MIC2127A 75V, Synchronous Buck Controller Featuring Adaptive On-Time Control Features General Description * Hyper Speed Control(R) Architecture Enables: - High Input to Output Voltage Conversion Ratio Capability - Any CapacitorTM Stable - Ultra-Fast Load Transient Response * Wide 4.5V-75V Input Voltage Range * Adjustable Output Voltage from 0.6V to 30V * 270 kHz-800 kHz Programmable Switching Frequency * Built-In 5V Regulator for Single-Supply Operation * Auxiliary Bootstrap LDO for Improving System Efficiency * Internal Bootstrap Diode * Selectable Light Load Operating Mode * Enable Input and Power Good Output * Programmable Current Limit * Hiccup Mode Short-Circuit Protection * Soft Start, Internal Compensation and Thermal Shutdown * Supports Safe Start-Up into a Prebiased Output The MIC2127A device is a constant-frequency synchronous buck controller featuring a unique adaptive on-time control architecture. The MIC2127A device operates over an input voltage range from 4.5V-75V. The output voltage is adjustable down to 0.6V with an accuracy of 1%. The device operates with programmable switching frequency from 270 kHz-800 kHz. The MIC2127A device features a MODE pin that allows the user to select either Continuous Conduction mode or Hyper Light Load (HLL) mode under light loads. An auxiliary bootstrap LDO improves the system efficiency by supplying the MIC2127A internal circuit bias power and gate drivers from the output of the converter. A logic level enable (EN) signal can be used to enable or disable the controller. MIC2127A can start-up monotonically into a prebiased output. The MIC2127A device features an open drain power good signal (PG) that signals when the output is in regulation and can be used for simple power supply sequencing. MIC2127A offers a full suite of protection features to ensure protection of the IC during Fault conditions. These include undervoltage lockout to ensure proper operation under power-sag conditions, "hiccup" mode short-circuit protection, internal soft start of 5 ms to reduce inrush current during start-up and thermal shutdown. The MIC2127A device is available in a 16-pin 3 mm x 3 mm VQFN package, with an operating junction temperature range from -40C to +125C. Applications * * * * Networking/Telecom Equipment Base Station, Servers Distributed Power Systems Industrial Power Supplies 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 1 MIC2127A Typical Application VIN PVDD 4.7 F VIN * 4.5V to 75V 0.1 F Q1 2.2 FX3 DH 10 BST VDD L1 10 H 0.1 F 4.7 F VOUT 5V@5A SW MIC2127A ILIM + C1 330 F 1.3 k 47 F 0.1 F PG Q2 DL VIN 7.5 k EN 4.7 nF 36 k VDD MODE FB 1 k 100 k EXTVDD FREQ VIN 60 k AGND PGND VOUT 1 F Q1,Q3: SiR878ADP L1: SRP1265A-100M, Bourns C1: 10SVP330M *Output voltage follows input voltage when the input is below the target output voltage DS20005676D-page 2 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Package Type FB AGND VDD VIN MIC2127A 3 x 3 VQFN* (Top View) 16 15 14 13 PG 1 12 MODE ILIM 2 11 FREQ EP SW 3 10 EN BST 4 PGND 7 8 PVDD 6 DL 5 DH 9 EXTVDD * Includes Exposed Thermal Pad (EP); see Table 3-1. Functional Block Diagram VDD EXTVDD PVDD EN VIN 15 9 8 10 16 LINEAR REGULATOR UVLO LINEAR REGULATOR THERMAL SHUTDOWN MODE 12 FREQ 11 Control Logic TON ESTIMATION Zero Crossing Detection (ZCD) and Negative Current Limit 4 BST 5 DH 3 SW 7 DL 2 ILIM 6 PGND COMPENSATION PVDD FB 13 gm Soft Start PG CURRENT LIMIT DETECTION VREF 0.6V 100 A 1 0.9 VREF FB 14 AGND 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 3 MIC2127A 1.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Absolute Maximum Ratings VIN, FREQ, ILIM, SW to PGND .................................................................................................................... -0.3V to +76V VSW to PGND (Transient < 50 ns) ............................................................................................................................... -5V VDD, PVDD, FB, PG, MODE to AGND ........................................................................................................... -0.3V to +6V EXTVDD to AGND ...................................................................................................................................... -0.3V to +16V BST to SW................................................................................................................................................... -0.3V to +6V BST to AGND ............................................................................................................................................. -0.3V to +82V EN to AGND ..................................................................................................................................... -0.3V to (VIN +0.3V) DH, DL to AGND .............................................................................................................................. -0.3V to (VDD +0.3V) PGND to AGND ........................................................................................................................................... -0.3V to +0.3V Junction Temperature........................................................................................................................................... +150C Storage Temperature (TS) ..................................................................................................................... -65C to +150C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) ........................................................................................................................ 260C ESD Rating(1) ......................................................................................................................................................... 1000V Notice: Stresses above those listed under "Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not intended. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Note 1: Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precautions recommended. Human body model, 1.5 k in series with 100 pF. Operating Ratings(1) Supply Voltage (VIN)...................................................................................................................................... 4.5V to 75V SW, FREQ, ILIM, EN .......................................................................................................................................... 0V to VIN EXTVDD........................................................................................................................................................ 0V to 13.2V Junction Temperature (TJ)..................................................................................................................... -40C to +125C Package Thermal Resistance (3 mm x 3 mm VQFN 16LD) Junction to Ambient (JA) .................................................................................................................................. 50.8C/W Junction to Case (JC)....................................................................................................................................... 25.3C/W Note 1: The device is not ensured to function outside the operating range. DS20005676D-page 4 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) Electrical Specifications: unless otherwise specified, VIN = 12V, VOUT = 1.2V; VBST - VSW = 5V, TA = +25C. Boldface values indicate -40C TJ +125C (Note 2). Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions VVIN 4.5 -- 5.5 V PVDD and VDD shorted to VIN (VPVDD = VVIN = VVDD) Power Supply Input Input Voltage Range Quiescent Supply Current Shutdown Supply Current IQ IVIN(SHDN) 5.5 -- 75 -- 1.4 1.8 mA VFB = 1.5V, MODE = VDD, no switching -- -- 300 600 A VFB = 1.5V, MODE = AGND, no switching -- 0.1 5 A EN = Low -- 30 60 A EN = Low, VIN = VDD = 5.5V 5.1 5.4 V VVIN = 7V to 75V, IPVDD = 10 mA PVDD,VDD and EXTVDD PVDD Output Voltage VPVDD 4.8 VDD UVLO Threshold VVDD_UVLO_Rise 3.7 4.2 4.5 V VDD rising VDD UVLO Hysteresis VVDD_UVLO_Hys -- 600 -- mV VDD falling EXTVDD Bypass Threshold VEXTVDD_Rise 4.4 4.6 4.85 V EXTVDD Bypass Hysteresis VEXTVDD_Hys -- 200 -- mV -- -- -- 250 -- mV VEXTVDD = 5V, IPVDD = 25 mA VREF 0.597 0.6 0.603 V TJ = 25C 0.594 0.6 0.606 V -40C TJ 125C IFB -- 50 500 nA VFB = 0.6V VEN_H 1.6 -- -- V -- EXTVDD Dropout Voltage EXTVDD rising Reference Feedback Reference Voltage FB Bias Current (Note 3) Enable Control EN Logic Level High EN Logic Level Low EN Hysteresis EN Bias Current VEN_L -- -- 0.6 V -- VEN_Hys -- 100 -- mV -- IEN -- 6 30 A VEN = 12V kHz VFREQ = VVIN, VVIN = 12V ON Timer Switching Frequency f0 Maximum Duty Cycle Minimum Duty Cycle -- 800 -- 230 270 300 DMAX -- 85 -- % VFREQ = VVIN = 12V DMIN -- 0 -- % VFB > 0.6V VFREQ = 33% of VVIN, VVIN = 12V Minimum ON Time tON(MIN) -- 80 -- ns -- Minimum OFF Time tOFF(MIN) 150 230 350 ns -- MODE Logic High Level VMODE_H 1.6 -- -- V -- MODE Logic Low Level VMODE_L -- -- 0.6 V -- VMODE_Hys -- 70 -- mV -- MODE MODE Hysteresis Note 1: 2: 3: Specification for packaged product only. The application is fully functional at low VDD (supply of the control section) if the external MOSFETs have low voltage VTH. Design specification. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 5 MIC2127A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1) Electrical Specifications: unless otherwise specified, VIN = 12V, VOUT = 1.2V; VBST - VSW = 5V, TA = +25C. Boldface values indicate -40C TJ +125C (Note 2). Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions VOFFSET -15 0 15 mV VFB = 0.59V ILIM Source Current ICL 85 100 115 A VFB = 0.59V ILIM Source Current Tempco -- -- 0.3 -- A/C -- Negative Current Limit Comparator Threshold -- -- 48 -- mV -- -- -24 -8 10 mV -- DH On-Resistance, High State RDH(PULL-UP) -- 2 3 -- DH On-Resistance, Low State RDH(PULL_DOWN) -- 2 4 -- DL On-Resistance, High State RDL(PULL-UP) -- 2 4 -- DL On-Resistance, Low State RDL(PULL_DOWN) SW, VIN, and BST Leakage -- 0.36 0.8 -- BST Leakage -- -- -- 30 A -- VIN Leakage -- -- -- 50 A -- SW Leakage -- -- -- 50 A -- PG Threshold Voltage VPG_Rise 85 -- 95 %VOUT VFB rising PG Hysteresis VPG_Hys -- 6 -- %VOUT VFB falling PG Delay Time PG_R_DLY -- 150 -- s VFB rising PG Low Voltage VOL_PG -- 140 200 mV VFB < 90% x VNOM, IPG = 1 mA Overtemperature Shutdown TSHDN -- 150 -- C Junction temperature rising Overtemperature Shutdown Hysteresis TSHDN_Hys -- 15 -- C -- Current Limit Current Limit Comparator Offset Zero Crossing Detection Comparator Zero Crossing Detection Comparator Threshold FET Drivers Power Good (PG) Thermal Protection Note 1: 2: 3: Specification for packaged product only. The application is fully functional at low VDD (supply of the control section) if the external MOSFETs have low voltage VTH. Design specification. DS20005676D-page 6 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A TEMPERATURE SPECIFICATIONS Electrical Specifications: unless otherwise specified, VIN = 12V, VOUT = 1.2V; VBST - VSW = 5V, TA = +25C. Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Storage Temperature TS -65 -- +150 C -- Junction Temperature TJ -40 -- +150 C -- Junction to Ambient JA -- 50.8 -- C/W -- Junction to Case JC -- 25.3 -- C/W -- Temperature Ranges Package Thermal Resistances Thermal Resistance, 16 Lead, 3 x 3 mm VQFN 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 7 MIC2127A 2.0 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC CURVES Note: The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein are not tested or guaranteed. In some graphs or tables, the data presented may be outside the specified operating range (e.g., outside specified power supply range) and therefore outside the warranted range. Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). 1.8 VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A FSW = 300 kHz VEN = VVIN 20 Input Supply Current (mA) Input Supply Current (mA) 25 15 10 5 6 1.2 1 VEXTVDD = VOUT 0.8 0.6 VVIN = 48V IOUT = 0A FSW = 300 kHz VEN = VIN HLL Mode 0.4 0.2 -50 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 Input Voltage (V) FIGURE 2-1: Input Voltage. Input Supply Current vs. 30 600 25 500 EXTVDD = GND 20 15 VEXTVDD = VOUT 10 VVIN = 48V IOUT = 0A FSW = 300 kHz 5 -25 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 100 FIGURE 2-4: Input Supply Current vs. Temperature (HLL Mode). Input Current (A) Input Supply Current (mA) EXTVDD = GND 1.4 0 0 VVIN = 48V, with resistor divider between VIN and AGND at FREQ pin (100 k and 60 k) EN = GND 400 300 200 100 0 0 -50 -25 FIGURE 2-2: Temperature. 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 6 100 Input Supply Current vs. 0.4 0.3 VOUT =5V IOUT =0A FSW =300 kHz VEN =VVIN HLL Mode 0.2 0.1 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 Input Voltage (V) FIGURE 2-3: Input Supply Current vs. Input Voltage (HLL Mode). DS20005676D-page 8 Input Current (A) 0.6 0.5 18 FIGURE 2-5: Input Voltage. 0.7 Input Supply Current (mA) 1.6 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 30 42 Input Voltage (V) 54 66 78 Input Shutdown Current vs. VVIN = 48V, with resistor divider between VIN and AGND at FREQ pin (100 k and 60 k) EN = GND -50 FIGURE 2-6: Temperature. -25 0 25 Temperature (C) 50 75 100 Input Shutdown Current vs. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). 4.5 5.4 IPVDD = 10 mA VEN = VVIN EXTVDD = GND VDD Voltage (V) 5.2 5.1 5 3.9 3.7 VDD falling 3.5 3.3 4.8 3.1 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 Input Voltage (V) FIGURE 2-7: VVDD rising 4.1 4.9 6 IVDD = 0 mA EXTVDD = GND -50 -25 0 25 50 Temperature (C) FIGURE 2-10: Temperature. PVDD Line Regulation. 75 100 125 VDD UVLO Threshold vs. 4.8 5.4 PVDD Voltage (V) 4.3 VVIN = 48V IPVDD = 10 mA VEN = VVIN 5.3 EXTVDD Voltage (V) PVDD Voltage (V) 5.3 5.2 VEXTVDD = 12V 5.1 5 EXTVDD = GND 4.9 4.7 VEXTVDD rising 4.6 4.5 4.4 VEXTVDD falling 4.3 VEXTVDD = 5V 4.8 4.2 -50 -25 FIGURE 2-8: Temperature. 0 25 Temperature (C) 50 75 100 PVDD Voltage vs. -50 0 25 50 Temperature (C) FIGURE 2-11: Temperature. 5.2 75 100 125 EXTVDD Threshold vs. 1.6 5 VEXTVDD = 12V EXTVDD = GND 4.8 Enable Voltage (V) PVDD Voltage (V) -25 4.6 VEXTVDD = 5V 4.4 4.2 VVIN = 48V VEN = VVIN 4 0 10 20 30 40 50 IPVDD (mA) FIGURE 2-9: PVDD Load Regulation. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. 60 1.4 1.2 VEN rising 1.0 VEN falling 0.8 0.6 -50 -25 FIGURE 2-12: Temperature. 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 100 125 Enable Threshold vs. DS20005676D-page 9 MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). 140 5.6 EN Current (A) ILIM Source Current (A) VVIN = 12V VEN = 5V 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 100 110 100 90 80 70 125 -50 -25 FIGURE 2-16: Temperature. Enable Bias Current vs. 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 100 125 ILIM Source Current vs. 1.4 IOUT = 5A IOUT = 0A VOUT = 5V FSW_SETPONIT = 300 kHz VEXTVDD = VOUT VEN = VVIN 6 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -50 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 Input Voltage (V) FIGURE 2-14: Input Voltage. Switching Frequency vs. -25 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 100 125 FIGURE 2-17: Current Limit Comparator Offset vs Temperature. 606.0 310 TA = 25C 305 Feedback Voltage (mV) Switching Frequency (kHz) 120 Current Limit Comparator Offset Voltgae (mV) Switching frequency (kHz) FIGURE 2-13: Temperature. 75 130 TA = -40C 300 TA = 85C 295 290 285 280 VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V FSW_SETPONIT = 300 kHz VEXTVDD = VOUT VEN = VVIN 275 270 265 604.0 602.0 600.0 598.0 596.0 594.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) FIGURE 2-15: Load Current. DS20005676D-page 10 3.5 4 4.5 Switching Frequency vs. 5 -50 -25 FIGURE 2-18: Temperature. 0 25 50 Temperature (C) 75 100 125 Feedback Voltage vs. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Efficiency Efficiency Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VOUT=1.0V V OUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.2V V OUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.5V V OUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.8V V OUT = 1.8V VOUT=2.5V V OUT = 2.5V V VOUT=3.3V OUT = 3.3V VOUT=5V V OUT = 5V 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Efficiency Efficiency VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=5V VOUT = 5V 0.5 1 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 Efficiency Efficiency VOUT=1.0V V OUT = 1.0V V VOUT=1.2V OUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.5V V OUT = 1.5V V VOUT=1.8V OUT = 1.8V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT=3.3V V OUT = 3.3V V VOUT=5V OUT = 5V 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 FIGURE 2-21: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 36V, CCM Mode). 