2,048 x 9 and 4,096 x 9 INDUSTRIAL TEMPERATURE RANGE
Symbol Name I/O Description
D0–D8Inputs I Data inputs for 9-bit wide data.
RS Reset I When RS is set LOW, internal READ and WRITE pointers are set to the first location of the RAM array. HF
and FF go HIGH, and AEF and EF go LOW. A reset is required before an initial WRITE after power-up.
W must be HIGH and SOCP must be LOW during RS cycle.
WWrite I A write cycle is initiated on the falling edge of WRITE if the Full Flag (FF) is not set. Data set-up and hold
times must be adhered to with respect to the rising edge of WRITE. Data is stored in the RAM array
sequentially and independently of any ongoing read operation.
SOCP Serial Output I A serial bit read cycle is initiated on the rising edge of SOCP if the Empty Flag (EF) is not set. In both Depth
Clock and Serial Word Width Expansion modes, all of the SOCP pins are tied together.
NR Next Read I To program the Serial Out data word width , connect NR with one of the Data Set pins (Q4, Q6, Q7 and Q8).
For example, NR - Q7 programs for a 8-bit Serial Out word width.
FL/RT First Load/ I This is a dual purpose input. In the single device configuration (XI grounded), activating retransmit (FL/RT-
Retransmit LOW) will set the internal READ pointer to the first location. There is no effect on the WRITE pointer. W must
be high and SOCP must be low before setting FL/RT LOW. Retransmit is not compatible with depth
expansion. In the depth expansion configuration, FL/RT grounded indicates the first activated device.
XI Expansion In I In the single device configuration, XI is grounded. In depth expansion or daisy chain expansion, XI is
connected to XO (expansion out) of the previous device.
SOX Serial Output I In the Serial Output Expansion mode, the SOX pin of the least significant device is tied HIGH. The SOX pin
Expansion of all other devices is connected to the Q8 pin of the previous device. Data is then clocked out least significant
bit first. For single device operation, SOX is tied HIGH.
SO Serial Output O Serial data is output on the Serial Output (SO) pin. Data is clocked out Least Significant Bit first. In the Serial
Width Expansion mode the SO pins are tied together and each SO pin is tristated at the end of the byte.
FF Full Flag O When FF goes LOW, the device is full and further WRITE operations are inhibited. When FF is HIGH, the
device is not full.
EF Empty Flag O When EF goes LOW, the device is empty and further READ operations are inhibited. When EF is HIGH, the
device is not empty. See the description on page 6 for more details.
AEF Almost-Empty/ O When AEF is LOW, the device is empty to 1/8 full or 7/8 to completely full. When AEF is HIGH, the device
Almost-Full Flag is greater than 1/8 full, but less than 7/8 full.
XO/HF Expansion Out/ O This is a dual-purpose output. In the single device configuration (XI grounded), the device is more than half
Half-Full Flag full when HF is LOW. In the depth expansion configuration (XO connected to XI of the next device), a pulse
is sent from XO to XI when the last location in the RAM array is filled.
Q4, Q 6, Data Set O The appropriate Data Set pin (Q4, Q6, Q7 and Q8) is connected to NR to program the Serial Out data word
Q7 and Q8width. For example: Q6 - NR programs a 7-bit word width, Q8 - NR programs a 9-bit word width, etc.
VCC Power Supply Single Power Supply of 5V.
GND Ground Single ground at 0V.
Number of Words in FIFO
IDT72131 IDT72141 FF AEF HF EF
0 0 HL HL
1-255 1-511 H L H H
256-1,024 512-2,048 H H H H
1,025-1,792 2,049-3,584 H H L H
1,793-2,047 3,585-4,095 H L L H
2,048 4,096 L L L H