E ANADIGICS SOVNY* wan A ANADIGICS, INC. - Your GaAs IC Source Data Sheet AWT1901X MMIC POWER AMP Advanced Product Information Rev 2 DCS1800/PCS1900 GaAs 4.8 V Single Supply GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier DESCRIPTION The AWT1901X is a monolithic Power Amplifier IC suited for DCS 1800 (1710-1785) and PCS1900 (1850-1910) cellular telephone applications FEATURES High Output Power High Efficiency Single Supply Built in Pulse Control 28 Pin SSOP Plastic Package 502 Input Impedance Low Cost 1. Maximum Ratings AAA RA ees ME AWT1901 | dadeeblb/rsdbab eo Static sensitive electronic devices. Do not operate or store near strong electrostatic, fields. Take proper ESD precautions. Pin | | Rating | Notes | Pin 3 - RFiw +10 dBm max., +7.5 V max. Pin 4 - Veer + 4V max., OV min. If Ver is kept high and not pulsed, the amplifier may draw very high currents and permanent damage may occur. Pin 2 - Vos +7.5V max., OV min. Do not apply voltage to this pin. If Vsg IN is not Pin 5 - Vsg IN N/C between -3V and -4.8V (with Veen=4.8V), the amplifier may not work properly. Pin 1 - Voy +7.5V max., OV min. Pin 11, Pin 12 N/A Do not apply voltage to these pins. Pin 13 - Veen +7.5V max., OV min. Vaen Must be turned on before any of the drain supplies. Pin 15 - Vpo +7.5V max., OV min. Pin 18,19 - VosB Pin 24,25 -Vp3a This data sheet contains technical information about product ANADIGICS is planning to introduce. The data and product specifications are subject to change prior to formal introduction. Please note : This device is NOT to be used for device qualification or production. Email: ANADIGICS @ATTmail.com 35 Technology Drive + Warren, New Jersey 07059-5197 + awt1901, 5/8/96, 1 (908) 668-5000 + Fax: (908) 668-51322. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS:" Pin = 7 dBm, Vp = 4.8V, Vaen = 4.8 V, Vaer Pulsed @ 577 1S/12.5% Duty Cycle. Ta = 25C,Zo = 502. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN. TYP. MAX. PARAMETER Frequency(?) DCS 1710 1785 MHz fo PCS 1850 1910 MHz Power Output Pout 32 dBm Power Added Efficiency PAE 45 % Harmonics 2fo - 35 dBc 3fo - 40 dBc Stability: For all spurious outputs to be 6:1 VSWR load, all < - 80 dBc relative to phase angles, desired signal at Po < 32 dBm & Zs = 502 Input Return Loss Rl 10 dB dc/dc Converter Current IGen 3 mA Pulse Control lace 2 mA 1. As measured in ANADIGICS test fixture (see test fixture schematic on page 5) 2. Operating frequency band is dependent on external matching, (see page 5 for test fixture schematic and page 6 external components values.) This data sheet contains technical information about product ANADIGICS is planning to introduce. The data and product specifications are subject to change prior to formal introduction. Please note : This device is NOT to be used for device qualification or production. Email: ANADIGICS @ATTmail.com awti901, 5/8/96, 23. DATA Pout vs. Vref @ 25 C Freq.= 1750 MHz, Pin = +7 dBm 35 Pulsed 50 Measurement per ETS] Specification a 7 20 7 40 5 fi 30 : A fe 2-10 20 w 5 O a nN oO 10 f 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Power Control [Vref (volts)] & So on a ' _ 4. Package Outline and Pin Description 0.390 + 0.004 _ABARR Ae ae . 5 ID resem | pou edo see C + 4 ____ + 0.059 0.024 0.025BSC-+{ _.