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. 4 4.5 5 VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.5V V VOUT=1.2V OUT = 1.2V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=1.8V 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIGURE 2-23: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 60V, CCM Mode). FIGURE 2-20: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 24V, CCM Mode). 0 3.5 VOUT=5V VOUT = 5V Output Current (A) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Current (A) FIGURE 2-22: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 48V, CCM Mode). VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=3.3V VOUT=5V VOUT = 5V 0 VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V 0 5 FIGURE 2-19: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 12V, CCM Mode). 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 5 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.2V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 5V VOUT=5V 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Output Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIGURE 2-24: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 75V, CCM Mode). DS20005676D-page 11 MIC2127A 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 90% 80% 70% VOUT=5.0V VOUT = 5V Efficiency Efficiency Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=1.8V 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 40% 30% V VOUT=1.2V OUT = 1.2V 20% VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V 10% 4 4.5 80% 70% 70% Efficiency 90% 80% VOUT=5.0V VOUT = 5V VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.2V 30% 20% 10% 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 5 VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V 40% VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V 30% VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=1.8V 20% VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V 5 VOUT=1.2V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.0V VOUT = 1.0V 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIGURE 2-29: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 60V, HLL Mode). FIGURE 2-26: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 24V, HLL Mode). 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 4.5 VOUT = 5V VOUT=5.0V 50% 0% 0 4 60% 10% VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.0V 0% VOUT=1.0V V OUT = 1.0V FIGURE 2-28: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 48V, HLL Mode). 100% 40% V VOUT=1.2V_D4 OUT = 1.2V 0 90% 50% V VOUT=1.8V OUT = 1.8V V VOUT=1.5V_D4 OUT = 1.5V 0% 5 100% 60% VOUT=5V_D4 V OUT = 5V VOUT=3.3V_D4 V OUT = 3.3V V VOUT=2.5V_D4 OUT = 2.5V 50% VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V FIGURE 2-25: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 12V, HLL Mode). Efficiency 60% 100% 90% 80% Efficiency Efficiency 70% VOUT=5.0V VOUT = 5V VOUT=3.3V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.2V 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 FIGURE 2-27: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 36V, HLL Mode). DS20005676D-page 12 50% 40% 30% VOUT=5.0V VOUT = 5V VOUT = 3.3V VOUT=3.3V 20% VOUT=2.5V VOUT = 2.5V VOUT=1.8V VOUT = 1.8V VOUT = 1.5V VOUT=1.5V VOUT = 1.2V VOUT=1.2V 10% VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.0V 0 60% 5 VOUT = 1.0V VOUT=1.0V 0% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Load Current (A) 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIGURE 2-30: Efficiency vs. Output Current (Input Voltage = 75V, HLL Mode). 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VVIN 20V/div VVIN 20V/div VSW 20V/div VVIN = 0V to 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VOUT 2V/div IL 5A/div FIGURE 2-31: IL 2A/div 10 ms/div 10 ms/div FIGURE 2-34: Power-Up at Light Load in HLL Mode (IOUT = 0.1A). Power-Up. VVIN = 48V to 0V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VEN 2V/div VSW 20V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div IL 5A/div IL 5A/div VPG 5V/div 10 ms/div Power-Down. FIGURE 2-35: VVIN 20V/div 4 ms/div Enable Turn-On/Turn-Off. VEN 2V/div VSW 20V/div VVIN = 0V to 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0.1A VOUT 2V/div IL 2A/div VVIN = 0V to 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0.1A VOUT 2V/div VVIN 20V/div FIGURE 2-32: VSW 20V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VOUT 2V/div IL 5A/div 10 ms/div FIGURE 2-33: Power-Up at Light Load in CCM Mode (IOUT = 0.1A). 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. VPG 5V/div FIGURE 2-36: 2 ms/div Enable Turn-On Delay. DS20005676D-page 13 MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VEN 2V/div VEN 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div IL 5A/div VSW 50V/div VPG 5V/div IL 2A/div 2 ms/div FIGURE 2-37: Enable Turn-Off Delay. VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0.2A VEN 2V/div 4 ms/div FIGURE 2-40: Enable Turn-On with Prebiased Output (CCM Mode). VEN 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VOUT_PREBIAS = 2.5V VSW 50V/div IL 2A/div VPG 5V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VOUT_PREBIAS = 2.5V IL 2A/div 10 ms/div FIGURE 2-38: Enable Turn-On/Turn-Off at Light Load in CCM Mode. 4 ms/div FIGURE 2-41: Enable Turn-On with Prebiased Output (HLL Mode). VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0.2A VEN 2V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VEN 1V/div VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div IL 2A/div VPG 5V/div VSW 50V/div FIGURE 2-39: Enable Turn-On/Turn-Off at Light Load in HLL Mode. DS20005676D-page 14 4 ms/div 10 ms/div FIGURE 2-42: Enable Thresholds. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VVIN = Rising VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VVDD 1V/div VVIN = 0V to 48V VOUT = 5V Load = Short RILIM = 1.3 k VVIN 20V/div VOUT 500 mV/div VOUT 2V/div VSW 5V/div FIGURE 2-43: Rising. IL 5A/div 4 ms/div 10 ms/div VDD UVLO Threshold- VVDD 1V/div VVIN = Falling VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A FIGURE 2-46: Power-Up into Output Short. VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V RILIM = 1.3 k VOUT 2V/div VOUT 2V/div VSW 5V/div IOUT 5A/div 2 ms/div 100 ms/div FIGURE 2-44: Falling. VDD UVLO Threshold- VEN 2V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V Load = Short RILIM = 1.3 k FIGURE 2-47: Threshold. Output Current Limit VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V Load = Short RILIM = 1.3 k VOUT 2V/div VOUT 500 mV/div IL 5A/div IL 5A/div 2 ms/div 4 ms/div FIGURE 2-45: Enable into Output Short. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. FIGURE 2-48: Output Short Circuit. DS20005676D-page 15 MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VOUT 2V/div VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V Load = Short RILIM = 1.3 k VOUT 100 mV/div AC coupled VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A to 2.5A IL 5A/div IOUT 2A/div 4 ms/div FIGURE 2-49: Circuit. 100 s/div Recovery from Output Short VOUT 200 mV/div AC coupled VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A to 5A IOUT 2A/div FIGURE 2-52: (CCM Mode). VOUT 100 mV/div AC coupled 2 ms/div Load Transient Response VOUT 200 mV/div AC coupled VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A to 5A IOUT 2A/div FIGURE 2-53: (HLL Mode). IOUT 2A/div DS20005676D-page 16 Load Transient Response Load Transient Response VOUT 100 mV/div AC coupled 2 ms/div FIGURE 2-51: (HLL Mode). VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A to 2.5A IOUT 2A/div 100 s/div FIGURE 2-50: (CCM Mode). Load Transient Response FIGURE 2-54: (HLL Mode). VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 2.5A to 5A 100 s/div Load Transient Response 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Note: Unless otherwise indicated, VVIN = 12V, fSW = 300 kHz, RILIM = 1.3 k, L = 10 H, VEXTVDD = VOUT, TA = +25C (refer to the Typical Application circuit). VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VOUT 50 mV/div AC coupled VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 5A VOUT 50 mV/div AC coupled VSW 50V/div IL 2A/div IL 5A/div VSW 50 V/div 2 s/div 2 s/div FIGURE 2-55: Switching Waveform at No Load (CCM Mode). FIGURE 2-57: Load. Switching Waveform at Full VVIN = 48V VOUT = 5V IOUT = 0A VOUT 50 mV/div AC coupled IL 2A/div VSW 50V/div 10 s/div FIGURE 2-56: Switching Waveform at No Load (HLL Mode). 