3.0 Quick Start 4.1 Input (signal conditioning) circuitry
Refer to Figure 1 for locations of test points and major
components. For Stand-Alone operation:The input signal to be digitized should be applied to BNC
connector J2. This 50 Ohm input is intended to accept a
low-noise sine wave signal centered at ground with
amplitude up to 1V peak-to-peak. To accurately evaluate the
ADC12181 dynamic performance, the input test signal will
have to be passed through a high-quality bandpass filter
with better than 12-bit equivalent noise and distortion
1. Install a 5, 10 or 20 MHz crystal into socket Y1,
depending upon the particular ADC on the board.
While the oscillator may be soldered to the board,
using a socket will allow you to easily change clock
2. Connect pin C12 of J7 to GND to enable the ADC
output buffers. The input amplifier, U1 (an LM6181 or a CLC409,
depending upon the ADC used), provides a gain of
approximately +1.35 f or the AD C12081 and the AD C12181
circuits and about +1.95 for the ADC12281 circuit. The
output of the amplifier is applied to the ADC and can be
monitored at test point TP1. The d.c. level of the amplifier
output is c ontrolled by V R2. The analog input s ignal applied
to the ADC should be checked (at TP1) and adjusted to
ensure that it remains between GND and the reference
voltage applied to the ADC12181.
3. Connec t a c lean power supply to +Vin, -V in and G ND
at connector J5. Adjust power supplies +Vin and -Vin
to +5.5V and -5.5V, res pectively, bef ore connecting to
t he b oard . Wh en p ower i s app li ed t o t he boar d , adj u s t
the p ower s up plies s o that +5 V appear s at ei ther end
of L4 and -5V appear s at pin 4 of op-amp U1 (LM6181
or CLC409, depending upon the ADC used).
4. Use VR1 to set the ref erence voltage (VREF) for the
ADC to 2.0V. VREF can be measured at TP2. No scope or other test equipment should be connected to
TP1 to TP5 while gathering data or the results could be
worse than expected.
5. To use the crystal oscillator located at Y1 to clock the
ADC, connect the jumper at J6 to pins 2 and 3. The
ADC clock signal may be monitored at TP5.
4.2 ADC reference circuitry
6. Connect a signal of 1VP-P amplitude from a 50-Ohm
sourc e to Analog I nput BN C J2. The ADC input s ignal
can be observed at TP1. An adjustable reference circuit based on the LM4041-ADJ
i s p rovi d ed. Wh en us i ng th e r es i s tor val ues s h own in F ig . 1
the r ef erence circ uit will gener ate a referenc e voltage in the
range of approximately 1.2 to 2.4 volts. The ADC12181 is
s pecifi ed t o operate w i th VREF in the range of 1.8 to 2.2 V,
with a nominal value of 2.0V.
7. Adjus t the input signal amplitude (at the s ource or wit h
VR2) and the DC offset using VR2 as needed to
ens ur e that the s ignal at T P1 remains within the val id
signal range of 0V to VREF.
8. Push switch S1 to calibrate the ADC. The reference voltage for the ADC12181 can be monitored
at test point TP2 and is set with VR1.
9. The digitized signa l is a va ilable at pin B16 through B21
and C16 through C21 of J7.
4.3 ADC clock circuit
For Computer mode operation:
1. Connect the evaluation board to the Digital Interface
Board. See the Digital Interface Board Manual for
operation of that board.
T he clock signal applied to the ADC is s elec ted with jumper
JP6. A standard 5, 10 or 20 MHz crystal oscillator can be
inst alled at Y1 and selec ted with jumper J6 pins 2- 3. T o use
a diff erent c lock s ource, connec t the signal to pin B23 of J 7
and selec t pins 1-2 of jumper J6. T he ADC c lock s ignal can
be monitored at test point TP5. R10 and C8 are used for
high frequency termination of the clock line. In the Co mputer
mode of operation using the Digital Interface Board, JP6
should be set to connect pins 1 and 2 together to use the
clock from the Digital Interface Board used.
2. Perform steps 3 through 4 of the Stand-Alone
operating quick start, above.
3. Connect the jumper at J6 to pins 1 and 2. The ADC
clock s ignal may be monitored at T P5 af ter application
of power.
4. Perform steps 6 through 8 of the Stand-Alone
operating quick start, above.
4.4 ADC control signals
5. S ee t he Dig ital In terf ace Board M an ual for i nstructi ons
for gathering data. T he input and output c ontrol s ignals are at JP1. T he status
signals Ready and Over-Range are av ailable at pins 1 and 2
respectively. The active high Calibration command is
activated by pushing switch S1 and is available at JP1 pin 3.
The ADC12181 should be calibrated after power is applied
to the board. The active high Power-Down command is
4.0 Functional Description
The ADC12181 Evaluation Board schematic is shown in
Figure 2.
6 http://www.national.com