f SGS-THOMSON 7 WiCROELECTROMICS VN20N HIGH SIDE SMART POWER SOLID STATE RELAY TYPE Vpss Robston} louT Vec a > VN20N 60 V 0.05 2 33 A eB V by 2A. = OUTPUT CURRENT (CONTINUOUS): 33A @ Tp=25C 5V LOGIC LEVEL COMPATIBLE INPUT a = THERMAL SHUT-DOWN UNDER VOLTAGE SHUT-DOWN OPEN DRAIN DIAGNOSTIC OUTPUT PENTAWATT PENTAWATT VERY LOW STAND-BY POWER (vertical) (horizontal) DISSIPATION DESCRIPTION The VN20N is a monolithic device made using SGS-THOMSON Vertical Intelligent +Power PENTAWATT Technology, intended for driving resistive or (in-line) inductive loads with one side grounded. Built-in thermal shut-down protects the chip from over temperature and short circuit. ORDER CODES: The input control is 5V logic level compatible. PENTAWATT vertical VN20N The open drain diagnostic output indicates open PENTAWATT horizontal VN20N (011Y) circuit (no load) and over temperature status. PENTAWATT in-line VN20N (012Y) BLOCK DIAGRAM Vcc 3 UNDER VOLTAGE q WH CHARGE INPUT | 2 LOGIC PUMP 5 | OUTPUT OPEN LOAD STATUS| 4 OVER TEMP. 1 GROUND September 1994 1/11VN20N ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING Symbol Parameter Value Unit Vieripss |Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage 60 Vv lout Output Current (cont.) 33 A IR Reverse Output Current -33 A li Input Current +10 mA -Vec Reverse Supply Voltage -4 Vv IsTAT Status Current +10 mA VEspD Electrostatic Discharge (1.5 kQ, 100 pF) 2000 Vv Prot Power Dissipation at Te < 25 C 100 W Tj Junction Operating Temperature -40 to 150 C Tstg Storage Temperature -55 to 150 C CONNECTION DIAGRAM OUTPUT STATUS Vec INPUT GROUND Pc10000 CURRENT AND VOLTAGE CONVENTIONS a | lee IN I 3 > 2 | INPUT Veo lout Istat OUTPUT] 5 Voc +> 4 |STATUS GROUND VIN 1 Vstat Vout 5004660 2/11 iy, 8GS-THOMSON Y7 wichosvectnomicsVN20N THERMAL DATA Rihj-case | Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max 1.25 C/W Rihj-amb Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max 60 C/W ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc = 13 V; -40 < Tj < 125 C unless otherwise specified) POWER Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit Vee Supply Voltage 7 26 Vv Ran On State Resistance lour=14A 0.1 Q lour=14A Tj = 25 C 0.05 Q Is Supply Current Off State T)> 25C 50 LA On State 15 mA SWITCHING Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit tafon} Turn-on Delay Time Of |lout = 14 A Resistive Load 30 [Ls Output Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps T) = 25C tr Rise Time Of Gutput lout = 14 A Resistive Load 70 Ls Current Input Rise Time < G.i ps Tj) = 25C tdtoft} Turn-off Delay Time Of |lout = 14 A Resistive Load 40 Ls Output Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps T, = 25C t Fall Time Of Output lout = 14 A Resistive Load 30 Ls Current Input Rise Time < 0.1 ps Tj = 25C (di/dtjon |Turn-on Current Slope |lour=14A 0.5 A/us lout = lav 2 A/us (di/dt)o# |Turn-off Current Slope |louT=14A 2 A/ps lout = lov 4 A/us LOGIC INPUT Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit VIL Input Low Level 0.8 V Voltage VIH Input High Level 2 (*) Vv Voltage Vithyst.) [Input Hysteresis 0.5 Vv Voltage lin Input Current Vn=5BV 250 500 A Vie. Input Glamp Voltage lin = 10 mA 6 Vv lin = -10 mA -0.7 Vv PROTECTIONS AND DIAGNOSTICS Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit Vstat (#) |Status Voltage Output [lstar=1.6 mA 0.4 Vv Low Vusb Under Voltage Shut 6.5 Vv Down A97 Sesonscmones 3/11VN20N ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) PROTECTION AND DIAGNOSTICS (continued) Symbol Parameter Test Conditions Min. Typ. | Max. Unit Vser (*) |Status Clamp Voltage IstaT = 10 mA 6 Vv IstaT = -10 mA -0.7 Vv tse Switch-off Time in Rioap< 10mMQ Te =25C 2 5 ms Short Circuit Condition at Start-Up lov Over Current Rioap< 10mQ 8-40 < Te <5 125C 140 A lay Average Current in Rioap< 109mMQ = =T. = 85C 2.5 A Short Cireuit loL Open Load Current 5 700 mA Level Trsp Thermal Shut-down 140 C Temperature TR Reset Temperature 125 C (") The Vin is internally clamped at 6V about. It is possible to connect this pin to an higher voltage via an external resistor calculated to not exceed 10 mA at the input pin. (*) Status determination > 100 us after the switching edge. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The device has a diagnostic output which indicates open circuit (no load) and over temperature conditions. The output signals are processed by internal logic. To protect the device against short circuit and over-current condition, the thermal protection turns the integrated Power MOS off at a minimum junction temperature of 140 C. When the temperature returns to about 125 C the switch is automatically turned on again. In short circuit conditions the protection reacts with virtually no delay, the sensor being located in the region of the die where the heat is generated. PROTECTING THE DEVICE AGAINST REVER- SE BATTERY The simplest way to protect the device against a continuous reverse battery voltage (-26V) is to insert a Schottky diode between pin 1 (GND) and ground, as shown in the typical application circuit (fig. 3). 4/11 hy SGS-THOMSON MICROELEGTROR The consequences of the voltage drop across this diode are as follows: If the input is pulled to power GND, a negative voltage of -VF is seen by the device. (Vit, Vin thresholds and Vstat are increased by Ve with respect to power GND). The undervaltage shutdown level is increased by Ve. If there is no need for the control unit to handle external analog signals referred to the power GND, ithe best appreach is to connect the reference potential of the control unit to node [1] (see application circuit in fig. 4), which becomes the commen signal GND for the whole conirol board. In this way no shift of Vin, Vit and Vstat takes place and no negative voltage appears on the INPUT pin; this solution allows the use of a standard diode, with a breakdown voltage able to handle any ISO normalized negative pulses that eccours in the automotive environment.VN20N TRUTH TABLE INPUT OUTPUT DIAGNOSTIC Normal Operation L L H H H H Open Circuit (No Load) H H L Over-temperature H L L Under-voltage x L H Figure 1: Waveforms INPUT | | INPUT l STATUS ve LI U U OPEN LOAD ON NORMAL ON switch ore | [LT L__ operation switch ope ELL | fo \_ fs f\____/NA_ OLT lout mur wer EL STATUS nu THERMAL STATUS ON oN SHUTDOWN SWITCH OFF UNDER SWITCH OFF a | VOI TAGE oe 140% lout | OUT AN \_] \_ S15 scd4690 Figure 2: Over Current Test Circuit 9 4H 9m Q 100nF WOO _ + 7H! Vec nom = 100A OUTPUT E |) oo Jo IN O.1F _ me <10m 2 ESR<10m 2 GND C04710 Gr 868-THOMSON om J/ mchoeectnomesVN20N Figure 3: Typical Application Circuit With A Schottky Diode For Reverse Supply Protection 4 INPUT + VNXX STATUS ,, Schottky Diode SC04671 POWER GND Figure 4: Typical Application Circuit With Separate Signal Ground o+Vcc CONTROL UNIT GND Sc05051 OUTPUT ee LOAD POWER GND 6/11 daz 3GS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSVN20N Rps(on) vs Junction Temperature Gel 3871 Reon) (m2) lp =14A 70 I 50 Von=26 13V 30 10 -50 0 50 100 T,(%) Rops(on} vs Output Current Reon) (ma) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 Ipfa) Output Current Derating In (A) 30 20 0 50 100 Tc (C) ky Rops(on) vs Supply Voltage Reon} cei ses! (m Q) 120 lp=i4a 100 Tj=125C 8D 60 as 401 a5 20 G 6 10 14 {8 22 26 Voe() Input voltages vs Junction Temperature Vinaie () 2.8 2.4 2 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0 -50 0 50 100, (C) Open Load vs Junction Temperature | GC18640 oL (mA) 320 280 240 200 -50 0 50 100 T,{C) 7/11VN20N H3 PO10E 8/11 hy SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSVN20N i | PO10F | L 9/11 hy SGS-THOMSON MICROELECTRONICSVN20N DIM. mm inch MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN. TYP. MAX. A 48 0.189 Cc 1.37 0,054 DB 24 2.8 0.094 0.110 D1 1.2 1.35 0.047 0.053 E 0.35 0.55 0.014 0.022 F 0.8 1.05 0.031 0.041 Fi 1 1.4 0.039 0.055 G 3.2 3.4 3.6 0.126 0.134 0.142 Gl 6.6 6.8 7 0.260 0.268 0.276 H2 10.4 0.409 H3 10.05 10.4 0.396 0.403 L2 23.05 23.4 23.8 0.907 0.921 0.937 L3 25.3 25.65 26.1 0.996 1.010 1.028 LS 2.6 3 0.102 0.118 L 15.1 15.8 0.594 0.622 L7 6 6.6 0.236 0.260 Dia 3.65 3.85 0.144 0.152 P010D 10/11 ky MICROELEGTRORVN20N Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes noresponsability for the consequences of use of such information nor tor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject ta change without notica. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products arenot authorized for use as critical componentsin life support devices or systems without exprass written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectonics. 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hang Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A 11/11 i SGS-THOMSON SJ7 imcroeuectnonies