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 17 MIC2127A 3.0 PIN DESCRIPTION The descriptions of the pins are listed in Table 3-1. TABLE 3-1: PIN FUNCTION TABLE MIC2127A 3.1 Symbol Pin Function 1 PG Open-drain Power Good Output Pin 2 ILIM Current Limit Setting Resistor Connection Pin 3 SW Switch Pin and Current Sense Input for negative current limit 4 BST Bootstrap Capacitor Connection Pin 5 DH High-side N-MOSFET Gate Driver Output 6 PGND 7 DL 8 PVDD Power Ground Low-side N-MOSFET Gate Driver Output Internal Low Dropout Regulators Output of the MIC2127A 9 EXTVDD 10 EN Supply Input for the internal low voltage LDO 11 FREQ Switching Frequency Programming Input 12 MODE Light Load Mode Selection Input 13 FB Feedback Input 14 AGND Analog Ground 15 VDD 16 VIN Supply Input for the internal high-voltage LDO 17 EP Exposed Pad Enable Input Supply Input for the MIC2127A internal analog circuits Power Good Output Pin (PG) 3.5 High-Side N-MOSFET Gate Driver Output Pin (DH) Connect PG to VDD through a pull-up resistor. PG is low when the FB voltage is 10% below the 0.6V reference voltage. High-side N-MOSFET gate driver Output. Connect DH to the gate of external high-side N-MOSFET. 3.2 3.6 Current Limit Pin (ILIM) Connect a resistor from ILIM to SW to set the current limit. Refer to Section 4.3 "Current Limit (ILIM)" for more details. 3.3 Switch Pin (SW) The SW pin provides the return path for the high-side N-MOSFET gate driver when High-Side MOSFET Gate Drive (DH) is low and is also used to sense low-side MOSFET current by monitoring the SW node voltage for negative current limit function. Connect SW to the pin where the high-side MOSFET source and the low-side MOSFET drain terminal are connected together. 3.4 Bootstrap Capacitor Pin (BST) BST capacitor acts as supply for the high-side N-MOSFET driver. Connect a minimum of 0.1 F low ESR ceramic capacitor between BST and SW. Refer to Section 4.5 "High-Side MOSFET Gate Drive (DH)" for more details. DS20005676D-page 18 Power Ground Pin (PGND) PGND provides the return path for the internal low-side N-MOSFET gate driver output and also acts as reference for the current limit comparator. Connect PGND to the external low-side N-MOSFET source terminal and to the return terminal of PVDD bypass capacitor. 3.7 Low-Side N-MOSFET Gate Driver Output Pin (DL) Low-side N-MOSFET gate driver output. Connect to the gate terminal of the external low-side N-MOSFET. 3.8 Internal Low Dropout Regulators Output Pin (PVDD) Combined output of the two internal LDOs (one LDO powered by VIN and the other LDO powered by EXTVDD). PVDD is the supply for the low-side MOSFET driver and for the floating high-side MOSFET driver. Connect a minimum of 4.7 F low ESR ceramic capacitor from PVDD to PGND. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A 3.9 EXTVDD 3.13 Feedback Input Pin (FB) Supply to the internal low voltage LDO. Connect EXTVDD to the output of the buck converter if it is between 4.7V to 14V to improve system efficiency. Bypass EXTVDD with a minimum of 1 F low ESR ceramic capacitor. Refer to Section 4.7 "Auxiliary Bootstrap LDO (EXTVDD)" for more details. FB is input to the transconductance amplifier of the control loop. The control loop regulates the FB voltage to 0.6V. Connect the FB node to the mid-point of the resistor divider between output and AGND. 3.10 AGND is the reference to the analog control circuits inside the MIC2127A. Connect AGND to PGND at one point on the PCB. Enable Input Pin (EN) EN is a logic input. Connect to logic high to enable the converter, and connect to logic low to disable the converter. 3.11 Switching Frequency Programming Input Pin (FREQ) Switching Frequency Programming Input. Connect to mid-point of the resistor divider formed between VIN and AGND to set the switching frequency of the converter. Tie FREQ to VIN to set the switching frequency to 800 kHz. Refer to Section 5.1 "Setting the Switching Frequency" for more details. 3.12 Light Load Mode Selection Input Pin (MODE) Light Load Mode Selection Input. Connect MODE pin to VDD to select Continuous Conduction mode under light loads, or connect to AGND to select Hyper Light Load (HLL) mode of operation under light loads. Refer to Section 4.2 "Light Load Operating Mode (MODE)" for further details. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. 3.14 3.15 Analog Ground Pin (AGND) Bias Voltage Pin (VDD) Supply for the MIC2127A internal analog circuits. Connect VDD to PVDD of the MIC2127A through a low-pass filter. Connect a minimum of 4.7 F low ESR ceramic capacitor from VDD to AGND for decoupling. 3.16 Input Voltage Pin (VIN) Supply Input to the internal high-voltage LDO. Connect to the main power source and bypass to PGND with a minimum of 0.1 F low ESR ceramic capacitor. 3.17 Exposed Pad (EP) Connect to the AGND copper plane to improve thermal performance of the MIC2127A device. DS20005676D-page 19 MIC2127A 4.0 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The MIC2127A device is an adaptive on-time synchronous buck controller, designed to cover a wide range of input voltage applications ranging from 4.5V-5V. An adaptive on-time control scheme is employed to get a fast transient response and to obtain high-voltage conversion ratios at constant switching frequency. Overcurrent protection is implemented by sensing low-side MOSFET's RDS(ON), which eliminates lossy current sense resistor. The device features internal soft-start, enable input, UVLO, power good output (PG), secondary bootstrap LDO and thermal shutdown. 4.1 Theory of Operation The MIC2127A is an adaptive on-time synchronous buck controller that operates based on ripple at the feedback node. The output voltage is sensed by the MIC2127A feedback pin (FB) and is compared to a 0.6V reference voltage (VREF) at the low-gain transconductance error amplifier (gM), as shown in the Functional Block Diagram. Figure 4-1 shows the MIC2127A control loop timing during steady-state operation. The error amplifier behaves as the short circuit for the ripple voltage frequency on the FB pin, which causes the error amplifier output voltage ripple to follow the feedback voltage ripple. When the transconductance error amplifier output (VgM) is below the reference voltage of the comparator, which is same as the error amplifier reference (VREF), the comparator triggers and generates an on-time event. The on-time period is predetermined by the fixed tON estimator circuitry, which is given by Equation 4-1: EQUATION 4-1: The maximum duty cycle can be calculated using Equation 4-2: EQUATION 4-2: t SW - t OFF MIN 230 ns D MAX = --------------------------------------- = 1 - ---------------t SW t SW Where: tSW = Switching period, equal to 1/fSW It is not recommended to use the MIC2127A device with an OFF time close to tOFF(MIN) during steady-state operation. The adaptive on-time control scheme results in a constant switching frequency over the wide range of input voltage and load current. The actual ON time and resulting switching frequency varies with the different rising and falling times of the external MOSFETs. The minimum controllable ON time (tON(MIN)) results in a lower switching frequency than the target switching frequency in high VIN to VOUT ratio applications. Equation 4-3 shows the output-to-input voltage ratio, below which the MIC2127A device lowers the switching frequency in order to regulate the output to set value. EQUATION 4-3: V OUT ------------- t ON(MIN) f SW V IN Where: VOUT = Output voltage VIN = Input voltage fSW = Switching frequency tON(MIN) = Minimum controllable ON time (80 ns typ.) V OUT t ON ESTIMATED = -------------------------V VIN f SW Where: VOUT = Output voltage VVIN = Power stage input voltage fSW = Switching frequency At the end of the ON time, the internal high-side