase the Sn_RX_RD value by the size of the reading data. (* Must not increase more than the size of received data. So must check Sn_RX_RSR before receiving process.) Finally, give RECV command to Sn_CR(SOCKET n Command Register). Refer to the pseudo code of the receiving part on TCP Server mode if the detail is needed. Sn_RX_WR (SOCKET n RX Write Pointer Register)[R/W][(0xFE402A + 0x100n) - (0xFE402B + 0x100n)][0x0000] (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 94 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet This register offers the location information to write the receive data. When reading this register, the user should read upper bytes (0xFE402A, 0xFE412A, 0xFE422A, 0xFE432A, 0xFE442A, 0xFE452A, 0xFE462A, 0xFE472A) first and lower bytes (0xFE402B, 0xFE412B, 0xFE422B, 0xFE432B, 0xFE442B, 0xFE452B, 0xFE462B, 0xFE472B) later to get the correct value. Ex) In case of 2048(0x0800) in S0_RX_WR, 0xFE402A 0xFE402B 0x08 0x00 Sn_IMR (SOCKET n Interrupt Mask Register)[R/W][0xFE402C + 0x100n][0xFF] It configures the interrupt of SOCKET n so as to notify to the host. Interrupt mask bit of Sn_IMR corresponds to interrupt bit of Sn_IR. If interrupt occurs in any SOCKET and the bit is set as `1', its corresponding bit of Sn_IR is set as `1'. When the bits of Sn_IMR and Sn_IR are `1', IR(n) becomes `1'. At this time, if IMR(n) is `1', the interrupt is issued to the host. (`/INT' signal is asserted low) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved SEND_OK TIMEOUT RECV DISCON CON Bit Symbol Description 7 Reserved Reserved 6 Reserved Reserved 5 Reserved Reserved 4 SENDOK Sn_IR(SENDOK) Interrupt Mask 3 TIMEOUT Sn_IR(TIMEOUT) Interrupt Mask 2 RECV 1 DISCON 0 CON Sn_IR(RECV) Interrupt Mask Sn_IR(DISCON) Interrupt Mask Sn_IR(CON) Interrupt Mask Sn_FRAG (SOCKET n Fragment Register)[R/W][(0xFE402D + 0x100n) - (0xFE402E + 0x100n)][0x4000] It sets the Fragment field of the IP header at the IP layer. W7100 does not support the packet fragment at the IP layer. Even though Sn_FRAG is configured, IP data is not fragmented, and not recommended either. It should be configured before performing OPEN command. Ex) Sn_FRAG0 = 0x4000 (Don't Fragment) 0xFE402D 0xFE402E 0x40 0x00 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 95 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 9 Functional Description Since the W7100 internally contains the 8051 compatible MCU and TCP/IP core, it can run standalone without other devices to Ethernet application. In this section, both the initialization of the W7100 and the communication method for each protocol (TCP, UDP, IPRAW and MACRAW) based on Pseudo code will be introduced. 9.1 Initialization The initialization of W7100 has three steps which setup the 8051 MCU, the network information and the internal TX/RX memory. STEP 1 : Initializes MCU 1. Interrupt setting Set the enable / disable state of interrupt such as the general 8051. Detail information of the setting refers to the section 3 `Interrupt'. 2. Memory Access timing setting The memory access timing can be set by using two registers which are CKCON (0x8E) and WTST (0x92) registers. The CKCON (0x8E) can control the data memory access timing and the WTST (0x92) can control the code memory access timing. Both two registers can set their value from 0 to 7. But in the W7100, CKCON can set the value 1~7 and WTST can set the value 4~7 only. The other values of both registers are not used. If the user sets the value to an unused value, the W7100 cannot run properly. Detail information can be found in the section 2.4 `SFR definition'. Ex) Setting: interrupt disabled, 2 clocks access time with data memory, 7 clocks access time with code memory. EA = 0; // Disable all interrupts CKCON = 0x01; // Set data memory access time WTST = 0x06; // Set code memory access time 3. Baud rate, register and interrupt setting for serial communication 1) For the serial communication, related registers of W7100 should be set. The registers of W7100 for serial communication are TMOD, PCON and SCON as below. TMOD(89H): Decide the timer/counter mode for serial communication. GATE C/T M1 M0 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. GATE C/T M1 M0 96 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Table 12.1 Timer / Counter Mode M1 M0 Mode 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 3 PCON(87H): Decide the SMOD bit which is the control flag of the serial transmission rate. SMOD - - - - - - - Table 12.2 Baud rate Mode 1, 3 SMOD = `0' SMOD = `1' A half of Overflow of the Overflow of the Timer/Counter 1 Timer/Counter 1 A quarter of the XTAL A half of the XTAL 2 SCON(98H): For control and observe the UART. SM0 SM1 SM2 REN TB8 RB8 TI RI Table 12.3 Mode of UART SM0 SM1 Mode 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 3 SM2: Used in Mode2, 3. Assume that this bit set to 1, if the 9th bit of received data bit is `1', receive the data. Or the bit is `0' ignore the data. REN: Receive enable bit (`1'; Receive enable). TB8: In the mode2, 3, 8th bit of transmitted data. RB8: In the mode2, 3, 8th bit of received data. TI: Transmission complete interrupt flag. RI: Reception complete interrupt flag. 2) Interrupt state should be set when initializing the serial communication. Since the serial communication uses interrupt, user must disable the related interrupts when initializing the serial communication. 3) The baud rate should be set to the value which the user will use. Baud rate value for the (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 97 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet timer of W7100 refers to the section 6.6 `Examples of Baud Rate Setting'. The calculation of baud rate for the timer is as below Calculation formula of timer1 TH1 = 256 - ((K * 88.4736MHz) / (384 * baud rate)) K = `1' at SMOD = `0', K = `2' at SMOD = `1' Calculation formula of timer2 (RCAP2H, RCAP2L) = 65536 - (88.4736MHz / (32 * baud rate)) Ex) Using timer mode2, SMOD = 1, Clock speed = 88.4736MHz, Baud rate = 115200. ET1= 0; // Timer1 INT disable TMOD = 0x20; // TIMER MODE2 PCON |= 0x80; // SMOD = 1 TH1 = 0xFC; // x2 115200(SMOD = 1) at 88.4736MHz TR1 = 1; // Start the TIMER1 SCON = 0x50; // Serial MODE1, REN = 1, TI = 0, RI = 0 ES = 0; // Serial interrupt disable RI = 0; // Receive interrupt disable TI = 0; // Transmit interrupt disable STEP 2 : Setting Network Information 1. Basic network information setting for communication: It must be set the basic network information. SHAR(Source Hardware Address Register) It is prescribed that the source hardware addresses, which is set by SHAR, use unique hardware addresses (Ethernet MAC address) in the Ethernet MAC layer. The IEEE manages the MAC address allocation. The manufacturer which produces the network device allocates the MAC address to product. Details on MAC address allocation refer to the website as below., U U U U GAR(Gateway Address Register) SUBR(Subnet Mask Register) SIPR(Source IP Address Register) 2. Set the retransmission time & count when the packet transmission fails. To set the retransmission time, the registers should be set as below. RTR(Retry Time-value Register), In the RTR, `1' means `100us'. