1. CDB4340/41 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ...............................................................3
2. CS4340/41 DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTER .........................................3
3. CS8414 DIGITAL AUDIO RECEIVER ............................................................3
4. CS8414 DATA FORMAT ....................... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..... 3
5. ANALOG OUTPUT FILTER ......................... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..... 4
6. INPUT/OUTPUT FOR CLOCKS AND DATA ................................................. 4
7. POWER SUPPLY CIRCUITRY ....................................................................... 4
8. GROUNDING AND POWER SUPPLY DECOUPLING ..................................4
9. CDB4341 CONTROL PORT SOFTWARE .....................................................4
Figure 1. System Block Diagram and Signal Flow .............................................. 8
Figure 2. CS4340/41 ...........................................................................................9
Figure 3. Analog Output Passive Filter ..............................................................10
Figure 4. External Mute Circuit ..........................................................................11
Figure 5. CS8414 Digital Audio Receiver Connections .....................................12
Figure 6. Digital Audio Inputs ............................................................................13
Figure 7. MCLK Divider and Voltage Level Converter ......................................14
Figure 8. Control Port Interface .........................................................................15
Figure 9. Reset Circuitry ....................................................................................16
Figure 10. Power Supply ...................................................................................17
Figure 11. I/O for Clocks and Data ....................................................................18
Figure 12. Silkscreen Top .................................................................................19
Figure 13. Top Side ...........................................................................................20
Figure 14. Bottom Side ......................................................................................21
Table 1. CS8414 Supported Formats....................................................................3
Table 2. System Connections ...............................................................................5
Table 3. CDB4340 Jumper Selectable Options.....................................................5
Table 4. CDB4341 (I2C Mode) Jumper Selectable Options..................................6
Table 5. CDB4341 (SPI Mode) Jumper Selectable Options .................................7
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