driver turns off the high-side MOSFET and the low-side driver turns on the low-side MOSFET. The OFF time of the high-side MOSFET depends on the feedback voltage. When the feedback voltage decreases, the output of the gM amplifier (VgM) also decreases. When the output of the gM amplifier (VgM) is below the reference voltage of the comparator (which is same as the error amplifier reference (VREF)), the OFF time ends and ON time is triggered. If the OFF time determined by the feedback voltage is less than the minimum OFF time (tOFF(MIN)) of the MIC2127A, which is about 230 ns (typical), the MIC2127A control logic applies the tOFF(MIN), instead. DS20005676D-page 20 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Full Load IL IL IL No Load VOUT VOUT VOUT = ESR*IL VOUT VFB VREF VFB VFB = VOUT *(VREF/VOUT) VFB VREF VgM VREF VFB MIC2127A Triggers ON-Time event if the error amplifier output (VgM) is below VREF VDH VREF VgM Estimated ON-Time FIGURE 4-1: Timing. MIC2127A Control Loop Figure 4-2 shows operation of the MIC2127A during load transient. The output voltage drops due to a sudden increase in load, which results in the error amplifier output (VgM) falling below VREF. This causes the comparator to trigger an on-time event. At the end of the ON time, a minimum OFF time tOFF(MIN) is generated to charge the bootstrap capacitor. The next ON time is triggered immediately after the tOFF(MIN) if the error amplifier output voltage (VgM) is still below VREF due to the low feedback voltage. This operation results in higher switching frequency during load transients. The switching frequency returns to the nominal set frequency once the output stabilizes at new load current level. The output recovery time is fast and the output voltage deviation is small in the MIC2127A converter due to the varying duty cycle and switching frequency. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. VDH toff(MIN) FIGURE 4-2: Response. MIC2127A Load Transient Unlike true current-mode control, the MIC2127A uses the output voltage ripple to trigger an on-time event. In order to meet the stability requirements, the MIC2127A feedback voltage ripple should be in phase with the inductor current ripple and large enough to be sensed by the internal error amplifier. The recommended feedback voltage ripple is approximately 20 mV100 mV over the full input voltage range. If a low-ESR output capacitor is selected, then the feedback voltage ripple may be too small to be sensed by the internal error amplifier. Also, the output voltage ripple and the feedback voltage ripple are not necessarily in phase with the inductor current ripple if the ESR of the output capacitor is very low. For these applications, ripple injection is required to ensure proper operation. Refer to Section 5.7 "Ripple Injection" for details about the ripple injection technique. DS20005676D-page 21 MIC2127A 4.2 Light Load Operating Mode (MODE) 4.3 MIC2127A features a MODE pin that allows the user to select either Continuous Conduction mode or Hyper Light Load (HLL) mode under light loads. HLL mode increases the system efficiency at light loads by reducing the switching frequency. Continuous Conduction mode keeps the switching frequency almost constant over the load current range. Figure 4-3 shows the control loop timing in HLL mode. The MIC2127A device has a zero crossing comparator (ZC Detection) that monitors the inductor current by sensing the voltage drop across the low-side MOSFET during its ON time. The zero crossing comparator triggers whenever the low-side MOSFET current goes negative and turns off the low-side MOSFET. The switching instant of the high-side MOSFET depends on the error amplifier output, which is same as the comparator inverting input (see the Functional Block Diagram). If the error amplifier output is higher than the comparator reference, then the MIC2127A enters into Sleep mode. During Sleep mode, both the high-side and low-side MOSFETs are kept off and the efficiency is optimized by shutting down all the nonessential circuits inside the MIC2127A. The load current is supplied by the output capacitor during Sleep mode. The control circuitry wakes up when the error amplifier output falls below the comparator reference and a tON pulse is triggered. Low side MOSFET current crosses 0A and the comparator inverting input, VgM, is higher than its reference. This condition triggers the HLL mode The comparator inverting input, VgM, is lower than its reference. The MIC2127A comes out of HLL mode IL Current Limit (ILIM) The MIC2127A device uses the low-side MOSFET RDS(ON) to sense inductor current. In each switching cycle of the MIC2127A converter, the inductor current is sensed by monitoring the voltage across the low-side MOSFET during the OFF period of the switching cycle, during which low-side MOSFET is ON. An internal current source of 100 A generates a voltage across the external current limit, setting resistor RCL as shown in Figure 4-4. VIN DH MIC2127A L1 SW Control Logic DL RCL PGND CURRENT LIMIT DETECTION ICL ILIM FIGURE 4-4: Circuit. MIC2127A Current Limiting The ILIM pin voltage (VILIM) is the difference of the voltage across the low-side MOSFET and the voltage across the resistor (VCL). The sensed voltage VILIM is compared with the power ground (PGND) after a blanking time of 150 ns. 0A VREF VFB VREF VgM ZCD VDH If the absolute value of the voltage drop across the low-side MOSFET is greater than the absolute value of the voltage across the current setting resistor (VCL), the MIC2127A triggers the current limit event. Consecutive eight-current limit events trigger the Hiccup mode. Once the controller enters into Hiccup mode, it initiates a soft start sequence after a hiccup timeout of 4 ms (typical). Both the high-side and low-side MOSFETs are turned off during hiccup timeout. The hiccup sequence, including the soft start, reduces the stress on the switching FETs and protects the load and supply from severe short conditions. The current limit can be programmed by using the following Equation 4-4. VDL FIGURE 4-3: MIC2127A Control Loop Timing (HLL Mode). The typical no-load supply current during HLL mode is only about 300 A, allowing the MIC2127A device to achieve high efficiency at light load operation. DS20005676D-page 22 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A EQUATION 4-4: R CL IL PP I --------------- CLIM + 2 R DS ON + V OFFSET = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I CL Where: ICLIM = Load current limit RDS (ON) = On-resistance of low-side power MOSFET ILPP = Inductor peak-to-peak ripple current VOFFSET = Current-limit comparator offset (15 mV max.) ICL = Current-limit source current (100 A typ) Since MOSFET RDS(ON) varies from 30%-40% with temperature, it is recommended to consider the RDS(ON) variation while calculating RCL in the above equation, to avoid false current limiting due to increased MOSFET junction temperature rise. Also connect the SW pin directly to the drain of the low-side MOSFET to accurately sense the MOSFETs RDS(ON). To improve the current limit variation, the MIC2127A adjusts the internal source current of the current limit (ICL) at a rate of 0.3 A/C when the MIC2127A junction temperature changes to compensate the RDS(ON) variation of external low-side MOSFET. The effectiveness of this method depends on the thermal gradient between the MIC2127A and the external low-side MOSFET. The lower the thermal gradient, the better the current limit variation. A small capacitor (CCL) can be connected from the ILIM pin to PGND to filter the switch node ringing during the OFF time, allowing a better current sensing. The time constant of RCL and CCL should be less than the minimum OFF time. 4.4 Negative Current Limit The MIC2127A device implements negative current limit by sensing the SW voltage when the low-side FET is ON. If the SW node voltage exceeds 48 mV typical, the device turns off the low-side FET for 500 ns. Negative current limit value is shown in Equation 4-5. EQUATION 4-5: 48mV I NLIM = -------------------R DS ON Where: INLIM = Negative current limit bootstrap diode between the PVDD and BST pins. This circuit supplies energy to the high-side drive circuit. A low ESR ceramic capacitor should be connected between BST and SW pins (refer to the Typical Application circuit).The capacitor between BST and SW pins, CBST, is charged while the low-side MOSFET is on. When the high-side MOSFET driver is turned on, energy from CBST is used to turn the MOSFET on. A minimum of 0.1 F low ESR ceramic capacitor is recommended between BST and SW pins. The required value of CBST can be calculated using the following Equation 4-6: EQUATION 4-6: Q G_HS C BST = --------------- V BST Where: QG_HS = High-side MOSFET total gate charge VBST = Drop across the CBST, generally 50 mV to 100 mV A small resistor in series with CBST can be used to slow down the turn-on time of the high-side N-channel MOSFET. 