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 98 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet RCR(Retry Count Register) STEP 3 : Allocation Internal TX/RX Memory for SOCKET n Total configurable maximum size of TX, RX memory is 16 Kbytes. User can freely set the memory size to 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, and 8KB within 8Kbytes each 8 sockets. In case of, assign 2KB rx, tx memory per SOCKET { gS0_RX_BASE = 0xFE0000(Chip base address) + 0xFEC000(Internal RX buffer address); // Set base address of RX memory for SOCKET 0 Sn_RXMEM_SIZE(ch) = (uint8 *) 2; // Assign 2K rx memory per SOCKET gS0_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; // 0x07FF, for getting offset address within assigned SOCKET 0 RX memory gS1_RX_BASE = gS0_RX_BASE + (gS0_RX_MASK + 1); gS1_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS2_RX_BASE = gS1_RX_BASE + (gS1_RX_MASK + 1); gS2_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS3_RX_BASE = gS2_RX_BASE + (gS2_RX_MASK + 1); gS3_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS4_RX_BASE = gS3_RX_BASE + (gS3_RX_MASK + 1); gS4_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS5_RX_BASE = gS4_RX_BASE + (gS4_RX_MASK + 1); gS5_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS6_RX_BASE = gS5_RX_BASE + (gS5_RX_MASK + 1); gS6_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS7_RX_BASE = gS6_RX_BASE + (gS6_RX_MASK + 1); gS7_RX_MASK = 2K - 1; gS0_TX_BASE = 0xFE0000(Chip base address) + 0xFE8000(Internal TX buffer address); // Set base address of TX memory for SOCKET 0 Sn_TXMEM_SIZE(ch) = (uint8 *) 2; // Assign 2K rx memory per SOCKET gS0_TX_MASK = 2K - 1; Same method, set gS1_TX_BASE, gS1_TX_MASK, gS2_TX_BASE, gS2_TX_MASK, gS3_TX_BASE, gS3_TX_MASK, gS4_TX_BASE, gS4_TX_MASK, gS5_TX_BASE, gS5_TX_MASK, gS6_TX_BASE, gS6_tx_MASK, gS7_TX_BASE, gS7_TX_MASK. } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 99 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 9.1 Allocation Internal TX/RX memory of SOCKET n If the three steps of W7100 initialization process are finished, the W7100 can perform data communication through Ethernet. From this point, the W7100 can transmit the ping-reply of the request packet which is received from network. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 100 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 9.2 Data Communication After the initialization process, W7100 can transmit and receive the data with others by `open' the SOCKET of TCP, UDP, IPRAW and MACRAW mode. The W7100 supports the independently and simultaneously usable 8 SOCKETS. In this section, the communication method for each mode will be introduced. 9.2.1 TCP The TCP is a connection-oriented protocol. The TCP make the connection SOCKET by using its own IP address, port number and destination IP address, port number. Then transmits and receives the data by using this SOCKET. Methods of making the connection to SOCKET are "TCP SERVER" and "TCP CLIENT". It is divided by transmitting the connect-request (SYN packet). The "TCP SERVER" listens to the connect-request from the "TCP CLIENT", and makes connection SOCKET by accepting the transmitted connect-request (Passive-open). The "TCP CLIENT" transmits the connect-request first to "TCP SERVER" to make the connection (Active-open). Figure 9.2 TCP SERVER & TCP CLIENT (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 101 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet TCP SERVER Figure 9.3 "TCP SERVER" Operation Flow SOCKET Initialization SOCKET initialization is required for TCP data communication. The initialization is opening the SOCKET. The SOCKET opening process selects one SOCKET from 8 SOCKETS of the W7100, and sets the protocol mode (Sn_MR(P3:P0)) and Sn_PORT0 which is source port number (Listen port number in "TCP SERVER") in the selected SOCKET, and then executes OPEN command. After the OPEN command, if the status of Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_INIT, the SOCKET initialization process is completed. The SOCKET initialization process is identically applied in "TCP SEVER" and "TCP CLIENT". The Initialization process of SOCKET n in TCP mode is shown below. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 102 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet { START: Sn_MR = 0x0001; // sets TCP mode Sn_PORT0 = source_port; // sets source port number Sn_CR = OPEN; // sets OPEN command /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_INIT */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_INIT) Sn_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } LISTEN Run as "TCP SERVER" by LISTEN command. { /* listen SOCKET */ Sn_CR = LISTEN; /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_LISTEN */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_LISTEN) Sn_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } ESTABLISHMENT When the status of Sn_SR is SOCK_LISTEN, if it receives a SYN packet, the status of Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_SYNRECV and transmits the SYN/ACK packet. After that, the SOCKET n makes a connection. After it makes the connection of SOCKET n, it enables the data communication. There are two methods to confirm the connection of SOCKET n. First method : { if (Sn_IR(CON) == `1') Sn_IR(CON) = `1'; goto ESTABLISHED stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } Second method : { if (Sn_SR == SOCK_ESTABLISHED) goto ESTABLISHED stage; } ESTABLISHMENT : Check received data Confirm the reception of the TCP data. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 103 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet First method : { if (Sn_IR(RECV) == `1') Sn_IR(RECV) = `1'; goto Receiving Process stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } Second Method : { if (Sn_RX_RSR0 != 0x00000000) goto Receiving Process stage; } The First method: set the Sn_IR(RECV) to `1' whenever you receive a DATA packet. If the host receives the next DATA packet without setting the Sn_IR(RECV) as `1' in the prior DATA packet, it cannot recognize the Sn_IR(RECV) of the next DATA packet. This is due to the prior Sn_IR(RECV) and next Sn_IR(RECV) being overlapped. So this method is not recommended if the host cannot perfectly process the DATA packets of each Sn_IR(RECV). ESTABLISHMENT : Receiving process In this process, it processes the TCP data which was received in the Internal RX memory. At the TCP mode, the W7100 cannot receive the data if the size of received data is larger than the RX memory free size of SOCKET n. If the prior stated condition is happened, the W7100 holds on to the connection (pauses), and waits until the RX memory's free size is larger than the size of the received data. Since the wizmemcpy function, using Receive / Send process, is included in boot of W7100 for fast processing, there is no more redefinition to use. If user does not use the wizmemcpy function, user can use other defined memory copy function. Since the W7100 internally has data memory and TCPIPCore internal memory, user should classify it by address. So user must pad `0xFE' to the top level address of TCPIPCore internal memory with, or DPX0 register set to `0xFE' when memory copying from TCPIPCore memory to data memory. More detail about the wizmemcpy please refers to the `W7100 Driver Guide'. { /* first, get the received size */ len = Sn_RX_RSR0; // len is received size /* calculate offset address */ src_mask = Sn_RX_RD & gSn_RX_MASK; // src_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ src_ptr = gSn_RX_BASE + src_mask; // src_ptr is physical start address (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 104 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* if overflow SOCKET RX memory */ If((src_mask + len) > (gSn_RX_MASK + 1)) { /* copy upper_size bytes of get_start_address to destination_address */ upper_size = (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) - src_mask; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), upper_size); /* update destination_address */ destination_address += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of gSn_RX_BASE to destination_address */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), left_size); } else { copy len bytes of src_ptr to destination_address */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), len); } /* increase Sn_RX_RD as length of len */ Sn_RX_RD += len; /* set RECV command */ Sn_CR = RECV; } ESTABLISHMENT : Check send data / Send process The size of the transmit data cannot be larger than assigned internal TX memory of SOCKET n. If the size of transmit data is larger than configured MSS, it is divided by size of MSS and transmits. To transmit the next data, user must check the completion of prior SEND command. An error may occur if the SEND command