TOSHIBA TA8412P/F TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8412P, TA8412F 3-PHASE BI-DIRECTIONAL HALL MOTOR CONTROL IC FEATURES TA8412P @ FG is not required. (System for obtaining rotation signal through position sensing) @ Start/stop, CW/CCW and brake function is provided. @ Gain of position sensing circuit is high, and hysteresis is provided. DIP20-P-300-2.54A @ Rotation signal output is provided. TA8412F (Frequency signal of three times the position sensing output (hall element output) can be obtained.) @ External transistor type. Weight DIP20-P-300-2.54A : 2.2 SSOP24-P-300-1.00 : 0.3 9809 10EBA1 @ TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. @ The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws. @ The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. @ The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 1998-12-24 1/10TOSHIBA BLOCK DIAGRAM TA8412P/F 1413 13/14) ( 719 )(20/24 FG OUT ND2 GND1 |V $0u s s [cc UPPER SIDE DRIVE LOGIC Le 5/6 Lb* ROTATION 3/3 CONTROL La* 1/1 POSITION SENSING CIRCUIT La 2/2 Lb~ als Leo 6/7 START |CW/ LOWER stop |ccw | BRAKE SIDE +! Ha J- 4] Hb |- +] He |- 19/23) (18/22) (17/21) (16/20) (15/18) (14/17 ) er) (or) ao s 4 > TA8412P /TA8412F 1998-12-24 2/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F PIN FUNCTION oa Ne SYMBOL FUNCTION DESCRIPTION 1 1 La* a-phase upper drive output terminal. 2 2 La- a-phase lower drive output terminal. 3 3 Lb+ b-phase upper drive output terminal. 4 5 Lb- b-phase lower drive output terminal. 5 6 Let c-phase upper drive output terminal. 6 7 Leo c-phase lower drive output terminal. 7 9 GND1 GND1 terminal. 8 10 START/STOP | Start/Stop control terminal. 9 11 cw /CcCcWw Forward /reverse rotation control terminal. 10 12 BRAKE Brake terminal. 11 13 FG OUT FG signal output terminal. 12 N.C. No connection. 13 14 GND2 GND2 terminal. 14 17 Hc7 c-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal. 15 18 Hct c-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal. 16 20 Hb- b-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal. 17 21 Hb* b-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal. 18 22 Ha a-phase Hall Amp. negative input terminal. 19 23 Ha* a-phase Hall Amp. positive input terminal. 20 24 Vec Power supply input terminal. F type : Pin@, , , &, @ No connection. 1998-12-24 3/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F TIMING CHART Forward rotation (Position sensing signal advances Ha-Hb->Hc.) START /STOP H Ha* a | a a ~ cw/cew L" wt _ BRAKE H a | - le ZZ KL La* | Le LiA LL. Z Let MMMMA WL Reverse rotation (Position sensing signal advances HaHcHb.) START /STOP H Hat _ a | a | LF} LL CW/CCW H" Hb* a | CC BRAKE H at DO | La ZZ (A MLA Lb ZB WMA LW KZ. We Le Wt WLLL ic Z Wi MM 1998-12-24 4/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F (1) Control input circuit cw / CCW BRAKE CONTROL CONTROL TO Vcc S x Q7 Q4 Q5 TO BIAS CONTROL CURCUIT _# Q2 10kQ 26kQ 43kQ, Rq 26kQ 26kQ Ri 26kQ R3 D1 D2 D3 a (210) 9/11 10/12 START cw BRAKE STOP 7COW START/STOP and CW/CCW inputs are High Active and BRAKE input is Low Active typ. D1~D3 are input protect diodes. Input current of START/STOP and CW/ CCW are calculated by following equations. Vec VINC - VBEQ3 VBEQ4 - VBEQ5 Vcc - VINc - 2.1 INC = = (Pin Gr) Ra 26 x 103 (A) INR= Vcc VINR ~ VBEQ6 VBEQ7 ~ VBEQ8 Vec ~ VINR = 2.1 Re = 26 x 103 (A) (Pin 0) And also input current of BRAKE (Pin (1) is calculated by following equation. VINB VBEQ2 - VBEQ3 . VINB - 1-4 IN B = = ; (A) ein ) R2 26 x 10? 