4.6 Low-Side MOSFET Gate Drive (DL) MIC2127A's low-side drive circuit is designed to switch an N-Channel external MOSFET. The internal low-side MOSFET driver is powered by PVDD. Connect a minimum of 4.7 F low-ESR ceramic capacitor to supply the transient gate current of the external MOSFET. 4.7 Auxiliary Bootstrap LDO (EXTVDD) MIC2127A features an auxiliary bootstrap LDO that improves the system efficiency by supplying the MIC2127A internal circuit bias power and gate drivers from the converter output voltage. This LDO is enabled when the voltage on the EXTVDD pin is above 4.6V (typical) and, at the same time, the main LDO that operates from VIN is disabled to reduce power consumption. Connect EXTVDD to the output of the buck converter if it is between 4.7V and 14V. When the EXTVDD is tied to VOUT, a voltage spike will occur at the PVDD and VDD during a fast hard short at VOUT. Larger decoupling ceramic capacitors of 10 F at PVDD and VDD are recommended for such a situation. RDS (ON) = On-resistance of low-side power MOSFET 4.5 High-Side MOSFET Gate Drive (DH) The MIC2127A's high-side drive circuit is designed to switch an N-Channel external MOSFET. The MIC2127A Functional Block Diagram shows a 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 23 MIC2127A 5.0 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION 5.2 5.1 Setting the Switching Frequency The output voltage can be adjusted using a resistor divider from output to AGND whose mid-point is connected to the FB pin, as shown the Figure 5-3. The MIC2127A device is an adjustable-frequency, synchronous buck controller, featuring a unique adaptive on-time control architecture. The switching frequency can be adjusted between 270 kHz-800 kHz by changing the resistor divider network between VIN and AGND pins consisting of R1 and R2, as shown in Figure 5-1. Output Voltage Setting MIC2127A MIC2127A VOUT R1 VIN 16 COMPENSATION VIN 4.5V to 75V FB 13 gm R1 11 FREQ SOFTSTART Comparator R2 VREF R2 0.6V 14 AGND FIGURE 5-3: FIGURE 5-1: Adjustment. Switching Frequency Equation 5-1 shows the estimated switching frequency. The output voltage Equation 5-2. VREF 800 Switching Frequency (kHz) calculated using Where: fO is the switching frequency when R1 is 100 k and R2 being open; fO is typically 800 kHz. For more precise setting, it is recommended to use Figure 5-2. VOUT = 5V R1 = 100 k IOUT = 5A 600 VIN = 48V VIN = 75V 400 be R1 V OUT = V REF 1 + ------ R2 R2 f SW_ADJ = f O ------------------R1 + R2 500 can EQUATION 5-2: EQUATION 5-1: 700 Output Voltage Adjustment. VIN = 24V 300 = 0.6V The maximum output voltage that can be programmed using the MIC2127A is limited to 30V, if not limited by the maximum duty cycle (see Equation 4-2). A typical value of R1 is less than 30 k. If R1 is too large, it may allow noise to be introduced into the voltage feedback loop. It also increases the offset between the set output voltage and actual output voltage because of the error amplifier bias current. If R1 is too small in value, it will decrease the efficiency of the power supply, especially at light loads. Once R1 is selected, R2 can be calculated using Equation 5-3. EQUATION 5-3: 200 50 FIGURE 5-2: DS20005676D-page 24 500 R2 (k) 5000 Switching Frequency vs. R2. R1 R 2 = ----------------------V OUT ------------- - 1 V REF 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A 5.3 MOSFET Selection EQUATION 5-5: Important parameters for MOSFET selection are: * Voltage rating * On-resistance * Total gate charge The voltage rating for the high-side and low-side MOSFETs is essentially equal to the power stage input voltage VIN. A safety factor of 30% should be added to the VIN(MAX) while selecting the voltage rating of the MOSFETs to account for voltage spikes due to circuit parasitic elements. 5.3.1 HIGH-SIDE MOSFET POWER LOSSES I RMS HS = I LOAD D ILOAD is the load current and D is the operating duty cycle, given by Equation 5-6. EQUATION 5-6: V OUT D = ------------V IN EQUATION 5-7: The total power loss in the high-side MOSFET (PHSFET) is the sum of the power losses because of conduction (PCONDUCTION), switching (PSW), reverse recovery charge of low-side MOSFET body diode (PQrr) and MOSFET's output capacitance discharge, as calculated in the Equation 5-4. Q SW HS R DH PULL_UP + R HS GATE t R = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V DD - V TH EQUATION 5-8: Q SW HS R DH PULL_DOWN + R HS GATE t F = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------V TH EQUATION 5-4: P HSFET = P CONDUCTION HS + P SW HS + P Qrr + P COSS Where: RDH(PULL-UP) 2 P CONDUCTION HS = I RMS HS R DS ON_HS P SW HS = 0.5 V IN I LOAD t R + t F f SW P Qrr = V IN Q rr f SW 1 2 P COSS = --- C OSS HS + C OSS HS V IN f SW 2 RDH(PULL-DOWN) = High-side gate driver pull-down resistance RHS(GATE) = High-side MOSFET gate resistance VTH = Gate to Source threshold voltage of the high-side MOSFET QSW(HS) = Switching gate charge of the high-side MOSFET which can be approximated by Equation 5-9. Where: RDS(ON_HS) = On-resistance of the high-side MOSFET VIN = Operating input voltage ILOAD = Load current fSW = Operating switching frequency Qrr = Reverse recovery charge of low-side MOSFET body diode or of external diode across low-side MOSFET EQUATION 5-9: COSS(HS) = Effective high-side MOSFET output capacitance COSS(LS) = Effective low-side capacitance IRMS(HS) = RMS current of the high-side MOSFET which can be calculated using Equation 5-5. tR, tF = The high-side MOSFET turn-on and turn-off transition times which can be approximated by Equation 5-7 and Equation 5-8 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MOSFET = High-side gate driver pull-up resistance output Q GS HS Q SW HS = -------------------- + Q GD HS 2 Where: QGS(HS) = High-side MOSFET gate to source charge QGD(HS) = High-side MOSFET gate to drain charge DS20005676D-page 25 MIC2127A 5.3.2 LOW-SIDE MOSFET POWER LOSSES The total power loss in the low-side MOSFET (PLSFET) is the sum of the power losses because of conduction (PCONDUCTION(LS)) and body diode conduction during the dead time (PDT), as calculated in Equation 5-10. EQUATION 5-10: P LSFET = P CONDUCTION LS + P DT 2 P CONDUCTION LS = I RMS LS R DS ON_LS P DT = 2 V F I LOAD t DT f SW Where: EQUATION 5-12: V OUT V IN - V OUT L = -----------------------------------------------------V IN f SW 0.3 I FL Where: = Input voltage VIN fSW = Switching frequency IFL = Full load current VOUT = Output voltage For a selected Inductor, the peak-to-peak inductor current ripple can be calculated using Equation 5-13. EQUATION 5-13: V RDS(ON_LS) = On-resistance of the low-side MOSFET VF = Low-side MOSFET body diode forward voltage drop tDT = Dead time which is approximately 20 ns fSW = Switching Frequency IRMS(LS) = RMS current of the low-side MOSFET which can be calculated using Equation 5-11 Where: ILOAD = load current D = operating duty cycle The peak inductor current is equal to the load current plus one half of the peak-to-peak inductor current ripple which is shown in Equation 5-14. EQUATION 5-14: I L_PP I L_PK = I LOAD + ---------------2 EQUATION 5-11: I RMS LS = I LOAD 1 - D V - V V IN f SW L OUT IN OUT I L_PP = ----------------------------------------------------- The RMS and saturation current ratings of the selected inductor should be at least equal to the RMS current and saturation current calculated in Equation 5-15 and Equation 5-16. EQUATION 5-15: 5.4 Inductor Selection Inductance value, saturation and RMS currents are required to select the output inductor. The input and output voltages and the inductance value determine the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. The lower the inductance value, the higher the peak-to-peak ripple current through the inductor, which increases the core losses in the inductor. Higher inductor ripple current also requires more output capacitance to smooth out the ripple current. The greater the inductance value, the lower the peak-to-peak ripple current, which results in a larger and more expensive inductor. A good compromise between size, loss and cost is to set the inductor ripple current to be equal to 30% of the maximum output current. 