executes before completion of prior SEND command. The larger the data size, the more time to complete the SEND command. So the user should properly divide the data to transmit. At the send process, user must pad `0xFE' to top-level address of TCPIPCore internal memory as in the receive process. { /* first, get the free TX memory size */ FREESIZE: freesize = Sn_TX_FSR0; (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 105 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet if (freesize < len) goto FREESIZE; // len is send size /* calculate offset address */ dst_mask= Sn_TX_WR0 & gSn_TX_MASK; // dst_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ dst_ptr = gSn_TX_BASE + dst_mask; // dst_ptr is physical start address /* if overflow SOCKET TX memory */ if ( (dst_mask + len) > (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) ) { /* copy upper_size bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ upper_size = (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) - dst_mask; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), upper_size); /* update source_addr*/ source_addr += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of source_addr to gSn_TX_BASE */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + gSn_TX_BASE), left_size); } else { /* copy len bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), len); } /* increase Sn_TX_WR as length of len */ Sn_TX_WR0 += send_size; /* set SEND command */ Sn_CR = SEND; } ESTABLISHMENT : Check disconnect-request(FIN packet) Check if the Disconnect-request(FIN packet) has been received. User can confirm the reception of FIN packet as below. First method : { if (Sn_IR(DISCON) == `1') Sn_IR(DISCON)=`1'; goto CLOSED stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 106 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Second method : { if (Sn_SR == SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT) goto CLOSED stage; } ESTABLISHMENT : Check disconnect / disconnecting process When the user does not need data communication with others, or receives a FIN packet, disconnect the connection SOCKET. { /* set DISCON command */ Sn_CR = DISCON; } ESTABLISHMENT : Check closed Confirm that the SOCKET n is disconnected or closed by DISCON or close command. First method : { if (Sn_IR(DISCON) == `1') goto CLOSED stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } Second method : { if (Sn_SR == SOCK_CLOSED) goto CLOSED stage; } ESTABLISHMENT : Timeout The timeout can occur by Connect-request(SYN packet) or its response(SYN/ACK packet), the DATA packet or its response(DATA/ACK packet), the Disconnect-request(FIN packet) or its response(FIN/ACK packet) and transmission all TCP packet. If it cannot transmit the above packets within `timeout' which is configured at RTR and RCR, the TCP final timeout(TCPTO) occurs and the state of Sn_SR is set to SOCK_CLOSED. Confirming method of the TCPTO is as below: First method : { (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 107 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet if (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT bit) == `1') Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)=`1'; goto CLOSED stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } Second method : { if (Sn_SR == SOCK_CLOSED) goto CLOSED stage; } SOCKET close It can be used to close the SOCKET n, which disconnected by disconnect-process, or closed by TCPTO or closed by host's need without disconnect-process. { /* clear the remained interrupts of SOCKET n*/ Sn_IR = 0x00FF; IR(n) = `1'; /* set CLOSE command */ Sn_CR = CLOSE; } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 108 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet TCP CLIENT It is same as TCP server except `CONNECT' state. User can refer to the " TCP SERVER". Figure 9.5 "TCP CLIENT" Operation Flow CONNECT Transmit the connect-request(SYN packet) to "TCP SERVER". It may occurs the timeout such as ARPTO, TCPTO when make the "connection SOCKET" with "TCP SERVER" { Sn_DIPR0 = server_ip; /* set TCP SERVER IP address*/ Sn_DPORT0 = server_port; /* set TCP SERVER listen port number*/ Sn_CR = CONNECT; /* set CONNECT command */ } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 109 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 9.2.2 UDP The UDP is a Connection-less protocol. It communicates without "connection SOCKET". The TCP protocol guarantees reliable data communication, but the UDP protocol use datagram communication which has no guarantees of data communication. Because the UDP do not use "connection SOCKET", it can communicate with many other devices with the known host IP address and port number. This is a great advantage; communication with many others by using just one SOCKET, but also it has many problems such as loss of transmitted data, unwanted data which received from others etc. In the UDP, to avoid these problems and guarantee the reliability, the host retransmits damaged data or ignores the unwanted data which is received from others. The UDP protocol supports unicast, broadcast, and multicast communication. It follows the below communication flow. Figure 9.6 UDP Operation Flow Unicast & Broadcast The unicast is one method of UDP communication. It transmits data to one destination at one time. On the other hand, the broadcast communication transmits data to all receivable destinations by using `broadcast IP address ('. For example, suppose that the user transmits data to destination A, B and C. The unicast communication transmits each destication A, B and C at each time. At this time, the ARPTO can also occur when the user gets the destination hardware address of destinations A, B and C. User cannot transmit data to destinations which have ARPTO. The broadcast communication can simultaneously transmit data to destination A, B and C at (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 110 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet one time by using "" IP address. At this time, there is no need to get the destination hardware address about destination A, B and C, and also ARPTO is not occurred. SOCKET Initialization For the UDP data communication, SOCKET initialization is needed. It is opening the SOCKET. The SOCKET open process is as follows. At first choose the one SOCKET among the 8 SOCKETS of W7100, then set the protocol mode(Sn_MR(P3:P0)) of the chosen SOCKET and set the source port number Sn_PORT0 for communication. Finally execute the OPEN command. After the OPEN command, the state of Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_UDP. Then the SOCKET initialization is complete. { START: Sn_MR = 0x02; /* sets UDP mode */ Sn_PORT0 = source_port; /* sets source port number */ Sn_CR = OPEN; /* sets OPEN command */ /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_UDP */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_UDP) Sn_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } Check received data Check the reception of UDP data from destination. User can also check for received data via TCP communication. It is strongly recommended that the TCP method is used because of the same reason ing TCP. Please refer to the " TCP SERVER". First method : { if (Sn_IR(RECV) == `1') Sn_IR(RECV) = `1'; goto Receiving Process stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to IR, IMR Sn_IMR and Sn_IR. */ } Second Method : { if (Sn_RX_RSR0 != 0x00000000) goto Receiving Process stage; } Receiving process Process the received UDP data in Internal RX memory. The structure of received UDP data is as below. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 111 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Figure 9.7 The received UDP data format The received UDP data consists of 8bytes PACKET-INFO, and DATA packet. The PACKET-INFO contains transmitter's information (IP address, Port number) and the length of DATA packet. The UDP can receive UDP data from many others. User can classify the transmitter by transmitter's information of PACKET-INFO. It also receives broadcast SOCKET by using "" IP address. So the host should ignore unwanted reception by analysis of transmitter's information. If the DATA size of SOCKET n is larger than Internal RX memory free size, user cannot receive that DATA and also cannot receive fragmented DATA. { /* first, get the received size */ len = Sn_RX_RSR0; // len is received size /* calculate offset address */ src_mask = Sn_RX_RD & gSn_RX_MASK; // src_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ src_ptr = gSn_RX_BASE + src_mask; // src_ptr is physical start address /* read head information (8 bytes) */ header_size = 8; /* if overflow SOCKET RX memory */ if ( (src_mask + header_size) > (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) ) { /* copy upper_size bytes of src_ptr to header_addr */ upper_size = (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) - src_mask; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + header_addr), upper_size); /* update header_addr*/ header_addr += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of gSn_RX_BASE to header_addr */ left_size = header_size - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + gSn_RX_BASE), (0x000000 + header_addr), left_size); /* update src_mask */ src_mask = left_size; (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 112 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet } else { /* copy header_size bytes of get_start_address to header_addr */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + header_addr), header_size); /* update src_mask */ src_mask += header_size; } /* update src_ptr */ src_ptr = gSn_RX_BASE + src_mask; /* save remote peer information & received data size */ peer_ip = header[0 to 3]; peer_port = header[4 to 5]; get_size = header[6 to 7]; /* if overflow SOCKET RX memory */ if ( (src_mask + len) > (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) ) { /* copy upper_size bytes of src_ptr to destination_addr */ upper_size = (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) - src_mask; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_addr), upper_size); /* update destination_addr*/ destination_addr += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of gSn_RX_BASE to destination_addr */ left_size = get_size - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + gSn_RX_BASE), (0x000000 + destination_addr), left_size); } else { /* copy len bytes of src_ptr to destination_addr */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_addr), get_size); } /* increase Sn_RX_RD as length of len + header_size */ Sn_RX_RD = Sn_RX_RD + len + header_size; /* set RECV command */ Sn_CR = RECV; } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 113 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Check send data / Sending process The size of DATA which user wants to transmit cannot be larger than Internal TX memory. If it is larger than MTU, it is automatically divided by MTU unit and transmits. The Sn_DIPR0 is set "" when user wants to broadcast. { /* first, get the free TX memory size */ FREESIZE: freesize = Sn_TX_FSR0; if (freesize < len) goto FREESIZE; // len is send size /* Write the value of remote_ip, remote_port to the SOCKET n Destination IP Address Register(Sn_DIPR), SOCKET n Destination Port Register(Sn_DPORT). */ Sn_DIPR0 = remote_ip; Sn_DPORT0 = remote_port; /* calculate offset address */ dst_mask = Sn_TX_WR0 & gSn_TX_MASK; // dst_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ dst_ptr = gSn_TX_BASE + dst_mask; // dst_ptr is physical start address /* if overflow SOCKET TX memory */ if ( (dst_mask + len) > (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) ) { /* copy upper_size bytes of source_address to dst_ptr */ upper_size = (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) - dst_mask; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_address), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), upper_size); /* update source_address */ source_address += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of source_address to gSn_TX_BASE */ left_size = send_size - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_address), (0xFE0000 + gSn_TX_BASE), left_size); } else { /* copy len bytes of source_address to dst_ptr */ wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_address), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), len); } (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 114 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* increase Sn_TX_WR0 as length of len */ Sn_TX_WR0 += len; /* set SEND command */ Sn_CR = SEND; } Check complete sending / Timeout To transmit the next data, user must check that the prior SEND command is completed. The larger the data size, the more time to complete the SEND command. Therefore, the user must properly divide the data to transmit. The ARPTO can occur when user transmits UDP data. If the ARPTO is occurred, the UDP data transmission is failed. First method : { /* check SEND command completion */ while(Sn_IR(SENDOK)==`0') /* wait interrupt of SEND completion */ { /* check ARPTO */ if (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)==`1') Sn_IR(TIMEOUT)=`1'; goto Next stage; } Sn_IR(SENDOK) = `1'; /* clear previous interrupt of SEND completion */ } Second method : { If (Sn_CR == 0x00) transmission is completed. If (Sn_IR(TIMEOUT bit) == `1') goto next stage; /* In this case, if the interrupt of SOCKET n is activated, interrupt occurs. Refer to Interrupt Register(IR), Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) and SOCKET n Interrupt Register (Sn_IR). */ } Check Finished / SOCKET close If user doesn't need the communication any more, close the SOCKET n. { /* clear remained interrupts */ Sn_IR = 0x00FF; IR(n) = `1'; (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 115 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* set CLOSE command */ Sn_CR = CLOSE; } Multicast The broadcast communication communicates with many and unspecified others. But the multicast communication communicates with many but specified others who registered at multicast-group. Suppose that A, B and C are registered at specified multicast-group. If user transmits data to multicast-group (contains A), the B and C also receive the DATA for A. To use multicast communication, the destination list registers to multicast-group by using IGMP protocol. The multicast-group consists of `Group hardware address', `Group IP address' and `Group port number'. User cannot change the `Group hardware address' and `Group IP address'. But the `Group port number' can be changed to what user wants. The `Group hardware address' is selected at the assigned range (From "01:00:5e:00:00:00" to "01:00:5e:7f:ff:ff") and the `Group IP address' is selected in D-class IP address (From "" to "", please refer to the website; When selecting, the upper U U 23bit of 6bytes `Group hardware address' and the 4bytes `Group IP address' must be the same. For example, if the user selects the `Group IP address' to "", the `Group hardware address' is selected to "01:00:5e:01:01:0b". Please refer to the "RFC1112" ( U U In the W7100, IGMP processing to register the multicast-group is internally (automatically) processed. When the user opens the SOCKET n with multicast mode, the "Join" message is internally transmitted. If the user closes it, the "Leave" message is internally transmitted. After the SOCKET opens, the "Report" message is periodically and internally transmitted when the user communicates. The W7100 support IGMP version 1 and version 2 only. If user wants use an updated version, the host processes IGMP directly by using the IPRAW mode SOCKET. SOCKET Initialization Choose one SOCKET for multicast communication among 8 SOCKETS of W7100. Then set the Sn_DHAR0 to `Multicast-group hardware address' and set the Sn_DIPR0 to `Multicast-group IP address'. Then set the Sn_PORT0 and Sn_DPORT0 to `Multicast-group port number'. Then set the Sn_MR(P3:P0) to UDP and set the Sn_MR(MULTI) to `1'. Finally execute OPEN command. If the state of Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_UDP after the OPEN command, the SOCKET initialization is completed. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 116 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet { START: /* set Multicast-Group information */ Sn_DHAR0 = 0x01; /* set Multicast-Group H/W address(01:00:5e:01:01:0b) */ Sn_DHAR1 = 0x00; Sn_DHAR2 = 0x5E; Sn_DHAR3 = 0x01; Sn_DHAR4 = 0x01; Sn_DHAR5 = 0x0B; Sn_DIPR0 = 211; /* set Multicast-Group IP address( */ Sn_DIPR1 = 1; Sn_DIPR2 = 1; Sn_DIRP3 = 11; Sn_DPORT0 = 0x0BB8; /* set Multicast-Group Port number(3000) */ Sn_PORT0 = 0x0BB8; /* set Source Port number(3000) */ Sn_MR = 0x02 | 0x80; /* set UDP mode & Multicast on SOCKET n Mode Register */ Sn_CR = OPEN; /* set OPEN command */ /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_UDP */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_UDP) Sn_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } Check received data Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". Receiving process Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". Check send data / Sending Process Since the user sets the information about multicast-group at SOCKET initialization, user does not need to set IP address and port number for destination any more. Therefore, copy the transmission data to internal TX memory and executes SEND command. { /* first, get the free TX memory size */ FREESIZE: freesize = Sn_TX_FSR0; if (freesize < len) goto FREESIZE; // len is send size (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 117 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* calculate offset address */ dst_mask = Sn_TX_WR0 & gSn_TX_MASK; // dst_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ dst_ptr = gSn_TX_BASE + dst_mask; // dst_ptr is physical start address /* if overflow SOCKET TX memory */ if ( (dst_mask + len) > (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) ) { /* copy upper_size bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ upper_size = (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) - dst_mask; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), upper_size); /* update source_addr*/ source_addr += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of source_addr to gSn_TX_BASE */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + gSn_TX_BASE), left_size); } else { /* copy len bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), len); } /* increase Sn_TX_WR as length of len */ Sn_TX_WR0 += send_size; /* set SEND command */ Sn_CR = SEND; } Check complete sending / Timeout Since the host manages all protocol process for data communication, the timeout cannot occur. { /* check SEND command completion */ while(S0_IR(SENDOK)==`0'); /* wait interrupt of SEND completion */ S0_IR(SENDOK) = `1'; /* clear previous interrupt of SEND completion */ } Check finished / SOCKET close Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 118 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 9.2.3 IPRAW The IPRAW is data communication using TCP, UDP and IP layers which are the lower protocol layers. The IPRAW supports IP layer protocol such as ICMP (0x01) and IGMP (0x02) according to the protocol number. The `ping' of ICMP or IGMP v1/v2 is already included in W7100 by hardware logic. But if the user needs, the host can directly process the IPRAW by opening the SOCKET n to IPRAW. In the case of using IPRAW mode, user must set the protocol number field of the IP header to what the user wants to use. The protocol number is defined by IANA. Refer to the web ( The protocol number must U U be configured to Sn_PROTO before `SOCKET open'. In the IPRAW mode, the W7100 does not support TCP (0x06) or UDP (0x11) protocol number. The SOCKET communication of IPRAW mode only allows the communication of an assigned protocol number. The ICMP SOCKET cannot receive unassigned protocol data except assigned protocol data such as IGMP. Figure 9.8 IPRAW Operation Flow SOCKET Initialization Select the SOCKET and set the protocol number. Then set the Sn_MR(P3:P0) to IPRAW mode and execute `OPEN' command. If the Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_IPRAW after the `OPEN' command, the SOCKET initialization is completed. { START: /* sets Protocol number */ /* The protocol number is used in Protocol Field of IP Header. */ (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 119 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sn_PROTO = protocol_num; /* sets IP raw mode */ Sn_MR = 0x03; /* sets OPEN command */ Sn_CR = OPEN; /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_IPRAW */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_IPRAW) Sn_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } Check received data Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". Receiving process Process the IPRAW data which is received in internal RX memory. The structure of received IPRAW data is as below. Figure 9.9 The received IPRAW data format The IPRAW data consists of 6bytes PACKET-INFO and DATA packet. The PACKET-INFO contains information about the transmitter (IP address) and the length of the DATA-packet. The data reception of IPRAW is the same as UDP data reception except processing the port number of the transmitter in UDP PACKET-INFO. Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". If the transmitted DATA size is larger than RX memory free size of SOCKET n, user cannot receive that DATA and also cannot receive fragmented DATA. Check send data / Sending process The size of DATA which user wants to transmit cannot be larger than Internal TX memory and default MTU. The transmission of IPRAW data is the same as transmission of UDP data except setting `Destination port number'. Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". Complete sending / Timeout Same as UDP, please refer to the "9.2.2 UDP". Check finished / SOCKET closed Same as UDP, please refer to the "9.2.2 UDP". (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 120 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 9.2.4 MACRAW The MACRAW communication is based on Ethernet MAC, and it can flexibly use upper layer protocol to suit the host's needs. The MACRAW mode can only be used with a SOCKET. If the user uses the SOCKET in MACRAW mode, not only can it use the SOCKET1~7 in the `Hardwired TCP/IP stack', but it can also be used as a NIC (Network Interface Controller). Therefore, any SOCKET1~7 can be used with `Software TCP/IP stack'. Since the W7100 supports `Hardwired TCP/IP stack' and `Software TCP/IP stack', it calls `Hybrid TCP/IP stack'. If user wants more SOCKETs beyond the supported 8 SOCKETS, the SOCKET in which the user wants high performance should be utilizing the ``Hardwired TCP/IP stack', and the others should be using `Software TCP/IP stack' by MACRAW mode. So it overcomes the limited capacity of 8 SOCKETS. The SOCKET of MACRAW mode can process all protocols except using in SOCKET1~7. Since the MACRAW communication is pure Ethernet packet communication (there is no other processing), the MACRAW designer should use the `Software TCP/IP stack' to process the protocol. The MACRAW data should basically contain the 6bytes of `Source hardware address', 6bytes of `destination hardware address' and 2bytes of `Ethernet type' because it is based on Ethernet MAC. Figure 9.10 MACRAW Operation Flow SOCKET Initialization Select the SOCKET and set the SN_MR(P3:P0) to MACRAW mode. Then execute the `OPEN' command. After the `OPEN' command, if the Sn_SR is successfully changed to `SOCK_MACRAW', the SOCKET initialization is completed. Since all information about (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 121 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet communication (Source hardware address, Source IP address, Source port number, Destination hardware address, Destination IP address, Destination port number, Protocol header, etc.) is in the `MACRAW data', there is