Data Sheet AD6676
Rev. D | Page 43 of 90
The AD6676 allows the user to set three threshold settings that
can trigger one of two possible flags. PKTHRH0 and PKTHRH1
are two upper threshold settings while LOWTHRH is a lower
threshold setting. The threshold settings are 12 bits with an
MSB and LSB register assigned to each threshold. The 12-bit
decimal equivalent value can be calculated using Equation 12.
Threshold = 3584 + (Threshold Setting in dBFS) × 256/3 (12)
where 0 dBFS corresponds to 3584 (0xE00) and −6 dBFS
corresponds to 3072 (0xC00).
In the time domain, a 0 dBFS setting corresponds to a signal
whose peaks observed at the I and Q outputs can reach plus or
minus full scale. Meaning, if the 16-bit I and Q output data are
normalized such that its peak values correspond to ±1, a 0 dBFS
setting corresponds to a signal whose peak can reach the unit
circle of a normalized I/Q constellation diagram.
The LOWTHRH_x register has an associated dwell time of
which the signal must remain below this threshold before a flag
can be set. The dwell time is represented in exponential form to
realize long dwell periods because the counter operates at
FADC/12 for decimate by 12 or 24 settings or FADC/16 for decimate
by 16 or 32 settings. The dwell time is set in the DWELL_TIME_
MANTISSA register and DWELL_TIME_EXP register using
Equation 13 relative to 1/FADC.
Dwell Time = N × [DWELL_TIME_MANTISSA] ×
N = 12 for decimate by 12 or 24.
N = 16 for decimate by 16 or 32.
A flag function can be assigned using the FLAG0_SEL register
and FLAG1_SEL register to indicate when any of the thresholds
have been exceeded or if an ADC reset event has occurred.
These flags must also be enabled via the EN_FLAG register
such that a CMOS level signal appears on the AGC4 and AGC3
pins where a logic high indicates when a threshold has been
The delay relative to the ADC input when an AGC threshold is
exceeded to when the flag signal goes high is dependent on the
DEC_MODE setting selected. For a DEC_MODE value of 1 or
2 (decimate by 32 or 24), the delay equates to 8 to 9 output
samples (1/fDATA_IQ). For DEC_MODE values of 3 or 4 (decimate
by 16 or 12), the delay is 16 to 18 samples. The delay associated
with an ADC reset event is much shorter because it avoids the
digital filter path. This delay is 1 sample for DEC_MODE values
of 1 or 2 and 2 samples for DEC_MODE values of 3 and 4.
Note that the EN_FLAGx bits provide the additional option of
logically OR’ing an ADC reset event with an upper peak
threshold event to provide an even faster output flag to the host
processor indicating that the attenuation must be applied. This
scenario applies to the extreme case where the envelope
response of a blocker is exceedingly fast, such that the AGC
cannot react fast enough to the upper peak threshold setting
flag to prevent overloading the Σ- ADC.
Figure 114 provides an example of how the Flag 0 and Flag 1
assigned pins behave to the envelope response of an arbitrary IF
input signal. Flag 1 is assigned an upper threshold set by
PKTHRH1_x, and Flag 0 is assigned a lower threshold and
dwell time set by LOWTHRH_x and DWELL_TIME_x. The
Flag 1 indicator goes high when the PKTTHR1_x threshold is
exceeded and returns low when the signal envelope falls below
this threshold. The Flag 0 indicator goes high only when the
envelope of the signal remains below the LOWTHRH_x
threshold for the designated dwell time. If the signal level
exceeds the LOWTHRH_x threshold before the dwell time
counter has expired, the dwell time counter resets again and the
Flag 0 indicator remains low until the conditions has been met.
By offsetting the PKTTHR1_x and LOWTHRH_x threshold
settings as well as optimizing the dwell time setting, it may be
possible to optimize the operation of an AGC so that it reacts to
signal strength variation due to fading conditions as opposed to the
peak to minimum response associated with digital modulated
IF Attenuator Control via the AGC2 and AGC1 Pins
Many AGC implementations require fast gain control if the
AGC threshold is exceeded. The AD6676 provides two modes in
which the IF attenuator can be quickly changed via the AGCx pins.
Use Register 0x180, Bit 0, to select the mode. The first mode uses
the AGC2 pin to switch between two attenuator settings that are
user defined in Register 0x181 and Register 0x182. The second
mode uses the AGC2 and AGC1 pins to decrement and increment
respectively the attenuation value in 1 dB steps with pulsed inputs.
The starting attenuator value is defined in Register 0x183. The
actual attenuator value can be read back via Register 0x184.
The first mode is used for the default AD6676 power-up setting
with both Register 0x181 and Register 0x182 set to 0x0C. For
applications that do not require IF attenuator control but
require a different attenuator setting, update both registers with
the desired attenuator setting value such that the attenuator
remains independent of the AGC2 pin state, if it is left floating.
Note that connecting the unused AGC2 and AGC1 pins to
VSSD via 100 kΩ pull-down resistors is still the preferred
method if these pins are unused.