2 2 I L_PP I LOAD(MAX) + -----------------------12 I L_RMS = Where: ILOAD(MAX) = Maximum load current EQUATION 5-16: Where: R CL I CL + 15mV I L_SAT = -------------------------------------------------R DS(ON) RCL = Current limit resistor ICL = Current-Limit Source Current (100 A typical) RDS (ON) = On-resistance of low-side power MOSFET The inductance value is calculated by Equation 5-12. DS20005676D-page 26 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Maximizing efficiency requires the proper selection of core material and minimizing the winding resistance. Use of ferrite materials is recommended in the higher switching frequency applications. Lower-cost iron powder cores may be used, but the increase in core loss reduces the efficiency of the power supply. This is especially noticeable at low output power. The winding resistance decreases efficiency at the higher output current levels. The winding resistance must be minimized, although this usually comes at the expense of a larger inductor. The power dissipated in the inductor is equal to the sum of the core and copper losses. At higher output loads, the core losses are usually insignificant and can be ignored. At lower output currents, the core losses can be a significant contributor. Core loss information is usually available from the magnetic's vendor. The amount of copper loss in the inductor is calculated by Equation 5-17. EQUATION 5-17: 2 P INDUCTOR CU = I L_RMS R DCR 5.5 Output Capacitor Selection The main parameters for selecting the output capacitor are capacitance value, voltage rating and RMS current rating. The type of the output capacitor is usually determined by its equivalent series resistance (ESR). Recommended capacitor types are ceramic, tantalum, low-ESR aluminum electrolytic, OS-CON and POSCAP. The output capacitor ESR also affects the control loop from a stability point of view. The maximum value of ESR can be calculated using Equation 5-18. EQUATION 5-18: V OUT_PP ESR ------------------------- I L_PP EQUATION 5-19: I L_PP C OUT = -------------------------------------------------8 f SW V OUT_PP Where: COUT = Output capacitance value fSW = Switching frequency VOUT_PP = Steady state output voltage ripple As described in Section 4.1 "Theory of Operation", the MIC2127A device requires at least 20 mV peak-to-peak ripple at the FB pin to ensure that the gM amplifier and the comparator behave properly. Also, the output voltage ripple should be in phase with the inductor current. Therefore, the output voltage ripple caused by the output capacitor's value should be much smaller than the ripple caused by the output capacitor ESR. If low-ESR capacitors, such as ceramic capacitors, are selected as the output capacitors, a ripple injection circuit should be used to provide enough feedback-voltage ripple. Refer to the Section 5.7 "Ripple Injection" for details. The voltage rating of the capacitor should be twice the output voltage for tantalum and 20% greater for aluminum electrolytic, ceramic or OS-CON. The output capacitor RMS current is calculated in Equation 5-20. EQUATION 5-20: I L_PP I C_OUT(RMS) = ---------------12 The power dissipated in the output capacitor is shown in Equation 5-21. EQUATION 5-21: 2 P DIS(C_OUT) = I C_OUT(RMS) ESR C_OUT Where: VOUT_PP = Peak-to-peak output voltage ripple IL_PP = Peak-to-peak inductor current ripple The required output capacitance to meet steady state output voltage ripple can be calculated using Equation 5-19. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 27 MIC2127A 5.6 Input Capacitor Selection The input capacitor reduces peak current drawn from the power supply and reduces noise and voltage ripple on the input. The input voltage ripple depends on the input capacitance and ESR. The input capacitance and ESR values can be calculated using Equation 5-22. EQUATION 5-22: The applications are divided into three situations according to the amount of the feedback voltage ripple: 1. Enough ripple at the feedback due to the large ESR of the output capacitor (Figure 5-4). The converter is stable without any additional ripple injection at the FB node. The feedback voltage ripple is given by Equation 5-25. EQUATION 5-25: I LOAD D 1 - D C IN = ------------------------------------------------ f SW V IN_C V IN_ESR ESR C_IN = ----------------------I L_PK R R2 + R1 2 V FB PP = ----------------- ESR I L_PP IL_PP is the peak-to-peak value of the inductor current ripple. Where: ILOAD = Load Current IL_PK = Peak Inductor Current VINC = Input ripple due to capacitance VINESR = Input ripple due to input capacitor ESR = Power conversion efficiency The input capacitor should be rated for ripple current rating and voltage rating. The RMS value of input capacitor current is determined at the maximum output current. The RMS current rating of the input capacitor should be greater than or equal to the input capacitor RMS current calculated using Equation 5-23. EQUATION 5-23: I C_IN(RMS) = I LOAD(MAX) D 1 - D The power dissipated in the input capacitor is calculated using Equation 5-24. R1 2 P DISS(C_IN) = I C_IN(RMS) ESR C_IN FB ESR R2 FIGURE 5-4: 2. Enough Ripple at FB. Inadequate ripple at the feedback voltage due to the small ESR of the output capacitor. The output voltage ripple can be fed into the FB pin through a feed forward capacitor, CFF in this case, as shown in Figure 5-5. The typical CFF value is between 1 nF-100 nF. With the feed forward capacitor, the feedback voltage ripple is very close to the output voltage ripple, which is shown in Equation 5-26. V FB PP = ESR I L_PP Ripple Injection The minimum recommended ripple at the FB pin for proper operation of the MIC2127A error amplifier and comparator is 20 mV. However, the output voltage ripple is generally designed as 1%-2% of the output voltage. For low output voltages, such as a 1V, the output voltage ripple is only 10 mV-20 mV, and the feedback voltage ripple is less than 20 mV. If the feedback voltage ripple is so small that the gM amplifier and comparator cannot sense it, then the MIC2127A loses control and the output voltage is not regulated. In order to have sufficient VFB ripple, the ripple injection method should be applied for low output voltage ripple applications. DS20005676D-page 28 COUT MIC2127A EQUATION 5-26: EQUATION 5-24: 5.7 L SW L SW R1 MIC2127A FB CFF COUT ESR R2 FIGURE 5-5: Inadequate Ripple at FB. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A 3. Virtually no ripple at the FB pin voltage due to the very-low ESR of the output capacitors. In this case, additional ripple can be injected into the FB pin from the switching node SW, via a resistor RINJ and a capacitor CINJ, as shown in Figure 5-6. L SW RINJ MIC2127A R1 CFF CINJ FB COUT ESR R2 FIGURE 5-6: Invisible Ripple at FB. The injected ripple at the FB pin in this case is given by the Equation 5-27. EQUATION 5-27: V 1 - D C FF R INJ f SW OUT V FB PP = ----------------------------------------- In Equation 5-27, it is assumed that the time constant associated with the CFF meets the criterion shown in Equation 5-28. Once all the ripple injection component values are calculated, ensure that the criterion shown in Equation 5-28 is met. 5.8 Power Dissipation in MIC2127A The MIC2127A features two Low Dropout Regulators (LDOs) to supply power at the PVDD pin from either VIN or EXTVDD depending on the voltage at the EXTVDD pin. PVDD powers MOSFET drivers and VDD pin, which is recommended to connect to PVDD through a low pass filter, powers the internal circuitry. In the applications where the output voltage is 5V and above (up to 14V), it is recommended to connect EXTVDD to the output to reduce the power dissipation in the MIC2127A, to reduce the MIC2127A junction temperature and to improve the system efficiency. The power dissipation in the MIC2127A depends on the internal LDO being in use, on the gate charge of the external MOSFETs and on the switching frequency. The power dissipation and the junction temperature of the MIC2127A can be estimated using Equations 5-30, 5-31 and 5-32. Power dissipation in the MIC2127A when EXTVDD is not used. EQUATION 5-30: P IC = V IN I SW + I Q EQUATION 5-28: T SW = C FF R 1 R 2 R INJ Power dissipation in the MIC2127A when EXTVDD is used. EQUATION 5-31: The process of sizing the ripple injection resistor and capacitors is: Select CINJ in the range of 47 nF-100 nF, which can be considered as short for a wide range of the frequencies. Select CFF in the range of 0.47 nF-10 nF, if R1 and R2 are in k range. Select RINJ according to Equation 5-29. 