| Loo 0.085 0002 + 0.002 010 TYP 0.015 X 15' oe t | 0.026 0.008 This data sheet contains technical information about product ANADIGICS is planning to introduce. The data and product specifications are subject to change prior to formal introduction, Please note : This device is NOT to be used for device qualification or production. Email: ANADIGICS @ATTmail.com awt1901, 5/8/96, 3pin | signet | sorption 1 Voi 1st stage drain supply (4.8V) 2 Vog Bias circuit Supply (4.8V ) 3 RFin RF input 4 Vrer Output Power control, should be set to the level that corresponds to the desired output power . Pulse control voltage (Vaer, 0 to 4V) 5 Vss_IN Negative Supply generated by the dc/dc converter 6,7,8,9 gnd RF and de Ground (The Batwing) 10 Vss OUT __| The output of the dc/dc converter providing the negative voltage. | 11,12 Pump capacitor (C5) which is part of the dc/dc converter circuit, 13 Voen dc/dc converter positive supply 14 Veen gnd | Ac and dc ground for the de/dc converter. If possible, this pin should be grounded through a separate via hole. 15 Vpe 2nd stage drain supply (4.8V) 16,17,18 gnd RF and dc Ground 19 Voss 3rd stage drain supply (4.8 V) and RF out 20,21,22,23 gnd RF and de ground (the BATWING) 24 Vo3a 3rd stage drain supply (4.8 V) and RF out 25,26,27,28 gnd RF and de Ground 5. Recommended Operating Procedure on the Evaluation Board Power Up On m DOM Begin by setting all power supplies to zero volts. Make sure that the input RF power is turned off. Turn on Veen (Pin 13) to 4.8V Check the voltage @ Vgs IN (pin 5) to see if it is between - 4.8V and - 4V if voltage is not check the pin alignment. Turn on Vp; (Pin 1), Voz (Pin 15), Vos (Pins 19 and 24) and Vpp (Pin 2) which are tied together or: the fixture, and set to 4.8 V. Little drain current should be flowing at this time (Ipp < 5 mA). Turn RF signal on and adjust input power to 7.0 dBm. Pulse Vrer aS specified in DCS1800 system specification. Adjust Pulsed Vrer to desired output power (<=32 dBm). Use an oscilloscope to measure Vper on the Vaer package pin (4) rather than using the display of the pulse generator. Veer should be between OV and 4.0 Volts, the reason being the pulse generator may have a 50Q output impedance while the impedance of Vpe pin 's high. This causes the voltage on Vper pin to be almost twice as high as the readout on the pulse: generator. Power Down To power down the device, follow the above procedure in reverse order. This data sheet contains technical information about product ANADIGICS is planning to introduce. The data and product specifications are subject to change prior to formal introduction. Please note : This device is NOT to be used for device qualification or production. Email: ANADIGICS @ATTmail.com awtt901, 5/8/96, 4SG 96/8/S LOBL Me Wood" BWLLY SOIDIQVNY :ewW3 UORONPOId 10 LOWeOyFENb djAep 40 PSSN Eq 0} JON SI SdiAep Siyj : JOU Bsealg VOHONpoIU! feUNoy Of Jod ebueyo o} yoalqns ase suo}eoyioeds jonpoid pue Byep ey, eonpoju! oO} Burwueld $1 SOIDIAYNY JONPOd jnoge UOReUUOJU Jed}ULY9E} SULE}UOD JE@YS BYEP S|UL WNMD4D sol LINDYID LSAL LOGLLAMV 9T C1 C7,C10 1 0603 C3,C4,C6 | 0805 C5 0.1 0603 C8 3.3 [2.7pF 0603 CIA,C7A 1 0603 C9,C12 47 0805 L1 4.7nH 0603 Le 18nH C.C1008 T1 W=20 mil L=100mil_ |] M R1 47 0603 R2 10Q 0603 (*) 2.7 pF IN PCS1900 ,3.3pF IN DCS1800. This data sheet contains technical information about product ANADIGICS is planning to introduce. The data and product specifications are subject to change prior to formal introduction. Please note : This device is NOT to be used for device qualification or production. Email: ANADIGICS @ATTmail.com awt1901, 5/8/96, 6