no more register setting. { START: /* sets MAC raw mode */ S0_MR = 0x04; /* sets OPEN command */ S0_CR = OPEN; /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_MACRAW */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_MACRAW) S0_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } Check received data Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". Receiving process Process the MACRAW data of the SOCKET which received it in internal RX memory. The structure of the MACRAW data is as below: Figure 9.11 The received MACRAW data format The MACRAW data consists of `PACKET-INFO', `DATA packet' and 4bytes CRC. The `PACKETINFO' is the length of the DATA packet. The `DATA packet' consists of 6bytes `Destination MAC address', 6bytes `Source MAC address' and 2bytes `Type', 46~1500 bytes `Payload'. The `Payload' of DATA packet consists of Internet protocol such as ARP, IP according to the `Type'. The details of `Type' please refer to the web: ( U U { /* first, get the received size */ len = Sn_RX_RSR0; // len is received size /* calculate offset address */ src_mask = Sn_RX_RD & gSn_RX_MASK; // src_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ src_ptr = gSn_RX_BASE + src_mask; // src_ptr is physical start address (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 122 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* if overflow SOCKET RX memory */ If((src_mask + len) > (gSn_RX_MASK + 1)) { /* copy upper_size bytes of get_start_address to destination_address */ upper_size = (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) - src_mask; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), upper_size); /* update destination_address */ destination_address += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of gSn_RX_BASE to destination_address */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), left_size); } else { /* copy len bytes of src_ptr to destination_address */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), len); } /* increase Sn_RX_RD as length of len */ Sn_RX_RD += len; /* extract 4 bytes CRC from internal RX memory and then ignore it */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + dummy), len); /* set RECV command */ Sn_CR = RECV; } <Notice> If the free size of the internal RX memory is smaller than the MACRAW data, a problem may occasionally occur where some parts of that PACKET-INFO and DATA packet are stored to the internal RX memory. Since the problem occurs as an analysis error for PACKET-INFO, it cannot process the MACRAW data correctly. The closer the internal RX memory is to being full, the higher the probability is for an error to occur. This problem can be resolved if user allows some loss of the MACRAW data. The solution is as follows: Process the internal RX memory as fast as possible to prevent that it closes to full. Reduce the receiving load by reception only its MACRAW data by setting the MF (MAC Filter) bit of S0_MR in sample code of SOCKET initialization. { START: (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 123 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet /* sets MAC raw mode with enabling MAC filter */ S0_MR = 0x44; /* sets OPEN command */ S0_CR = OPEN; /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_MACRAW */ if (Sn_SR != SOCK_MACRAW) S0_CR = CLOSE; goto START; } If the free size of the internal RX memory is smaller than `1528 - Default MTU(1514)+PACKET-INFO(2) + DATA packet(8) + CRC(4)', close the SOCKET and process all received data. Then reopen the SOCKET. After closing the SOCKET, the received MACRAW data from closing time can be lost. { /* check the free size of internal RX memory */ if((Sn_RXMEM_SIZE(0) * 1024) - Sn_RX_RSR0(0) < 1528) { recved_size = Sn_RX_RSR0(0); Sn_CR0 = CLOSE; /* backup Sn_RX_RSR */ /* SOCKET Closed */ while(Sn_SR != SOCK_CLOSED); /* wait until SOCKET is closed */ /* process all data remained in internal RX memory */ while(recved_size > 0) {/* calculate offset address */ src_mask = Sn_RX_RD & gSn_RX_MASK; // src_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ src_ptr = gSn_RX_BASE + src_mask; // src_ptr is physical start address /* if overflow SOCKET RX memory */ If((src_mask + len) > (gSn_RX_MASK + 1)) { /* copy upper_size bytes of get_start_address to destination_address */ upper_size = (gSn_RX_MASK + 1) - src_mask; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), upper_size); /* update destination_address */ destination_address += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of gSn_RX_BASE to destination_address */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), left_size); (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 124 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet } else { /* copy len bytes of src_ptr to destination_address */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + destination_address), len); } /* increase Sn_RX_RD as length of len */ Sn_RX_RD += len; /* extract 4 bytes CRC from internal RX memory and then ignore it */ wizmemcpy((0xFE0000 + src_ptr), (0x000000 + dummy), len); /* calculate the size of remained data in internal RX memory*/ recved_size = recved_size - 2 - len - 4; } /* Reopen the SOCKET */ /* sets MAC raw mode with enabling MAC filter */ S0_MR = 0x44; /* or S0_MR = 0x04 */ /* sets OPEN command */ S0_CR = OPEN; /* wait until Sn_SR is changed to SOCK_MACRAW */ while (Sn_SR != SOCK_MACRAW); } else /* process normally the DATA packet from internal RX memory */ {/* This block is same as the code of "Receiving process" stage*/ } } Check send data / Sending process The size of the data which the user wants to transmit cannot be larger than the internal TX memory and default MTU. The host generates the MACRAW data in the same format as the "Receiving process" data packet, and transmits it. At this time, if the size of the generated data is smaller than 60bytes, the transmitted Ethernet packet internally fills to 60bytes by "Zero padding" and then it is transmitted. { /* first, get the free TX memory size */ FREESIZE: freesize = S0_TX_FSR0; if (freesize < send_size) goto FREESIZE; /* calculate offset address */ (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 125 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet dst_mask = Sn_TX_WR0 & gSn_TX_MASK; // dst_mask is offset address /* calculate start address(physical address) */ dst_ptr = gSn_TX_BASE + dst_mask; // dst_ptr is physical start address /* if overflow SOCKET TX memory */ if ( (dst_mask + len) > (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) ) {/* copy upper_size bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ upper_size = (gSn_TX_MASK + 1) - dst_mask; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), upper_size); /* update source_addr*/ source_addr += upper_size; /* copy left_size bytes of source_addr to gSn_TX_BASE */ left_size = len - upper_size; wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + gSn_TX_BASE), left_size); } else {/* copy len bytes of source_addr to dst_ptr */ wizmemcpy((0x000000 + source_addr), (0xFE0000 + dst_ptr), len); } /* increase Sn_TX_WR as length of len */ Sn_TX_WR0 += send_size; /* set SEND command */ S0_CR = SEND; } Check complete sending Since the host manages all protocol processors to communicate, the timeout can not be occurred. { /* check SEND command completion */ while(S0_IR(SENDOK)==`0'); /* wait interrupt of SEND completion */ S0_IR(SENDOK) = `1'; /* clear previous interrupt of SEND completion */ } Check finished / SOCKET close Refer to the " Unicast & Broadcast". (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 126 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 10 Electrical Specification Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Rating Unit VDD DC supply voltage -0.5 to 3.6 V VIN DC input voltage -0.5 to 5.5 (5V tolerant) V VOUT DC output voltage 2 to 2.5 (GPIO) V -0.5 to 3.6 (Others) DC input current 5 mA IOUT DC output current 2 to 8 mA TOP Operating temperature 0 to 80 C TSTG Storage temperature -55 