Fy VAtH-K HRRT NTA Bridge Diode Surface Mounting Device M 4itetsARI OUTLINE DIMENSIONS SIWB(A)_I/LIB REE p:~ Qin~ ao oi + AN aan 600V 1A \ Z Aen: iM gh day AD YVEVE FINI KD BENGAL Type No. Date code Standard soldering pad Sin a i ee sl ol JA ib 1.0 192 z Ht 0102 | see ees 2.5703 =) 1252? 44.0.15) _ LMARS | Unit + mm Meee RATINGS tEXxtRAZH Absolute Maximum Ratings iA A aly | a fa % | STWB(A)CJ|SIWB(A)(B Hr item Symbol Conditions oo Type No. 99 | 60 60 Unit (RIE aa a Storage Temperature Tstg 40~ 150 Cc FAB iE : Operating Junction Temperature Tj ; _ 150 Cc tt A SEGAL Maximum Reverse Voltage VRM . 200 600 600 V aa jo | DOHZ isk, HATA, Ta=25C | 1 A Average Rectified Forward Current 50Hz sine wave, R-load, Ta=25C tb A SA NEE TE Irs 50Hz IE Ski, JERR Qik L 1+ 4 7 Wat A MARE, Tj=25C 30 50 A _ Peak Surge Forward Current | 50Hz sine wave, Non-repetitive { cycle peak value, Tj=25C | Boi 2 ARIF Pt |imsSt<l0ms Tc=25C 4.5 16 As Current Squared Time SeSuNy - SAAV4SME Electrical Characteristics (T/=25C) NEES _ JNU Ae, 1 BT 40 OSA MAX Vv Forward Voltage VF | Ir=0.5A, Pulse measurement, Rating of per diode 1.0 Te BiH 28 AWE, 1 RTO ORS MAX Reverse Current Ir VR=VRM, Pulse measurement, Rating of per diode 10 uA Bj eae U BRA MAX 10 BAPCHYL Between junction and lead C/W Thermal Resistance Bia FeSO - BALI MAX 65 Between junction and ambientSurface Mounting Device S1WB(A)L/LIB M@HtHEd CHARACTERISTIC DIAGRAMS Ny rea et BARAK tA ~ TAB ite (SIWB(A)CIM) Forward Voltage Power Dissipation Surge Forward Current Capability (S1WB(A)C)) . 36 . sine wave | ___sime wave T)=150C. 0 . ; s Toms 10ms | T1=25'C(TYP} z leycle os La aye = _ non- repetitive S = ie [nom rene 4 pa rg se #K = = = Be. R : ~< Ps) pulse test per one diode! 1 1. 6 1 ; 1 WAGEIE Vr(V) th BB Io[A) ja BIR (cycle! HARUM (SIWB(A)CIBR) | LbF129A-7Talo Surge Forward Current Capability (S1WB(A)[_B) Derating Curve Ta~lo 60 ~ 12 es a ne __sine wave on glass-epoxi substrate EO) | HAGE x '10ms 10ms: | | oS 3 lcycle NI | soldering land 3mm? & [pon-nepetitive Z 08 | sine wave |] 42 T}=25C S Ll | [Reload | | ag & free in air sz #2 06 {L. * e NE : 5 a8 | eK 04 T << ! ! | 026-7 SHEET SS 8 40 80 120 T60 EBB [cycle] ABE TalC)