1998-12-24 5/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F (2) FG output circuit ) Ri4 | tor] a | Ry2 a { 7S Q13 13/14 FG signal is generated by the using 3 phase hall signals. FG output transistors of Q12 and Q13 work push-pull. Specified output voltage generates if load resistor connect to FG output to Vcc. R15 START /STOP H CW/CCW L BRAKE H HALL ELEMENT OUTPUT SIGNAL FG SIGNAL 1998-12-24 6/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F mAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL RATING UNIT Power Supply Voltage Vec 18 V Output Current lo + 100 mA Position Sensing Circuit Input Vv 4 Vo- Voltage (T; = 25C) H oo mYe-e 1.2 Power Dissipation Pp (Note) 7G Ww Operating Temperature Topr -30~75 C Storage Temperature Tstg -55~150 C (Note) No heat sink ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Unless otherwise specified, Vcc = 5V, Ta = 25C) TEST CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL | CIR- | TEST CONDITION MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT CUIT Operation Power Supply Voltage Vc (opr) 4.0 18 Vv | Stop state 4 Power Supply Current cc! P mA Icec2 Output open 4 VSAT (U-1) lo = 10mA _ 1.5 _ Saturation VSAT (U-2) lo = 100 mA 2.0 V Voltage VSAT (L-1) lo = 10mA 0.4 VSAT (L-2) lo = 100 mA _ 0.5 1.0 | 100 Leak Current LU) of _ jy gy uA IL (L) 100 Position CMRy 2.0 |Vcc - 0.5) V Sensing VH - Hys 2 7 15 mV START VIN R(H) | Vcc - 0.9) Vcc Vv Input VIN R(L) | _ _ 1.0 (Low Act) INR |Vinrg = 1.0V 70 | 200 uA cw /CcCW VIN C(H) Vee 90.9) Vcc V Input VIN C(L) | _ _ 1.0 (Low Act) INC VINC = 1.0V 70 200 LA BRAKE VIN B (H) 4.0 Vcc Vv Input VIN B(L) | _ _ 1.0 (High Act) lIINB VINB =4V 100 250 LA FG VFGH | _ lig = 1.0mA Vec - 1.0} Vv Output VFGL 0.5 1998-12-24 7/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F APPLICATION CIRCUIT Veco =5V (12}O vy = 10~60V 10. 4F ? MP6901 [6 TA8412P /F RB 5/6 9 START /STOP 80V, 4A RB 3/3 9 RB 1A (8) 1 11 19/23) [18/22] (17/21) (16/20) (15/18) (14/17 THS103A x 3 PD - Ta @ NO HEAT SINK (TYPE P) = NO HEAT SINK ~ (TYPE F) a a Zz = a ww a a uu s a 0 40 80 120 160 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta (C) 1998-12-24 8/10TOSHIBA TA8412P/F OUTLINE DRAWING DIP20-P-300-2.54A 20 11 Cl fi fF 1 fF 1 fF 1 Pt Co } Pe) tO ro | Nw y o 7 CI LY Ca a ot Cr CT SCJ 10 25.1MAX 24.640.2 0.95+0.1 Ny Qe S, | 7 & = . = x afd o o 0.87TYP 1.40.1 0.5+0.1 10.25 =] iy i Weight : 2.259 (Typ.) 1998-12-24 9/10TOSHIBA OUTLINE DRAWING SSOP24-P-300-1.00 24 13 HHHHHHHHHARAH ft be - 6.040.2 7.940.3 O 1.OTYP | + _ 13,.5MAX 13.020.2 1.840.2 2.2MAX 0.13:5 Weight : 0.32 g (Typ.) Pe ee 1 12 TA8412P/F Unit : mm = oO oO 2 te] =O 2? ald S h , It > 0.52540.2 1998-12-24 10/10