to 125 C IIN *COMMENT: Stressing the device beyond the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage. Since the output driving voltage of GPIO is 2.5, if the user wants 3.3V, it needs additional pull-up register. DC Characteristics Symbol VDD Parameter DC Supply voltage Test Condition Junction Min Typ Max Unit 3.0 3.3 3.6 V temperature is from -55C to 125C VIH High level input voltage 2.0 5.5 V VIL Low level input voltage - 0.5 0.8 V VOH High level output voltage IOH = 2 ~ 16 mA VOL Low level output voltage IOL = -2 ~ -12 mA 0.4 V II Input Current VIN = VDD 5 A IO Output Current VOUT = VDD 8 mA 2.4 V 2 Power consumption(Driving voltage 3.3V) Symbol Parameter Test Condition Max Unit IBoot Current consumption Booting 250 mA IIdle Current consumption Idle state 220 mA IActive Current consumption Whole 8 SOCKETs running 220 mA (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 127 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet AC Characteristics Reset Timing Description Min Max 1 Reset Cycle Time 2 us - 2 PLL Lock-in Time 50 us 10 ms Data Memory Read Timing The data memory can be accessed by MOVX instruction only. The memory access time is dependent on ready input and can be performed with minimal 2 wait states. Figure 10.1 Waveform for data memory Read Cycle with Minimal Wait States(CKCON = `2') Note: 1. clk - System clock frequency (clk = 88.4736 MHz) 2. ADDRESS - Actually read the memory address 3. DATA - Data read form address 4. Read sample - Data of data memory has been read from (address) cell into ACC register 5. DATA_RD - Read strobe signal (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 128 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Data Memory Write Timing Figure 10.2 Waveform for data memory Write Cycle with Minimal Wait States(CKCON = `2') Note: 1. clk - System clock period (clk = 88.4736 MHz) 2. ADDRESS - Written in the memory address 3. DATA - Data written into address 4. XDATA - data memory cell Crystal Characteristics Parameter Range Frequency 25 MHz Frequency Tolerance (at 25) 30 ppm Shunt Capacitance 7pF Max Drive Level 1 ~ 500uW (100uW typical) Load Capacitance 18pF Aging (at 25) 3ppm / year Max Transformer Characteristics Parameter Transmit End Receive End Turn Ratio 1:1 1:1 Inductance 350 uH 350 uH (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 129 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet In the case of using the internal PHY mode, be sure to use symmetric transformer in order to support Auto MDI/MDIX (Crossover). In the case of using the External PHY mode, use the transformer which is suitable for external PHY specification. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 130 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 11 IR Reflow Temperature Profile (Lead-Free) Moisture Sensitivity Level: 3 Dry Pack Required: Yes Average RAMp-Up Rate 3 C/second max. (Tsmax to Tp) Preheat - Temperature Min (Tsmin) 150 C - Temperature Max (Tsmax) 200 C - Time (tsmin to tsmax) 60-180 seconds Time maintained above: - Temperature (TL) 217 C - Time (tL) 60-150 seconds Peak/Classification Temperature (Tp) 260 + 0 C Time within 5 C of actual Peak Temperature (tp) 20-40 seconds RAMp-Down Rate 6 C/second max. Time 25 C to Peak Temperature 8 minutes max. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 131 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 12 Package Descriptions Package type: LQFP 100 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 132 MILLIMETER INCH MIN. NOM. MAX. MIN. NOM. MAX. A - - 1.60 - - 0.063 A1 0.05 - 0.15 0.002 - 0.006 A2 1.35 1.40 1.45 0.053 0.055 0.057 b 0.17 0.22 0.27 0.007 0.009 0.011 b1 0.17 0.20 0.23 0.007 0.008 0.009 c 0.09 - 0.20 0.004 - 0.008 c1 0.09 - 0.16 0.004 - 0.006 D 15.85 16.00 16.15 0.624 0.630 0.636 D1 13.90 14.00 14.10 0.547 0.551 0.555 E 15.85 16.00 16.15 0.624 0.630 0.636 E1 13.90 14.00 14.10 0.547 0.551 0.555 e L 0.50 BSC 0.45 L1 0.60 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet SYMBOL 0.020 BSC 0.75 0.018 1.00 REF 0.024 0.030 0.039 REF R1 0.08 - - 0.003 - - R2 0.08 - 0.20 0.003 - 0.008 S 0.20 - - 0.008 - - 0 3.5 7 0 3.5 7 1 0 - - 0 - - 2 12 TYP 12 TYP 3 12 TYP 12 TYP Note : To be determined at seating plane - C -. Dimensions `D1' and `E1' do not include mold protrusion. D1' and `E1' are maximum plastic body size dimensions including mold mismatch. Dimension `b' does not include dambar protrusion. Dambar cannot be located on the lower radius or the foot. Exact shape of each corner is optional These Dimensions apply to the flat section of the lead between 0.10mm and 0.25mm from the lead tip. A1 is defined as the distance from the seating plane to the lowest point of the package body. Controlling dimension : Millimeter Reference Document : JEDEC MS-026 , BED. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 133 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet 13 Appendix: Performance Improvement about W7100 This section presents the benefits gained about calculation by using W7100 over standard 8051 family. 13.1 Summary The 8-bit operation cycles of the 80C51 and W7100 with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are as below. It is briefly shows its performance. The W7100 with `wizmemcpy' (supported by WIZnet) function is almost 9 times faster than the 80C51. 80C51 cycle W7100 cycle / with W7100 cycle / with user code wizmemcpy ADD 36 12 4 SUB 36 12 4 MUL 96 12 6 DIV 96 20 10 In the succeeded section shows more detail performance. 13.2 8-Bit Arithmetic Functions 13.2.1 Addition Immediate data The following code performs immediate data (constant) addition to an 8-bit register. RX = RX + #n Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, #n 24h 2 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Note. `wizmemcpy' function are built-in inside Boot ROM in W7100. Refer to the `Driver Guide.' Direct addressing The following code performs direct addressing addition to an 8-bit register. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 134 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Rx = Rx + (dir) Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, dir 25h 2 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Indirect addressing The following code performs indirect addressing addition to an 8-bit register. Rx = Rx + (@Rx) Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, @Rx 26h - 27h 1 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Register addressing The following code performs an 8-bit register to register addition. Rx = Rx + Ry Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, Ry 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 3 12 Sum : 13.2.2 Subtraction Immediate data The following code performs immediate data (constant) subtraction from an 8-bit register. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 135 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Rx = Rx - #n Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, #n 24h 2 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Direct addressing The following code performs direct addressing subtraction from an 8-bit register. Rx = Rx - (dir) Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, dir 25h 2 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Indirect addressing subtraction The following code performs indirect addressing subtraction from an 8-bit register. Rx = Rx - (@Ry) Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, @Ry 26h - 27h 1 12 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 4 12 Sum : Register addressing subtraction The following code performs an 8-bit register from register subtraction. Rx = Rx - Ry Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code 136 A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Ry 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 36 3 12 Sum : Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet MOV 13.2.3 Multiplication The following code performs the 8-bit register multiplication. Rx = Rx * Ry Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, Ry 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 96 6 12 Sum : 13.2.4 Division The following code performs the 8-bit register division. Rx = Rx / Ry Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rx E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, Ry 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 DIV AB 84h 1 48 6 8 MOV Rx, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 96 10 20 Sum : 13.3 16-Bit Arithmetic Functions 13.3.1 Addition The following code performs 16-bit addition. The first operand and result are located in registers pair RaRb. The second operand is located in registers pair RxRy. (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 137 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet RaRb = RaRb + RxRy Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rb E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, Ry 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rb, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Ra E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, Rx 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Ra, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 72 6 24 Sum : 13.3.2 Subtraction The following code performs 16-bit subtraction. The first operand and result are located in registers pair RaRb. The second operand is located in registers pair RxRy. RaRb = RaRb - RxRy Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code CLR C C3h 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Rb E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Ry 98h - 9Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rb, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Ra E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Rx 98h - 9Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Ra, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 84 7 28 Sum : 13.3.3 Multiplication The following code performs 16-bit multiplication. The first operand and result are located in registers pair RaRb. The second operand is located in registers pair RxRy. RaRb = RaRb * RxRy Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code 138 A, Rb E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, Ry 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 MOV Rz, B A8h - AFh 2 24 3 4 XCH A, Rb C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 MOV B, Rx 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, Rz 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 XCH A, Ra C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 MOV B, Ry 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, Ra 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Ra, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 312 23 52 Sum : Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet MOV 13.4 32-bit Arithmetic Functions 13.4.1 Addition The following code performs 32-bit addition. The first operand and result are located in four registers RaRbRcRd. The second operand is located in four registers RvRxRyRz. RaRbRcRd = RaRbRcRd + RvRxRyRz Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, Rd E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, Rz 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rd, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Rc E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, Ry 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rc, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Rb E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, Rx 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rb, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Ra E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, Rv 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Ra, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 139 144 12 Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet Sum : 48 13.4.2 Subtraction The following code performs 32-bit subtraction. The first operand and result are located in four registers RaRbRcRd. The second operand is located in four registers RvRxRyRz. RaRbRcRd = RaRbRcRd - RvRxRyRz Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code CLR C C3h 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Rd E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Rz 98h - 9Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rd, A F8h - FFh 1 12 2 4 MOV A, Rc E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Ry 98h - 9Fh 1 12 2 4 MOV Rc, A F8h - FFh 1 12 2 4 MOV A, Rb E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Rx 98h - 9Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Rb, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, Ra E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 SUBB A, Rv 98h - 9Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV Ra, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 156 13 52 Sum : 13.4.3 Multiplication The following code performs 32-bit multiplication. The first operand and result are located in four registers RaRbRcRd. The second operand is located in four registers RvRxRyRz. RaRbRcRd = RaRbRcRd * RvRxRyRz Mnemonic Opcode Byte 80C51 Cycle W7100 Cycle ISP / FLASH / wizmemcpy user code MOV A, R0 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R7 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 XCH A, R4 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 MOV B, R3 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 140 A, R4 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, R1 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R6 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, R4 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R2 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MOV A, R5 E8h - EFh 1 12 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, R4 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, R2 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R6 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 XCH A, R5 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 MOV R0, B A8h - AFh 2 24 3 4 MOV B, R3 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, R5 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 XCH A, R4 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 ADDC A, R0 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 ADD A, B 25h 2 12 2 4 MOV R5, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, R1 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R7 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, R4 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 XCH A, R5 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 ADDC A, B 35h 2 12 2 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV A, R3 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R6 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 MOV R6, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 MOV R1, B A8h - AFh 2 24 3 4 (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet ADD 141 A, R3 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MOV B, R7 88h - 8Fh 2 24 2 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 XCH A, R7 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 XCH A, B C5h 2 12 3 4 ADD A, R6 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 XCH A, R5 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 ADDC A, R1 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R6, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 CLR A E4h 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, R4 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFH 1 12 1 4 MOV A, R2 E8h - EFh 1 12 1 4 MUL AB A4h 1 48 2 4 ADD A, R5 28h - 2Fh 1 12 1 4 XCH A, R6 C8h - CFh 1 12 2 4 ADDC A, B 38h - 3Fh 2 12 2 4 MOV R5, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 CLR A E4h 1 12 1 4 ADDC A, R4 38h - 3Fh 1 12 1 4 MOV R4, A F8h - FFh 1 12 1 4 1248 99 252 Sum : (c) Copyright 2009 WIZnet Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Internet Embedded MCU W7100 Datasheet MOV 142