1. 2. 3. EQUATION 5-29: Where: P IC = V EXTVDD I SW + I Q I SW = Q G f SW Q G = Q G_HS + Q G_LS Where: ISW = Switching current into the VIN pin IQ = Quiescent current QG = Total gate charge of the external MOSFETs which is sum of the gate charge of high-side MOSFET (QG_HS) and the low-side MOSFET (QG_LS) at 5V gate to source voltage. Gate charge information can be obtained from the MOSFETs datasheet. VEXTVDD = Voltage at the EXTVDD pin (4.6 VEXTVDD 14 V typ.) V OUT 1 - D R INJ = ------------------------------------------------------C FF f SW V FB PP VOUT = Output voltage D = Duty cycle fSW = Switching frequency VFB(pp) = Feedback Ripple 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. The junction temperature of the MIC2127A can be estimated using Equation 5-32. DS20005676D-page 29 MIC2127A EQUATION 5-32: T J = P IC JA + T A Where: TJ = Junction temperature PIC = Power dissipation JA = Junction Ambient Thermal resistance (50.8C/W) The maximum recommended operating junction temperature for the MIC2127A is +125C. Using the output voltage of the same switching regulator, when it is between 4.6V (typ.) to 14V, as the voltage at the EXTVDD pin significantly reduces the power dissipation inside the MIC2127A. This reduces the junction temperature rise as illustrated in Equation 5-34. For the typical case of VVIN = 48V, VOUT = 5V, maximum ambient temperature of +85C and 10 mA of ISW, the MIC2127A junction temperature when the EXTVDD is not used is given by Equation 5-33. DS20005676D-page 30 EQUATION 5-33: * P IC = 48V 10 mA + 1.5 mA P IC = 0.552W T J = 0.552W 50.8 C W + 85 C T J = 113 C When the 5V output is used as the input to the EXTVDD pin, the MIC2127A junction temperature reduces from +113C to +88C, as calculated in Equation 5-34. EQUATION 5-34: P IC = 5V 10 mA + 1.5 mA P IC = 0.058W T J = 0.058W 50.8 C W + 85 C T J = 88 C 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A 6.0 PCB LAYOUT GUIDELINES The PCB layout is critical to achieve reliable, stable and efficient performance. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure proper operation of the MIC2127A converter. 6.1 IC * The ceramic bypass capacitors, which are connected to the VDD and PVDD pins, must be located right at the IC. Use wide traces to connect to the VDD, PVDD and AGND, and PGND pins respectively. * The signal ground pin (AGND) must be connected directly to the ground planes. * Place the IC close to the point-of-load (POL). * Signal and power grounds should be kept separate and connected at only one location. 6.2 Input Capacitor * Place the input ceramic capacitors as closely as possible to the MOSFETs. * Place several vias to the ground plane closely to the input capacitor ground terminal. 6.3 6.4 Output Capacitor * Use a copper plane to connect the output capacitor ground terminal to the input capacitor ground terminal. * The feedback trace should be separate from the power trace and connected as closely as possible to the output capacitor. Sensing a long high-current load trace can degrade the DC load regulation. 6.5 MOSFETs * MOSFET gate drive traces must be short and wide. The ground plane should be the connection between the MOSFET source and PGND. * Chose a low-side MOSFET with a high CGS/CGD ratio and a low internal gate resistance to minimize the effect of dv/dt inducted turn-on. * Use a 4.5V VGS rated MOSFET. Its higher gate threshold voltage is more immune to glitches than a 2.5V or 3.3V rated MOSFET. Inductor * Keep the inductor connection to the switch node (SW) short. * Do not route any digital lines underneath or close to the inductor. * Keep the switch node (SW) away from the feedback (FB) pin. * The SW pin should be connected directly to the drain of the low-side MOSFET to accurately sense the voltage across the low-side MOSFET. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 31 MIC2127A 7.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 7.1 Package Marking Information 16-Pin VQFN (3 x 3 mm) Legend: XX...X Y YY WW NNN e3 * Example Product code or customer-specific information Year code (last digit of calendar year) Year code (last 2 digits of calendar year) Week code (week of January 1 is week `01') Alphanumeric traceability code Pb-free JEDEC(R) designator for Matte Tin (Sn) This package is Pb-free. The Pb-free JEDEC designator ( e3 ) can be found on the outer packaging for this package. , , Pin one index is identified by a dot, delta up, or delta down (triangle mark). Note: In the event the full Microchip part number cannot be marked on one line, it will be carried over to the next line, thus limiting the number of available characters for customer-specific information. Package may or may not include the corporate logo. Underbar (_) and/or Overbar () symbol may not be to scale. DS20005676D-page 32 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging. 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. DS20005676D-page 33 MIC2127A APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY Revision D (March 2019) The following is the list of modifications: 1. Updated the ILIM Source Current and the Zero Crossing Detection Comparator Threshold values in the Electrical Characteristics (Note 1) table. Revision C (June 2018) The following is the list of modifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. Updated Section 1.0 "Electrical Characteristics". Minor editorial corrections. Updated Current Limit values in Electrical Characteristics (Note 1). Updated content in Section 3.9 "EXTVDD" and Section 4.7 "Auxiliary Bootstrap LDO (EXTVDD)". Revision B (December 2016) The following is the list of modifications: 1. 2. Minor editorial corrections. Updated the Product Identification System page. Revision A (December 2016) * Original release of this document. DS20005676D-page 34 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. MIC2127A PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office. PART NO. X XX Device Temperature Package Code -XX Media Type Device: MIC2127A: 75V, Synchronous Buck Controller Featuring Adaptive On-Time Control Temperature: Y = Industrial Temperature Grade (-40C to +125C) Package: ML = 16 Lead, 3x3 mm VQFN Media Type: TR T5 = = 5000/reel 500/reel 2016-2019 Microchip Technology Inc. Examples: a) MIC2127AYML-TR: 75V, Synchronous Buck Controller Featuring Adaptive On-Time Control, -40C to +125C junction temperature range, 16-LD VQFN package, 5000/reel b) MIC2127AYML-T5: 75V, Synchronous Buck Controller Featuring Adaptive On-Time Control, -40C to +125C junction temperature range, 16-LD VQFN package, 500/reel DS20005676D-page 35 Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: * Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. * Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. * There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip's Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. * Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. * Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as "unbreakable." Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip's code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act. Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyer's risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights unless otherwise stated. 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